Chapter 142 Conquering the Nether Poison Fire
With Xiao Xue's [Heart Sword] slashing out, Huo Ling froze in place for an instant.

Just as Medusa was about to say something, she heard Xiao Xue's warning.

She subconsciously turned around, and when she turned around, the spear was already in her hand.

Then, she saw not far behind her, a frozen alien fire cat floating.


She hesitated for a moment, but the spear in her hand still didn't go down.

Then, Medusa heard Xiao Xue behind her say, "Protect me."

After Xiao Xue finished saying this, she sat cross-legged directly, and her soul power crazily burst out from her body.

She wanted to use [Heart Sword] to erase the memory of this poisonous fire spirit.

Although now, forcibly tampering with Huo Ling's soul, there is still a risk of being backlashed.

But compared to before, it is much safer!
As long as she is more cautious, the possibility of being backlashed by the fire spirit is actually not high.

On the contrary, she has a high probability of turning this fire spirit into a blank paper cat who doesn't understand anything.

At that time, it will be much easier to give it to the little doctor to raise it.

Medusa looked at this, then at that, the spear in her hand had no place to stab, so she could only stand aside and acted as a bodyguard.

It has been quite a few years since Nether Poison Fire was born with wisdom, and there are quite a lot of memories in it.

Even, it still has some memories of the fire slave who was dismantled by Medusa.

Even if Xiao Xue has been a human being in two lifetimes, she doesn't have as much experience as this fire spirit.

Therefore, this job is not so easy.

After all, how much you remember is one thing.

And if Huo Ling realizes that his memory is being erased, he will fight back desperately.

Because, when a person's memory is completely erased and cannot be recovered at all.

In a sense, this person is actually "dead".

Even if Huo Ling counterattacked, it might not be able to pose a threat to Xiao Xue;

But what Xiao Xue wants is a strange fire with spiritual wisdom.

And once Huo Ling counterattacked, for the safety of his own soul, Xiao Xue could only directly wipe out its spiritual wisdom.

Fortunately, the soul power of Nether Poison Fire is not very strong, so it cannot escape Xiao Xue's control.

Therefore, during this process, nothing happened to break through the suppression or backlash.

After Xiao Xue cleared the last memory of Huo Ling, she slowly withdrew the released soul power, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

With the spiritual blessing of Tianhu's blood, Xiao Xue was finally safe and passed this process.

After being wiped of memory, Huo Ling had already fallen into a deep sleep, and Xiao Xue easily packed it up with an empty storage ring.

When it wakes up, it will be a harmless alien fire kitten.

Of course, it is possible to burn or poison one or two people to death without realizing it.

So at that time, some "basic education" will become particularly important.

And as Xiao Xue subdued the Nether Poison Fire, the system prompt sounded for the completion of the mission.

【Ding!The urgent task has been completed, the system is evaluating your performance, please wait patiently]

Still the same process, Xiao Xue closed the system interface and tried to get up.

"Get out of here first, I'll find a place to heal your wounds."

Medusa said while helping Xiao Xue up.

"You don't need to go far," Xiao Xue shook her head, pointing to the ancient tree not far away.

"Let's go under that tree."

When dealing with the Nether Poison Fire memory, she also obtained a lot of information from it.

For example, there is no living thing within a hundred meters around that ancient tree, because of the existence of poisonous fire and fire spirit.

Nether Poison Fire was not born here, but was brought in by that Fire Slave.

The Huo Nu who was cut into pieces by Medusa was also a Dou Zun strongman and a Dou Zun level poison master.

After she obtained Nether Poison Fire, she wanted to refine it in this underground world with the help of geographical advantages.

As a result, she, who was not the protagonist, unsurprisingly played off and put herself in.

As for how this underground world was formed, Xiao Xue did not get any relevant information from her memory.

However, just like the cave of the ancient emperor Tuoshe, it is located in the ground of the Canaan Academy, but no one has discovered it.

Although this underground world is not guarded by a group of lizards of the Dou Zun level, nor is there a nine-star Dou Sheng guarding the gate;

But it is deep underground, or in the Izumo Empire, underground in an area densely covered with poisonous barriers.

Therefore, it has not been discovered, so it is reasonable.

And now, Nether Poison Fire has been subdued by Xiao Xue.

Then, the former territory of Huo Ling and Huo Nu became the safest place in the entire underground world.

After all, there may be poisons in other places, and if you are not careful, you will be recruited.

But within a hundred meters around the old tree, everything was bare and there was nothing.

The Dou Zong battle just now caused quite a lot of power.

More powerful monsters have intelligence and will not take the initiative to come over.

Hearing this, Medusa nodded, took Xiao Xue to the vicinity of the ancient tree, and landed slowly.

Xiao Xue sat cross-legged unceremoniously, took out a few pills from the ring and swallowed them whole.

Then, she let Bone Spirit Lenghuo move on her own, helping her refine the medicinal power of the elixir.

Medusa put her hands on Xiao Xue's shoulders, using her fighting spirit to help Xiao Xue dredge the tendons damaged in the battle.

[Moon Shadow] That move almost drained her fighting spirit.

And just output soul power for a long time, even if it is her, it is impossible to ignore this fatigue.

Although [leveling up] is equal to "full blood + full mana", after Douwang, every time you upgrade a star, you need a lot of experience points.

And [upgrade] this trick, in many cases, can be used for emergencies and life-saving.

Now that the battle is over, Xiao Xue naturally won't waste the opportunity of [upgrade] here.

Even if she has enough experience points, there are only four or five "no CD" breakthrough opportunities.

It takes time to break through to the Douhuang.

Therefore, every opportunity to [upgrade] is precious.

Xiao Xue was refining the medicinal power of the elixir, while Medusa put her hands on Xiao Xue's shoulders, using her battle energy to help her dredge her tendons.

Xiao Xue let the bone spirit move on its own, and let Medusa drum up her body, and opened the system panel with three prongs.

[Urgent mission] has been completed, and there is more wool to squeeze.

Unsurprisingly, the rating is still [S].

The system only allowed Xiao Xue to escape from the pursuit of Huo Ling, the strength of the six-star Dou Zong, but Xiao Xue directly subdued the Nether Poison Fire.

Although Medusa also took action, but [Moon Shadow] and the final erasure of memory were all done by Xiao Xue.

And these two accounted for the bulk.

【Moon Shadow】It was also Xiao Xue who directly injured the fire spirit, and finally subdued the Nether Poison Fire completely.

So Xiao Xue's rating still reached [S] level.

Under the ancient tree, Xiao Xue had already started rubbing her hands in her heart, looking forward to this wave of rewards that could be collected.

The last [Urgent Mission] reward gave Xiao Xue a seventh-grade elixir, a [[-]% discount coupon for soul power upgrade], and a [Dharma Protector Black Robe].

Since the opponent was Soul Palace last time, most of the rewards were related to the soul.

Thinking about this time, what the system gave would not disappoint her.


(End of this chapter)

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