Chapter 130 The Road Not Envisioned

The bone stabbed into her throat, Xiao Xue immediately closed her lips tightly.

A cold current so cold as to freeze the human body suddenly flowed from the lips, and then penetrated into her body.

At the same time, Xiao Xue trembled violently as if struck by lightning.

Her face, which was still a little bloody, suddenly turned pale.

Xiao Xue felt that she had just swallowed a mouthful of liquid nitrogen.

A bone-chilling cold current passed through her throat, and she seemed to feel that the part of her throat was condensed into an ice ball.

Xiao Xue shivered slightly, on her long hair, strands of crystal clear ice lingered on it.

The cold current rushed into the body all the way, and then began to flow in all directions along the meridians.

And all the meridians passed by this cold current will quickly be covered with a layer of milky ice on the meridians and bones.

Then the next moment, the liquid nitrogen turned into a puddle of molten iron, erupting into a frighteningly high temperature.

Where the bone spurs passed along the way, they melted with the ice layer adhering to the walls of the meridians.

A faint white mist lingers in the meridians, and after a while, the white mist turns into some ice crystals again, and the cycle goes on and on.

Even with the body protection of Qinglian Pill, Xiao Xue still couldn't ignore the cold temperature of the bone spirit.

Enduring the bursts of scorching pain coming from her body, Xiao Xue slowly closed her eyes, and her mind gradually sank into her body.

Suddenly, a misty sensory interface appeared in Xiao Xue's mind.

The white bone spurs that had entered the body before had already decomposed into strands of tiny white flames.

These flames containing terrifying energy are shuttled randomly through the meridians.

Everything that stands in front of him will be burned into nothingness in an instant.

Under these high-temperature smokes, Xiao Xue's original broad and tough veins have been distorted like a dried twist.

This scene looked extremely weird and terrifying.

Of course, the meridians were so distorted by the smoke, and the pain caused directly made Xiao Xue's body twitch slightly.

Water and fire are inherently incompatible, even if it is a bone spirit with ice and fire attributes, it is still a flame in essence.

Such things as different fires are the most treasured treasures in the world for those fighting qi cultivators with the fire attribute;
But for water attributes, it is deadly and highly poisonous.

For the water attribute, not to mention refining, even if the strange fire enters the body, it may cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, the difficulty for Xiao Xue to refine Bone Spirit Lenghuo is much higher than that of ordinary people.

If it weren't for the high [Elemental Affinity], Bone Spirit's coldness and fire are also ice and fire attributes, and they have a certain similarity;
Otherwise, Xiao Xue would never take such a risk.

But even with all the preparations, her current state is still not optimistic.

In the meridians, dark white flames shuttled crazily.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Xue's body was almost completely destroyed.

Moreover, the worst thing is that the medicinal power of Qinglian Pill has been gradually volatilized in the consumption of different fires.

Those dissipated energy crystal layers no longer have enough medicinal power to support them to repair.

Under the premise of the protection of the crystal layer, Xiao Xue's body was still in such a nearly crippled state by the terrifying strange fire.

If the energy crystal layer disappears, the meridians, bones, heart, etc. in her body will probably be burned into nothingness by the bone spirit in a very short period of time.

And when the time comes, without these vital organs that sustain her life, she can only be a neighbor of Ari in the form of a soul body.

Xiao Xue gritted her teeth and directly stimulated the ice spirit and cold marrow in her body.

If Xiao Yan, or someone else is allowed to refine the strange fire;
They should choose, in the case of energy protection, to drive the different fires to circulate in the meridians in the body to improve each other's proficiency;

After completing the operation, wrap the strange fire with grudge, drive it to run its own kung fu route, and then devour it.

However, Xiao Xue is different.

After all, she wasn't even prepared for Na Ling.

What Xiao Xue wants is to directly let the strange fire melt into her body!

After all, she wanted to assimilate the strange fire into a "water source".

If she followed the rules and used Na Ling to carry the strange fire according to the tradition;
Then, even if Bone Spirit Lenghuo, or later Haixinyan is successfully refined and stays in Naling, the essence is still flame.

And as long as it is flame, it will have a "rejection reaction" with the water attribute.

This problem is almost unavoidable, even for Hai Xinyan who has the water attribute.

Therefore, what Xiao Xue wants is to make these strange fires become a part of her body.

——The so-called strange fire is just a permanent buff for my water attribute grudge.

In this way, after completely assimilating the different fire, her control over it will be greatly improved.

Second, if Na Ling is used to carry the strange fire, then when using the different fire in the future, it will need fighting spirit to activate it.

But if assimilating the fire seed of the different fire, what will be consumed will be the energy of the fire seed.

She only needs to give orders, and leave the rest to Bone Spirit Lenghuo.

There is actually more than one way to refine the strange fire.

The first is to make the fire extremely weak, then refine it, and then use one's fighting spirit to activate the strange fire;
In the original book, Xiao Yan used this method.

Whether it's Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Falling Heart Flame, or the fire of Three Thousand Flames.

They were all "lucky" taken down by Xiao Yan when his strength was not as good as before.

In other words, all the fire-type experts on the continent are able to refine different fires in this way, even Yao Lao is the same.

But in doing so, most of the energy of the original fire is consumed in the confrontation, and it is consumed seven or eighty-eight.

These energies are wasted without exception.

This also led to the fact that after refining the different fire, the power of the different fire will be greatly reduced.

After being refined, the power of the strange fire is far less than before.

Just like the riot of Falling Heart Flame, several masters of Canaan Academy were helpless.

But Xiao Yan, who had just refined the Fallen Heart Flame, definitely did not have the strength of that fire snake at its peak.

After all, even if her cheap elder brother Xiao Yan is the main character, it is not bad to be able to refine a strange fire that is slightly stronger than her own.

If it exceeds one's own strength too much, it is very likely that it will be burned into a ball of ashes.

——Break the BOSS into a cripple, and then refine the cripple.

If what Xiao Yan refined at that time was a Fallen Heart Flame at its peak.

Then as long as he releases the Falling Heart Flame, he can easily burn Dou Zong to death.

The method Xiao Xue thought of was to directly subdue the complete tinder to everyone.

If she wanted it, she just took over the boss who was almost full of blood!
In this way, most of the energy in the original fire can be used directly.

If this idea can come true, it means that she directly has an extra hole card comparable to the peak of Dou Zong!

After all, refining different fires cannot directly increase one's strength.

The reason why Xiao Yan was able to upgrade after refining the Heavenly Fire was that he had absorbed the energy in the Heavenly Fire space.

So, instead of wasting most of the energy of the original fire, it is better to give it a go.

A HelloKitty that needs to be pushed by itself, and an obedient, BOSS-level assistant;
Compared with ordinary refining methods, a cultivation system from scratch, and a ready-made high-level combat power, the latter is undoubtedly better.

This refining method is much more dangerous.

The others are dealing with an equal opponent, but Xiao Xue intends to refine a nuclear bomb that is far superior to her own.

But correspondingly, the benefits will be more.

If it doesn't work, it's too late to settle for the next best thing.

With the activation of the ice spirit cold marrow, an extremely low temperature spread from the body.

Xiao Xue felt that her soul would be frozen.

The coldness of the ice spirit and cold marrow erupted in an all-round way, and even Dou Zong was about to fall.

But with the bone spirit's cold fire in her body to check and balance, this kind of temperature is still within her tolerance range.

Under the control of her powerful soul power, the cold air quickly spread to all parts of her body.

The Bone Spirit Lenghuo who ran rampant in Xiao Xue's body also "calmed down" a lot under the influence of Bingling Frost Marrow.

The next moment, Xiao Xue's eyes turned dark gold, and soul power poured out crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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