Chapter 108 The Might of the Fire Lotus
Xiao Xue is now in a fit of anger, and she can't beat Medusa.

And right now, a one-star Douzong from the Soul Palace was sent up to be beaten.

While thanking the other party, Xiao Xue also gave Tie Guardian a fire lotus.

——He came all the way to give away the head, so no matter what you say, you can't let him suffer, right?

Brush the fire lotus shallowly to show sincerity.

For Xiao Xue, whose soul power had reached the peak of the sixth rank, even if he used two different fires to cast the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus, he would not find it difficult.

Even a few more rounds would be fine.

After all, the most important thing for the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus is to use the power of the soul to grasp the balance among different flames, and the others come second.

Therefore, even if she used the 22nd ranked Myriad Beast Spirit Fire to fight against the Bone Spirit, it would be enough to severely damage Dou Zong!

Watching the fire lotus flying towards him, the pupils of Tie Guardian in the dark were dilated, his face was pale, and his hair stood on end.

Although the pink and white fire lotus didn't make the slightest sound as it passed through the void, and there wasn't even a whiff of wind along the way.

From the appearance, it was just a delicate pink and white lotus, but the iron guardian was on top of the fire lotus, sensing an extremely dangerous aura.

The fire lotus in front of him was so dangerous, while the sigh in his ear, and the sentence, "Isn't it good to live?", was so insolent.

The next moment, Tie Guardian's body reacted instinctively, and immediately circulated the grudge in his body, trying to block the blow.

After all, Protector Tie is Dou Zong, and his reaction speed is not slow, but the Buddha's Fury Lotus is not so easy to block.

Especially, Xiao Xue knew that Guardian Tie was always paying attention to her.

If he made a move, he would definitely react quickly.

Therefore, Xiao Xue used the sound transmission in advance to interfere with the Tie Guardian's attention.

Then, while he was in a daze, he burst into flames directly.

When Tie Guardian came back to his senses, Huo Lian was already close at hand.


The peaceful rosette suddenly rioted, and the lotus stand trembled slightly.

Pinkish-white petals bloom, then violently begin to swell.

Immediately afterwards, an earth-shattering explosion exploded above the void!

The destructive energy spread out, bursts of energy appeared, and the ripples transmitted in the space were washed away circle by circle.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and a lotus rose slowly in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Tie Guardian flew upside down from his hiding place.

Due to hastily accepting the move, he was caught off guard for a while.

Even though he desperately used his fighting skills and body protection, he was directly and severely injured by this blow!
Tie Guardian couldn't figure it out, he had been waiting here for so long, obviously he was the patient hunter.

And this lamb, which he was eyeing, actually bared its fangs at him at this moment!
"How did she find me?"

"Why did she suddenly attack me!"

"How dare she take the initiative to attack me!"

There were countless question marks in Tie Guardian's heart, but under this blow, he no longer held the initiative.

Of course, Tie Hufa never dreamed that he would become a little red dot on the opponent's system [map], and become a key figure in the opponent's mission.

"This is fighting spirit?!"

Xiao Xue's blow directly overturned his cognition.

"It's the remnant soul, it must be the remnant soul on her body!" Tie Guardian looked crazy.

"Fortunately, judging from her speed, the strongest remnant soul is only a half-step Dou Zong." Tie Guardian said in his heart.

The difference is that it could have been wiped out without any effort, but now, it takes a lot of effort.

Xiao Xue didn't leave any buffer time for Guardian Tie.

Her next attack came right after Huo Lian.

The explosion of the fire lotus was too loud, if you can't quickly kill the Tie Guardian to escape;

Well, let's not talk about Medusa, she won't be able to leave until the strong men from the Izumo Empire come.

With the help of Ahri's grudge, Xiao Xue condensed a long sword, and slashed at the iron guardian.

This move of hers is a high-level fighting skill of the Xuan class, and she has no reservations, the move is a killer move!
"Mist Sword" - [Epiphyllum]!
"Mist Sword" is a complete set of high-level mysterious fighting skills, among which there are naturally different sword moves.

[Epiphyllum] This sword has only one characteristic, that is——

The sword light is like a flash in the pan. When the swords are intertwined, they will kill the enemy!

This move is not the most powerful, but it must be the most unexpected move when confronting the enemy at close range!
"Looking for death!" Tie Hufa yelled loudly, forming seals with both hands, "gathering souls!"

Immediately, a thick black mist poured out of the iron guardian's body.

The black mist quickly turned into a black figure in front of Tie Guardian, facing Jianguang directly.

That black shadow was directly shattered by Xiao Xue's full blown sword.

But the attack power of Xiao Xue's sword had also been weakened by more than half, and it couldn't do any effective damage to the Iron Guardian at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tie Hufa directly resisted Xiao Xue's sword, and then quickly opened the distance between the two.

However, how could his retreating speed compare to Xiao Xue's chasing speed?
Xiao Xue fluttered her wings and waved her hand at the same time, six flying swords appeared around her body.

"go with!"

Following Xiao Xue's distant finger, the six flying swords connected end to end, and directly chased after the swiftly retreating Iron Guardian!

Although Tie Hufa was hit by a fire lotus and suffered serious injuries, he is still Dou Zong after all.

While he was retreating, he formed a seal, and a translucent black barrier suddenly appeared, blocking between the two of them.

This is also a defensive fighting skill of the mysterious level, and it is impossible for ordinary fighting spirits to shake it at all.

Tie Guardian didn't think that Xiao Xue was qualified to break through this barrier.

But the next moment, his eyes widened in shock.

After receiving the second flying sword, cracks began to appear on the barrier!

Tie Hufa desperately stimulated his fighting spirit, and finally stopped the six flying swords completely.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.


Xiao Xue's eyes were cold, without any emotion.

However, she slashed away with a sword, but it was cut empty.

The Tie Guardian unexpectedly appeared a hundred meters away at some unknown time.

"Space secret?"

Xiao Xue looked at the iron protector whose vitality was severely injured. For ordinary Douzong, the secret method of space is not so easy to use.

After being hit by a fire lotus, and forcing this life-saving secret method, the current strength of the Iron Guardian is estimated to be only at the level of a fighting king.

"Jie Jie Jie, you two, since you're here, why don't you show up?"

Just when Xiao Xue was going to chase him down and kill him here, Guardian Tie suddenly turned to the side and shouted loudly.

"As long as you help me take her down, I will guarantee that both of you will be promoted to Douzong!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xue's face changed suddenly.

She slashed at Tie Hufa with a sword, and didn't care if the sword could kill him, she just turned around and left.

The native strongman of Izumo has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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