Chapter 144

After a long time, Xiao Xue, who had recovered a lot, exhaled a foul breath, and slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Medusa's complicated eyes.

Xiao Xue: "???"

After all, Xiao Xue didn't know that when she gained three points of [Poison Resistance], she once fell into a state similar to [Enlightenment].

Therefore, in Xiao Xue's view, these performances of Medusa are a bit strange.

And thinking about it now, Ari has been disconnected, and from the outside world, it is her strength that has been greatly reduced.

The Nether Poison Fire was also subdued by her, and all internal and external troubles were resolved.

She and Medusa are still in an underground world, without any witnesses.

... This place, no matter how you look at it, is suitable for killing people.

"Accidentally" died in the secret realm, I'm afraid, even if she really had the so-called "background", Medusa couldn't be traced, right?
The cautious Xiao Xue couldn't help being extra careful, and quickly [looked inside] around.

...Medusa didn't seem to do anything when she helped her unblock her tendons just now?
Not sure, look again.

After all, Medusa has a "conviction record", so Xiao Xue had to guard against it.

While guarding against Medusa, she also secretly stimulated the cold fire in the bone spirit in her heart.

Even if Ari is offline now, she still has the means to deal with Medusa.

Once Medusa has a change, she can directly [upgrade], and by the way, the bone spirit left in Medusa's body is crystallized by cold fire.

Once the cold fire of the bone spirit erupts in Medusa's body, it can absolutely injure Medusa in an instant.

After all, no matter what level of powerhouse is, the body is the most vulnerable place.

If the important internal organs are injured, the strength will definitely drop a lot.

Then, with two more three-color fire lotus, you can directly roast Medusa into a dried snake.

From the ghost civet, a strand of cat hair is plucked, and the fire lotus is rubbed out with the beast spirit fire and the bone spirit cold fire;
Its power will only be stronger than before, using ground fire lotus seeds to create a wisp of green lotus core fire, and rubbing out the three-color fire lotus.

Just when Xiao Xue was thinking about the conspiracy in her mind, she saw Medusa sighing, she hesitated to speak, and then she wanted to speak:

"...You just realized again?"

Xiao Xue: "..."

That's it? ? ?

I said that I kill people without blinking my eyes, but you ask me if my eyes are dry?
After calming down, Xiao Xue also realized that she was a little nervous just now.

If Medusa wants to harm her in this underground world, then there is absolutely no need to do it after she releases [Moon Shadow].

After all, Medusa doesn't know that she can recover blood and mana instantly.

In the eyes of ordinary people, when she was extremely weak just after releasing [Moon Shadow],

Facing the counterattack of the poisonous fire spirit, it was almost a certain death situation.

If Medusa really harbored evil intentions, she could have sat on the sidelines and reaped the benefits without making a move.

Therefore, it may be that when she just added points, she had some influence on the outside world, which made Medusa think that she had "enlightened" again.

Medusa looked at her like that before, maybe it was just pure surprise.

So, Xiao Xue held down the cold fire of the bone spirit that was about to move in her heart, nodded casually, and said with ease, "Yes, is it amazing?"

Lao Tzu Niubi Boom.jpg
Medusa sneered and said no more.

Xiao Xue's strength is getting stronger and stronger, which means that the gap between the two of them is getting smaller and smaller.

... I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

It is estimated that when Xiao Xue reaches Douzong, or even Douhuang, he will go to Zhongzhou.

And if at that time, she was still an ordinary Douzong...

There was an inexplicable sense of urgency in Medusa's heart.

After all, she and Xiao Xue are now, to put it mildly, the relationship between the boss and the migrant workers.

To put it bluntly, her life, and the entire snake race, are now in Xiao Xue's hands.

Xiao Xue and the forces behind her chose to win her over because they were interested in her evolution and her ability to protect her dominance.

Now she is much stronger than Xiao Xue.

At least, if he didn't use Dou Zong's hole cards, Xiao Xue still couldn't beat her.

And if Xiao Xue felt that she was useless, that's all, and then she remembered what happened back then, and wanted to take revenge...

Thinking about it, Medusa couldn't help shivering.

It seems that cultivation must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

After returning to the Snakeman Empire, we must seize all the time to practice and break through Dou Zun as soon as possible.

"...Xiao Xue, shall we go back to the Jia Ma Empire now?" Medusa looked at Xiao Xue and asked tentatively.

"it is good……"

Xiao Xue got up slowly and stretched.

Although there are still many good things in this underground world, they will not run away with long legs.

Whether it's the medicinal materials for Little Doctor Immortal, or the snake-like monsters for Qinglin, you can wait to get them later.

However, just when Xiao Xue was about to agree, she was suddenly slightly taken aback.

Her soul power of Dzogchen in Mortal Realm sensed a friendly wave.

It seemed that there was... an unknown creature that was showing kindness to her.

Medusa became nervous when she saw Xiao Xue was in a daze, and the seven-colored spear had already appeared in her hand.

Then, Medusa and Xiao Xue saw that the old tree above their heads slowly sprouted a new branch.

Medusa subconsciously raised her gun to stab her, but was held down by Xiao Xue.

"Relax, it doesn't seem to be malicious."

Xiao Xue secretly felt that that inexplicable kindness came from the ancient tree above their heads.

At the same time, Xiao Xue felt extremely shocked in her heart.

This ancient tree is still alive!

After being burned by the poisonous fire of the Netherworld for so many years, this ancient tree survived miraculously, which is really unbelievable.

From the memories of Poison Fire and Fire Spirit, Xiao Xue also got a general idea of ​​what happened that year.

That Dou Zun level poison master tried to refine Nether Poison Fire under this ancient tree.

As a result, the refinement failed, and he was turned into a fire slave by the Nether Poison Fire instead.

And this ancient tree was affected by the fish in the pond and burned by the poisonous fire of the nether world for several years.

The [-] meters around was completely barren because of the restriction left by refining Nether Poison Fire back then.

In fact, if it hadn't absorbed part of the energy of the ancient tree, the fire spirit of Nether Poison Fire would not have been able to reach the Six Star Douzong.

In the Dou Qi Continent, plants actually have cultivation, and the cultivation of some plants is not low.

For example, the ancient bodhi tree affected by Doudi's negative emotions, although it did not give birth to complete spiritual wisdom;
But its strength is actually number one under Dou Di.

The ancient Bodhi tree once teamed up with a strong Doudi, and the two attacked together to kill a Doudi.

Although the ending is a loss for both sides, it is not difficult to see that the ancient Bodhi tree has the strength to rival the half-step fighting emperor.

After all, in the battle between the two emperors in the finale, even the Nine-Star Dou Sheng peak is extremely vulnerable in front of the Dou Emperor.

Whether it was Gu Yuan or Zhu Kun, Emperor Huntian always slapped each other.

Therefore, if one does not have the strength of a half-emperor, one is not qualified to participate in a battle at the level of a fighting emperor.

As for Xiao Xue and Medusa, the ancient tree above their heads is also an ancient tree with cultivation base.

Although it is far inferior to the ancient Bodhi tree, it still has the strength of Dou Zun.

However, it was contaminated by Nether Poison Fire, and there was no solution.

This is the case with plants. Although the cultivation base is high, the means are not necessarily strong.

Even the ancient bodhi tree was affected by Emperor Dou's negative emotions. If he hadn't met Xiao Yan, he might even have lost his way.

And this ancient tree has been tossed by the Nether poison fire for several years.

The tree has no hands. After being contaminated by the poisonous fire of the nether world, it can only defend passively.

This point is somewhat similar to that ancient Bodhi tree.

Fortunately, the Nether Poison Fire can only refine the energy in its branches and leaves, and can't do anything about the parts in the trunk.

Huo Ling, who was not strong enough, could only drool at the huge energy inside the ancient tree.

— This cat is a vegetarian.

Moreover, even if the energy in the branches and leaves is refined, it has the strength of a six-star Douzong, far exceeding its own upper limit.

It's a pity that his teeth are bad at a young age, and he can't chew the concentrated energy in the trunk of the ancient tree.

That is to say, the fire spirit wanted to absorb energy from the ancient tree, so it didn't directly burn it to ashes.

Otherwise, how could a tree be able to withstand the accumulative burning of the strange fire.

Even if its strength is comparable to Dou Zun, it won't work.

Nether Poison Fire is fighting a long-term tug-of-war with the ancient tree. One wants energy, and the other does not give it. It has been going on for several years.

Such tossing made Gu Shu quite aggrieved and uncomfortable.

And this time, Xiao Xue subdued the Nether Poison Fire by mistake, and naturally helped the ancient tree solve a big problem.

Therefore, the ancient tree showed kindness to Medusa and Xiao Xue who rescued it from the flames.

Moreover, this tree is actually a peach tree.


Xiao Xue grabbed Medusa's wrist holding the gun, pressed Medusa's hand that was about to move, and signaled her to relax.

Due to the height difference between the two, it looked like Xiao Xue was leaning on Medusa.

However, neither of them realized that there was something wrong with their current posture.

Whether it was Medusa or Xiao Xue, both of them opened their eyes wide, shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because, the ancient tree above their heads was completely dead.

But at this moment, the rest of its branches are all still dead.

Only the branch above Xiao Xue's head bloomed with gorgeous peach blossoms.

(End of this chapter)

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