Chapter 143 I Can Even Have an Epiphany
Under the ancient tree, Xiao Xue clicked on [Emergency Mission Rewards] and directly clicked on [Receive].

There was great expectation in her heart.

Because, the reward experience value is still guaranteed at 200 million.

Explain that this time, the additional rewards of [S] level are basically included in the reward items later.

In fact, to Xiao Xue, although experience points are precious, they are not what attracts her the most.

After all, there are other ways to obtain experience points.

Therefore, other [special items], attribute points, or pills that can be used directly are more attractive to Xiao Xue.

It would be perfect if it could bring some items that she can't get now, or medicine pills like last time.

The next moment, the familiar system prompt sounded.

【Ding!You have obtained the following items:】

【Pure Soul Orchid】*1
[Designated attribute point: poison resistance]*2
[Seventh-order magic core: sky poisonous scorpion dragon beast magic core]*1

After seeing the item introduction clearly, Xiao Xue shuddered excitedly, "Good stuff!"

And her trembling frightened Medusa who was healing her.

Medusa thought that something happened in the middle.

But she saw that Xiao Xue's chest rose and fell steadily, her breath was long and long, and her fighting spirit was not disturbed.

So, after careful investigation, Medusa felt relieved and continued to help Xiao Xue dredge her tendons.

At this moment, Xiao Xue was in a very excited state.

As Xiao Xue expected, the last [Emergency Mission] was related to the Soul Palace, and most of the rewards were souls.

But this time, the rewards given by the system are mainly related to [Poison].

Moreover, apart from experience points, other reward items are all worth a lot!
[Designated attribute point: poison resistance], there is nothing to say about this, as the name suggests, it improves one's own poison resistance.

Although not as good as the most advanced [Free Attribute Point], it is still a very good attribute point.

And [Clear Soul Orchid] is a rare seventh-grade medicinal material.

Its effect is similar to the [Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product] in the sewer next door.

To put it simply, it has a certain degree of anti-toxicity.

If you add some other medicinal materials, refine them into elixir and let Enandu body take it.

It can even delay the eruption time of the Enan poisonous body.

Of course, this kind of elixir can only alleviate the outbreak, it cannot completely eradicate the threat of Enandu body.

When the time comes, the eruption will still erupt.

However, among the system's rewards, there is still a seventh-order [Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core].

If I remember correctly, in the original book, the so-called "poison pill method" to control Enan's poisonous body requires this kind of magic core.

In addition, three kinds of different fires are needed, as well as the bodhi body saliva.

The three kinds of different fires are nothing to Xiao Xue.

Even, she now has three kinds in her hand.

——Copied Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Ahri's Myriad Beast Spirit Fire, and Nether Poison Fire just conquered.

Bodhi's body saliva also appeared at the auction in the Black Horn Region, so it would be nice to go there when the time comes.

Her soul power has also reached the Great Perfection of the Mortal Realm.

As long as Xiao Xue is given a certain amount of time to practice, she can completely refine the seventh-grade elixir.

It is even possible to have seventh-rank high-level and seventh-rank peak pills.

Other auxiliary medicinal materials needed for refining elixirs should be available in this underground world.

Even if you don't have one, you can make up seven or eight.

Moreover, it's fine even if it's poisonous, so it's right to give the little doctor a tonic.

Therefore, she can completely refine the soul-clear orchid into a elixir and give it to the little fairy doctor.

In that case, even if the little fairy doctor takes medicine every day to upgrade;

When the auction starts and the bodhi incarnation body is obtained, her Enandu body will not explode.

So this trip, not only subdued Nether Poison Fire, but also solved most of the problem of the little doctor Xian'e's difficult poison body.

"This reward is completely customized for the Little Doctor."

In addition to the two points of [Poison Resistance], and the guaranteed 200 million experience points;

Other things can be said to be tailor-made for the Enandu body.

——Unexpectedly, but also within reason.

After all, the reward this time is mainly based on [Poison].

Because this time, there was no such thing as directly improving strength, so Xiao Xue was a little disappointed.

However, she can't play with things related to drugs.

If it can improve the strength of the Little Doctor Immortal, it is better than throwing it into the ring and eating ashes.

Anyway, if the little fairy doctor doesn't have to worry about the eruption of the Enandu body, with her talent, it will not be difficult to reach the Douzong in one or two years.

In this way, Xiao Xue can not only gain another Douzong's combat power, but also get a large amount of experience value feedback through the [Master and Apprentice] function.

So this wave is actually not a loss.

"People can't be too greedy, contented and happy."

Xiao Xue quickly figured out the key point, and the vitality girl regained her vitality.

After all, this secret realm was also discovered by her when she happened to unlock the [Hidden Information] before.

Not to mention anything else, just the 200 million experience points and the two [poison resistance] attributes alone are worth the trip.

While thinking about it, Xiao Xue clicked [Receive].

However, she put the magic cores of Qinghun Youlan and Sky Poisonous Scorpion Dragon Beast into the system backpack.

These two things are very precious, and they can also be eaten.

It's not safe to put a greedy little fox in the ring.

Then, Xiao Xue directly used [designated attribute points].

[Specified attribute point: poison resistance, added]

[Poison Resistance: 1] —— [Poison Resistance: 3]

After adding these two points of [Poison Resistance], counting the first point, Xiao Xue has three points of [Poison Resistance].

This is also her third attribute to reach three points after [Element Affinity] and [Physique].

With three points of [Poison Resistance], ordinary poisons can't do any harm to her at all.

Xiao Xue speculated that if she could have a full level of [Poison Resistance], she would probably be invulnerable to all poisons.

At that time, even if she is slapped on the face by the Enandu body of the Dousheng level, she will be fine.

And as [Poison Resistance] reached three points, a mysterious ripple rippled around Xiao Xue's body.

Medusa on the side: "...???"

This is... an epiphany again?
Medusa felt that she had been hit again.

When she saw Xiao Xue earlier, she wanted to find a place to relieve her injuries, and felt that Xiao Xue was finally beginning to look like a normal person.

But, is this what you call relieving the injury?
Whose good person's injury is still not healed, and then he has an epiphany, making further progress? !
Only then did Medusa realize how ridiculous her previous thoughts were.

"This little guy is really not human!"

Medusa let out a long sigh, and began to protect Xiao Xue skillfully.

(End of this chapter)

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