Chapter 134
Xiao Xue stood in the air, looking down from a distance.

Below is a huge icy Linghan spring lake, the lake is so deep that you can't see the bottom at a glance.

Xiao Xue turned to look at Medusa, "Are you sure, you found the Ice Spirit and Cold Essence here?"

Although in this lake, there must be the existence of ice spirit and cold marrow.

However, Xiao Xue didn't think that only Medusa, who was at the peak of Dou Huang's strength, dared to sneak into this ice spirit lake.

Even if she has a certain yin and cold blood, if she dives into this cold spring lake, she will definitely die because of too much cold air entering her body.

A piece of Ice Spirit Cold Essence, in the state of not erupting, although it will not freeze to death the peak Douhuang, but it will definitely have an impact.

How many ice spirits and cold essences are there under this ice spirit lake with a diameter of tens of kilometers?

When the quantity reaches a certain level, it can completely cause a qualitative change.

It is not an exaggeration at all that the depths of the lake can freeze Dou Zong to death.


Medusa was a little embarrassed, and pointed to a small puddle beside Bingling Lake, "I found the cold marrow of the Bingling Lake."

Xiao Xue followed Medusa's fingers and looked:

Next to the Bingling Lake with a diameter of tens of kilometers, there is a small lake with a radius of several hundred meters.

Compared with the entire Bingling Lake, it really can only be regarded as a small puddle.

Of course, it is not impossible to have an ice spirit in it.

"I just feel that there is a suitable opportunity for me under the Bingling Lake...Of course, it may also be an illusion."

Xiao Xue raised her eyebrows, and looked down at the Bingling Lake below.

A faint dark golden color filled her eyes like a rising tide.

Her soul power was like tentacles, and began to reach out to the depths of the lake below.

The soul power entered the Bingling Lake, and then kept diving, diving.

And as the dark golden eyes gradually became thicker, from light to thick, Xiao Xue's whole temperament also had a slight change.

She is like a high god, overlooking the world.

Across the unknown depth of the ice spring, the detection effect of soul power will be greatly reduced.

But after using the [Condensation] art of [Heart Sword], Xiao Xue's soul power can go deeper.

Her eyes can see many things that ordinary people cannot see.

Xiao Xue looked at the Bingling Lake below, and all she saw was water.

There is nothing else but water.

Xiao Xue didn't know how far she had explored. This Bingling Lake seemed to have an endless depth.

Even if she tried her best, her soul power could not reach the deepest part.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

"Water, there is only water here!"

Xiao Xue smiled slightly, and began to try to mobilize the [Power of Water] in her body.

Above the Bingling Lake, Xiao Xue felt that the [Power of Water] in her body was extremely active, more active than ever before.

Without him, only Shui Dor.

There's too much water underneath!
When [Power of Water] was activated, Xiao Xue felt that the lake water below was no longer an obstacle, but more like... a lubricant.

It played a fueling effect!

No, much more than that.

It can even be said that they are cheerfully escorting Xiao Xue's soul power, diving continuously, continuously!

This gave Xiao Xue a very magical feeling, feeling like a god!
It's just that the current god is too weak, and the [power of water] in his body is not surging enough.

Perhaps, when she reaches the class that truly belongs to the strong, she will be the real god of this world when she is located above the ice field!
Time passed by every minute, even with the help of the lake water, Xiao Xue still hadn't reached the bottom.

The depth of this Bingling Lake may have reached an unbelievable level.

And Medusa didn't say anything, just stood quietly and waited.

The time for a stick of incense passed by, half an hour passed by, and an hour passed like this.

Finally, Xiao Xue, who was as motionless as a stone, shrank her pupils slightly.

Her dark golden eyes instantly became hotter and brighter.

Xiao Xue opened her mouth in a deep voice, and said something that horrified Medusa:
"I saw it."


"What's down there?" Medusa asked impatiently.

"A snake bone." Xiao Xue said lightly.

She turned her head to look at Medusa, with golden eyes shining, "A snake bone with nine heads."

"Nine heads... Could it be the Hydra?"

Medusa couldn't hide the excitement in her heart.

Not to mention the hydra, as long as it has nine heads, even if it is a subspecies of the hydra, its bloodline is higher than that of the colorful sky-swallowing python.

You know, the hydra is the superior of the ancient sky snake.

And the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan is the descendant of the ancient Heavenly Snake.

The Nine Nether Earth Python Clan can even rank third among the monster races in the entire continent, second only to the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan and Taixu Ancient Dragon.

In other words, the Hydra is the top existence among the snake monsters in the mainland.

To put it bluntly, even if Medusa evolved into a nine-colored sky-swallowing python, she might not be able to defeat a hydra of the same level.

You know, in the original book, after Qinglin came to Zhongzhou, by chance, she got the inheritance of Hydra.

In the wild ancient land, Qinglin sacrificed the hydra, and by virtue of its blood pressure, conquered an ancient sky demon python.

At that time, Medusa also felt lingering fears about the coercion of its blood when she saw the Hydra.

(Nine-headed Heavenly Snake >= Nine-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python > Ancient Heavenly Snake > Nine-Headed Heavenly Snake > Seven-colored Heaven-Swallowing Python)

Therefore, if you can get a magic core from the snake bone below, or a few drops of bone marrow essence and blood, then you will make a lot of money.

Looking at the excited Medusa, Xiao Xue poured cold water on her mercilessly: "It's not a hydra, it should be just a subspecies."

"And, that snake bone, you still can't take it away."

It would be fine if it was ordinary water. In that extremely cold environment, before Medusa dived to the bottom, she would freeze to death in the lake.

Hearing this, Medusa also calmed down from her joy.

"If you want to get that snake bone, I'm afraid you have to wait until after Ni Dou Zun." Xiao Xue said lightly.

From Xiao Xue's point of view, the seven-colored sky-swallowing python at the Dou Zun level can ignore the temperature in the depths of the Bingling Lake.

Under the extremely low temperature below the lake, the loss of energy will also be reduced to an extremely slow level.

However, the snake bone left her with a strange feeling.

When Xiao Xue saw it, a feeling of disgust suddenly rose in her heart.

In such emotions, Xiao Xue's [Heart Sword] became weaker and weaker as time passed.

She took one last look at the snake bone, and withdrew the released soul power.

When the soul power was withdrawn, she had a terrible feeling.


Xiao Xue wondered if she had an illusion.

She faintly felt that a pair of invisible eyes were watching her just now!
It's as if... that snake bone is still a living thing!
(End of this chapter)

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