Chapter 116 Going North, the Northern Cold Land

After a stick of incense, Xiao Xue withdrew her hand, she even wanted to light a cigarette.

How could Medusa, who had just entered Samsung, be the opponent of Ahri, who was at the peak of Samsung.

Xiao Xue didn't even take advantage of her soul power, she just sparred with Medusa with her fists and feet.

Even so, she almost flattened Medusa's airbag with just one punch.

Ahri is only one step away from breaking through to the Nine-Tails level.

In terms of blood, she is not inferior to Medusa's colorful sky-swallowing python at all, and is even better.

Level, bloodline, and combat awareness are suppressed in many ways, and it is only a ghost that Medusa can win.

Xiao Xue didn't show mercy this time either, anyway, she could see Medusa's health bar, so she didn't have to worry about accidentally killing her.

It's just that this time, Medusa obviously didn't feel too well. Even the colorful snake scales were broken a lot, and she looked quite embarrassed.

Now, Medusa is on the ground, panting heavily in a hole that was punched out, slowly recovering from her injuries.

"Ahem...Xiao Xue, I did that thing alone, it has nothing to do with the snake people, you..."

Medusa also knew that Xiao Xue probably had murderous intentions towards her.

It is almost impossible to get the understanding of Xiao Xue and the forces behind the other party for the kind of thing he did.

But just now, if she didn't go after Xiao Xue, but turned around and returned to the Snakeman Empire, the Snakeman Clan would undoubtedly perish.

That's why she chased after them all the way, trying to win a chance for the snake people.

Queen Medusa has been placed high hopes by the snake-human race since she was born, and she has devoted all her efforts to nourishing her with medicine from the womb.

She accepted the kindness of the snake-human race, first as the queen of the snake-human race, and then as Medusa.

And Xiao Xue is also kind to her, so she intends to take responsibility for the mistakes she made before.

After discovering that things might be irreversible, Medusa planned to trade herself for the stability of the Snakeman Empire.

Medusa coughed twice, and was about to say something, when she pleaded with the snake-human race, she was interrupted by Xiao Xue waving her hand.

"Okay, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

As a former good-natured young man, Xiao Xue was a little uncomfortable with the bloody aura coming towards him.

Although she is quite fancy about certain things, it doesn't seem like she is dying, right?

Therefore, for Medusa's affectionate speech, she chose to directly interrupt the spellcasting.


"The previous incident, I know it was an accident," Xiao Xue said lightly,

"You did that before, and I know why, it's just for the snake people."

"I beat you up too, so I won't pursue that matter, but..."

Hearing "but", Medusa's heart tightened for no reason.

She knew that what happened next was the main event.

"From now on, you will work hard for me, do you have any objection?"

Xiao Xue turned her head and looked at Medusa very "nuclearly".

Hearing this, Medusa nodded repeatedly.

She felt that if she dared to say no, she would be roasted into a snake by the spirit fire of the beasts today.

Xiao Xue, who has the hole card in her hand, is completely different from the previous one!
Where is that little white rabbit from before?This is obviously a fire-breathing dragon!

Medusa felt such an intuitive danger for the first time after her successful evolution.

After receiving Medusa's reply, Xiao Xue nodded casually.

Then, she flipped her left hand, and the dark white bone spirit suddenly emerged.

Under Medusa's stunned gaze, the bone spirit cold fire in Xiao Xue's hand began to compress rapidly.

After a while, the mass of white flames, which was the size of a human head, turned out to be no bigger than a thumb.

Compressed to the extreme, the Bone Spirit Cold Fire has lost the essence of the flame, and instead turned into a tiny white crystal.

At first glance, within the crystal, it seems that there is still faintly churning the eerie white flame.

Xiao Xue flicked her fingers, and immediately, the crystal turned into a flash of white light, flying in front of Medusa.

"Since you agreed, let's eat it."

"This is the crystallization of the bone spirit's cold fire. If it is swallowed by someone, it will lurk deeply in the body, and there will never be any abnormalities on weekdays."

"However, if I activate it, these crystals will quickly transform into extremely destructive Bone Spirit Cold Fire."

"At that time, even if you are now in the body of a different fire snake, you will not have good juice to eat."

Listening to Xiao Xue's threatening words, she looked at the crystals floating in front of her eyes.

After a moment of silence, Medusa smiled helplessly.

"It can't eat it."

Medusa naturally knew in her heart that if she refused to accept the opponent's crystal, Xiao Xue might not give her another chance at all.

However, she originally wanted to work under Xiao Xue's hands after she evolved.

Now it's just... there is a fatal handle, and it's in the hands of the other party.

little things, little things...

The result now is much better than the loss of people, or the loss of the snake race.

As the king of a country, Medusa naturally knows the truth about Xixi's material Wei Junjie, and also knows that if there are green hills, she is not afraid of having no firewood.

She is also a straightforward person, she immediately grabbed the crystal and swallowed it directly.

"Come on, let's get out of here first."

Seeing Medusa swallowing the crystal, Xiao Xue said directly.

This place suffered two fire lotus shots, and then experienced a Dou Zong battle, and it has already changed beyond recognition.

Fortunately, people around were afraid of death and did not dare to come, so there were not many witnesses.

Although Medusa was beaten up by Xiao Xuebai, the recovery speed of the monster is not slow at all.

In addition, Xiao Xue did not kill her, so Medusa has not lost her ability to move.

The two quickly left the place, found a relatively secluded cave, and flew in one after the other.

After Medusa entered the cave, she first helped Xiao Xue lift the seal, and then immediately began to recover from her injuries.

As for Xiao Xue, feeling the flow of battle energy in her body, she opened the system panel and began to check the information that she had no time to check before.

Among the [Emergency Mission Rewards], [Hidden Information].

This hidden message is a new [coordinate] - [Youth Poison City].

[Hidden information], that is, things that did not exist in the original plot, but actually existed, such as Ahri and her relics.

And above [Ghost City], there is also a message: [Ghost Civet].

Xiao Xue: "...?!?!?!"

At first, she wondered if she was dazzled, but after thinking about it, she couldn't have anything to do with the sewer.

It is estimated that this [Ghost Civet], like Ahri's [Sky Fox], is also a certain race of monsters not mentioned in the original book.

However, Xiao Xue intends to release this [hidden information] later, at least after returning.

Next, she plans to go north, to the northern cold land!
(End of this chapter)

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