Chapter 141 The Runaway Snake and the Sad Cat

The seven-colored spear pierced through the void, engulfing the severely wounded Fire Spirit above.

The aftermath of the bombardment quickly caught up with Medusa and Xiao Xue in the air.

Medusa withdrew the right hand that threw the spear, and took advantage of the situation to protect Xiao Xue in her arms.

Xiao Xue's height is more than 1.7 meters, and due to the excessive consumption just now, her body is still a little bent subconsciously.

With the help of two kinds of different fire powers, Medusa, after successfully evolving, has a height of more than 1.8 meters.

If she were to step on a pair of high heels, she would be a full head taller than Xiao Xue, feeling full of oppression.

Therefore, Medusa subconsciously pushed Xiao Xue's head into her arms, causing her to fall into a short suffocation.

Xiao Xue encountered a player who violated the rules by dribbling into someone, and in a hurry, she was covered with facial cleanser.

Xiao Xue, who fell into the tender land, was stunned for a moment, and then recalled that there was a Medusa next to her.

It was too dangerous to activate Yue Mou just now, so Xiao Xue didn't have the energy to be distracted by the outside world.

And when she was busy releasing [Moon Shadow], that Huo Nu had already been chopped into pieces by Medusa.

Due to the long distance just now, and Xiao Xue restrained it with soul power, let the power of [Moon Shadow] explode in the direction of the fire spirit as much as possible.

So, Medusa wasn't affected by much Moon Shadow.

With a flash of her figure, she hugged Xiao Xue, who had exhausted her fighting spirit, and appeared a thousand meters away.

Then, she also reacted, and quickly let go of the hand holding Xiao Xue's head.

Although they separated in an instant, it still made the atmosphere awkward.

Medusa looked at Xiao Xue, whose body was severely damaged and her fighting spirit was exhausted, her expression was a bit complicated in her usually calm and calm eyes.

She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Medusa stretched out her thumb, wiped off the blood on Xiao Xue's face, and then gently threw Xiao Xue back.

Wrapped by the basic power of space, Xiao Xue landed safely.

Because the consumption just now was too great, Xiao Xue actually forgot to react for a while.

By the time she realized it, Medusa in the air had already caught up with Huo Ling.

Huo Ling, whose spiritual intelligence and soul power had been severely damaged, directly dropped from a six-star Dou Zong to a two-star Dou Zong.

In other words, Huoling's "physical fitness" is still at the six-star level, but its combat power is only two stars.

And if the wisdom is completely eliminated, it has six-star strength, but it cannot actively attack.

Any Douhuang, even a Douwang, as long as he can find a way to prevent the poison from above, he can subdue it.

And Medusa's flying spear just now made Huo Ling's state even worse.

The power of the flying spear is much greater than that of ordinary flying swords.

After being hit by Medusa solidly, the current Huo Ling probably only has the strength of Dou Zong.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is the poison it carries.

Huo Ling's spiritual intelligence was severely injured, but he still had a certain degree of consciousness.

When it found something was wrong, it immediately thought of running away.

But after paying such a high price, Huo Ling was severely injured, how could it be possible to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Without Xiao Xue's reminder, Medusa immediately chased after her.

With a flash of her figure, she caught up with Huo Ling who was trying to escape.

If you use colorful flames, maybe it will be swallowed by the fire spirit instead and become its nourishment.

After all, her colorful flames can only be counted as relatively high-level beast fires.

Although it is much stronger than ordinary battle qi flames, it is still a lot worse than real strange fires.

Therefore, Medusa did not release a sea of ​​fire to block the fire spirit, but held a colorful long spear, intending to make a close attack.

Even if the Nether Poison Fire is extremely poisonous, it is no match for Medusa at all.

As for Medusa of the Three Star Fighting Sect, if she attacked with all her strength, Huo Ling might not be able to hurt her.

After all, toxins need to enter the body to be effective.

And now the crippled Fire Spirit couldn't even break through Medusa's defense!

Medusa is faster than Fire Spirit.

She appeared on the only way for Huo Ling to escape, and the spear in her hand swept forward, and the arc of the gun body swept like a half moon.

Huo Ling hurried to the brakes, but was still scratched by the spear's fur on one side.

Then, while the dark green flame was surging, its "wound" quickly recovered to its original state.

However, the aura of the fire spirit has obviously dropped a bit.

At the same time, its speed was also affected, and it was brought closer by Medusa again.

And as the distance got closer, Medusa's gun power kept rising.

——This cool lady is playing around.

What she wants is the kind of effort, you die!

If you fail to poison me, then I kill you!

Medusa's indifferent eyes were looking directly at the strange pupils on Huo Ling's face.

The hand she held in the center of the spear began to move down, from one hand holding the gun to two hands.

The distance between Medusa and Fire Spirit was only ten meters.

A distance of ten meters is already equivalent to being close.

Being approached by Medusa, the god of death, represents the scythe of the god of death, which has already touched your neck.

Huo Ling let out a shrill neigh, and the cat's face actually showed humanized fear.

will die!

On Huo Ling's face, horror, shock, and endless sorrow appeared.


Its claws rested above its head, while endless green flames churned.

But it was too late.

The colorful spear in Medusa's hand pierced Huo Ling's forehead in an instant.

Huge force exploded to the surroundings, causing Huo Ling's entire "body" to be penetrated instantly.

The endless fire waves were also shattered under this shot.

Medusa came from top to bottom with an incomparably powerful spear.

Her entire body was tilted at a high altitude, and the gun just pressed down on the fire spirit at a high altitude, all the way down...

——falling from the sky!

The Fire Spirit fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up dust and gravel all over the sky.

The power of Medusa's shot caused cracks in the center of the entire underground world, and huge deep pits spread around.

In the endless smoke and dust, Xiao Xue saw this tall woman with a gun in one hand appearing beside her.

But this time, she didn't give Xiao Xue a hug for a month, but waved her hands and cast a battle energy barrier to help Xiao Xue block the smoke and dust from the sky.

When Medusa faced Huo Ling after being severely injured by [Moon Shadow], the situation was completely unilaterally crushed!
Of course, if there is no [Moon Shadow], they must still be fighting hard with the fire spirit.

There may even be casualties.

Medusa and Xiao Xue glanced at each other, and for no reason, they fell into the awkward state before.

"Be careful!" Xiao Xue said out loud.

The dark golden color appeared between Xiao Xue's pupils like a tide, making her eyes completely golden.

She saw a translucent ferocious fire spirit attacking Medusa.

"Huh? Why do you still have wisdom?"

"Isn't the intelligence of different fires very weak?" Xiao Xue was puzzled.

After all, in the original book, Xiao Yan, who was at the Dou Ling level, forcibly survived the Falling Heart Flame who had reached a high-level Dou Zong.

Logically speaking, after eating a round of [Moon Shadow] and being beaten up by Medusa, the wisdom of this Nether Poison Fire should have dissipated long ago.

Don't talk about Wude, but also engage in a final sneak attack.

Of course, Xiao Xue felt that this was more like Huo Ling's desperate counterattack.

Don't let me eat, right?If you don't let me eat, then you want to live in vain!

If Huo Ling, who still has a trace of intelligence, lurked close to him, and then blew himself up...

She and Medusa probably have to explain themselves here today when they came into close contact with the source of fire and blew themselves up.

So Xiao Xue raised her hand without any hesitation, and it was [Heart Sword].

Of course, Xiao Xue also intentionally restrained her strength.

She didn't want to completely annihilate the wisdom of Nether Poison Fire.

If you can have a mature fire spirit, it will definitely make it easier for the user to control the fire.

To put it simply, let the strange fire move by itself.

Therefore, Xiao Xue did not intend to "kill" the cat directly, but to erase its memory.

It would be the most perfect if it could make the strange fire still have intelligence, but be as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Wild cats are not easy to raise, but it is better to raise them from a young age.

Xiao Xue looked at Huo Ling who was coming to cheat and attack, and grinned, her soul power surged out wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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