Chapter 110 One Punch Second

Seeing Xiao Xue rushing towards him, Guardian Tie reacted instantly.

With a movement of his palm, a pitch-black chain stretched out from his palm with a rattling sound.

The pitch-black chains, like a poisonous snake, coiled around him.

Tie Hufa let out a strange laugh and shook his arm.

The chain cut through the sky instantly, turned into a black line, and met Xiao Xue's attack head-on.

Although he has probably only recovered to Dou Huang's strength now, the soul hall has quite a lot of restraint methods for the soul body.

Therefore, in the face of Xiao Xue's offensive, Tie Guardian did not choose to dodge, but chose to be tough.

With his means, it's no problem at all to hold Xiao Xue back for a while.

When Dugujian and Xie Biyan came back to their senses, it was the time of her death, Xiao Xue!

Like a poisonous snake, the black chain suddenly pierced through the space.

Immediately, the chain turned into a blurred black line, shooting towards Xiao Xue who was not far away.

The tip of the chain is extremely sharp, and the tip is also covered with mysterious runes.

Circles of spiral patterns are wrapped around the tip of the lock, driven by the energy of the iron guardian, there is a trace of evil spirit faintly.

Obviously, this deep-colored chain is not an ordinary iron chain, and it definitely has great lethality to the soul body.

Xiao Xue, or Ari, saw the attack of the Iron Guardian but did not dodge in the slightest.

She even went straight to meet him, punching the chain with a punch.

However, to everyone's surprise, the next moment, a figure flew out from the battlefield.

The figure flying upside down was not the Tie Guardian or Xiao Xue, but Xie Biyan, the master of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect!

Xie Biyan vomited blood, and a piece of his chest collapsed. Obviously, he was directly and severely injured by Ahri's full blow.

Now, he has completely lost his fighting power.

"Wait, what happened just now?!"

Tie Hufa and Dugu Jian came back to their senses, and they couldn't help showing shock——

"Illusion, it was an illusion just now!"

"We were all hypnotized by her!"

Even the Tie Guardian didn't notice the slightest strangeness in the illusion just now!

And just now, the person Xiao Xue attacked was not Tie Guardian, but Xie Biyan, the one with the lowest soul strength among the three!
Injuring his ten fingers is worse than cutting off one. The current situation in the field has instantly become two against one.

Two Dou Huang peaks, fighting against a half-step Dou Zong!
You know, Ahri's soul power is already in the early stage of the spiritual realm.

And what level is it at the initial stage of the spiritual realm?
Eighth-rank low-level, eighth-rank pharmacist level!

Even some Dou Zun powerhouses among human beings are only seventh-rank pharmacists.

Their soul power is nothing more than the Great Perfection of Mortal Realm!

Ahri's soul power has already transcended into a spirit, this is Xiao Xue's greatest confidence in fighting the Three Emperors alone!

Of course, it doesn't mean that if your soul power is strong, you will be invincible in the world.

For alchemists, under normal circumstances, their soul power is higher than those of the same level.

But in 1V1, a pharmacist with strong soul power may not be able to defeat an opponent of the same level.

The soul power is not too much higher. In terms of combat power, the direct increase effect is actually not very great.

The power of the soul is strong, and what can improve you is more about the overall grasp of the battle situation and the prediction of the opponent's actions.

After all, you have ten points of your own soul power, but you may only have three points that can be directly used to attack the opponent.

The rest of the soul power was consumed in advance because it was not condensed enough when it was released, or for other reasons.

Therefore, even if the opponent's soul strength is only seven points, not as good as yours, they can easily ignore your soul impact.

This is also the reason why soul fighting skills have a price but no market——

Soul fighting technique is to let you have ten minutes of strength, and you can use ten minutes, or even more!

If it is soul power, it is much higher than the opponent, and there are some soul attack methods.

Then, it is not impossible to directly annihilate the soul of an opponent whose soul strength is lower than his own.

However, Ahri, as a monster, naturally does not have the kind of rare soul fighting skills that only Danta and Soul Palace will have.

In other words, her current soul strength is very high, but she has low skill and high defense, so she can only defend passively.

And with the soul impact, Ahri is already in a bad state, and it is not bad to be able to show a bit of strength.

The strength of her soul impact is not enough to make a strong man who has stepped into the peak of Douhuang for many years directly lose his fighting power.

After all, Dugujian and Xie Biyan have been stuck at the peak of Douhuang for many years.

Since they couldn't break through, they must be trying to find ways to reduce their shortcomings.

Therefore, if you want to directly kill a few people with their souls, Ari can't do it yet.

But charm, but the blood talent of the Tianhu lineage.

When the soul power is fully activated, it is no problem for the three opponents to fall into an illusion for a short time!

And when Ahri's soul is fully recovered from the trauma, even if she doesn't have a body, just relying on the impact of her soul can annihilate Dou Zong's soul!
Dugu Jian and Tie Hufa came back to their senses, looking at Xie Biyan who was instantly severely injured, they couldn't help swallowing.

However, the three of them had no relatives or reasons, so the two of them would not have any sympathy for that Xie Biyan.

Now, they are nothing more than a cooperative relationship, each taking what they need.

If it is sent by accident, it can only be said that your skills are not as good as others, and no one else is to blame.

After all, there are many people who promise to work hard for the other party in exchange for some kind of satisfactory reward, but in the end they die to get it.

Especially in the group of pharmacists, this phenomenon is even more prevalent.

It's not uncommon for you to help me with something and make a pill for you, but die in an accident halfway through.

It's no wonder people do what you love and what I want.

I can only blame the other party for giving too much, so I can't help being moved.

"Dugu Jian, she won't last long in this state, you and I will join forces and kill her directly!"

After all, Guardian Tie knew more about the soul body, so he yelled directly at Dugujian.

"Kill her, and I will guarantee you to be promoted to Douzong!"

"At that time, without Xie Biyan, the Izumo Empire will be in your Poison Sect's pocket!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jian also stopped talking nonsense, and the surging and strong gray battle energy surged out of his body overwhelmingly.

Although it is difficult to see with the naked eye, one can clearly feel the terrifying coercion filling the sky.

A poison master at the pinnacle of Dou Huang, even a Dou Zong wouldn't dare to easily infect him with the poisonous fighting energy around him.

Tie Hufa also gave a strange smile of "Jie Jie Jie", and immediately waved his sleeve robe violently.

Roads of strange black mist gushed out of his body quickly, and finally condensed into dark clouds in the sky.

Black clouds lingered around, and the iron guardian seemed to be invisible, and disappeared strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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