Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 136 I'm Giving You a Chance, You're Not Useful

Chapter 136 I'm Giving You a Chance, You're Not Useful (4k)

Xiao Xue and Medusa went all the way south, and soon left the Northern Cold Land and entered the territory of the Izumo Empire.

Then, Xiao Xue did not directly return to the Jia Ma Empire, but took Medusa to a city.

Izumo Empire, Nether Poison City.

There is no controller of this city, or in other words, it is jointly controlled by the three forces of the Poison Sect, the Ten Thousand Scorpions, and the Izumo Imperial Family.

This city is rich in poison and various poisons, and its quality is among the best in the entire Izumo Empire.

For ordinary cultivators, this is a fierce place;
But for the poison masters of the Izumo Empire, this is a piece of supreme treasure.

So this place is naturally wanted by everyone.

But under the mutual check and balance of several forces, no one can take it.

And not long ago, Xie Biyan, the master of the Wanxie Sect, and Dugu Jian, the master of the Poison Sect, fell unexpectedly outside the Izumo Imperial Capital at the same time.

Although the death of the two peak fighting emperors made people panic, but life is still going on.

Moreover, with the fall of the two peak Dou Huangs at the same time, the power of the Izumo Empire will naturally have to be reshuffled.

Therefore, after the situation stabilized, the various forces immediately began to strive for the best interests for themselves.

That's why the powerhouses of the Izumo Empire will gather here.

Unfortunately, because of the system, Xiao Xue also followed this place.


Two figures, one white and one red, quickly slid across the air, and came to a valley outside Youdu City.

This valley is called Mountain Ghost Valley, and it is densely covered with poisonous miasma and rarely inhabited.

Those who are not strong in cultivation cannot go deep into it at all.

In the deepest part of Shangui Valley, there is a lake of stagnant water.

Mysteries are hidden at the bottom of the stagnant water, and there is the starting point of [hidden information].

Xiao Xue and Medusa hovered outside the Mountain Ghost Valley and didn't go in immediately.

Because now, there are a bit too many people here...

In the depths of the Mountain Ghost Valley.

A scorpion with six wings is swimming fast.

On top of the giant scorpion stood a man who was a strong man from the Ten Thousand Scorpion Sect.

Today, he changed into a robe and put on a robe symbolizing his membership of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect.

He's here to negotiate.

Behind him, several other elders from the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect followed closely behind.

On the other side, the strong men of the Poison Sect also came here.

The head representative of the poison sect was a woman, she was stepping on a fire snake, and she was wearing a long skirt with slits, and the slits of the long skirt were very high.

If you run, you can even see plump thighs.

The representative of the Wanxie Sect glanced at the representative of the Poison Sect, and couldn't help saying in his heart: "As always, I really like to show off."

As the top leaders of the two hostile forces, they naturally knew each other, and they were quite at odds with each other.

The man thought to himself, and couldn't help but glance at the woman's curvaceous body.

But the man is very clear that if he really dares to do something practical, then what awaits him is probably death.

This is a perverted woman, and her strength has also reached the level of the eight-star Douhuang.

How can a person who can climb to a high position in a sect like the Poison Sect be a kind person.

Even if he brought the guardian beast of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, the man was not sure of defeating her.

Therefore, the man only took a few glances before looking away.

The woman from the Poison Sect obviously noticed the man's gaze, she snorted coldly with some disdain, and tapped the fire snake under her feet with her jade feet.

The Fire Snake neighed while spitting out a letter, then accelerated, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

And as the fire snake walked away, even the ground left some traces of anxiety.

The rest of the Poison Sect exchanged vicious glances with the members of the Wanxie Sect, then followed the woman and left.

"Let's go in too, and put the Seraphim outside," the man said, pointing to someone casually, "You are in charge of watching."

The poison masters of the Izumo Empire, in addition to using poison, also like to raise some monsters as guardian beasts.

To put it nicely, it is actually a pet or a mount.

When fighting, these pets can also help.

The strong men of all major forces gathered here, then dived into the stagnant water, and entered the secret room hidden at the bottom of the lake.

They all came here quietly, and some strong casual cultivators didn't even bring their pets with them for the sake of convenience.

And those who brought pets also let the pets stay outside.

Bringing the beast pet directly in is the same as bringing a knife to the negotiating table.

Although it is inevitable that there will be hands and feet in this negotiation, an attitude must be maintained.

Moreover, they generally do not fight to the death when negotiating.

Several members of the Poison Sect placed the Fire Snake on the other side to ensure that the monsters would not fight by themselves.

In the secret room, the chairs on the long table were already full of people.

There are a total of more than a dozen strong men, all of whom are above the Dou Wang.

These powerhouses come from the Poison Sect, the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, the Izumo Imperial Family, and several casual cultivators.

Other weak people are not qualified to participate at all.

The representative of the Izumo imperial family is a little old man who is sitting on the main seat, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Although the strength of the Izumo imperial family is not as good as that of the Poison Sect and the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, even if the Poison Sect and the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect each die a peak Dou Huang.

However, this face, others will still give it.

As for the start of negotiations, it depends on whose wrist is tough.

After a long time, the little old man on the main seat opened his eyes and said slowly, "Since everyone is here, let's start."

Just when he was about to say something, the representatives of the Poison Sect and the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect stood up abruptly with frightened expressions on their faces.

It was as if something major that shocked their minds suddenly happened a second ago.

A few minutes ago, outside the secret room.

"One eight-star Douhuang, one six-star Douhuang, one three-star Douhuang, and fourteen Douhuangs."

"Almost all the high-end combat power of the entire Izumo Empire is here, why don't you?"

Xiao Xue looked at Medusa and asked.

"Slaughter these people, and rely on the strength of the Snakeman Empire and the Jia Ma Empire, we can easily take down the Izumo Empire."

Actually, for Xiao Xue, this was just incidental.

It should be a coincidence that these strong men from the Izumo Empire came here.

These fighting kings and fighting emperors are not worthy of Xiao Xue's attention.

"It's useless to give you a chance." Xiao Xue sighed while checking the system interface.

This place is indeed a treasure land for the poison masters of the Izumo Empire.

But they guard the treasure mountain without knowing it.

Just below the position where they were negotiating, there was at least one existence comparable to the relic of Dou Zun!

The [hidden information] below is what she cares about.

Of course, if the Izumo Empire can be annexed, it will definitely be of great benefit to the Jia Ma Empire and the Snake Race.

And what is good for the Jia Ma Empire and the Snake Race is also good for the Xiao family.

Anyway, dominating the Northwest Continent is a matter of time, so it is better to start sooner.

Medusa thought about it for a while, and realized that this time she could make a move.

Among other things, if the high-end combat power of the Izumo Empire is taken over by them, the alliance will annex the Izumo Empire;

Then, there is only one Mulan Empire and one Yanluo Empire left in the surrounding area.

And these two empires don't even have a Douzong.

When Xiao Xue used her hole cards, she was able to overwhelm even the three-star Douzong.

And it is not difficult for her to destroy an empire.

With the fighting power of their two fighting sects, it is easy to annex these three empires.

——I have never fought such a rich battle.

Before, Medusa was timid and made many arrangements for the snake people, because she was worried that when she was away, the alliance of the three empires would attack the snake people empire.

Now she doesn't need to travel all over the mainland, so she naturally has no other worries.

With the strength of two fighting sects, in this corner of the Northwest Continent, you can really go anywhere.

Not to mention, Xiao Xue's background is unfathomable.

So, this suggestion... seems to be fine.

Xiao Xue has already seen her answer from Medusa's reaction, "Go and set a space restriction around you."

None of the ones who came here today can escape.

Medusa nodded and disappeared in place.

It's been a long time since she made a quick shot.

Medusa set up a barrier to wrap the surrounding area.

Although Dou Zong is only initially exposed to the power of space, this is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow to Dou Zong below.

Even Xiao Yan in the original novel would have been restricted if Zi Yan wasn't there.

After "closing the door", Xiao Xue took the lead in attacking the Seraph Scorpion outside the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect.

You know, foxes eat scorpions, and they have racial suppression against scorpions.

The seraphim scorpion was set ablaze by Xiao Xue, who had the blood of the sky fox.

And Medusa, at the same time, confronted the fire snake from the Poison Sect.

Then, a shot pierced it through.

Medusa just condensed a colorful long spear casually, and then stabbed forward, and the health bar of the fire snake returned to zero.

It didn't even know what happened until it died.

In the secret room, the representative of the Poison Sect stood up abruptly, his face paled instantly.

There was endless shock in her eyes.

Because in just a split second, the Fire Snake, who had a spiritual contract with her, died!

Due to the existence of the spiritual contract, even if they are far away, she can vaguely perceive the specific situation of the fire snake.

If the fire snake is injured, she can feel it immediately.

But what happened just now?
Everything was so sudden, which made her realize that Fire Snake was killed in an instant!
The representative of the Wanscorpion Sect on the opposite side also got up in an instant, and the two looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in the other's eyes.

——There is an enemy attack!

The most frightening thing was that the enemy was so powerful that they had already wiped out the sixth-level Fire Snake and the Seraphim Scorpion within a single encounter.

When will there be such a strong man in the Izumo Empire?
Due to the restrictions in the secret room, in order to ensure safety, it is almost isolated from the outside world.

It is difficult to be noticed here, and the side effect is that the use of soul power to detect the outside world here will also be reduced to a certain extent.

No matter what, they would never have imagined that they deliberately picked a place that was not strong enough to enter.

If you don't have the strength above the king of fighting, you will even be poisoned to death by the poisonous barriers from the outside world.

This place is indeed undisturbed, suitable for some highly confidential negotiations.

However, it is also suitable for killing and burying bones.

"Go out and see."

The little old man of the Izumo imperial family looked solemn, obviously aware of the abnormality.

However, just as he finished speaking, a roar came from the door of the secret room.

An incomparable force instantly destroyed the restriction outside the secret room, and two figures appeared in front of the door of the secret room like the wind.

A voice rolled like thunder and exploded in everyone's ears:

"Everyone, you don't have to go out to greet me!"


Looking at the two people who came in, the strong men of the Izumo Empire were shaken, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

They thought that there were a lot of strong people outside, but unexpectedly, there were only two of them.

The most surprising thing is that the woman standing in the back is actually a strong Dou Zong!
And the girl standing in front is actually just a fighting king!

A fighting sect, and a fighting king.

That woman from the Dou Zong was even faintly dominated by young girls!

With the appearance of Dou Zong, the atmosphere in the secret room froze for a moment.

After the silence lasted for a while, it was finally the first to be broken by a terrified voice.

"Queen Medusa?!!!"

Just a few words were spoken, but everyone who was negotiating suddenly shivered.

Almost most of the powerhouses in the Northwest Continent have heard of this name.

That glamorous and ruthless woman, in the past wars with several great empires, personally beheaded many famous and strong men.

In the entire empire, there are only a handful of people who have the strength to compete with this alluring woman.

Of course, that was before.

Queen Medusa at the Douzong level is unstoppable in the current Izumo Empire!

"...Hehe, I don't know what is Her Lady Queen doing here?"

The little old man of the Izumo imperial family was old and mature, and he was the first to come back to his senses. He clasped his fists at Medusa and showed an ugly smile.

"This lady is the leader of the alliance, right? She is really young and promising."

Then, he complimented Xiao Xue again.

Medusa didn't answer, but just cast him a light glance, then looked at Xiao Xue, "How to do it?"

Xiao Xue looked at it and yawned, "You took care of these people, didn't you?"

"There are no bones left, not a single one left."

Then, Xiao Xue dodged and left the secret room directly.

This place for negotiation is too small, a large number of people fighting in a melee, it is inevitable to be scratched.

So, it might as well wait outside.

Hearing this, the faces of the strong men of the Izumo Empire changed drastically, and they all wanted to make a move.

However, how could their reaction speed be compared with that of Dou Zong Medusa.

The corner of Medusa's mouth raised, then she raised her right hand abruptly, and clapped back.

After the roar, the huge stone door was tightly closed.

——Close the door and beat the dog.

After the heavy stone door was closed, the only exit on the surface of this secret room was blocked.

But she also didn't know if there was a secret passage in this secret room.

However, presumably there should be.

Medusa didn't care about this.

Three fighting emperors, more than a dozen fighting kings, if this can make one or two escape, then don't be confused with her fighting sect.

Possessed by colorful flames, to avoid being accidentally contaminated with toxins and overturning the car, Medusa started a bloody massacre.

In fact, it was bloody, but there was no blood at all, and she set it all ablaze.

In this respect, she and Xiao Xue are more and more similar.

After crushing the strong Izumo to ashes, Medusa handed over all the Naring and other things to Xiao Xue.

Then, Xiao Xue sent Jia Xingtian a text message with the communication jade card, telling him that the high-end combat power of the Izumo Empire had been wiped out, and he could send troops to the Izumo Empire.

A fighting emperor, or a high-ranking fighting king, can come and go freely among an army of ten thousand people.

After the alliance between the Jia Ma Empire and the Snakeman Empire, the total number of Fighting Kings and Fighting Emperors has broken through double digits.

Take the Izumo Empire, simple and easy.

Then, Xiao Xue found the entrance to the secret realm under the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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