Chapter 139
While Xiao Xue waved her hand and slashed sword energy at the civet cat, Huo Ling spat out a mouthful of green flames, easily resisting the two sword energy.

It raised its head and looked in Xiao Xue's direction, its eyes were green without pupils.

But meeting those faint green eyes, Xiao Xue felt like she was being targeted.

This Fire Spirit of Nether Poisonous Fire is eyeing the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and Myriad Beast Spirit Fire in Xiao Xue's body!
Although speaking, the ranking of Bone Spirit Lenghuo is much higher than that of Nether Poison Fire.

However, the current Nether Poison Fire already has the strength of a six-star Douzong.

And the current Bone Spirit Lenghuo is estimated to be at the peak of the Douzong, and has no spiritual wisdom.

If it is being swallowed or refined, it can only rely on instinct to resist.

Therefore, after swallowing the Spiritual Fire of Ten Thousand Beasts first, the success rate of the Nether Poisonous Fire swallowing the cold fire of Bone Spirit will be extremely high!

And if it can successfully devour two different fires, this ghost civet may be able to step into the realm of Dou Zun!

This fire spirit is very greedy for the strange fire on Xiao Xue's body.

With a low growl, a sea of ​​flames filled the sky instantly, and the surrounding temperature rose to a terrifying level in an instant.

The sea of ​​flames released by the six-star Douzong's strange fire fire spirit may be able to directly burn the Douzong to death just because of the high temperature!

A pair of huge Mori bone wings appeared behind Xiao Xue, and the temperature of the entire space dropped instantly.

The Bone Spirit Cold Flame is obviously a flame, but it can release extreme coldness, which is very strange.

Xiao Xue knew very well that this fire spirit didn't use all its strength just now.

Although Huoling is a six-star fighting sect, Ahri has a four-star and Medusa has a three-star, so it's not impossible to fight.

Even, as long as they cooperate well, their chances of winning are not low.

After all, Medusa is no ordinary three-star Dou Zong.

The colorful sky-swallowing python with a different fire snake body, in most cases, it is no problem to kill the enemy by one or two stars.

And Ahri, who is in the early four-star stage, can also burst into five-star combat power in a short period of time.

With one more of her, the three of them fight with one fire spirit, so they won't overturn.

But before Medusa finishes Huo Nu, she needs to face the fire spirit alone with Ahri.

This thing is second to none!

Not to mention anything else, the toxin of the Dou Zong level entered her body, it was enough for her to drink a pot!

Even if she has a different fire body protection, it won't work!
Therefore, without hesitation, Xiao Xue called Ah Li in her heart, and applied for the fight.

The next moment, there were traces of pink flames attached to the white bone wings behind Xiao Xue.

Ari uses the soul power of the spiritual realm to control two different fires at the same time.

At this moment, facing the fire spirit, Xiao Xue seemed to have given birth to wings of ice and fire.

Xiao Xue flapped her fire wings and swooped directly towards Huo Ling.

The fire spirit screamed, and the poisonous stingers all over the sky condensed out of thin air.

And among them, there is also a faint green light.

Facing the overwhelming poisonous thorns, Xiao Xue didn't have the slightest intention to dodge.

The vindictiveness in her body surged in an instant, and the cold fire of the bone spirit was instantly urged to the limit.

Nether Poison Fire wants to swallow her Bone Spirit Cold Fire, she can also use Bone Spirit Cold Fire to swallow the power of Nether Poison Fire and use it for herself.

As long as it is a strange fire, it can devour each other!

Xiao Xue's seemingly clean and smooth skin, which could be broken by blowing bullets, forcibly withstood the attack of spikes all over the sky.

She was unscathed, except that the hair band that tied the three thousand blue silk into a high ponytail was cut off by the spikes, causing her long hair to hang down naturally.

Chances are that her hair is fluttering in a bun in front of her face, and her whole temperament does not become softer because of it, but looks more sassy.

Holding the fire sword in her hand, Xiao Xue stared directly at the fire spirit below, her eyes were condensed with a rich dark gold color.

"Find the right time, there is only one chance!"

On the other side, the battle between Medusa and Huo Nu was a completely one-sided situation, with Medusa occupying an absolute advantage.

Although Huo Nu's strength has reached three stars, close to four stars Dou Zong, but the attack power is not too strong.

For a thing like a puppet, only those who are weaker than it can have a better effect.

It's like two mortals competing in martial arts, everyone is holding a sword, and they are all flesh and blood.

But the real Lianjiazi is able to chop you into meat sauce without any injuries.

The gap in strength between Medusa and Huo Nu is too obvious, Huo Nu can only barely parry now.

That is to say, her body is at the Dou Zun level, and it has been strengthened a lot by Nether Poison Fire.

If the strength of her body was only at the level of Dou Zong, she would have been dismantled by Medusa long ago.

After listening to Xiao Xue's suggestion, Medusa resolutely gave up the sword and used the spear instead.

Her marksmanship can only advance and never retreat!

Powerful output, in many cases, is equivalent to another defense!
- Mang is done!

Anti-fucking anti-ass, everyone has been killed, who can kill me?

Those who play guns need this kind of momentum!

With the light of her spear passing by, Huo Nu was completely unavoidable.


Huo Nu swung out the wall of fire, but was torn apart by Medusa's spear light.

This gun hit Huo Nu's left arm firmly, causing her left arm to become bloody and bloody, and black blood flowed out.

The blood dripped on the ground, causing the soil to burn.

High in the sky, after Medusa swung a shot, she disappeared again.

When she reappeared, she was less than ten meters behind Huo Nu.

Although this fire slave was refined by the Nether Poison Fire, it was not a puppet that completely lost consciousness.

In other words, because the Nether Poison Fire gave birth to the fire spirit, she also has some spiritual wisdom.

—has brains, but not many.

Huo Nu has been trying to keep a distance from Medusa, but its retreat is not as good as the opponent's advance.

With Medusa's next spear, Huo Nu's cheek was scratched by the gun force, exposing the bones below.

The wound at this location penetrated half of Huo Nu's face!
Her originally delicate and charming face turned terrifying and ugly in an instant.

Dark blood seeped from the wound, making this expressionless face completely hideous.

If her reaction was a little slower, I'm afraid her whole head would explode like a watermelon.

Medusa didn't stop for a moment, raised the spear in her hand above her head, and then slammed it down!


Compared to Medusa's one-sided side, Xiao Xue's side played more anxiously.

One person and one cat fight back and forth.

With the support of two kinds of different fires and huge soul power, Xiao Xue barely fought a tie with the fire spirit of Nether Poison Fire.

After another short fight, Xiao Xue drew back and Huo Ling stared at her vigilantly, and did not act rashly.

Obviously, it also realized that the "food" in front of it was a bit difficult.

After confronting each other for a long time, the fiery Huoling took the lead.

Obviously, this ghost civet is just about to burst into appetite.

It won't be unable to open its mouth just because the person in front of him is [Charm 10] and has thorns all over his body.

Therefore, after several unsuccessful attempts, this kitty is probably going to attack with all his strength.

Facing this cultivator who was like food in his eyes, the civet's body was on fire, and then he took the initiative to move forward.

The dark green flames around it directly blocked the moonlight in the sky.

"I finally couldn't bear it..."

Xiao Xue took out a few detoxification pills, and threw them into her mouth all at once, letting the bone spirit act coldly and refine the medicinal power in them.

She herself did not dodge or evade, and directly met the fire spirit.

The civet leaped upwards, while Xiao Xue swooped downwards.

During this process, Xiao Xue changed from holding the sword with one hand to two.

Under the moonlight, Xiao Xue's leap and slash caused the surging sword energy and sword intent to draw an astonishing arc in the dark night.

The corners of her mouth were raised, and there was a rare youthful spirit and recklessness in her body.

The different fire long sword and the civet's huge fire claws clashed together, and the violent aftermath caused Xiao Xue to be torn apart in an instant.

The tiger's mouth of her hands was directly split, bloody and bloody.

There was also a bloodstain on that perfect face.

This bloodstain did not have any sense of poignancy, on the contrary, it added a touch of determination.

"It's now!"

Xiao Xue withdrew the Heavenly Flame Long Sword in an instant, and took a...frozen eyeball from the ring!

(End of this chapter)

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