Chapter 127 Long Spear, Or Long Whip (3K4)

In the northern cold land, deep in the ice sheet, in a certain canyon.

A huge corpse of a wolf monster lay quietly in the canyon.

Xiao Xue stripped off the moon eyes, directly cutting off the source of the wolf king's power.

The wolf king who lost his moon eyes was easily beheaded by Xiao Xue.

The long sword formed by the bone spirit's cold fire pierced directly through the wound between the eyebrows, completely destroying its entire head.

Even if this wolf king is Duoshe, the soul of the monster is also in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, so the wolf king was naturally dead.

But now, Xiao Xue was using the spirit fire of all beasts to condense into a small knife, humming and humming to peel the wolf king's skin.

She uses the beast spirit fire to ensure the integrity of the fur as much as possible when dissecting.

How to say this wolf king is also a seventh-order monster, or in other words, the strength has reached the seventh order.

Even if she loses her moon eyes and her cultivation level declines, her physical fitness will not change.

This wolf fur is stronger than the body armor in her previous life.

With ordinary weapons, it is impossible to cut it.

You must know that dissection is the most difficult when there are no wounds on the body of Warcraft.

But once there is a wound, the difficulty of dissection will be much lower.


Along the gap between the eyebrows, the dagger in Xiao Xue's hand snapped.

Suddenly there was a chichi sound, and the wound was expanding rapidly.

"It took so much effort for me to cut this fur with myriad beast spirit fire?" Xiao Xue couldn't help being surprised.

Her heart moved, she drew out her dagger, raised her hand and stabbed at the intact fur on the Wolf King's back.

Snow Wolf King's back was only slightly dented, but no scars could be seen on his fur.

Xiao Xue was startled: "It's too perverted!"

"I'm really lucky this time. The blood talent, the soul attack, and even the defense of its fur are surprisingly high."

"If it's a normal seventh-level wolf king, I'm afraid the winning rate is only [-]-[-]% when I meet it!"

Mooneye Snow Wolf King is also proficient in soul.

If you don't practice [Heart Sword], you will face the wolf king in his heyday.

Even at the same level, in terms of soul, she can't take much advantage.

And the defensive power of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King was equally astonishing.

If she met a seventh-rank wolf king in a normal state, she would definitely not win so easily.

When encountering the peak moon-eyed snow wolf king, Xiao Xue could only attack through weak parts such as eyes, ears, and nose.

Considering the flexibility of the Wolf King Mooneye Snow, Xiao Xue's winning rate is indeed very low, [-] to [-]% is not bad.



Xiao Xue dissected quickly, first peeling off a whole piece of magical and expensive fur.

Then, she cut off all the hard claws and teeth of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King.

These wolf claws, wolf teeth, etc. are all materials with high strength, which can be used to make weapons, and their value is also extremely high.

Xiao Xue dissected and collected all the expensive ones.

She even set fire to the remaining flesh and bones in the end, burning out a few drops of blood essence and bone marrow.

Although these blood essence and bone marrow may be polluted by the dead energy, the energy in them is definitely not low.

At least [-] to [-]% of the energy is contained in these few drops of blood and bone marrow.

As long as there is energy, it is a good thing.

Xiao Xue doesn't have to worry about these being wasted, her eldest disciple Xiaoyixian has an Evil and Nandu body.

Even if it is something polluted, it is also a tonic for the little fairy doctor.

Medusa stood aside, looking at Xiao Xue quite speechlessly, skinned and dismantled the wolf king's body, squeezing out even the bone marrow.

If there is a Guardian of the Soul Palace here, maybe they will praise Xiao Xue's professional skills.

After picking up the ashes of the Wolf King Mooneye Snow, Xiao Xue took out a few pills and threw them into her mouth, then stretched out her hand towards Medusa.


"It's time to give me the Ice Spirit Essence you promised me before." Xiao Xue said lightly.

After delaying for such a long time, it is time to refine the bone spirit cold fire.

Since obtaining Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Xiao Xue has been keeping it in the system's [backpack].

After all, the strange fire cannot be placed in the ring, otherwise all the contents will be burned.

If you want to use the receiving ring to store different fires, you can only get an empty receiving ring.

But the ordinary ring is not safe enough, and Ahri lives in the only high-level ring.

Therefore, Xiao Xue has been keeping the bone spirit in the [backpack].

And in order to refine Bone Spirit Lenghuo, she prepared three things——

The sixth-grade elixir, Qinglian Pill; Binglinghanquan, and Binglinghanmai.

For Xiao Xue, the Ice Spirit and Cold Essence can completely replace the role of Na Ling and accommodate the strange fire.

After all, unlike the "fire seed" refined by Xiao Yan in the original book, what she needs is to build a "water source".

It would be best if the strange fire could be directly integrated into his body.

Qinglian Pill is in the ring, and the Binglinghanquan and Binglinghanyu are in the hands of Medusa.

Speaking of which, these two things are her reward for helping Medusa advance to the Dou Zong.

But now, with this icy vein, it doesn't really matter whether there is an ice spring or not.

On top of the icy veins, with the assistance of the favorable location, her success rate of refining Bone Spirit Lenghuo can be increased by [-] to [-] percent.

Hearing this, Medusa came back to her senses, took out a large jade box from the ring and handed it to Xiao Xue.

Among them was the Ice Spirit Essence that Medusa obtained by chance when she came to the Northern Cold Land last time to look for the Ice Spirit Spring.

A piece of ice spirit and cold marrow can freeze to death an ordinary Dou Zong.

However, this is not absolute.

Those remarks from the outside world are somewhat exaggerated.

For example, in the perception of the public, the power of the strange fire is so terrifying that "the Dou Huang dare not be easily contaminated."

In fact, this is true.

Even Qinglian's heart fire, ranked No. 19, can burn a Douhuang to ashes in an instant if it erupts in an all-round way.

But in the original book, when Medusa was at the peak of the Dou Huang, although she was injured and suffered a lot;

In the end, she was still in the underground magma world, taking one step ahead of Xiao Yan, and took away Qinglian's heart fire.

Xiao Yan directly refined Qinglian's heart fire with the cultivation base of Dou Shi, and then embarked on a bumpy road to becoming an emperor.

So, there are some things that are not absolute.

The so-called "ice spirit and cold marrow can freeze Dou Zong to death" is also when its cold air is fully erupted.

Under normal circumstances, although the cold air of the ice spirit is not weak, it is not enough to freeze the strong to death directly.

Back then, Medusa picked up this Ice Spirit Essence deep in the bottom of an Ice Spirit Cold Spring Lake.

Xiao Xue opened the jade box in her hand, and a blue-white crystal was lying quietly inside.

The faint cold air rises from it, which looks quite strange.

Even in the ice field, the temperature of the Ice Spirit's Frost Essence is still lower than the surrounding air temperature.

"I want to retreat in this canyon," Xiao Xue looked away, looked at Medusa at the side, and smiled slightly.

"My Lady Queen, please protect me."

Although it was a request, Medusa could hear a tone that could not be refuted.

And Xiao Xue looked at her with a hint of teasing.

Medusa choked for a moment, but finally nodded.

The boss has personally spoken, what else can I do, work!
Xiao Xue sat cross-legged on the icy veins, and when she was about to refine the bone spirit cold fire, she suddenly thought of something and looked at Medusa:
"Oh, by the way, the sword is not for you."

"Your swordsmanship has gone astray. Instead of spending time studying swordsmanship and fighting skills, it is better to try a long spear or a long whip."

In fact, Xiao Xue didn't understand Medusa, the queen of the monster race, who likes to use swords.

The sword is not for war.

Because of the war, most of them use long guns.

Again, compared with the sword, the machete is used, which is more lethal.

As for weapons like swords, they are not very common on the battlefield.

Especially among monster races like the snake-human race, there is no one who uses a sword.

After all, under the same strength, the opponent held a long spear and set up a formation;
With only a three-foot green tip, you will never be able to charge through, and you will only be picked to death by the opponent's spear.

Weapons focus on practicality and lethality, not fancy skills and handsomeness.

Range, kill all skills in seconds, and make all beings equal.

Your three-foot sword has not yet cut anyone, but his spear has already moved your head.

A weapon like a sword is more of a high place in the temple, representing supreme authority.

The safety of Tibet is like Mount Tai, but the mountains and rivers are turbulent when measured. It symbolizes the power of authority.

Even in Dou Qi Continent, there are only two types of people who use swords:

One is to be handsome, and the others are secondary.

After all, compared to other weapons, swords do have a higher ornamental value.

Wearing white clothes and holding a long sword is much more artistic than holding a machete.

Moreover, compared with spears, swords are still less difficult to master and have a higher minimum limit.

You may not be able to hold a spear, but you can wield a long sword.

The second type is people from great sects and influences, who have done a lot of research on the way of swordsmanship.

Even if you encounter an opponent who uses a long weapon, you will choose to use a sword if you can narrowly defeat him.

Of course, in the entire continent, there are still a small number of people who use swords, and spears and the like are the mainstream of monks in the mainland.

As for Xiao Xue, he took both.

Handsome is one of them, she has a system, and there is no shortage of advanced martial arts and fighting skills, so she chooses to use a sword.

But Medusa chose to use a sword after she turned into a human form, which is a bit inappropriate.

It's not that Medusa can't use a sword, but the snake-human race certainly doesn't have much research on swords.

Therefore, Medusa is tantamount to learning the sword from scratch.

But relying on self-exploration will inevitably lead to detours.

But Xiao Xue is sure that if a snake spear is in the hands of Medusa, it will definitely explode with greater power.

After all, Medusa's jade-like slender hands should hold the gun.

Spear, the master of a hundred soldiers, the master of killing, and Medusa, the queen, is simply not a good match.

No matter how bad it was, a long whip was stronger than a sword.

The snake people all have tails, and compared to the whip method, they have more or less studied it.

After all, Xiao Xue knew that some snake people like to whip people with their tails.

Therefore, weapons like long whips are much simpler to use than other weapons.

Xiao Xue felt that making Medusa give up using the sword was also helping her.

After all, in Xiao Xue's view, Medusa's sword has gone astray.

And standing on the shoulders of seniors, or in a field with some experience, is better than playing the big sword by yourself.

As long as Medusa listens to the persuasion and stops losses in time, her upper limit will definitely be much higher than that of using a sword.

Moreover, although Medusa is naturally charming, she has a difficult face.

She is not the so-called Yu Jiefeng, but gives people a feeling that this woman is very powerful and difficult to speak.

——It smells like a female president.

And a strong woman like Medusa, with a long whip, has a special flavor.

Enemies with certain attributes may surrender without a fight, or they may take the initiative to come up to find him.

Of course, Xiao Xue has seen countless XPs in her previous life, so she is no stranger to this.

But she is not very clear about whether or not she has encountered XP intrusion in this World of Fighting.

After all, this book is quite old.

Moreover, she just reminded me casually.

Whether Medusa will play with a long spear, a long whip, or a big sword in the future is not what she needs to care about.

[Some things happened on the road today, and I was delayed for some time. I can't write two chapters. This chapter is more than 400, which is two in one. I owe a few hundred words. I will pay in installments later (manually funny)]

(End of this chapter)

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