Chapter 150 Chance 10, so terrifying

In a certain cool cave, Xiao Yan sat cross-legged, with Yao Lao floating beside him.

"Have you made a decision yet? Fen Jue has now evolved to a high-level Huang rank, which is comparable to ordinary Xuan rank exercises."

"Although this level is not high, it is not low either."

"Based on your cultivation speed, it will only take a few years to break through to the Great Fighter Master. When the time comes to refine the Heavenly Flame, the success rate will be even higher."

When things came to an end, Yao Lao also became nervous.

It is really a complete green lotus heart fire, its power is too terrifying, leaving a little shadow on Yao Lao who only has a soul body left.

After all, Yao Lao who did not take Qihuan Qinglingsaliva was no more than a Dou Huang.

In the original book, Xiao Yan snatched the strange fire from Medusa and Furukawa, and when Yun Yun came after him wearing a black robe, Yao Lao said,

He was sure of keeping Xiao Yan, but he was not sure, leaving the strange fire from a fighting emperor.

Therefore, Yao Lao's current combat strength is probably at the level of Douhuang.

Therefore, Qinglian's heart fire, which can burn the Douhuang's peak Medusa to half-death, also poses a certain threat to the current Yao Lao.

Moreover, although Furukawa and Medusa did not intervene, the process of searching for the strange fire this time was quite dangerous.

At that time, if Yao Lao hadn't convinced others with virtue, let the fire spirit snake lead the way;
It is estimated that the two of them will not be able to find Qinglian's heart fire in the magma world.

However, without the control of the green-scaled green snake with three pupils, the fourth-order double-headed fire spirit snake will naturally not be as cute as the original book.

After Yao Lao took over the fight on behalf of him and subdued it, it obediently led Xiao Yan and Yao Lao to find Qinglian Dixinhuo.

As a result, when the two were picking Qinglian's heart fire, the fire spirit snake took the opportunity to moisten it!

It is probably thinking of leaving these two humans in the depths of the underground magma to fend for themselves.

As a result, Xiao Yanfu's life was overwhelmed, and finally, together with Yao Lao, he got out of the ground alive.

It's just that Yao Lao's soul power was also consumed a lot in it, and it slowly returned not long ago.

For the soul body, as long as the source is not damaged, the consumed soul power can be slowly recovered.

In the original book, when Yao Lao fell asleep, it was the damage of the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus, which had already exceeded the critical value.

Although Yao Lao did not fall asleep this time, the whole process was quite dangerous.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's [Opportunity 10], a soul body with only Dou Huang's strength, deep in the magma, and there are turbulent positions everywhere, it is basically impossible to return to the ground alive.

[Opportunity 10], so terrifying!
Yao Lao looked at Qinglian Dixinhuo at the side, and then at Xiao Yan who was sitting cross-legged, he hesitated to speak, and then he wanted to speak.

This green lotus heart fire, to him, has a certain threat.

And Xiao Yan is just a small Dou Shi now, Yao Lao is not willing to let Xiao Yan try refining now.

After all, even though he only has the high-level exercises of the Huang rank, Xiao Yan's cultivation speed is quite fast, so there is absolutely no need to take risks now.

"Just now! Teacher, I'm ready."

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Yao Lao, and said firmly.

From the moment Xiao Yan chose Fenjue, he knew that finding and devouring the strange fire would be his life's mission.

Moreover, he chose to burn Jue not only to become stronger, but also to help Yao Lao revive.

Just like in the original book, Xiao Yan wanted to become stronger during the three-year agreement, and he had a very intuitive purpose - to defeat Nalan Yanran.

But if it's purely for winning, he can definitely choose the earth-level exercises in Yao Lao's hands.

In that way, his strength improvement speed in the early stage will definitely be greater than Xuan Fenjue, and he is more likely to win the three-year contract.

Therefore, when Xiao Yan said that he wanted to refine Qinglian's heart fire, he was definitely not joking.

He really intends to swallow this Qinglian heart fire right now!
After swallowing Qinglian's heart fire, Fen Jue could reach the middle level of the Xuan rank, or even the advanced rank of the Xuan rank.

And cultivation is one step at a time, one step at a time.

With more advanced exercises, his future practice will be more effective with less effort!
"Since you have made up your mind, I have no choice but to support you."

Yao Lao flicked his fingers lightly, a faint gray light suddenly flew out from his fingertips, and then suspended in the air——

It was a gray stone the size of a thumb, and in the center of the stone, there was a little light blue light slowly wriggling.

"The power of the different fire cannot be tolerated by the human body. Unless the energy of the different fire is completely refined and integrated into the Douzhi Cyclone, otherwise, everything about you will be burned to ashes by the different fire."

"However, it is too early for you to completely refine the strange fire. This requires Na Ling to open up a space in your body to accommodate the strange fire." Yao Lao said lightly.

"This is the legendary Naling that only high-level Nashi has a chance to conceive?"

Xiao Yan looked at Na Ling and asked curiously.

"That's right, take out the Qinglian Dan." Yao Lao said.

Xiao Yan swallowed, and took out a jade bottle from the ring.

Among them, there is a blue pill the size of a longan.

Judging by its fineness, it is much better than the Qinglian Pill that Xiao Xue refined back then.

After all, Xiao Xue was the first time to successfully refine a sixth-grade elixir.

And for a master of alchemy like Yao Lao, refining a sixth grade is probably just enough to warm up.

When Xiao Yan took out the Qinglian Pill, Yao Lao released Qinglian's Heart Fire from the Qinglian Seat.

Without the shackles of the blue lotus seat, the originally extremely small blue flame suddenly increased by nearly several times.

In just a split second, the blue flame turned into a ball of flames, suspended in mid-air.

As the volume of the flame grew, the temperature in the cave was rising at an extremely fast rate.

At the top of the cave, the blue rock wall has been silently melted to create a head-sized hole.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, Xiao Yan raised his head, with a serious face, looking at the blue flame rising in mid-air.

"Although what you said was a bit unlucky, but to be on the safe side, you'd better sit on Qinglian. In case of any accident, Qinglian can save your life."

"Otherwise, even if I am, it will be difficult to rescue you at that moment."

After Yao Lao hesitated for a while, he arrived helplessly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded with a wry smile, lightly tapped the ground with his toes, and lightly landed on the green lotus seat, then turned his head to look at Yao Lao.

"Take Qinglian Pill first."

As Yao Lao said, he pushed Qinglian's heart fire into the icy cold spring pool beside him.

Almost instantly, the Bingling Hanquan turned into white mist because of the terrifying temperature of Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire.

However, the icy temperature also made Qinglian's heart fire no longer active, and almost lost its movement.

But Xiao Yan knew that this was only temporary.

A mere pool of ice spirit cold spring is naturally not enough to suppress Qinglian's heart fire, it can only make it "weak" for a period of time.

And what he has to do is to take advantage of the short period of time when Qinglian's heart fire is weak, refine and devour it.

Xiao Yan poured out Qinglian Pill from the jade bottle and swallowed it in one gulp, and then used [Suction Palm] to inhale the original fire seed of Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire—the cyan magma bar into his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Yan closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and swallowed the original fire seed of Qinglian's heart fire.

Then, taking advantage of Qinglian's heart fire wilting due to too much water, Xiao Yan pushed it frantically, and under the protection of Qinglian Pill, moved forward along the route of the Fen Jue exercise.

Although the inner fire of the green lotus is quite proud, a pool of ice spirit cold spring also calmed it down for a moment.

Although the temperature above it was still hot, it was within the range that Xiao Yan could bear.

In the end, Qinglian Dixinhuo still lost to the cheating protagonist of [Fate 10], and was successfully refined by Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, who is the protagonist, also has a problem, and that is [full-level opportunity] that he himself does not know.

Several hours later, Xiao Yan refined Qinglian's heart fire without any risk, and evolved the Fenjue technique in one go.

Fen Jue has evolved to the middle level of the mysterious class, and it is only a little short of the advanced level.

At the same time, Xiao Yan also gained a lot of benefits from it, directly improving his two-star strength and reaching the level of a five-star fighter.

Then, when Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were about to leave, they encountered a sandstorm.

Apart from eating soil, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were not only not affected by the sandstorm, but also obtained... Wind Fury Dragon Flame.

The ranking of this strange fire is not high, it is only No.18 in the strange fire list, one level higher than Qinglian Dixinhuo.

However, for the current Xiao Yan, this is simply the most suitable ranking for him.

Although Windfury Dragon Flame ranks No.18, it is one of the most difficult to find strange fires.

The reason why this kind of strange fire is difficult to find is that it is different from other strange fires, it has no fixed location and can appear randomly.

This kind of strange fire grows in the eye of the ancient desert flame tornado, and it will only appear on the hottest days of the year, and it may appear anywhere in the desert.

If you want to subdue this strange fire, you need to gather a large number of people and stay in the desert everywhere.

And compared with its [-]th ranking, the price is too high, not worth it at all.

Therefore, there are not many strong people who would consider finding and refining this kind of strange fire.

However, it's different if it's delivered to your door, so don't reject it for nothing.

After preparing some auxiliary pills and the like, after refining the Wind Fury Dragon Flame, Xiao Yan's Fen Jue can at least be promoted to the ground level.

What is a humanoid koi? !

[Opportunity 10], so terrifying!

Compared with the current protagonist group, Xiao Yan, the original protagonist, is a bit of a loser, so Pigeon strengthened him a bit here.

It's not like being a babysitter, after all, Xiao Yan is a tool person of [Fate 10], and it will also be useful in some secret realms in the future (funny)

Moreover, is it all for the Xiao family? The protagonist is Xiao Yan's own sister. It shouldn't be too poisonous (?)
If you have comments or suggestions, and if you find any poisonous points, you can directly give feedback in the book reviews and paragraph reviews. Thank you here.

(End of this chapter)

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