Chapter 128 Devour, activate!
Xiao Xue is just giving Medusa a suggestion, how Medusa chooses in the end is not what she needs to care about.

After talking with Medusa, Xiao Xue stopped being distracted and began to cross her legs to adjust her state.

The battle with Mooneye Snow Wolf King also consumed a lot of Xiao Xue's energy.

Although there are auxiliary pills such as Huiqi Pill, which can quickly restore Dou Qi.

However, pills are foreign objects after all.

Relying on them all the time to restore battle qi is extremely easy to make the body become dependent on them.

If you take the pill continuously for a long time, I am afraid that the fighting energy recovery ability carried by the body will gradually decrease.

Even in the end, this ability to "return to blue" on its own will completely disappear.

If a fighter loses the ability to restore fighting energy, it will definitely be fatal.

Therefore, under non-essential circumstances, Xiao Xue generally would not use this kind of "addictive" pill.

In the original book, Xiao Yan only used Huiqi Pill before he obtained Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, because Fenjue is a Huang-level skill, and when fighting energy is not enough.

What's more, for a Dou Ling, the ordinary Qi Hui Pill is useless.

And Xiao Xue's current exercise "Hua Shui Jue" is already at the low level of the Mysterious Rank, and the speed of recovery of Dou Qi is not slow.

In fact, Xiao Xue's soul power was consumed far more than battle qi.

After all, Xiao Xue didn't rely on Ahri's soul power when fighting against Yue Ying, the Snow Wolf King of the Moon Eye, and relied on the sword of his heart to fight recklessly.

Confronting the seventh-order monsters who are good at souls, even she wasted some strength.

And when devouring and refining different fires, the assistance of soul power is extremely important.

Therefore, Xiao Xue planned to adjust her state to the best, and then refine the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

In fact, as long as one level is upgraded in the system, she can directly "full blue", but she does not intend to do so.

After all, not long ago, she only spent a few million to upgrade her soul power and purchased [Heart Sword].

Then, in order to be more stable when entering the ice field, she went up four levels in a row, and the current experience points are not very much.

It's not in a hurry now, it's not necessary.

It is more valuable to save this experience to break through the king of battle.

After a long time, Xiao Xue opened her eyes, let out a foul breath, and selected [Extract] from the system backpack.

Then, a cloud of dark white strange fire slowly appeared in front of her.

What appeared this time was not a wisp of bone spirit cold fire, but its original fire.

When the cold fire of the bone spirit rose slowly, it was vaguely like a white skull.

The texture of the flames was like bones.

When the dark white flame appeared, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a little.

When Bone Spirit Lenghuo appeared, Medusa at the side also noticed it.

She turned her head and looked at Xiao Xue in shock.

To be precise, he looked at the strange fire in Xiao Xue's hand.

Although she had seen Xiao Xue use Bone Spirit Cold Fire before, and was even forced to eat the crystallization of Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

Medusa originally had the body of a different fire snake. When it evolved, it was also quenched by the bone spirit's cold fire, and the cold blood in it was eliminated.

Therefore, she also has a considerable understanding of the power of Bone Spirit Lenghuo.

However, this is the first time she has felt the power of Bone Spirit Cold Fire so intuitively.

In Medusa's perception, even the coldness of the ice spirit's cold marrow might not be able to compare with that flame.

After all, Bone Spirit Lenghuo ranks No. 11, which is considered a relatively high ranking among different fires.

In the original book, the nineteenth-ranked Qinglian Earth Heart Fire burned Medusa to death, and the fourteenth-ranked Falling Heart Flame was comparable to a high-level fighting sect.

If No.11's Bone Spirit broke out in full swing, it is estimated that even the top fighters of the Dou Zong would be threatened.

Moreover, the two of them are now on the icy ley line.

This place is quite weird, if the cold air here enters the body for a long time without fighting energy to protect the body, even Dou Huang will fall.

As a Dou Ling, Xiao Xue was not affected by the cold air. Presumably, it was because of the power of the strange fire.

"Teenage Dou Ling, water attribute, sixth-grade pharmacist, Dou Zong level hole card, extremely strong soul power and control, and possesses two kinds of different fires..."

Medusa thought secretly, unable to bear the shock.

She has never been to Zhongzhou, and she doesn't know much about the strength of the top talents on the mainland.

However, the ancestors of the snake-human clan were also rich, and there were some records of some deeds on the mainland.

Therefore, she also has a vague concept.

With the talent shown by Xiao Xue, even the top geniuses of those big forces are nothing more than that, right?
How confident was she at the beginning that she felt that this kind of genius could be handled by her? !

Fortunately, although they had some unpleasant experiences, at least for now, they still have a promising future.

Medusa shook her head, concentrated and protected Xiao Xue.

If something happened to Xiao Xue, even if she turned into a hydra, she wouldn't lose her head enough.

Moreover, working under such a promising young alchemist is not cheap.

What Medusa was thinking, Xiao Xue had no idea, a serious look appeared on her face.

The devouring of the strange fire is not a child's play, she can't help but be careless.

Flicking the ring with her fingers, Xiao Xue took out a small transparent jade bottle from it.

In the jade bottle, a blue pill the size of a longan was lying quietly.

Through the reflection on the surface of the bottle, some shadows loomed faintly in the blue elixir.

Shaking the jade bottle slightly, you can still see that there still seems to be liquid swaying in it.

After taking out the Qinglian Pill, Xiao Xue put the Bing Ling Han Qi aside for later use.

Then, she called Ahri in her heart.

The momentum caused by devouring the strange fire was extremely huge. When refining the strange fire, she naturally didn't have the energy to be distracted by the outside world.

Therefore, Xiao Xue hoped that later, Ari would use her soul power to wrap her around.

Otherwise, the valley would suffer disaster before she finished devouring the bone spirit.

It's not a big deal that the outside world has been affected. If it affects her, it will be fatal.

After getting Ahri's affirmative answer, Xiao Xue directly poured out the Qinglian Pill from the jade bottle and swallowed it in one gulp.

The materials used to refine Qinglian Pill, except for the lotus seeds of the earth fire, are some medicinal materials of Yin and cold attributes, and magic cores of water attributes.

Its function is to form a protective layer to prevent Xiao Xue from coming into direct contact with the strange fire.

Without Qinglian Pill, Xiao Xue was determined not to let the Bone Spirit enter her body coldly.

In that case, the internal organs would be burnt clean, and it would be impossible for a god to save her, so she could only lie down with Ari.

As soon as the Qinglian Pill was put into the mouth, it turned into a slightly cold energy, which quickly penetrated into the meridians.

In the end, these energies slowly penetrated into the meridians and bones, protecting Xiao Xue's body.

After all the tendons and bones in the body were fully wrapped, the excess energy poured out of the body, forming a layer of cyan energy crystal layer.

Then, Xiao Xue aimed her palm at the fire in the air, activated [Suction Palm], and a suction force burst out suddenly.

With the emergence of suction, the white flames above the sky suddenly exploded, turning into a huge white skull.

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying destructive force, as if awakened, slowly expanded from the skeleton.

Staring fixedly at the growing mass of white flames, Xiao Xue knew that the engulfment of the strange fire had begun!

(End of this chapter)

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