Chapter 109
The native strongman of Izumo has arrived!

Xiao Xue did not expect that the strong Izumo could be so fast, someone rushed over just after the explosion happened.

In fact, this is not surprising, after all, this is the outskirts of the Izumo Imperial Capital.

This distance is far and far, but it is really not that far for Dou Huang.


While Xiao Xue was running, Ari suddenly shouted in her heart.

Then the next moment, Ahri directly topped the number and started acting as a substitute.

Xiao Xue's wings fluttered uncontrollably, directly braking in the air.

In the next moment, a sharp grudge flashed in front of her.

If Xiao Xue hadn't slowed down, he might have been caught straight away!

Xiao Xue stopped in shock, and immediately, a figure appeared in front of her like a flash.

It was a middle-aged man with a short stature and a handsome face, in his early 40s, but only 1.3 meters tall.

Without hesitation, Xiao Xue threw a [Detection] and got the opponent's information——

The current suzerain of the Poison Sect is Dugu Jian, the peak Dou Huang.

Since the Izumo Empire is rich in poison masters, many of them will die from the backlash of poison after they have cultivated to a certain level.

After all, what they practice is poison kung fu, and it is difficult for them to get rid of all kinds of poisons all day long.

This is also why the cultivation ethos of the Izumo Empire is stronger than that of the other empires——

When you have cultivated to a certain level and your cultivation base is strong enough, you don't have to worry about being backlashed by poisonous fighting energy, and your life is safe.

——If you don’t get involved, you will be poisoned to death by the poisonous fighting spirit you cultivated.

But even if you have a certain level of cultivation, you don't have to worry about backlash. It is undoubtedly very difficult to completely cure the problems that have fallen in the past.

Therefore, the dwarf's parents should have expected him the most back then, that he grow up healthy and healthy.

However, this little old man obviously failed to fulfill his parents' wish.

However, although he is less than two meters tall, no one dares to underestimate him because of this.

——The poison master at the peak of Dou Huang, with his poison skills, even if Dou Zong meets him, he will have scruples.

At the same time, another elderly figure appeared strangely behind Xiao Xue, blocking her retreat.

The old rules, [detection] serving, is also a peak fighting emperor——

This old man is quite normal, more than one meter tall, he is the sect master of Wanxie Sect, Xie Biyan.

Seeing this name, Xiao Xue remembered the introduction about Xie Biyan in some original works—

In Medusa, when he first became the patriarch of the snake-human clan, he was already a well-known strongman in the Izumo Empire.

Medusa and him fought once at that time, and in the end, they defeated him without any suspense.

Medusa at the peak of the Douhuang, at the level of the Douhuang, is almost invincible except for meeting the protagonist.

I heard that in the original book, Hai Bodong, who only played in the top game, also fought against him, but he was defeated in the end;
Jia Xingtian also fought against him several times, and they always had the upper hand.

But later, when Xie Biyan was Douzong, Jia Xingtian was still at the peak of Douzong.

Now it seems that Xie Biyan was piled into the Douzong by the Soul Palace, just like Yunshan of the Misty Cloud Sect.

As for Dugujian, there is no such character in the original book, because when the Poison Sect appeared, the suzerain was the Little Doctor Immortal.

At that time, the Soul Palace was still trying to reach some kind of cooperation with the Poison Sect, and it seemed that this Iron Guardian was in charge.

Of course, this cooperation failed in the end.

It seems that due to her appearance, Xiao Xue, the story line has changed again.

"Three peak fighting emperors."

Xiao Xue quickly got the feedback and carefully sized up the few people.

After being severely injured by Huolian, the Tie Guardian was indeed seriously injured.

But I don't know what secret method was used, maybe some soul sacrifices were used, or some other method;
His current strength has returned to the Douhuang level, and even continues to improve.

For this point, Xiao Xue was not surprised.

After all, when Xiao Yansan went to the Misty Cloud Sect;
Guardian Hufa directly raised his own strength to the high-level Douzong level by devouring the souls of Yunshan and other Yunlanzong elders.

However, even if she is now staring at the weakest of the three, the iron protector, the iron protector will be more defensive;
The other two will definitely not stand idly by.

In a short time, the three cooperated with each other to contain her, and she couldn't defeat them one by one.

If it drags on, she may have to face three Douhuang peaks, or even two Douhuang peaks, and a Douzong strongman.

The three Dou Huang peaks are enough to give her a headache now.

Ari is only a half-step fighting sect, and his condition is not good, so he can't last long at all.

It can only be said that Dugu Jian and Xie Biyan came too fast, and she couldn't kill the Iron Guardian cleanly, so she was in trouble.

Xiao Xue held the Beast Spirit Fire in her left hand, and the Bone Spirit Cold Fire in her right hand. With the help of her fighting spirit, she hovered in the air, looking at the three of them vigilantly.

Against the three fighting emperors, sword moves and the like are not of much use anymore.

Moreover, she doesn't have enough combat experience, so it's inevitable that there will be problems in the siege of the three strong men.

So now, except for using Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Ahri is playing on behalf of him.

For Ahri, fists and feet are the best weapons.

Seeing the two kinds of flames in Xiao Xue's hands, Dugu Jian, Xie Biyan and Tie Hufa were apprehensive, and none of them took the lead.

After all, not to mention the Iron Guardian, Dugu Jian and Xie Biyan both saw the explosion just now.

When it exploded, the pink-white flames soared into the sky.

Combined with the tragic situation of the Iron Guardian and the reaction when they saw the two kinds of flames, they could more or less guess.

The pink and white flames may be some kind of trump card.

An explosion of that level was enough to kill most of them, so the two of them would naturally not act impulsively.

They didn't move, and the Iron Guardian was not in a hurry to do it, but used the secret method to quickly recover their strength.

Xiao Xue knew that she couldn't drag on any longer.

The longer the time, the stronger the opponent's strength, and the weaker Ahri will be.

At that time, only oneself will be at a disadvantage.

But now, the half-step Dou Zong still has the power to fight against the three Dou Emperors.

Xiao Xue no longer hesitated, and quickly completed the communication with Ari through thoughts.

Then, the soul power of Ahri's spiritual realm was released without reservation in an instant.

In terms of soul power alone, Dugu Jian and Xie Biyan are definitely not as good as Iron Guardians.

Under the impact of Ari's soul, Xie Biyan fell into a short period of sluggishness, and Dugu Jian, who had the weakest soul strength, felt dizzy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Xue directly killed in the direction of the Iron Guardian.

Suppression on the level, coupled with one against three, is almost impossible to solve.

But, it's only close.

In Xiao Xue's mind, she already has a way to break the situation!

(End of this chapter)

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