Chapter 137 Layout
After digging three feet down from this secret room for negotiation, Xiao Xue finally discovered the entrance to the secret realm.

The powerhouses of the Izumo Empire just felt that this land was rich in poison, and did not think about the particularity of this place.

In any case, they never imagined that there is actually a secret realm under their feet.

After all, even the soul power of Ahri's spiritual realm, when he passed through Youdu City, he didn't find anything.

These fighting kings, the strongest and only fighting emperors, naturally couldn't be found.

And the entrance of this secret realm looks much more advanced than Ahri's small cave back then.

——A hundred meters below the chamber, there is an altar.

In other words, this secret realm is "locked".

Unlike Ahri's ruins back then, that stone platform can be opened directly with strength even if there is no key.

But now, it is obviously inappropriate to tear down the altar and enter the secret realm.

The altar is like a huge mechanism, and there may be formations in it, which can affect the whole body.

If you forcibly demolish the entrance on it, causing the entire secret realm to start a self-destruct program, or release poison or something, that would be a big deal.

However, since this entrance is an altar, it means that if you want to enter it, you need sacrifices.

Xiao Xue thought for a while, then turned to look at Medusa at the side.

And when her eyes swept over, Medusa, who was in the body of a different fire snake, felt a chill down her back inexplicably.

She looked at Xiao Xue who was looking at her, and took two steps back indistinctly.

In the end, Xiao Xue still didn't ask Medusa to donate blood, or directly sacrificed her insanely.

She took out a bottle of blood essence from the receiving ring, then sucked out two drops with her sucking palm, and dropped them on the altar.

It was the blood essence of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King that Xiao Xue killed when he was in the ice field.

Even if the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King at that time hadn't completely succeeded in seizing the house, his strength was only at the seventh level;

But the energy in his blood essence is not weak at all.

With the appearance of blood essence, even the surrounding space was slightly distorted.

The blood essence dripped on the center of the altar, and was quickly swallowed by the stone platform.

Then, the altar slowly split to the sides, revealing a dark passage.

It seems that it extends obliquely downward.

"Come on, go down and have a look."

Xiao Xue summoned Fire Wing and flew down first, followed by Medusa.

After the two entered the passage, the altar closed slowly, as if nothing had happened.

However, above the altar, the hole that Xiao Xue made along the way showed that someone had been here.

But she didn't care much about it.

This place is deep in the poison barrier, if you don't have the strength of a fighting king, you will die if you enter.

Not to mention, discovering the secret realm deep underground.

And the high-end combat power of the Izumo Empire has been taken over by Medusa, and there are no bones left, not a single one left.

Therefore, even if the altar is dug out and placed outside, no one will disturb it in a short time.

When flying downward, Xiao Xue raised her head and looked around, surrounded by pitch-black rock walls.

Continue to move forward, turn the corner in front of you, and there is a faint light coming from the front.

Continue to move forward for a certain distance, and the eyes suddenly open up.

What appeared before Xiao Xue's eyes was not an underground cave similar to Ahri's ruins, but an underground world.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the scenery here is quite similar to the Mountain Ghost Valley on the ground.

If it wasn't because the tone of the surroundings was too depressing, Xiao Xue would have thought of a piece of "Peach Blossom Spring" on the spot.

Medusa appeared beside Xiao Xue, and the two looked at the underground world together.

The sky above their heads was not completely pitch black, and there was actually a purple monster moon hanging.

Judging by its height, it seems to be less than a kilometer.

Further up is the blackness that can swallow people's sight.

Xiao Xue can be sure that they have been walking underground.

At this moment, it should be below a thousand meters underground.

However, it is obviously underground, and there is such a strange scene in the underground world, which is really too unimaginable.

Xiao Xue felt that this secret realm might be more valuable than what she had speculated at first.

Of course, it could also be more dangerous.

"Wrap your whole body with fighting energy. If you let the toxins here enter your body, it will be very troublesome."

Xiao Xue looked at the surrounding environment, wrapped herself up with bone spirit cold fire, and then said to Medusa.

Wrapping the whole body with strange fire is a job that consumes a lot of battle energy and soul power.

But for Xiao Xue, who can make the bone spirit move coldly by itself, it's just a matter of one sentence.

Then, she conveniently took out a few detoxification pills from the ring and threw them directly to Medusa.

The detoxification pill is to prevent people from being poisoned without knowing it when they encounter some dangerous places in the secret realm.

In this secret realm of the Izumo Empire, no matter how careful you are, there is nothing wrong with being poisonous.

Medusa nodded, took the detoxification pill, and protected her body with fighting energy.

Then, the two of them flew towards the secret realm one after the other.

"The vitality of this place is so strong."

The more it flew in, the more Xiao Xue couldn't help being amazed.

The breath of life here is unexpectedly strong.

There are many plants and magical beasts that thrive in this underground world.

Of course, most of the plants growing below are poisonous, and those magical beasts are also poisonous.

"Tsk, for Xian'er, this secret realm is not too suitable."

Xiao Xue scanned the surrounding situation at a high altitude, and at the same time quickly flew towards the depths of the secret realm.

There are only some low-level monsters outside the secret realm, and some common medicinal materials, all of which are poisonous.

To the poison masters of the Izumo Empire, they were treasures, but Xiao Xue couldn't see them at all.

Only things deep in the secret realm can attract her a little bit.

This area is so vibrant, it is naturally a place rich in elixir.

The further you go inside, the higher the level of medicinal materials.

However, due to the environmental factors of growth, the medicinal materials in it are basically poisonous, and most people can't eat them at all.

As for the evil and poisonous body of the little doctor, the toxicity is not enough, it is really tasteless.

Therefore, Xiao Xue didn't particularly care about it.

However, almost all high-level medicinal materials are protected by monsters.

Moreover, the more advanced the medicinal material, the stronger the guardian monster.

Xiao Xue even saw a few sixth-order branded iron poisonous pythons in this secret realm.

Back then, it was this kind of poisonous snake that caused Nalan Jie to be poisoned and almost went offline.

It's just that back then, the snake that bit Nalan Jie was only of the fifth rank.

If it was the sixth level, Nalan Jie would turn into pus within a few minutes.

Seeing this kind of poisonous snake, Xiao Xue became a little bit more thoughtful.

This kind of powerful snake venom, I am afraid Dou Zong would not be willing to be easily contaminated, the power is quite impressive.

If Qinglin can control a few poisonous snakes, it will definitely be a big killer that the opponent can't avoid in a group battle.

She remembered that Qinglin was able to drive fourth-order monsters at the Dou Qi stage.

So, if she reaches Da Dou Shi or Dou Ling, she will be able to drive the sixth level, right?

Even if the sixth level is a bit reluctant, there should be a lot of poisonous snakes at the fifth level.

Moreover, in the depths of this secret realm, there must be a poison that is also useful to the little doctor, but other people dare not be contaminated.

It seems that when Canaan Academy is on vacation, she can bring her two disciples there.

Now, it is natural for her to explore the way first.

She has Ari, and if she encounters any danger, she can ask Ari, the number one fighting sect, to fight on her behalf.

But if you let Little Doctor Immortal and Qinglin come in casually, you don't know the danger, and if you encounter an emergency, something may happen.

As a good teacher, it is natural to put the safety of students first.

And since it has been decided, to sweep this secret realm, it is natural to start from the deepest part.

To capture the thief, first capture the king, and first take the boss in the secret realm.

Otherwise, if you farm mobs outside and fight a protracted battle here, will the boss in the center sit there and watch?

Reality is not a cartoon for children. The big devil will not watch the show, waiting for the warriors to kill monsters all the way, and then grow up to take his own dog's life.

Is this bad?

This is fucking fatherly love!
If you fight the mobs first, and then fight the boss, firstly, your stamina and grudge will be consumed; secondly, the boss is likely to make preparations in advance.

— unstable.

Xiao Xue's fighting philosophy has always been to be fast, accurate, and ruthless!

To deal with the enemy, you should be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the truth is to kill decisively.

Moreover, when fighting against the boss in the secret realm, those little monsters outside would not foolishly intervene.

After all, who would be in a hurry to give away a head?

Therefore, Xiao Xue took Medusa and flew directly to the deepest part of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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