Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 124 No one knows how to play with water better than me

Chapter 124 No one knows how to play with water better than me

The gray-robed old man is a mid-level fighting sect after all, and his reaction speed is not slow.

He can still respond to Medusa's sudden attack.

When he sensed energy fluctuations in the rear, he threw out a burst of battle qi, and then disappeared on the spot.

Medusa's attack was blocked by him, but the accompanying woman was not so lucky.

Caught off guard, she got a solid claw from the wolf king.

The power of the monster is so terrifying, a bloody wound immediately appeared on the woman's abdomen.

She was accidentally injured by the wolf king's blow.


Seeing that the ice wolf was going to continue attacking the woman, wanting to swallow her up, the old man in gray robe roared angrily, and then blasted out at the ice wolf.

The next moment, he grabbed the seriously injured woman, then crushed a space jade tube, intending to take the wolf king and the woman away.

The moment Medusa made a move, the gray-robed old man knew that there was a high probability that they were killed today.

There are two Dou Zong on the opposite side, if he doesn't open up immediately, or later, he won't be able to leave.

After all, the Hall of Souls are all masters who cannibalize people without spit out bones!

Originally, the two fighting sects couldn't fight, let alone being distracted by his Tuyoupin assistant and the wolf king who had just awakened.

The gray-robed old man wanted to use absolute strength to forcibly suppress the wolf king, and leave this place with him first, and make plans later.

However, due to the momentary delay, he had already lost the best time to escape.

In Xiao Xue's eyes looking at the wolf king, the dark gold became more intense.

But she wasn't attacking the wolf king, but... provoking it!

The wolf king whose soul was affected became even more manic, and began to struggle violently, roaring angrily.

The next moment, a seven-colored and a white sword light slashed at the gray-robed old man at the same time!
The gray-robed old man had no choice but to give up the wolf king and block the two sword lights.

Then, he was sucked into the space tunnel together with the woman, and disappeared.

The next moment, Medusa appeared beside Xiao Xue.

Standing in the void, she looked at the fallen wolf king below with a solemn expression.

Among the snake-human race, there are certain records of the ancient Warcraft race.

Therefore, as the empress of the snake-human race, she knows a lot more about monsters than Xiao Xue.

It is precisely because of this that she can also guess the identity of the wolf king below——

Mooneye Snow Wolf King, named for the bloody mooneye between his brows, is the top existence among wolf monsters.

This kind of wolf monster was also the best in ancient times, when powerful monsters were rampant in the world.

If Taixu Gulong and Sky Demon Phoenix are in T0, then the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King is in T1.

It has a strong body, not weak in speed and endurance, and at the same time, it has the innate ability to control ice and snow.

That is to say, for the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King, the snowfield is an excellent home battle ground.

It snows all the year round in the northern part of the mainland, and in places like the ice sheet, the snow never melts all the year round.

In this environment, its combat power will increase by at least 10%!
Moreover, the Snow Wolf King Mooneye was born as a third rank.

A little milk wolf is enough to be comparable to a great human fighter!
Since he was born with a third-level strength, under normal circumstances, when the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King reaches maturity, his strength will be at least a seventh-level.

If one has a certain chance in the process of growing up, it is not difficult to enter the eighth level.

In ancient times, there even appeared the ninth-level, that is, the level of the fighting saint, the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King!
"The Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King still exists in the world!" Medusa expressed disbelief.

It stands to reason that it should have been extinct, right?
"It's the Mooneye Snow Wolf King, but it's not exactly that." Xiao Xue said lightly.

Just now, she also got the basic information of this wolf king from the system panel.

At this time, the wolf king had already looked at the two of them.

Medusa was about to protect Xiao Xue, but she saw Xiao Xue lightly pressed her hand.

"This wolf king is not in the right state, let me try first and see if I can find the reason for it."

"Okay, then be careful." Medusa said.

Xiao Xue nodded, and then looked down at the Wolf King.

The strength of this wolf king is still rising.

Xiao Xue lost a [Detection] the moment it appeared, and its level at that time was level 67.

Then, less than 2 minutes later, the level of the wolf king has climbed to level 68!
"It should be because the power of the Snow Wolf King's soul and body is merging with this ice wolf." Xiao Xue thought.

It is Xiao Xue's excuse to say that he has doubts and wants to fight independently to find out the answer.

She knew very well that the monster in front of her was a fucking fusion monster!
It's the Snow Wolf King, reborn from an ice wolf with his own blood!

It's like taking away the soul of a colorful purple snake!
In fact, if Medusa made a move, it would be much easier to kill this wolf king.

The reason why Xiao Xue wanted to act alone was because this wolf king could "explode gold coins"!

The current Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King already possesses sixth-level strength.

It stands to reason that monsters of this level have a certain amount of intelligence and will not be as bloodthirsty as wild beasts.

However, this wolf king is a "zombie" who was forcibly resurrected with a secret method!
The system does not give rewards such as experience points for killing ordinary monsters.

Otherwise, I am afraid that some people will kill people everywhere for the sake of experience points.

But killing this kind of walking dead is different.

If you farm this kind of wild monster, the system will explode gold coins!
The wolf king before being taken away belonged to the subspecies of the moon-eyed snow wolf king's bloodline, which had been weakened for an unknown number of generations.

Before being seized, this ice wolf probably only had the peak strength of the fourth rank.

After being taken away by the ancestors, this leap in strength is too violent!

Improving directly to two major ranks!

However, even at the sixth level, it is not difficult for Xiao Xue to kill it.

So, let me have the exclusive experience!

The cold fire of the bone spirit condensed into a long sword, Xiao Xue made an instant move, and slashed towards the boss in front of him.

In such an ice and snow environment, the power of Bone Spirit's cold fire will also be increased to a certain extent.

Moreover, the ranking of Bone Spirit Lenghuo is much higher than Ahri's Myriad Beast Spirit Fire.

That's why Xiao Xue used the Bone Spirit Cold Cremation Sword.

Xiao Xue's height has actually reached more than 1.7 meters. Among female human beings, she is considered a relatively tall type.

But compared to the five-meter-high monster in front of him, even Xiao Xue, who was tall and tall, seemed a little small.

A dark golden color appeared in her pupils, and under the powerful soul power, she saw the real soul of Snow Wolf King at a glance!
It was in that moon eye, and it was still devouring the soul of that poor, young, helpless ice wolf.

Xiao Xue's dark golden eyes met the three evil eyes of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King.

One is miraculous, the other is evil.

Xiao Xue's dark golden pupils exuded an aura of indifference.

And Snow Wolf King's eyes reflecting the crimson crimson moon looked bloodthirsty and crazy.

After the Snow Wolf King roared, the snow on the ground rose all over the sky, condensed into snow pillars, and then stabbed at Xiao Xue who was wearing a black robe.

Facing nearly ten huge snow pillars with a thickness of five or six meters, Xiao Xue did not panic at all.

She just stretched out a finger silently, and then tapped lightly in the sky.


The next moment, these snow pillars stopped in the air and stopped moving forward.

——Easy weight!
"Blood talent, control ice and snow?" Xiao Xue glanced at the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King.

"Unfortunately, I can play with water better than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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