Chapter 129 Pulling away from the source of fire
In the canyon, the dark white flames violently churned.

Xiao Xue can use the soul power of Dzogchen in the spiritual realm to control a wisp of bone spirit cold fire, and can even transform swords from different fires.

But this does not mean that she can control the original fire of the bone spirit's cold fire like her fingers.

After sensing the interference from the outside world, the spark of Bone Spirit's cold fire immediately rioted.

As the clusters of flames burned, the space around the flames clearly showed some distortion marks.

The power of this source of fire can even distort the space.

In terms of strength alone, this original fire seed is no worse than the snake-shaped falling heart flame that Xiao Yan won in Jia Nan Academy.

In the original book, the Fallen Heart Flame Fire Snake, which turned the inner courtyard upside down, probably has the combat power of a high-level fighting sect.

Xiao Xue reckoned that if this source of fire had spiritual wisdom, it should be comparable to the peak of Dou Zong.

And the top ten different fires, if they were in their heyday, their combat strength would be at the level of Dou Zun, or even higher.

It's just that the current Bone Spirit Lenghuo has no wisdom.

Therefore, the difficulty of refining is relatively much lower.

If there is a wise bone spirit cold fire, with Xiao Xue's current strength, she will definitely not be able to take it down.

However, since in the original book, Xiao Yan was able to win the Fallen Heart Flame with the strength of Dou Ling, soaring directly from a low-level Dou Ling to the peak of Dou Wang.

Then, for the same Dou Ling, she is better than Xiao Yan in terms of level, soul power, support, etc., there is no reason why she can't.

Opportunity is not enough, strength comes together.

Moreover, regardless of the original fire of Bone Spirit Lenghuo, it is very powerful now;
After being refined, how much power it can exert is completely related to Xiao Xue's strength.

Just like in the original book, after Xiao Yan refines Fallen Heart Flame, his strength may not be as strong as the original Fire Serpent's Fallen Heart Flame.

This is like when you play a game, the one you defeat is the BOSS-level ferocious white tiger.

But after you win the mission and take the BOSS as a pet, its combat power is only comparable to Hello Kitty.

It will take a long time to fully display the strength of the different fire.

Actually, for Xiao Xue, it would be safer to start with No.16 Huoyun Shuiyan, then the [-]th Haixinyan, and finally Guling Lenghuo.

After all, Bone Spirit Lenghuo's ranking is not low, and it is still the Ice and Fire attribute.

Compared with Haixinyan and Huoyunshuiyan, which are ranked tenth and 56th and are still water and fire attributes, it is much more difficult and dangerous.

However, Xiao Xue didn't want to wait any longer.

When she snatched Hai Xinyan from Han Feng's hands, went to the mainland somewhere, and found Huoyun Shuiyan, she didn't know when.

After all, she didn't know if Han Feng had obtained Haixinyan now, and it was not worthwhile to search for different fires all over the mainland.

Without the assistance of the strange fire, her alchemy skills would fall into a bottleneck period and stagnate for a long time.

Many other layouts will also be affected.

Therefore, today, this bone spirit is cold, and this lady must swallow it!

Ahri was the first to notice when the Bone Spirit's cold fire gradually became violent.

Vigorous soul power spread out quickly, enveloping Xiao Xue and Bone Spirit completely.

In mid-air, the white flames rose against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, they expanded their size several times.

And as its size changed, the originally docile flames also became more violent.

The original fire of Bone Spirit Lenghuo subconsciously confronted Xiao Xue.

Whenever that invisible suction touches the fire, it can only persist for a moment before being burned into nothingness by it.

Finding that she couldn't grasp the original fire with only [Sucking Palm], Xiao Xue gritted her teeth and directly put her hand into the white skull.

As he gradually penetrated into the cold fire of the bone spirit, he saw that the blue energy crystal layer covering Xiao Xue's arm started to melt rapidly.

Drops of blue liquid kept dripping down.

And whenever these liquids are separated from the arms, they are quickly burned into nothingness by the white flames.

Although the cyan crystal layer melted extremely quickly, when it melted, the medicinal power of the Qinglian Pill in Xiao Xue's body released a steady stream of cold energy again.

These energies shuttled through the meridians, and finally quickly repaired the melted crystal layer on the arm.

In this cycle of continuous melting and repairing, Xiao Xue's arm finally completely penetrated into the strange fire.

When Xiao Xue was trying to find out the original fire, the rocky ground around her had already been burnt to create a huge hole.

The surrounding ice and snow have long been sublimated by the insulated high temperature, exposing the black rock below.

And these are still the results of Ari's efforts to protect them.

If Ahri removes the soul protection now, I am afraid that the entire canyon will be burned into a pile of ashes in a very short time.

Medusa watched in horror, "What is this little guy doing?"

"Is this... refining the strange fire?"

"How can one person refine two strange fires at the same time? She is dying?"

In Medusa's impression, Xiao Xue should have already refined the Spirit Fire of Ten Thousand Beasts and manipulated it with perfect proficiency.

And now, she actually plans to refine the second strange fire?

This is...unheard of!

However, after thinking about it, Xiao Xue, who is of water attribute, can actually refine the spirit fire of ten thousand beasts.

It seems that it is not so unusual to add another strange fire...?
Medusa protects Xiao Xue with a bewildered and shocked face, but at this time, Xiao Xue has grasped the future in an instant.

A piece of something similar to a bone spur was held in Xiao Xue's hand, and it was the original fire of the bone spirit's cold fire.

When Xiao Xue grabbed the original fire, the dark white flame violently churned.

The energy of heaven and earth contained in the surrounding space also seems to be rioting at this moment.

Colorful mottled energy flows slowly, like a colorful river, extremely dazzling.

Following the sudden riot of Bone Spirit's cold fire, the already terrifying temperature immediately soared again.

The higher the temperature, the colder the temperature.

Although the cyan crystal layer on the surface of the body helped Xiao Xue block most of the abnormal fire temperature.

But around it, there is still some residual warmth, which slowly seeps in.

This experience of ice and fire is quite sour.

Grasping the fire with her palm firmly, Xiao Xue gritted her teeth, endured the feeling coming from her palm, and slowly pulled her arm out of the strange fire.

As the fire was pulled out, the huge white skeleton in front of him gradually shrank.

A moment later, it turned into a thin ray of forest white flame, which got into the white bone spur in Xiao Xue's palm.

This scene also made Xiao Xue a little speechless.

The strange fire was caught by the fire, and it withered immediately.

However, Xiao Xue did not dare to ignore the energy contained in that white bone spur in her palm.

Due to the terrifying high temperature contained in the bone spur, the thick cyan crystal layer is melting at a frightening speed.

If the energy in the bone spurs exploded completely, even a strong man at the peak of the Dou Zong would have no choice but to fall.

Xiao Xue held the bone spur in her right hand, activated [Suction Palm] in her left hand, and sucked the ice spirit cold marrow into her palm.

Then, she slammed the bone spurs and ice spirit marrow together.

Under the effect of the ice spirit and cold marrow, almost instantly, the activity of the bone spurs plummeted.

Of course, even the Ice Spirit Cold Marrow can only suppress the Bone Spirit Cold Fire for a short period of time.

What she has to do is to completely refine the bone spirit during the period when it is cold and weak.

Then, Xiao Xue closed her eyes, and swallowed the ice spirit marrow and bone spurs whole!
(End of this chapter)

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