Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 138 The Spirit of Poisonous Fire, the Nether Civet

Chapter 138 The Spirit of Poisonous Fire, the Nether Civet

Xiao Xue took Medusa all the way to the deepest part of the secret realm, with the attitude of swearing not to give up until the end.

After flying for a while, the land in front of me began to steepen, forming a high ground.

Xiao Xue sensed with her soul power that this is already the core area and the deepest part of this underground world.

But what puzzled Xiao Xue and Medusa was that there was an unusually clear dividing line here.

It's like using a huge compass to make a circle here.

The standard of this circle is a bit weird, it doesn't seem to be formed naturally.

Inside the circle is a barren area, completely different from the vitality when they first came in.

Not to mention the treasures of heaven and earth, there is only one huge ancient tree standing there.

To be precise, it stands at the "center of the circle".

Within a hundred meters around the ancient tree, there was not a single living thing.

Moreover, there is not even a leaf on the old tree, only bare branches.

This core area is totally different from Xiao Xue's imagination.

She thought that the deepest place should be full of vitality, with countless poisons and magical beasts.

No matter how bad it is, the toxin is too strong to cause no living things to survive, and there shouldn't be such a clear boundary.

It's as if...someone has set up a circular barrier around the ancient tree.


Xiao Xue stood high in the sky, staring at the ancient tree not far away.

"Can you see anything?" Medusa asked standing aside.

Xiao Xue's eyes turned dark gold, and after a while, she slowly shook her head, "There is nothing."

Under the perception of her soul, the area around the ancient tree is a dead area, and she can't perceive anything.

Xiao Xue asked Ari in her heart, but Ari also did not get any valuable information.


While Xiao Xue was talking with Ari, Medusa suddenly spoke.

She wanted to reach out to pull Xiao Xue, but Ari moved faster.

Ahri took over the control of the body for an instant, and then, "Xiao Xue" pulled Medusa backhand, and the two of them retreated backward.

And the next moment, a dark green shadow rose into the sky, rushing towards Xiao Xue and Medusa.

Xiao Xue and Medusa punched forward at the same time, and the combined force of the two Dou Zong directly repelled the green shadow.

The moment the green shadow was repelled, Xiao Xue could barely see its shape, it seemed to be a green cat.

At the same time, a green figure appeared behind Xiao Xue and Medusa, punching Xiao Xue.

The attack of the figure was blocked by Xiao Xue's fox tail.

The blow failed, the figure quickly distanced itself from Xiao Xue and Medusa, and joined the green cat.

Xiao Xue and Medusa stood in the air, confronting one person and one cat opposite.

Xiao Xue's eyes fell more on that green cat.

The intuitive sense of oppression brought by this thing to Xiao Xue far surpassed that of the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King back then.

Its strength is definitely that of a mid-level Dou Zong, or even a high-level Dou Zong!

"Wait, it's not a fucking cat!"

Xiao Xue reacted immediately.

Because the moment the cat appeared, the cold fire of bone spirit in her body reacted with Ahri's spirit fire of ten thousand beasts at the same time.

So, that's not a cat-like monster, but a transformed flame with intelligence!

"That's... the spirit of the strange fire?!"

For Xiao Xue now, the shock was greater than the panic.

Even if it is a high-ranking Douzong, it won't let her mess up.

However, she was a little surprised to meet a strange fire with spiritual intelligence, and even its spiritual intelligence was not low.

"No, not the spirit of the strange fire."

The strong soul power and psychological quality made Xiao Xue calm down instantly.

"It should not be the spirit of the strange fire that is manipulated by humans, but the transformed strange fire with spiritual intelligence, similar to the fire python of the fallen heart flame."

If it is a human-controlled alien fire, if you want to condense the alien fire into a certain shape, the requirements for soul power are already quite high.

It's like, if you condense a fire cat with different fires to fight fire with other people, then you need to control that cat.

Its flexibility and power are more than a notch inferior to the fire spirit who possesses intelligence and can act independently.

Ordinary people control the strange fire, at most they just let it have a shape.

Only Xiao Yan in the original book can do it in the later stage if he wants the refined Heavenly Flame to possess a spiritual intelligence comparable to that of a human being.

Moreover, it was after he refined the Jinglian Demon Fire.

However, according to Xiao Xue's perception, the figure next to the cat only has the strength of a three or four star Douzong, not as good as a cat.

If any random Dou Zong could possess the spirit of the strange fire, then Xiao Yan should not mess around, and give up the seat of Emperor Yan.

Therefore, the green cat should be a strange fire that possesses intelligence and has not been refined.

So, that green figure next to it is... Huo Nu?
Could it be that that person originally wanted to refine this strange fire, but in the end he was swallowed back by the strange fire instead?
Xiao Xue quickly threw a [Detection] in the past, and the result she got was not far from her guess.

That green cat is actually a fire spirit, the fire spirit of Nether Poison Fire.

Its current strength has even reached the level of a six-star Douzong.

As for No. 11, Bone Spirit Lenghuo, who is in full condition, is also at the peak of Dou Zong, and the No. [-] Falling Heart Flame is only about eight stars.

How much has this No. 20 Nether Poison Fire swallowed in this secret realm, and it has evolved to such an extent? !
The ranking of the strange fire, to a certain extent, reflects its upper limit.

But there are not many people who refine Nether Poison Fire, and no one knows where its upper limit is!
Looking at it now, if it weren't for the poison, Nether Poison Fire's ranking would probably not be No. 20!
Nether Poison Fire, ranked No.20, is a flame that exists in the ancient Nether Poison Lake.

After tens of thousands of years of infection by the poisonous miasma that covered the sky in the poisonous lake, the flames burned the endless poisonous miasma.

It takes a hundred years to become a spirit, and it takes a thousand years to form. When it is fully formed, its color is greenish. Because the flame itself is poisonous miasma to feed the spirit, it is highly poisonous.

As long as it is contaminated with sparks for a moment, it will be highly poisonous, let alone swallowed and fused!

Apart from those with extraordinary strength, the only one who can refine Nether Poison Fire is the extremely rare Enan Poison Body.

Even the strong Dou Zun may not be able to ignore the poison that radiates from it all the time, let alone some weak ones.

As for Dou Zun, or Half Saint Dou Sheng, No. 20 Nether Poison Fire, it doesn't have much boosting effect.

Therefore, Nether Poison Fire has always been in a state of being in a state of no ups and downs, and its status has always been embarrassing.

And because it has not been refined by anyone for many years, the Nether Poison Fire in the secret realm has accumulated extremely terrifying energy, and even evolved into a fire spirit.

Its current strength is only six stars, but it is comparable to a high-level fighting sect.

And that figure was also a Dou Zun, probably a poison master from the Izumo Empire many years ago.

However, she has fallen for a long time, and her current strength is only three or four stars.

It seems that it was because she once tried to refine the Nether Poison Fire but failed, but instead, she was turned into a fire slave by the Nether Poison Fire.

"Looks like it won't work if you don't fight..."

In Xiao Xue's hands, two long swords, one pink and one dark white, appeared, "Leave the cat to me, and leave that half-dead guy to you."

After finishing speaking, she took the lead in attacking the fire spirit of Nether Poison Fire.

"It's just right, knock out your wits, and take it back as a gift for Xian'er!"

You know, Ahri has now recovered to the early stage of the four-star Douzong.

With Ahri's support, her strength is much stronger than Medusa's.

In addition, she has the bone spirit cold fire and the beast spirit fire, so it is definitely easier than Medusa to face the spiritual poisonous fire.

As for Medusa, a three-star fighting sect, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with Huo Nu over there who doesn't have much fighting awareness, relies entirely on instinct, and whose strength is also hovering between three and four-star fighting sects.

Now that she has become Huo Nu, no matter how strong she was in life, after death, she is just a puppet.

Xiao Xue's Bone Spirit's cold fire and the Beast's Spirit Fire came out together, facing the green cat, there were two sword lights, one pink and one white.

At the same moment, Medusa also met Poison Huo Nu, stabbing fiercely with the spear in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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