Chapter 121 The Sword That Falls From the Sky
The words are divided into two parts. At this moment, Medusa and Xiao Xue are hundreds of miles away.

And the snow on the ice field suddenly became larger, and there was a faint roar of beasts in the void;
All of these are clearly telling the two that there is an abnormality ahead.

Xiao Xue couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Medusa, "What's going on?"

Medusa shook her head, "I don't know either, after all, I have to come to this place only once."

"How about it, do you want to go deeper?" Medusa looked at Xiao Xue and asked.

"...Let's go, go and have a look." Xiao Xue hesitated for a moment, then said.

It's all here, but I just can't get in at the edge of the ice field, how can this work.

Anyway, with her and Medusa's strength, even if they can't beat them, they can still run away.

If there was such an extremely deadly danger, the system would have given a warning long ago.

Hearing this, Medusa shrugged her shoulders, acquiescing to Xiao Xue's choice.

As the empress of the snake-human race, Medusa is not intimidating.

She has practiced for so many years, and she is not absolutely sure of everything.

In a journey of practice, in most cases, the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity.

Moreover, even if there is a change ahead, the chance of threatening the combat power of the two fighting sects at the same time is too small.

Therefore, Medusa didn't mind, and went to gamble with Xiao Xue.

The two looked at each other, and then disappeared in place at the same time.

The northern cold land, the ice field.

On the periphery of the ice field, mercenaries from some mercenary regiments can be seen from time to time.

After all, some monsters on the periphery of the ice field are not high-level, only around the second or third level.

Some small magical beasts such as ice scorpions only have the strength of the first level.

But their tail thorns, magic cores, fur and the like are all valuable things.

Therefore, there are also a lot of mercenaries who form groups to hunt outside the ice field.

The direwolf is a pack animal, and generally does not actively attack humans.

What's more, direwolves generally don't appear on the periphery of ice fields.

Therefore, as long as you don't go too deep, you generally won't encounter wolves.

But today, these mercenaries encountered a wave of beasts, or... a wave of wolves.

It was dozens of miles away from where Medusa and Xiao Xue had just stopped.

There are five mercenaries who are running away.

"Damn it, what are these beasts like wild dogs doing today?" A mercenary howled as he ran.

"Wild dog? Do you call this two-meter-tall ice wolf a wild dog?"

The other mercenary glanced back at the wolves who were chasing and killing the mercenary, drooling wildly.

"Why did the ice wolves suddenly run away? Also, did you hear that terrifying beast roar just now?" Another mercenary said.

"Brother, when is this, do you still have the heart to think about this? If you don't run away, half of your ass will be eaten!"

This mercenary team wanted to cry, but they had come to see if there were any single low-level monsters to kill.

Who knows, out of nowhere today, I encountered a pack of wolves killing wildly in all directions.

To be exact, before them, four mercenary squads had been wiped out by the wolves.

That is to say, the few of them all have the strength of high-level fighters and great fighters, and they are far away, and they discovered it early, so they only saved their lives.

The most important thing is that the mercenaries can also see that today's ice wolf is completely different from the previous one.

— violent and bloodthirsty!

With their current state, and the current state of the ice wolf...

Not to mention the dozens of them that came down from this group, with the level of five of them, one of them might not be able to do it!

"Brothers, don't give up, work harder! We are not far from the fortress, we will be safe when we get there!"

For Dou Shi and Da Dou Shi, it is really not difficult to run a marathon at full speed.

Therefore, as long as the status quo is maintained, there is still hope that they can run back directly.

However, some other mercenaries who ran slowly were not as lucky as them.

Even if human beings are wise, a small mercenary group surrounded by a group of runaway ice wolves will undoubtedly die!
In the distance, a mercenary was thrown down in the snow by the ice wolf, and then bit off his head.

The other mercenary was held in the mouth by two ice wolves. The one on the left took a bite, and then threw it to the one on the right after the bite, throwing it back and forth like a relay.

The entire direwolf pack was rampant, it was horrible.

At this time, from the depths of the ice field, there was another beast roar that resounded through the world!
The mercenaries couldn't tell where the beast's roar came from, but they felt a burst of pain in their ears, and even suffered a brief deafness, followed by tinnitus.

The most exaggerated thing is that with the roar of the beasts, the state of this group of ice wolves became more and more bloodthirsty and crazy.

It seems that every time there is a beast roar, their rage will intensify!
The mercenaries ran for their lives desperately, but Xiao Xue, who heard the second beast roar, couldn't help frowning:
Why are you yelling so loudly? !
Looking at this posture, it can't be... some high-level monsters are going to be born in the ice field, right?

This is... so exciting!
High-level Warcraft, but the whole body is full of treasures!
With Ahri's spirit fire of all beasts, and extremely strong soul power, and Ahri and Medusa, they can suppress the blood of monsters;
Facing humans, Xiao Xue may need to waste some strength, but facing monsters, there is really nothing to be afraid of!

The newly revived Warcraft must be in a weak state. No matter how awesome it was before, it can't show much strength now.

Therefore, Xiao Xue quickly moved towards the direction of the beast's roar.

Medusa shook her head, but in the end she had no choice but to follow.

She is now a bodyguard and thug. What the boss means is what she means.

Dou Zong's speed was so fast, after a while, Xiao Xue saw the raging wolves.

She couldn't help frowning slightly, and quickly threw a [Detection] towards the wolves——

[ BUFF: The distant ancestor roars. 】

"Sure enough, a high-level monster has recovered, it should be the wolf clan."

Then, she looked down at the mercenaries surrounded by wolves.

If there is no one to help, these mercenaries will die today.

Xiao Xue couldn't help but sighed. In fact, she was not a person who was willing to meddle in other people's affairs.

There are too many sad people in this world, like starfish on the beach, they cannot be saved at all.

In a world where strength is paramount, weakness is the original sin.

However, what is in front of you cannot be regarded as invisible.

Could it be that Qing Lin and Little Doctor Immortal felt pitiful, so he went to save them, but could he just ignore the dying person in front of him?
What she is in now is a real world, not cold words.

If she only takes advantage of the plot, she will only give kindness to those who are useful to her.

After such a long time, she might live like a puppet without emotion.

A faint dark golden color condensed in Xiao Xue's pupils.

An invisible sword of the soul, facing the wolves below, slashed down fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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