Chapter 122
Soul power is originally invisible and formless, killing people invisibly.

However, since the word [Condensation] has a small success, this strike also comes with the blessing of [Heart Sword];

Therefore, when Xiao Xue slashed at the wolves below, there was a huge sword-shaped phantom faintly in the air.

The moment the giant sword fell to the ground, it skillfully avoided the mercenaries surrounded by wolves.

But also because of this, Xiao Xue's sword did not cover all the ice wolves.

The moment the soul sword fell to the ground, the mercenaries didn't even hear the wailing of the wolves.

Then, dozens of ice wolves fell to the ground at the same time.

Originally, monsters are very sensitive to danger, and once they sense danger, they will flee in all directions.

But these ice wolves in the state of [Rage] are completely different from the usual ones.

What's more, the attack of the soul power is so fast that they have no time to react.

When the mercenaries came back to their senses, they only saw the corpses of ice wolves all over the place.

Under this sword, most of the wolves died directly!
If it wasn't for avoiding these mercenaries, the nearly one hundred ice wolves would have been completely annihilated!
The mercenaries who survived by chance got up and hugged each other, then retreated one after another.

While retreating, they also looked around vigilantly.

The rampage and sudden death of the wolves today seemed too weird, so they couldn't help but ignore them.

Soon, they discovered that a figure in a black robe was standing in the void.

Stand in the air, Dou Zong powerhouse!
Xiao Xue was wearing the black robe given to her by the system, and stood in the void.

These ice wolves fell into a rampage, obviously affected by something.

"We need to find out the guy behind it." Xiao Xue thought to herself.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen ice wolves left in front of her. They stood together and looked at Xiao Xue, their eyes were blood-colored, shining with a bloodthirsty light.

Xiao Xue raised her right hand, then gently raised the black robe hat with her fingertips, and glanced at those ice wolves.

The next moment, dark gold appeared in her eyes again.

Swept by Xiao Xue's dark golden eyes, these wolves in a state of berserk actually had a small-scale commotion.

[Rage] is equivalent to a kind of soul influence, which is equivalent to the wolf king, directly making them enter a bloodthirsty state.

And [Heart Sword] also pointed directly at the soul, making them feel the trembling and fear of the soul!

So, a shocking scene happened.

The ice wolves who had obviously fallen into a frenzy, became bloodthirsty, and their consciousness was slightly chaotic;

It turned out to be fear from the soul for the man in black robe in front of him!
Seeing Xiao Xue taking a step forward in the air, all the ice wolves retreated one after another. She continued to move forward, and the ice wolves continued to retreat.

In this scene, there is a sense of thousands of troops avoiding white robes!

It's just that the girl standing in the void is wearing a black robe.

After Xiao Xue used [Heart Sword], her deepest purpose was actually to search for the link between the souls of the wolves and the guy who led them to be berserk.

If a link can be found, it may be possible to locate the individual suspected of being a high-level wolf monster.

The ice field is really too big, and it is covered with ice and snow. Looking at it, it feels like everything looks the same.

Therefore, in the ice field, it is easy to lose position and direction, and it is extremely difficult to search.

On the contrary, the ray of connection in the soul will be like a lighthouse in the dark night, allowing Xiao Xue to catch it in an instant!

"found it."

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Xue's face.

Immediately afterwards, she murmured to herself: "Then you are useless to me."

As soon as the words fell, the dark gold in her eyes became more intense.

In the next instant, the souls of a dozen ice wolves were instantly annihilated!

They stood in the wind and snow, motionless.

During the whole process, Xiao Xue just glanced at them.

——The sword cuts the soul!
Even if [Heart Sword] has not even formally entered yet, it will face these second- and third-level ice wolves whose souls are not strong at all;

The explosion of Mortal Realm Dzogchen's soul power is enough to kill them.

Medusa stood in the dark, watching all this silently.

The current Medusa is considered a celebrity in the Northwest Continent. If she is exposed, she may be in trouble.

Therefore, Medusa is only in the dark now and has not made a move.

After all, these ice wolves did not pose any threat to Xiao Xue.

Medusa was very puzzled by Xiao Xue's sudden move to help these mercenaries from the Izumo Empire.

However, she would not ask too much.

And it was also the first time for her to see Xiao Xue's 【Heart Sword】.

Medusa discovered that just now, a touch of dark gold appeared in Xiao Xue's eyes, like a god in the world, majestic and miraculous.

What's more, the scene where the wolves were caught in an instant after just looking at the ice wolf was so shocking!
For Medusa, compared with the absolute advantage of her cultivation, she can kill the wolves with a single sword;
Undoubtedly, Xiao Xue's determination of life and death at a glance is even more astonishing!
A beast's roar came from nowhere, but it was majestic.

Perhaps it was because after the souls of some ice wolves were chopped off, the unknown monster in the distance also noticed it, and it fell into the rage after waking up.

The mercenaries below felt their ears ringing again, but Xiao Xue was not affected at all.

She raised her eyebrows and said calmly, "Noisy."

The next moment, Bone Spirit Lenghuo appeared in her hands, turning into the shape of a long sword.

The goose feather heavy snow was still falling, and amidst the wind and snow, stood a man in a black robe and a sword all over his body.

After the roar of the beast appeared, Xiao Xue glanced around the ice field.

There were huge noises in all directions, and white snow rose all over the sky, as if a small-scale avalanche had been triggered.

Actually, it's not an avalanche, but an endless pack of wolves!
The pack of wolves came galloping from all directions, and the smallest one was more than two meters high, which naturally caused vibrations on the snow surface.

In terms of number, the wolf pack at this moment is several times that of the previous one.

For ordinary people, a beast dynasty of this scale would probably require an army to suppress it and a big battle.

The gazes of the mercenaries on the ground all fell on Xiao Xue.

Facing such a large number of wolves, escape has become a luxury.

But for some reason, they felt inexplicably at ease seeing each person and sword in the flying snow.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Xue's expression did not change at all.

"It's just a good time for me to try the [Ning] character art to see its actual combat ability." Xiao Xue thought to herself.

The Soul Sword just now can be regarded as a big move, but it is not detailed enough, it just has a rough shape.

She wanted to see how much her control of soul power had improved from the point of view of micromanagement.

I saw her holding the sword in her left hand behind her back, looking up into the air.

In an instant, those snowflakes falling from the sky froze around her body.

Pieces of crystal clear snowflakes remained motionless beside Xiao Xue.

Seen from a distance, this picture is extraordinarily gorgeous.

Medusa could feel the north wind whizzing by around her. The wind was very strong, but she couldn't move any snowflakes.

Don't forget that ice is also water.

And Xiao Xue now has three points of [Elemental Affinity]!
You know, the attribute [Element Affinity] is very against the sky.

If a fire attribute fighter has a full level [Elemental Affinity].

Then, even if he is facing the void swallowing flames without wisdom, he can easily refine them!

Of course, those who are wise have another calculation.

Therefore, Xiao Xue now has three points of [Elemental Affinity], which is already quite strong.

Now, if she encounters someone weaker than herself, she can really handle it at will.

Wherever she wants the other party to get water, there will be water.

— as long as there is water coming out of that place.

And this miraculous scene was just the beginning.

I saw Xiao Xue standing in the wind, as if feeling something.

She is feeling the wind.

"The wind is right."

Xiao Xue muttered to herself.

Then, her soul power condensed on each snowflake, forming soul flying knives as thin as cicada's wings.

Just like rain, it needs water vapor to attach to condensation nuclei to form;
For Xiao Xue now, the word [Ning] is just enough to get started.

Therefore, if she is to finely condense her soul power, she needs a certain carrier.

And when the word "condensation" is finally completed, she can even condense a soul throwing knife the size of a snowflake out of thin air.

Xiao Xue raised her right hand and pointed forward:

As soon as the words fell, the frozen snowflakes flew away with the wind.

They followed the wind and drifted towards the rushing wolves.

Then, pierced through their heads!
The bloody flowers all over the sky exploded, and the blood and flying snow mixed together, like bloody and gorgeous fireworks!
(End of this chapter)

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