Chapter 132 Advancement to Fighting King
The next moment, Xiao Xue's breath began to surge.

Almost instantly, her strength rose from the seven-star Dou Ling to the peak Dou Ling.

And level 50 is already the upper limit she can reach at present.

It's not that the surrounding energy has been drained by her.

Although the energy of the ice veins cannot be compared with the energy accumulated over the years in the space of different fires, it is by no means more than this.

She can't continue to upgrade because she has reached the bottleneck again.

If you want to continue to upgrade, you must add points first, and advance to the rank of Douwang!
Otherwise, no matter how huge the surrounding energy is, she will be stuck at the pinnacle of fighting spirit!

The breakthrough of the big realm is different from the usual upgrade, and requires a process of promotion.

But now, there are few people in the hinterland of the ice field, and there is Medusa, the guardian of the law, and the energy of the icy leylines around.

Therefore, without hesitation, Xiao Xue clicked [Promote] on the system interface.

The next moment, the Dou Jing in Xiao Xue's body exploded!

Countless heaven and earth energies poured in crazily, and Xiao Xue began to slowly and steadily move towards the Fighting King level.

One must know that for Dou Qi practitioners on the mainland, Dou Wang is like a moat.

Dou Zhe condenses Dou Qiqi, Great Dou Master condenses Dou Jing, and at the Dou Ling level, nine spikes will appear on the Dou Jing.

In the Dou Ling period, every time one star's strength was increased, one of the spikes on the Dou Jing would shrink back.

And after breaking through the Dou Wang, there is no Dou Jing in the body of the Dou Wang and above.

At that time, battle qi does not need to be circulated from the cyclone before it can be used.

At that time, fighting energy can directly rush out from all parts of the body.

Whether it is the power of fighting spirit or the speed of summoning when using it, it will be greatly improved!
Therefore, Dou Ling peak and Dou Wang are not the same concept at all, and the difference in strength is huge.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying in the Douqi Continent——

All under the Dou Wang are ants!
Therefore, this breakthrough will bring Xiao Xue a complete transformation!

The energy of the surrounding heaven and earth formed an energy vortex visible to the naked eye, pouring towards Xiao Xue crazily.

Such power, even if some strong men break through the Dou Huang, they have never had it before.

The next moment, Xiao Xue entered a new state.

Countless water vapor condensed out of thin air, and then quickly turned into snowflakes under the low temperature.

While refining the strange fire, the burned bare canyon was slowly covered by white snow.

However, Xiao Xue, who was absorbed in her body, knew nothing about what happened outside.

At the moment, she has only one thought in her mind.

——"This world is so moist!"

Water, all water!
All kinds of water!

The active power of water is calling to her.

This feeling is very strange, and she doesn't know how to describe it.

She only knew that the feeling of soaking in the spring water was very comfortable, that's all.

With the crazily increasing level, the battle energy between heaven and earth poured into her body, giving her an unparalleled sense of pleasure.

Xiao Xue could clearly feel that she was getting stronger!

With the improvement of strength, Xiao Xue felt that her control over water had improved significantly.

Her ability to control water has also been strengthened.

The same three points [Element Affinity], the stronger her strength, the higher her control over water!
"It's raining."

With her eyes closed, Xiao Xue, who was in a mysterious state, spoke lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the flying snow all over the sky actually melted again, turning into drops of rain.

Water droplets fell from the sky, and became denser and larger.

For thousands of years, the ice field, which has only snowed, has ushered in a sudden downpour.


Medusa couldn't help stretching out her hand, letting the rain hit her palm.

It's cold and cold, just like her heart now.

In fact, if it's just raining, it's nothing unusual, as long as it melts the flying snow.

Medusa thinks that with her own strength and the seven-color sky-swallowing python flame;
In this place where the snow is falling on the ice sheet, it is not a problem to make a light rain.

But just now, Xiao Xue had also refined the Bone Spirit Lenghuo with the Ice and Fire attribute.

Let her melt the snowflakes, this difficulty may not be as difficult as controlling the flying snow and killing the wolves before.

But Medusa is now a strong Douzong.

She could clearly perceive that even though Xiao Xue said "Rain is coming" after entering the mysterious realm;
But in fact, Xiao Xue just said a word, and it didn't affect the fighting spirit in her body!

This is the most critical place.

Like she is now, she can release a sea of ​​flames with a wave of her hand, but that also needs to be supported by fighting spirit.

How can there be someone like Xiao Xue who can follow what he says? !
In fact, this is one of the benefits that Xiao Xue brought by directly integrating the cold fire of the bone spirit into her body.

She only needs to give the order, and leave the rest to Bone Spirit Lenghuo to do it himself!

So, don't say it's the easiest way to dissolve snowflakes and rain;
With the power of Bone Spirit Lenghuo, she said it was hailstones, and hailstones the size of a human head could fall directly!
As for our client, Xiao Xue, he is about to withdraw from this mysterious realm at this moment.

At this moment, her feelings about her surroundings became clearer and clearer, and she had returned to reality from a state of ecstasy.

However, although she closed her eyes, she could "see" all the water around her.

As long as there is water, there is no escape from perception.

The more water, the clearer the perception.

For example, Medusa, which is relatively close.

Women are made of water.

"In her body..."

In the end, Xiao Xue gave up the plan to perceive carefully.

This is not the youth mode, this is the fucking young adult mode!
Xiao Xue withdrew the released soul power, and her mind sank into her body again.

In just an instant, she could see everything in her body clearly.

The meridians that had been tormented by the bone spirit before had become distorted and dry, and now they were like crystal clear and spacious channels emitting a faint fluorescence in the body.

Although she didn't make any movements, she could clearly feel that the meridians in her body now had a qualitative change compared with the past, whether it was toughness or tolerance!
When Xiao Xue was promoted from the seven-star Dou Ling to the Dou Ling peak, she did not use the system to add points, but absorbed the energy of the icy veins.

The only way to break through to become the King of Dou is to use the system to upgrade.

It is good to use the system to add points, return blood, full mana!
Xiao Xue diverted her mind away from her meridians, and slowly swept her whole body.

She didn't find the slightest weakness in any place, on the contrary, the current body is almost completely different from that before refining the strange fire!
Even, I'm afraid it's just this body, with the upgraded [Water Power];
The combat power she displays will be stronger and more terrifying than before using fighting energy!
Nodding in satisfaction, his mind withdrew from his body, slowly spread out his palm, and immediately, he shook it suddenly.

And her aura, after being silent for a long time, suddenly exploded!

Streams of mighty battle energy, like floods, suddenly rushed out from all parts of the body, and finally flowed into the crystal meridians.

And amidst the rush of battle qi, the crystal clear meridians were like a river dam built long ago, filled with raging water.

The meridians contract and expand, making an inaudible joyful sound.

Following the grasping of the palm, the space in front of Xiao Xue suddenly fluctuated, and a cloud of dark white grudge energy sprang out strangely, and finally floated in the palm of her hand.

In that ball of grudge energy, extreme cold and extreme heat alternated, which seemed quite strange.

Among them, there seems to be a hint of pink.

It seems that when refining the Bone Spirit Lenghuo, the Bone Spirit Lenghuo also deepened her connection with the Sky Fox bloodline.

Satisfied, Xiao Xue withdrew her hand, her shoulders trembled slightly, and immediately, fighting spirit surged out of her body.

These vindictive energy followed a strange meridian route, and finally condensed into a pair of white bone wings on its back.

The white bone wings shot out from behind fiercely, with a width of more than one foot and a long arc, just like the wings of a phoenix, gorgeous and stunning.

After being promoted to Dou Wang, Xiao Xue looked at the icy veins under her feet and grinned——

keep sucking!
(End of this chapter)

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