Chapter 133 Ice Spirit Lake

Xiao Xue's last level was at the five-star fighting king level.

It's not that he can't be promoted to the peak of Douwang in one breath. This icy vein can even frostbite Douzong, and the energy contained in it can be imagined.

But Xiao Xue is not of the ice attribute after all, even if she refined Bone Spirit Cold Fire, it would not be good to swallow too much ice at once.

Moreover, it took more than a year for Xiao Yan to refine the energy of the different fire space and upgrade from Dou Ling to Dou Wang peak.

Among them, the elixir and medicinal materials in his Najie, and even the lotus platform of Qinglian's heart fire, were all melted and absorbed to give him a base.

Otherwise, even if Xiao Yan can be promoted to the peak of Dou Wang, his fighting spirit will be extremely vain.

Even, whether he can survive is another matter.

Absorbing external energy is no better than using the system to upgrade. If you are not careful, it is likely to cause the foundation to become unstable.

Just like the Feng Qing'er in the original book, when she was leveling up, she only cared about raising her level, and her fighting spirit was vain.

A three-rank Dou Zun couldn't bear Xiao Yan's slap from the nine-star Dou Zun just now.

Therefore, although for Xiao Xue with 【Aptitude 8】, there is no bottleneck in the Fighting King stage;
As long as the energy is enough, she can break through, and she didn't improve blindly.

It is Xiao Xue's current limit to be promoted to the five-star fighting king in one breath.

If there are more, I am afraid that even she herself will not be able to perfectly control her own state.

If there is no Bone Spirit of Ice and Fire attribute, in the heart, help temper the battle energy;
Absorbing the energy boost of the icy veins, she may rise to the three-star fighting king at most, and then she will stop.

There is no need to worry too much about upgrading.

Although it has only been promoted to the five-star Douwang, this speed is already quite exaggerated.

She is equivalent to raising nearly a large level in a very short period of time.

This speed is already quite slow.

Anyway, this place is here, and the energy is in the veins, so there will not be much loss.

Big deal, when it's time to leave the North Cold Land, just come back and inhale it again.

Xiao Xue slowly withdrew from the cultivation state, and then looked around, "Where are the Medusa people?"

Just as she was about to release her soul power to investigate, Medusa appeared in front of her as if teleported.

In the past, when Medusa still had the power of coldness in her blood, she was comfortable on this ice field.

But now, Medusa is a pure fire snake body, and the ice field is not so friendly.

Although her strength and bloodlines are improved, the general low temperature will not affect her at all;
But staying on the icy leylines for a long time still made Medusa feel a little uncomfortable.

So, Medusa set up an enchantment for the canyon, and then watched from outside the enchantment.

Sensing that Xiao Xue's retreat was over, Medusa immediately appeared beside the boss like a qualified bodyguard, and lifted the barrier.

Xiao Xue summoned the wings of fighting spirit, looked at Medusa, "Let's go, go to the place where you found the ice spirit and cold essence."

As far as it is concerned, even if she goes home now, the trip to the ice field is still profitable.

But it’s all here, how can I not go to the pier to order French fries.

Medusa looked Xiao Xue up and down, sighed, "Come with me."

She remembered the first time she met Xiao Xue in the desert, only a few months ago.

At that time, Xiao Xue was just a one-star fighting spirit.

But now, he is... Five Star Fighting King.

Medusa felt that she had lived in vain for so many years.

Sure enough, the gap between people is bigger than that between people and pigs.

Medusa felt that after returning to the snake-human race, she must retreat and practice, and she would never leave the customs until she broke through the Dou Zun.

Even if she will definitely be surpassed by Xiao Xue in the future, but she, Medusa, also has the self-esteem of being an empress.

——It is a day to be late.

There is no way, with Xiao Xue's talent, as long as she doesn't fall midway, it is inevitable that she will be surpassed.

And now she is Xiao Xue's bodyguard, even if she dies, she will die before Xiao Xue.

So, Medusa lay flat.

There are struggles, but not many.

There is nothing difficult in the world, just give up.

About being Xiao Xuechao, I think about it.

Xiao Xue was flying with Medusa while playing with a black token in her hand.

It was a [Zun] character token, which was a "little gadget" she had found from Ari.

These tokens are useless to ordinary people, but Xiao Xue can check some information from the system.

And the information in this [Zun] token needs to have a strength above level [-] to view it.

"I hope this time, I can give me some useful information."

The [Soul] card last time only gave Xiao Xue the coordinates of the [Misty Cloud Sect].

Apart from letting her know that Yunshan has been in contact with the Soul Palace, it has no effect.

It's not that it's completely useless, it's just that it's useless.

The status of the elders in the soul hall is much higher than that of the guardians.

She thought that the news this time would not disappoint her.

The information given by the [Soul] card is that it can be viewed at level [-], and it is recommended to go after level [-].

This [Zun] card can be viewed at level [-], and it is recommended to go after level [-].

According to this routine, the things after the [Tianzun] token can only be solved after she reaches the Dou Sheng?
In fact, it's not bad for the system to suggest so.

After all, level [-] is the King of Fighters.

Although a fighting king can already be regarded as a strong man, can you compare it with the power of the Misty Cloud Sect?
Can ordinary fighting kings go?He can't go to Yunlanzong, can't fight.

In the system interface, Xiao Xue clicked [View] to start reading the hidden information.

After checking the information in the [Zun] token, Xiao Xue felt that even Dou Zong was a bit reluctant to go.

The news this time is related to Yao Lao's fall, and also related to Yao Lao's ring.

But among them, there is only one rough idea, some key things need to be discovered by herself.

And the later the stage, the greater the gap in strength between each star.

For a Dou Zun to intervene in the grievances between Dou Zun and even the peak Dou Zun, it is undoubtedly a bit of a dream.

"Is this system confident in me, or is it not a human being?"

Fighting King Fighting Zong, she still has a certain degree of self-confidence, even if the opponent is a high-level fighting Zong, she still has a hole card, at least she can protect herself.

During the period of Dou Zong, it was really fatal to fight against the peak of Dou Zun.

Dou Zun uses the power of space to claw, and you and the surrounding space are torn apart.

"Forget it, it's the one who gave me the message. When I go, that's up to me."

Xiao Xue closed the system interface and began to recall the details in the original book.

"I know that Han Feng colluded with Soul Hall and stabbed Yao Lao in the back, but why is that ring in my mother's hand?"

Xiao Xue felt that perhaps this was the key to the matter.

After all, her grandfather Xiao Lin was a fighting king, but he didn't even leave a few copies of Xuan-level exercises.

A fighting king, will he not be able to obtain the mysterious skills?

And the elders of the Xiao family are still alive, which shows that the Xiao family should have declined peacefully.

Not right, very wrong.

It couldn't be that Xiao Lin brought the Xiao family's martial arts and fighting skills, and then died in an accident outside, so that's why nothing was left for the Xiao family, right?
If what Xiao Lin left for the Xiao family was divided up by other forces, then with Nalan Jie's personality, would he sit idly by?
Among them, there must be some things that she doesn't know, and she needs to discover them slowly.

While thinking, Medusa's voice came, "Xiao Xue, we have arrived."

Xiao Xue came back to her senses and looked down.

What came into view was a huge lake with a diameter of tens of kilometers.

An icy cold spring lake!

(End of this chapter)

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