Chapter 135 Decoy
——When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Xiao Xue's feelings now are just like these words.

She only had this feeling when she was withdrawing her soul power.

If you want to take a closer look now, her soul power is already exhausted, and she can't do it.

"It shouldn't be an illusion."

Xiao Xue frowned slightly, thinking in her heart.

"If the soul of the hydra has not been completely dead, and, at this depth, it can be easily perceived..."

Many things that I couldn't understand before suddenly became clear at this moment.

Seeing her strange expression, Medusa asked, "Xiao Xue, what's wrong?"

Xiao Xue came back to her senses and looked at Medusa, "That guy down there doesn't seem to be dead yet."

"I was very curious from the beginning, how did you perceive that there was something down there when you were only at the peak of Dou Huang?"

"Now it seems that everything makes sense."

Xiao Xue looked at Medusa, and said without a word, "That hydra wants to take her away."

Hearing this, Medusa's expression changed drastically.

Xiao Xue didn't care about Medusa whose face changed drastically, and continued, "Or, it wants to snatch a snake monster to save itself and leave Bingling Lake."

"And you just happened to pass by here."

"If you were really capable back then, or if you were reckless and went directly into the Bingling Lake, you would not be you now."

Hearing this, Medusa had a complicated expression as she looked down at the Bingling Lake.

I thought it was a chance for me, but I didn't expect it to be just a bait.

If she is taken away by the hydra, even if she is now, she will hardly have the ability to resist.

Even if she could fight against the remnant soul of the Hydra, it would probably be bad luck if she was dragged in the Bingling Lake.

"Don't look, there's nothing to see."

Xiao Xue interrupted Medusa's emo, "It's useless to look at it now, after you break through Dou Zun, come and clean it up slowly."

Xiao Xue clicked on the system's [Map], and added a [Coordinate] to the current location.

In the original book, Medusa also discovered this Bingling Lake.

But in the form of a soul body, she was taken away by Xiao Yan for a few years, and then she was responsible for taking care of Yanmeng, so she left it behind.

After all, in the original book, they all went from the northwest continent to the inland.

Later, Medusa also got chances in Zhongzhou and Jiuyou Land's Hades.

And when she left the Northwest Continent and went to Zhongzhou, Medusa's strength was already very strong.

Therefore, a place in the north where she only suspected that there was a chance was naturally ignored by her.

But now it is different from the original book, how could Xiao Xue let go of the remnant soul of a hydra, blood essence and magic core in it.

When the time comes, whether it is for Medusa or Qinglin, it will be a first-class good thing.

Therefore, the remnant soul of the Hydra under the Bingling Lake has been recorded by Xiao Xue in the notebook.

In the end, Medusa gave up the "opportunity" in Bingling Lake in a rather (not) optimistic (not) optimistic (willing) way, and asked Xiao Xue about her next arrangement.

Then, Xiao Xue took Medusa and began to "treasure" nearby.

Although the things under Bingling Lake can't be taken away, there are still many good things around here.

Turning around again, Xiao Xue not only found the Ice Spirit Cold Marrow near the Bingling Lake, but also found several Ice Spirit Flame Grass, and some other ice attribute medicinal materials.

By the way, she went to kill a few wild water-attribute monsters, made a few water-attribute magic cores, and collected the medicinal materials for refining Qinglian Dan.

He promised Ari a long time ago that he would refine Qinglian Pill for her.

Now that she has refined the Bone Spirit Lenghuo, and her soul power has reached the Great Perfection of the Mortal Realm, she naturally intends to fulfill her promise.

The ice field is an inaccessible place, even if it is a vision of a sixth-grade elixir becoming a elixir, it will not cause too much trouble.

With the soul power of Mortal Realm Dzogchen and the assistance of Bone Spirit Lenghuo, Xiao Xue used two Earth Fire Lotus Seeds to successfully refine two Qinglian Pills, and handed them to Ari.

With the energy supplement of Qinglian Pill, Ahri broke through from the peak of the three-star fighting sect to the early four-star stage.

Then, Xiao Xue and Medusa returned the same way.

There is no point in staying here, and there is nowhere to go if you continue to go north.

Xiao Xue and Medusa are now located in the extreme north of the Dou Qi Continent.

But the so-called extreme north does not mean that this is the end of the continent.

In fact, from the north of the Bingling Lake, across a mountain range, and a short distance ahead, is the endless sea.

The entire northern part of Dou Qi Continent is surrounded by endless sea.

And where the end of the endless sea is, no one knows.

There are rumors that even if it is a strong fighter who flies straight forward, he will not be able to fly to the end of the sea before his fighting spirit is exhausted.

——Is it possible that other people's fighting saints don't rely on flying, but directly tear open the space?

So, don't believe in rumors.

However, although Xiao Xue owns the system, the system also has the [Map] function;

But in the [map], the area of ​​the endless sea is also a gray area, and it is impossible to accurately locate it.

Therefore, Xiao Xue, who only has the strength of a fighting king, will definitely not take risks in the past.

Who knows if there are eighth-level or even ninth-level monsters in the sea?Like some kind of deep sea demon whale king? (bushi)
In Dou Po's original work, he has been exploring inland, causing almost everyone to ignore the sea area.

In fact, the number of high-level monsters in the sea is far more than that on land!

Even in the Douqi Continent, the area of ​​land and sea is three to seven, the sea area is three, and the mainland is seven!

It's okay if you don't meet high-level sea monsters, but if you do, it's a big deal.

She can't use "water drop + mental power" to fight the sea monster one-on-one, right?

Wait, this seems to be a development direction too...

If her strength is strong enough, to a certain extent, she might be able to create the water droplets in "Three-Body Problem"!

If you can use "water droplets" to form armor and cover your whole body.

I'm afraid she will be safe and sound if she stands up and let Emperor Huntian hit her and let nothingness swallow the flames?

After all, this world already has hand-rubbed nuclear bombs, and the void has been torn apart.

Then my whole water drop seems... quite reasonable?
However, Xiao Xue felt that if he wanted a drop of water to achieve the legendary power,

She estimated that she would have to have ten or even nine [Elemental Affinity] to do it.

Of course, it's only possible.

Now she is just an ordinary fighting king, and she is still far from that step.

On the way south, Xiao Xue clicked on the system interface and found the coordinates of the hidden information about the Izumo Empire:

——【Ghost City】

Since she didn't get any benefits from Bingling Lake, I hope that the [hidden information] prompted by the system will not disappoint her.

What Xiao Xue didn't know was that in the Izumo Empire, there were countless strong men who were gathering outside of Youdu City.

(End of this chapter)

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