Chapter 123 When the Guardian Knocks on the Door
Hundreds of ice wolves had their heads pierced by snowflakes blowing in the wind.

When the besieged mercenaries saw this scene, without exception, they were so shocked that they lost their voices.

The scene in front of them was completely beyond imagination for these mercenaries.

Regardless of the beauty or artistic conception, this kind of snowflake kills the enemy has reached its peak!

"Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people!"

If we say that the previous "one-look life and death" is a means they can't see;
Then this "snow" is particularly intuitive.

"This is... a superpower at the Douzong level!"

The surviving mercenaries looked at Xiao Xue in the air with fanaticism on their faces.

In the Douqi Continent, what one worships is strength!

And Xiao Xue's easy and freehand, yet intoxicating technique is even more shocking!

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you guys leave quickly."

After Xiao Xue finished speaking, she didn't care about the mercenaries below, she just dodged and disappeared in place.

The mercenaries who recovered their lives gradually began to retreat, while Xiao Xue joined Medusa, "Let's go."

She was quite satisfied with her performance just now.

Before she practiced the "Controlling Chapter", she could also kill these ice wolves with her soul, but it would never be as easy as it is now.

Hearing this, Medusa glanced at the corpse of the ice wolf in the distance, but didn't say much, just nodded silently.

The mercenaries are low in strength, so naturally they didn't see much and didn't discover the details.

But what Medusa saw was much more detailed than theirs.

That is, every snowflake pierces the ice wolf at the same position.

They all hit the ice wolf's eyes, without exception!

It is said that one mind does two things, but Xiao Xue... can be regarded as one mind and one mind, right?
Such a subtle manipulation, Medusa thought, she would never be able to do it!
The soul power of Mortal Realm Dzogchen gave Xiao Xue the qualification to multitask.

No matter how strong the monster's body is, the eyes will always be one of the most vulnerable parts.

Xiao Xue didn't care what Medusa was thinking now, she quickly flew towards the source of the ice wolf's berserk.

Medusa followed behind, couldn't help asking, "Xiao Xue, did you find something?"

Xiao Xue nodded, "These ice wolves are just appetizers, and there is a big dish to come."

When Medusa heard this, she couldn't help becoming vigilant.

She also heard the beast roar just now.

But for some reason, with her cultivation base, she couldn't accurately capture its location.

However, Xiao Xue seemed to sense it.

"She is actually better than me in many aspects." Medusa was thinking in her heart while flying.

On the other side, deep in the ice sheet, in the canyon.

As early as when Xiao Xuetian brought justice and killed dozens of hundreds of ice wolves with one move, the man in gray robe realized the abnormality.

It's just that the wolf king in front of him hasn't fully recovered yet, so he can't leave easily.

The selected ice wolf is actually the wolf king among the pack of wolves in this ice field.

Although its size is not considered large among wolves, the strength of a monster is not completely linked to its size.

Just like Medusa, she is not the strongest among the snake people.

But she is definitely the one with the broadest heart among the snake people.

The wolf king who fused with that frozen eyeball has completely changed his appearance.

The original ice wolf, which was only two meters tall, fused with that eyeball——

It has become several times larger.

Of course, it’s nothing unusual to become bigger or smaller. Who doesn’t have a few organs that can change in size anywhere?

Its bigger change is not in body shape.

The wolf fur of this ice wolf gradually turned dark blue, but the fur on its four paws and the tip of its tail was as white as snow.

And between its eyes, there is a slight bulge.

This place is wriggling, gradually transforming into an eye pupil!
In the depths of this eye pupil, a blood-red waning moon is reflected.

The purpose of the gray-robed man's coming this time is to revive that strange blood-colored moon eye with the help of the body of the icefield wolf king!

With this moon eye, this ice wolf can directly reach the seventh level, and in the future, it may even break through the eighth level!
With this level of combat power, the core competitiveness of Glacier Valley will be greatly improved.

With the fusion of essence and blood, the wolf king let out low growls.

Obviously, the energy of blood essence did not satisfy it.

It opened its three eyes, two of which were blood red, and the one in the center reflected a crescent moon.

"It will be done soon!"

At this moment, the gray-robed man was in a good mood, and a faint smile appeared on his old face.

However, the next moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, "Jie Jie."

"It turns out that hiding here is really easy to find for this guardian."

Xiao—the Dharma protector—Xue stood hanging in the air in a black robe, looking at the ice wolf below with great interest.

She could only guess a location based on the information she got from the ice wolf.

However, after arriving here, the soul power is swept away, and it is natural to see everything at a glance.

"This should also be regarded as a means of resurrecting the soul and body, right? Tsk tsk, I have learned a lot." Xiao Xue thought in her heart.


Seeing Xiao Xue wearing the black robe of the guardian of the Soul Palace, the gray-robed man and the woman were all taken aback, "People from the Soul Palace?!"

"You take the wolf king and go first."

After a moment of hesitation, the old man in gray robe said to the woman next to him.

If the wolf king is left here, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, he intends to take this incompletely evolved wolf king away, and then make plans.

Even if the fusion is forcibly interrupted, causing any bad effects, they can only hold their noses and admit it!

Otherwise, if you drag it on, you will lose everything!
The gray-robed man ranks third among the elders of Glacier Valley, and his strength is not weak, with the strength of a middle-level Douzong.

And he estimated that the soul palace protector in front of him was only two-star or three-star.

With his strength, it is still possible to delay the guardian of the Soul Palace for a while.

At that time, they can easily use the space jade tube to escape.

After all, the strongest person in Glacier Valley is Dou Zun, who also knows some space secrets.

These elders also have spatial life-saving devices in their hands.

It's just that there are not many fighting sects in Glacier Valley, so those who can reach the fighting sect are already elders.

Therefore, the right-hand man of the gray-robed man is nothing more than a peak Douhuang.

As for why not take the wolf king back, and then stuff beads into it...

Because, if you want to awaken Moon Eye, you must use the power of the ice veins here.

But now, it is obvious that he cannot continue.

Just when the gray-robed man was planning to confront Xiao Xue and let the woman run away with the wolf king first, a sudden change occurred!

After the wolf king moved freely, he first attacked the woman closest to him!

Warcraft is bloodthirsty, what's more, it is fused with bloody moon eyes, and it is still awakened by blood.

Maybe with the passage of time, it can be controlled by the gray-robed man or that woman, but absolutely not today!

Awakened by blood, it needs more blood to satisfy itself.

With a low growl, the wolf king swung his paw at the woman.

At the same time, a beam of seven-colored sword light slashed at the gray-robed man from an invisible angle!
(End of this chapter)

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