Chapter 117 She Can Make Up Stories
The coordinates of [Hidden Information] are Youdu City, which is located on the south side of Izumo Imperial Capital.

In other words, if she went to Youdu city now, she would have to go south again.

However, Xiao Xue didn't plan to go south, but planned to go north first.

When you come back, just drop by, there is no need to make a deliberate trip.

A "duplicate" that may be comparable to Ahri's ruins, if it can be found, it will have been discovered long ago, how could it be kept until now.

After all, with Ahri's soul power, she didn't notice any abnormalities when she was in Youdu City.

In other words, it was at least a method left by a Dou Zun, and ordinary people couldn't find it at all.

It is estimated that there is no systematic reminder, and even she will not find out that there is a [hidden message] in that small city called Youdu City.

Therefore, Xiao Xue was not worried that someone would be there first.

It should be hers, and no one can take it away.

What's more, the difficulty of this "hidden copy" is probably not low, and if you act rashly, you may suffer a big loss.

Therefore, it would be more appropriate to refine the Bone Spirit Lenghuo in the Northern Cold Land, and then go after breaking through the Douwang.

After checking the [hidden information], Xiao Xue exited the reward interface, took out the communication jade token, and reported to her family that she was safe.

However, instead of "calling", she chose to "send text messages".

The main reason is that in her current position, no matter who she is calling with, it is a long-distance call, and the phone bill is very expensive.

In human terms, if she uses the jade card to talk to the other party, the soul imprint on the jade card will soon fade.

It would be embarrassing if the message couldn't be sent out later, when it was really important and people needed to be shaken.

Therefore, Xiao Xue and the others just sent messages to tell them that everything is fine.

Then, with her cheap brother, Xiao Xue didn't have too many worries, and directly chose [call].

With the old medicine, to a certain extent, there is no need to worry about arrears.


Outside the Warcraft Mountains, in a small hotel.

It was already late at night, and Xiao Yan was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

At a certain moment, the ring on his hand flickered suddenly, and Yao Lao's somewhat illusory figure appeared in the room.

In his hand, he held a slightly vibrating jade tablet, "Little Yanzi, wake up, your sister!"

Xiao Yan opened his eyes in a daze, "...well, teacher, why are you swearing at people at night?"

Yao Lao choked, "Your sister's communication!"

Xiao Yan: "...!!!"


Xiao Xue tried to make contact just now, but the other side got connected soon.

The somewhat anxious voice of a certain medicine came from it: "Hello? Little sister?"

"Brother, it's me," Xiao Xue replied directly, preempting Xiao Yan's question:
"Recently, I have some insights. I have been in seclusion for a while, and I forgot to tell you, which made you worry."

The other party was obviously relieved, "That's good, I haven't been able to contact you recently, and my brother is going to the Tagore Desert to find you."

"Oh, by the way, little sister, what's the matter with your snake-human prince?"

After being unable to contact Xiao Xue for a long time, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao naturally got out of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

When they came out, a large number of snakemen had already entered the Warcraft Mountains in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the Jia Ma royal family.

The humans in the Warcraft Mountains left in an orderly manner under the protection of the army.

A small number of human residents near the Warcraft Mountains were also distributed "demolition fees" and evacuated with the public.

So, after Xiao Yan inquired a little, he got news about the alliance between the Snake Human Race and the Jia Ma Royal Family, as well as some news about Xiao Xue.

For one thing, the Warcraft Mountains are already the territory of the snake-human race, and they cannot enter at will;
Secondly, Xiao Xue has already become the prince of the snake-human clan, and there is still a little time to contact her.

Thirdly, Yao Lao heard in the past that there is a strange fire in the Tagore Desert, which is something that Xiao Yan urgently needs now.

Therefore, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao are going to visit the Tagore Desert.

However, Xiao Yan and the others were not too anxious.

After all, with his sister's fifth-rank or even sixth-rank alchemy skills, as well as her strength and background;
Among other things, in the Jia Ma Empire, there will never be anyone who is short-sighted to come up to die.

Being able to become a prince shows that my sister's status in the snake-human race should be quite high.

Moreover, besides communication, the communication jade card also has other functions.

If Xiao Xue died, the jade token would also be broken, but now, the jade token is in good condition.

Therefore, even though they couldn't get in touch for a while, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were not too worried.

No, the night before he was about to leave for the desert, Xiao Xue's "call" came.


"Prince of the Snake People Race???"

Xiao Xue subconsciously turned her head to look at Medusa, shaking the jade token in her hand.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning was quite obvious, "What's the matter? Explain?"

She still doesn't know what messed up Medusa in those few days.

Under Medusa's embarrassed but polite smile and explanation, Xiao Xue quickly understood the cause and effect.

She originally planned to make the Snake People and Jiama Royal Family allied after helping Medusa evolve.

As a result, Medusa took the initiative to build the alliance before she started to promote it.

However, although this was unexpected to her, it was harmless.

Regarding the matter of being in the snake-human race, what Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan said was true or false.

After all, she can say to Xiao Yan, brother, I was pouted by the woman who was supposed to be you... oh no, did the female snake get poked up?

That obviously can't be done, at least not right now.

Therefore, Xiao Xue blocked Medusa, and told Xiao Yan and Yao Lao about her desert trip.

In the version that Xiao Yan heard, the story is like this——

When Xiao Xue was going north, she accidentally found a ruin, obtained the Po Zong Pill in it, and then met Queen Medusa.

After using her "background" to deter Queen Medusa, she handed the Po Zong Pill to Medusa to help her break through the Dou Zong.

Then, there was the alliance between the snake people and the Jiama royal family, and she went out to practice with Medusa.

It is said that they are practicing together, but in fact Medusa is more like a "bodyguard" and "thug" she hired.

For this set of rhetoric, Xiao Yan and others did not have too much doubt.

"Oh, by the way, brother," Xiao Xue thought suddenly, "There seems to be a strange fire around Stone Desert City."

"If you go to the Tagore Desert, you can go there and have a look."

The two chatted about other things, and then ended the communication.


At the same time, on the other side, Canaan College.

On a young girl's wrist, there was a jade medal, which she never took off even when she was taking a bath or sleeping.

The jade tablet shook slightly, and the sleeping girl suddenly opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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