Chapter 149 Xiao Yan's Desert Journey

half year later.

Medusa and Xiao Xue are still practicing in the underground world.

And the alliance between the Jia Ma Empire and the Snake Empire has successfully captured the Izumo Empire.

The high-end combat power of the Douwang and Douhuang of the Izumo Empire was taken over by Medusa and Xiao Xue.

The remaining strongest are nothing more than fighting spirits.

Even if a poison master has certain advantages over ordinary fighting qi practitioners, it is not enough to smooth out the huge gap between cultivation bases.

What's more, the snake people already have a certain degree of understanding and research on poison.

Even, every leader of the snake people is a master of poison.

Therefore, under the full-scale deployment of troops by the alliance, the border fortress of the Izumo Empire was easily torn apart by the strong players of the alliance.

Jia Xingtian and Yun Yun represent the Jia Ma royal family and Yun Lanzong respectively, and are responsible for presiding over the overall situation.

Hai Bodong led several Dou Wangs in the alliance, as well as the alliance army, and fought all the way to the Izumo Imperial Capital.

Emperor Izumo was very decisive, and directly chose to surrender, and then Jiaxingtian, who was rushed over, waved his hand and turned into a sand sculpture.

The principle of cutting grass and roots is applicable everywhere.

In particular, now that the country has been destroyed, Jia Xingtian, who is a member of the royal family, will naturally not leave behind the remnants of his hostility to the royal family.

Then, the alliance began to discuss how to carve up the Izumo Empire.

The benefits of destroying an empire are absolutely huge.

Although the Jia Ma Empire and the Snakeman Empire were allied, their interiors were not monolithic.

On the side of the Jia Ma Empire alone, the Jia Ma Royal Family and the Misty Cloud Sect are not of the same mind, let alone the Snake Empire.

However, because of the fighting power of Medusa, the alliance will naturally not treat the snake-human race badly.

After all, they were able to take down the Izumo Empire so easily, thanks to the destruction of Medusa with high-end combat power.

So in the end, the territory of the Izumo Empire was divided equally between the Snake People and the Jia Ma Royal Family.

But what the Snake People want are naturally mountains and jungles.

The urban dense area in the center still belongs to Jia Ma Empire.

So this result, both parties are very satisfied.

Tagore desert.

The alliance between Gama and the Snakeman sent troops directly to the Izumo Empire in the north.

Therefore, neither Jia Ma nor the territory of the Snakeman Empire was affected by the war.

And a place like the desert is undoubtedly a holy place for cultivation for fighting qi practitioners of fire and earth attributes.

So for the past six months, Xiao Yan has been cultivating hard in the desert.

To be precise, it is still in the former residence of the snake people.

After he passed by the former residence of the snake people and was discovered by the snake people who stayed behind, he became a guest of the snake people.

Although the snake people moved out of the desert, not all the snake people moved away within a short period of time.

The eight major tribes, as well as some things in the underground palace, still need a long time to be relocated and resettled.

Moreover, among the snake-human clan, the elders of the four great fighting emperors who are inconvenient to live in the world still stay in their underground palaces.

After Xiao Yan entered the former territory of the snake people and confirmed his identity, he naturally received the snake people's favor.

The four elders of the snake-human clan had a very clear goal at the beginning - to stabilize this human being first.

And after receiving the message of Medusa's "danger lifted", the elders let go of the big stone in their hearts and felt a lot more at ease.

The four elders did not expect that Medusa could complete the previous "curve to save the family" so quickly.

To be honest, they didn't have much expectation for this plan at first.

After all, Medusa is a noob when it comes to emotions.

Instead of thinking about letting Medusa save the clan, it would be better to let her disappear first, quickly cultivate to the level of Dou Zun, and then run away with the clan members.

However, to the elders' surprise, Medusa actually took down the human alchemist.

At the time, Medusa was worried that telling the story of her current relationship with Xiao Xue would make the elders think wildly.

After all, her current life is in Xiao Xue's hands.

One day when Xiao Xue is unhappy and activates the bone spirit in her body, she will be burned into nothingness.

Therefore, she just said "the danger is over" and did not explain much.

Therefore, she didn't know what strange things the four elders had imagined.

After the brief astonishment of the four elders, they were lucky for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Now that Medusa has taken down the human alchemist, Xiao Yan has naturally changed from a "death urging devil" to an in-law of the snake-human race.

Therefore, Xiao Yan wanted to cultivate in the desert, and the snake-human race naturally gave some support under the elders' instruction.

In the eyes of Xiao Yan and Yao Lao, it was because of the alliance between the two empires.

Even this alliance can be said to be facilitated by his sister and Medusa.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the two masters and apprentices treated the snake people with hospitality.

Most people stay in places like the desert for a long time, and need to leave the desert every once in a while to replenish food, water and other supplies.

Even if food is not strictly necessary and can absorb the energy of heaven and earth, drinking water must be replenished.

Moreover, in the desert, sometimes extreme environments like sandstorms have a great impact on practitioners.

And among the snake people, there can be a stable cultivation environment, Xiao Yan naturally accepted the kindness released by the snake people.

With half a year of hard training in the desert, Xiao Yan has now reached the level of a three-star fighter.

He was about to try to refine Qinglian's heart fire.

It stands to reason that if a small Dou Shi wanted to refine a strange fire that might burn a sixth-order peak monster to half-death, he was undoubtedly seeking his own death.

In the original book, Xiao Yan was able to refine Qinglian's heart fire because most of its energy was consumed.

Otherwise, with just a fifth-grade Blood Lotus Pill and a small bottle of Ice Spirit Cold Spring, it would be impossible for him to suppress the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

And if he didn't refine the Heavenly Flame, it would be very difficult for Xiao Yan to grow up with the Fen Jue of the middle Huang rank.

Yao Lao was also in the desert, found a few fire-attribute monsters, made a few beast fires, and refined them for Xiao Yan.

However, after swallowing two beast fires, Xiao Yan's Fenjue barely reached the high level of Huang rank.

If you want to develop by swallowing beast fire, you don't know that it will take years of monkeys and horses and months.

Therefore, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao worked together to prepare for wealth and danger, and refine Qinglian's heart fire in their hands.

In the original book, Yao Lao always prepared the fifth-grade elixir, Blood Lotus Pill and Ice Spirit Cold Spring.

Then the two of them, master and apprentice, met Qinglian's heart fire.

The Yao Lao at that time, although he could also refine the sixth-grade elixir, he didn't have any other medicinal materials in his hands.

Coincidentally, the energy of Qinglian's heart fire has also been consumed a lot, far less than it was in its heyday.

Therefore, Xiao Yan took the fifth-grade blood lotus pill and went up.

But this time, in order for Xiao Yan to refine Qinglian's heart fire alive, Yao Lao also gave up some thought and prepared to refine a Qinglian pill for Xiao Yan.

Qinglian Pill and Earth Spirit Pill are also ranked as the sixth grade of Dan, and both have the effect of assisting in the refining of strange fires.

But if it is to refine Qinglian's heart fire, it is obvious that Qinglian Dan is better.

The other medicinal materials needed to refine Qinglian Dan are the same as Xuelian Dan.

The only difference is that the blood lotus pill uses blood lotus essence, while the green lotus pill uses earth fire lotus seeds.

Xiao Yan traded the other medicinal materials and the sixth-level water attribute magic core with the Alchemist Guild long before he went out to practice.

After all, before he and Xiao Xue went out to practice, Xiao Xue was already a fifth-rank pharmacist.

And in the Jia Ma Empire, the vice president of the Alchemist Guild is only at the fourth rank.

Therefore, the Xiao family's right to speak and influence in the Alchemists Guild is far from comparable to the original book.

Of course, it may also have the meaning of making friends with the Xiao family.

After learning that Xiao Yan was Xiao Xue's elder brother, Xiao Yan traded the medicinal materials and magic cores he needed from the Alchemists Guild without much effort.

This time, Xiao Yan did not miss out on the blood lotus essence in Qingshan Town. As a result, it was a blessing in disguise, and he kept the medicinal materials and magic core.

Therefore, Yao Lao used a ground fire lotus seed to successfully refine a sixth-grade Qinglian Dan for future use.

Na Ling, Yao Lao also has stock in his hand.

As for the Bingling Hanquan, Xiao Yan got a lot of them from the snake-human race, and it would be no problem to fill a swimming pool.

These were all used when Medusa brought back from the Northern Cold Land and planned to evolve with the help of different fires.

Now that Medusa has evolved successfully, these ice springs are useless.

The elders of the snake-human race also made a favor and gave it to Xiao Yan for him to use it to refine the strange fire.

For these free gifts, Xiao Yan naturally accepted them without any politeness.

With so many ice spirits and cold springs suppressing Qinglian's heart fire, the probability of his refining success can be increased by [-] to [-] percent.

(End of this chapter)

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