Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 126 Xiao Qinjian takes care of the family snow

Chapter 126 Xiao - Frugal Housekeeping - Snow
Xiao Xue held the long sword of different fire, with her soul power condensed on it, facing the waning moon in the sky, she slashed down with her sword!
next moment--

The moon exploded.

[The sword cuts the body, the heart cuts the soul! 】

In Medusa's eyes, Xiao Xue directly shattered the moon on earth with an aura like a king's arrival!

The bright golden light overflowed in an instant, and above the canyon, a layer of golden light began to diffuse in all directions.

The moon shadow cast by the Snow Wolf King Mooneye is not blood-colored, but golden.

This golden waning moon was chopped into pieces by Xiao Xue's sword!
Endless golden light and shadow filled the entire canyon.

However, in this extremely shocking scene, it was also accompanied by the wailing and roaring of the Snow Wolf King Mooneye.

The entire ice sheet was shaken by this.

"It seems right, the weakness of this she-wolf is that moon eye."

After Xiao Xue cut the moon with her sword, she thought to herself.

Yes, this majestic-looking Moon-Eyed Snow Wolf King belongs to the mother.

Of course, in Xiao Xue's eyes, this kind of pure animal monster is not cute at all, only the beast ear girl is worth investing in.

Compared with his own Ahri, this Snow Wolf King doesn't even have the qualifications to be a mount.

Xiao Xue speculated that that eye pupil should be a part of the corpse of an ancient monster, and it probably came from an eighth-level wolf king.

The strength of this wolf king has been improving.

Xiao Xue chopping it up is no different from scraping.

You are outputting a meal at the wolf king, and the wolf king is recovering blood on the side.

Looking back at the end, you can't shave as fast as others.

Moreover, even if the blood is recovered, this thing can still be fucking upgraded!

In other words, facing the wolf king, unless the move is done in seconds, it will be very troublesome.

You know, this wolf king has reached level 71, officially entering the realm of Dou Zong.

Dou Zong and half-step Dou Zong are two concepts!
Not to mention, a monster of the level of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King!
Therefore, after Xiao Xue planned to interrupt Mooneye Snow Wolf King's big move, he sent him on the road with a fire lotus.

The two-color "precision strike" was enough to kill the severely injured wolf king.

But after cutting off the moon wheel, Xiao Xue immediately noticed something was wrong.

——The source of the power of this wolf king lies in that moon eye!

Xiao Xue originally thought that this was just a simple soul seizure, it was the soul of the wolf king Mooneye Snow, who directly seized the wolf king.

That's why she slapped the wolf king furiously, but it didn't do any effective damage to him.

And now, Xiao Xue has a new plan!

"Take out the moon eye, let it not continue to upgrade first!"

"Then, kill it again!"

After all, if you let the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King continue to upgrade;

When the strength of the wolf king rises above the three-star fighting sect, she will have to ask Medusa to help.

Although Xiao Xue is confident and dares to raise the wolf king to the seventh level before slaughtering it, it doesn't mean that she has no limit to her arrogance.

After all, she had already overturned once because she misjudged her opponent's strength.

That mistake taught Xiao Xuexue a lesson.

If it drags on, the wolf king's strength is too strong and unstable.

And when the time comes, even if they can join hands with Medusa to kill it, the rewards will be greatly reduced.

It may take more effort than now, but with half the effort, the benefits are not as good as now.

As for why, don't just fire the fire lotus...

Because she and this wolf king are now in a canyon.

If it explodes in this place, it is very likely to cause an avalanche.

Of course, it is more likely that the ice and snow were instantly sublimated by the fire waves, and the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King directly GG.

At the same time, the canyon was covered by blasted debris.

However, Xiao Xue couldn't bear it.

Among other things, the icy veins below here are also of great benefit to her.

This place is very suitable for her to refine the bone spirit cold fire!
Xiao Xue reckoned that the value of this place to her was no less than that of the place where Medusa found the Ice Essence.

The ice veins are similar to the fire veins of the volcanoes, but they are of the ice attribute!
It can be said that this place is tailor-made for Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

It will definitely be much easier to refine the extremely cold and extremely hot Bone Spirit Lenghuo here!
Moreover, the seventh-order Warcraft is full of treasures.

Among other things, seventh-level blood essence and magic core are good materials for refining medicine.

Moreover, even if the blood essence and magic core of this wolf king cannot be used to refine medicine, its wolf fur is the best fur.

Xiao Xue is a girl who loves beauty!

If the fire lotus went down, the wolf king would probably be blown up beyond recognition, which Xiao Xue didn't like to see.

Therefore, she will not use Fire Lotus unless it is absolutely necessary.

After discovering the weakness of the wolf king, Xiao Xue decided to be merciful and leave a "whole body" for the wolf king.

At least the wolf skins had to stay.

The next moment, Xiao Xue moved.

The strange fire long sword condensed by the cold fire of the bone spirit directly pierced the wolf king's forehead.

Xiao Xue didn't hold back anything, this move was her most powerful sword right now!
The Snow Wolf King Mooneye also discovered her purpose, and after a roar, the black air around him began to sweep towards Xiao Xue.

The dim moon shadows in its eyes also began to condense, and it was obvious that it was also planning to make a final desperate fight.

The corners of Xiao Xue's mouth rose, she felt the other party's fear.

"It turns out that monsters who have been dead for an unknown amount of time will also know fear!"

Xiao Xue did not dodge or evade the attack of the Wolf King Mooneye Snow.

With a thought in her mind, the surrounding ice and snow began to obey her call.

Goose feathers and heavy snow surrounded her.

Dou Qi armor, condense!

Beast spirit fire, protect the body!
Xiao Xue's idea is very simple, I can get hurt, but I want you to die!

The long sword of different fire suddenly pierced into the wolf king's moon pupil.

And the black air around Snow Wolf King Mooneye also broke through Xiao Xue's barriers, and was about to hit Xiao Xue.

The situation was extremely dangerous, but Medusa, who was watching the battle, suddenly eased her frowning.

Because just when these air currents were only an inch away from Xiao Xue, they all stopped.

Then in an instant, the black air flow dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Because, the tip of Xiao Xue's bone-spirited sword had already touched the eyes of the moon!

The eighth-level Moon Eye is indestructible, even with the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the current Xiao Xue cannot directly destroy it.

After all, she hasn't even refined it yet, and the power it can display is really limited.

But, she can peel off the moon eyes!

The surging sword energy directly pierced through the eyebrows of the Moon Eyed Snow Wolf King, and chopped off the Moon Eyes from his body!

Ice and snow wrapped it, and then floated into Xiao Xue's palm, and she received it into the ring.

After losing the moon eyes, the black energy around the wolf king became disordered in an instant.

After losing the moon pupils, the wolf king had only two eyes, which became darker and darker.

But this pitch black is not normal black.

Its eyes lacked the agility that a living thing should have, and looked abnormally empty.

Even the bloodthirsty before, all dissipated completely.

It's just that although it looks more like a walking dead now, its behavior is crazier.

After stripping off the moon eyes, Xiao Xue dodges, putting distance between her and the wolf king.

Demonic beasts are not as rational as humans, and now the wolf king has fallen into a state of chaos because of the separation of the moon eyes.

Therefore, Xiao Xue didn't plan to stay around for a long time.

"Will this thing choose to blow itself up and blow me up?"

Xiao Xue really felt that there was such a possibility.

This sword directly cut a deep scar on the brow of the Snow Wolf King Mooneye.

There was no blood spilling from the wound, but a large amount of black air diffused around.

The black airflow was ferocious and terrifying, and there was even a low roar of beasts.

A series of black beast shadows roared and roared, attacking Xiao Xue like a ghost.

"act recklessly."

Under the dark golden eyes, these black shadows disappeared as if they had seen the most terrifying thing.

After the Snow Wolf King lost his moon eyes, his wounds would no longer heal, and his level began to plummet.

Its strength began to decline, and it directly fell back to the Douhuang level, and it was even declining.

Xiao Xue smiled slightly, raised the strange fire sword in her hand, and pointed at the mad wolf king below:
"Your life, I take it!"

ps: I have something to go out tonight, so there is no way to type, so there is only one chapter, thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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