Chapter 140 A Shot in the Moonlight

Xiao Xue took out an eyeball that was sealed with bone spirit cold fire from the ring.

Xiao Xue had already made a plan in her heart when she found out that the opponent was a metamorphosis with spiritual intelligence.

After all, after she confirmed that the other party was a different fire, and felt the other party's killing intent, she received a prompt from the system.

[Hidden Information] has officially been transformed into [Urgent Mission]!
Another urgent task, the task requirements are also very simple.

——Escape from the pursuit of the ghost civet!

Xiao Xue discovered that it seemed that the other party had a strong killing intent towards her, and was more powerful than herself, so there was a greater chance of triggering an urgent mission.

And since it is a task, there must be a reward after completion.

So at this point, as long as the operation is good, it may be possible to squeeze a lot of wool from the system in the future.

Of course, how to trigger the task, we can study it slowly after we can.

In fact, as long as it is an urgent mission, the rewards are not low.

For example, this time, if you escape from the claws of the Nether Civet with the strength of the six-star Douzong, you can directly get a reward of 200 million experience points.

In addition, there are other things, depending on the specific performance.

This reward amount is not too high.

After all, not only is this thing far superior to Xiao Xue in strength, it's also fucking poisonous!
If there is no Ari, I am afraid that Xiao Xue will really have to run for his life, and may not be able to escape.

But when she saw this prompt message, Xiao Xue's thoughts were very straightforward.

"If you kill him, it counts as escaping the chase, right?"

"After all, a dead person can never pose a threat to me."

It is impossible to escape, you can only fight back!

Cut the opponent until there is no ashes left, and then his mind and soul will be wiped out. I see how he will chase and kill him!

Fighting back is the best way to escape!

Of course, facing the Fire Spirit, it should be to annihilate its wisdom!

In the face of the Nether Poison Fire's fire spirit, the attack power of the strange fire will be greatly reduced.

Even, the Buddha's Fury Lotus, which is a killer move for other fighting sects, may be cat food for this cat.

The strange fire can hurt it, but it can also be absorbed by it and attack itself in turn!

So, this time, Xiao Xue didn't plan to use the Buddha's Fury Fire Lotus, she planned to play a big one.

If she wants to eliminate the wit of the ghost civet, she has something far more suitable than the Buddha's wrath lotus!

——Moon Eyes!
After getting close to the Youming civet, Xiao Xue took out a frozen eyeball from the ring, which was the Mooneye Snow Wolf King's Mooneye.

The next moment, Xiao Xue directly crushed this eighth-level moon pupil!
In the underground world, there was already a round of purple monster moon, but now, there is another round of golden waning moon!

Mooneye Snow Wolf King's life-saving technique [Moon Shadow] is here again!

Xiao Xue raised her left hand and plucked the moon with her bare hands, her eyes turned into dark gold.

Soul power and battle energy surged out, and the word [condensation] was used to the extreme.

She used her soul power to condense almost all the power of [Moon Shadow], and then exploded in the direction of the fire spirit!
If you directly use soul power to attack the ghost civet and try to erase its intelligence, it is very likely to suffer backlash.

Therefore, Xiao Xue will definitely not directly use soul power to attack this poisonous fire spirit.

But the Moon Shadow Wolf King's [Moon Shadow] is specialized in the soul.

Even Xiao Xue, who has mastered the word "condensation", the soul attack she uses now will not be stronger than the "Moon Shadow" formed by the entire moon eye!
This moon eye is one of Xiao Xue's trump cards.

At the same time, it is also the ceremonial guard that she has no fear in the face of the six-star Douzong's poisonous fire!
Although the Moon-eyed Snow Wolf King who was reborn from "Duoshe" only recovered to the Douzong level, he was beheaded by Xiao Xue.

But this moon eye came from a genuine eighth-rank wolf king.

Even if it's only at the beginning of the eighth level, it's much stronger than the current Huo Ling!

【Moon Shadow】, which burst out at full strength, has great lethality against Dou Zong!

If it is a Dou Zong with a weaker soul, it will even be directly annihilated by [Moon Shadow]!
And once you lose your intelligence, or if your intelligence is damaged.

The fire spirit of Nether Poison Fire will also become a useless cat, a little idiot who only knows what to eat like Ari!

The soul power of the ghost civet is absolutely impossible to be stronger than Ahri, not even Xiao Xue.

If it wasn't for worrying that the strange fire would eat back the soul, Xiao Xue could even use [Jian Xin] to directly wipe out its spiritual wisdom!

With the release of Moon Shadow, in an instant, Huo Ling's entire consciousness was plunged into endless stinging pain.

At this time, Huo Ling, the whole cat exploded in an instant, and let out a shrill and angry cry.

The sound was sharp, piercing the eardrum, like a baby crying.

Countless green waves of fire rushed out from Huo Ling's body, attacking indiscriminately in all directions.

Xiao Xue's body, which was covered in blood, was severely damaged, and the battle energy in her body had also dried up, and she couldn't even maintain her flight.

It really was [Moon Shadow] who controlled the eighth-level move just now, and it almost drained her fighting spirit.

And Ahri, as a remnant soul with a damaged soul, even if it is only affected by Moon Shadow, it is estimated that it will have to go offline for a few days first.

Fortunately, [Moon Shadow] erupted towards the fire spirit, even if Ahri was affected, there would never be any fear of his life.

Xiao Xue's falling body was a little out of control.

But her eyes are still fiery dark gold.

Just when Xiao Xue was going to use [Upgrade] to restore blood and mana to resist this indiscriminate attack, a figure suddenly appeared and caught Xiao Xue who was falling.

Xiao Xue fell into a soft embrace as if falling on a sponge cushion.

She was slightly taken aback, and when she turned around, she found that Medusa had appeared behind her at some point.

Medusa looked at the weak Xiao Xue, and hugged her tightly with her left hand. There was a complicated expression in her usually calm and calm eyes.

Then, she raised her head and looked at the severely wounded Fire Spirit high in the sky.

In Medusa's eyes, there was endless killing intent.

This empress of the snake-human tribe, who has always been cold and arrogant, has a great murderous intention at this moment!
Then, Medusa handed out the colorful spear tightly held in her right hand to the fire spirit in the sky.

This shot contained the most blazing killing intent in her life!
At this moment, Medusa of the Three Star Fighting Sect erupted with terrifying power.

This shot made the surrounding world change color, and even the void was torn apart.

Even the afterglow of [Moon Shadow] was eclipsed by the bright gun light.

She is obviously the Medusa bloodline of the snake-human race, and the queen of the snake-human empire. It is clear that no one has been able to disturb her heartstrings for so many years.

She is obviously more indifferent than normal people, she is obviously more free and easy than normal people, she is obviously more indifferent than normal people...

Obviously, obviously...

At the moment when the spear left his hand, all these seemed to have the answer.

——She sees that all living beings are grass and trees, but you are the green hill.

(End of this chapter)

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