Chapter 152 Guiding Nalan Yanran
One month later, Xiao Yan came to Jianan Academy to report.

In fact, the road would not have taken so long.

But Xiao Yan met acquaintances on the road, so it took a few more days.

When Xiao Yan was about to leave for Jia Nan Academy, he met Nalan Yanran who was coming to Yancheng.

In the original book, Nalan Yanran also came to this northwest border.

She came to represent the Yunlan Sect to celebrate the birthday of the head of the Mo family, Mo Cheng.

Of course, Nalan Yanran at the time didn't know that this was a grand banquet.

Instead, it was Xiao Yan who passed by here in order to save Qinglin, and accidentally saved her life.

At that time, the Mo family set their minds on Nalan Yanran, and even wanted the juniors of the Mo family to directly cook rice.

That is to say, at that time, Nalan Jie was half-dead from being tormented by the poison, and Nalan Su and the head of the Mohist family were also fighting spirits.

And at that time, they also captured Qinglin who had the Jade Snake Three-Hua pupil.

Because of studying crooked ways of transplanting all day long, the Mo family, a family whose strongest is no more than fighting spirits, actually knows something about the green snake three-flower pupil.

If the Jade Snake Three-Hua Pupil can be transplanted and tempered to a certain level, Mo Cheng, who is at the Dou Ling level, can completely control a sixth-order snake-like monster.

Even Medusa who has not evolved into the colorful sky-swallowing python may be controlled by the green snake three-flower pupil.

At that time, he was fully capable and had a touch with Yun Yun and Jia Xingtian.

That's why Mo Cheng dared to be so brave and attack Yun Yun's disciple.

But today is different from the past, Nalan Yanran has not divorced the Xiao family, and has quite a relationship with the Xiao family and the Yunlan sect.

And Xiao Xue, the legendary genius of the Xiao family, even contributed to the alliance between the Jia Ma Empire and the Snake Empire.

The Xiao family's status in the Jia Ma Empire is not weaker than that, and even far surpasses that of the Mittel family and the Nalan family.

Nalanjie's branding poison has also been cured long ago, and the Mo family naturally knows about this news.

Not to mention the inextricable relationship behind Nalan Yanran, a single Nalan Jie can easily wipe out the entire Mo family.

Therefore, even if Mo Cheng was given ten more courages, he would not dare to attack Nalan Yanran.

After all, although the Mo family is powerful, it can be regarded as the largest family in Yancheng.

But in the eyes of the Yunlan Sect, a small family whose strongest person is no more than a fighting spirit means nothing.

If it weren't for the Mo family paying a huge sum of offerings to the Yunlan Sect every year, from their perspective, they would condescend to deal with the Mo family?
The Mo family pays money to the Yunlanzong every year, and then uses the name of the Yunlanzong to dominate the local area and develop into the first family in Yancheng.

To some extent, this is nothing more than a "clear price" transaction.

Xiao Yan left the snake-human camp in the desert and entered Yancheng after refining Fengfury Longyan.

Just as he was about to take the flying monster to the Canaan Academy, he ran into Nalan Yanran who was ordered by Yunyun here.

Then, he followed the team of Misty Cloud Sect and went to Yancheng for a tour.

After all, if you go to Canaan College now, you won't be able to keep up with the inner court trials.

Moreover, it may not be a good thing to be busy practicing all the time.

So, just as Nalan Yanran invited Xiao Yan, Yao Lao gave Xiao Yan a little vacation.

Of course, only he knows what this disrespectful old guy who once "suggested" Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran to get married earlier is thinking.

Facing the invitation from his nominal fiancée, Xiao Yan couldn't refuse, which made the other party lose face.

Therefore, he followed Nalan Yanran and went to the Mo family, treating it as a relaxation after practicing.

Seeing Nalan Yanran bringing her fiancé over, Mo Cheng was also quite frightened, and hurriedly welcomed the two of them in.

This time, the Mo family treated Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan as honored guests, and treated them well, for fear that they would be dissatisfied.

To be honest, Mo Cheng felt that he was not so considerate to his parents back then.

During the banquet, Yao Lao's powerful soul power naturally sensed the weirdness in the Mo family.

After Xiao Yan communicated with Yao Lao, he figured out that the Mo family was conducting transplantation experiments without much effort.

In fact, Xiao Yan is not a good person.

Generally speaking, if others didn't offend him, he wouldn't bother.

Even if there is a holiday, if there is a grudge, if there is a grudge, then they can still sit together and drink.

But perhaps, because of Xiao Xue's influence, Xiao Yan in this world has undergone a slight change in mentality.

In this world where the jungle preys on the strong, being weak is the original sin.

There are countless suffering people in the world, and there is endless help.

But the things in front of you cannot be regarded as invisible.

Throughout the journey of cultivation, the ultimate cultivation is the heart.

There are two types of final strong ones, one has abandoned the worldly emotions, and achieved a high godhead, overlooking all living beings.

The other is to retain the worldly emotions, stick to the heart, and retain one's own personality.

After becoming emperor, Xiao Yan can still sit and drink with his classmates from Jia Nan Academy, which is obviously the second type.

Such a "person" is much more real than an illusory "god".

In particular, as a modern person who traveled from the blue star, Xiao Yan hated such things as the transplantation of benevolence, body and qi.

After all, who is a serious person who would study this method of neither human nor ghost?

In the world of cultivating immortals, the Mohist school is a cult, and everyone can get it and punish it.

Therefore, in Xiao Yan's heart, the Mo family has already labeled them as "villains".

However, after all, the Mo Family has a close relationship with the Yunlan Sect, and it is not easy for an outsider to intervene.

Therefore, Xiao Yan told Nalan Yanran about his discovery.

It was also the first time for Nalan Yanran to know that the Mohists were actually doing this kind of research, even involving human body experiments.

The girl who hates evil like hatred can't accept this kind of practice at all.

If only monsters were involved, then Nalan Yanran would just turn a blind eye and pass by.

But experimenting with living people is already beyond Nalan Yanran's acceptance range.

She immediately stated that she would report what the Mo family had done to Yun Yun, and after handing it over to the teacher for a decision, she took Xiao Yan and Ge Ye and waved her sleeves away, leaving Mo Cheng and everyone in the Mo family dripping with cold sweat.


"I don't know how you Yunlanzong will deal with the Mo family?"

After leaving the Mo family, Xiao Yan looked at Ge Ye, the deacon of the Misty Cloud Sect who was following Nalan Yanran, and asked casually.

A teenage girl like Nalan Yanran actually doesn't understand these things.

There may be many relationships among them.

Don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about a small family of the Mo family, how did they invite the young lord of the Yunyun Sect to celebrate Mo Cheng's birthday?
Xiao Yan didn't know the truth of it, but there must be something tricky in it.

The fact is that most of the offerings made by the Mo family to Yunlanzong went into Yunling's pocket.

Yunling, a Douwang, dared not listen to Yun Yun, the Douhuang's words, and even dismissed it, because he was actually following Yunshan's orders.

Yunling, the Great Elder's power, has even surpassed the suzerain Yun Yun in Yunlanzong.

Therefore, he wanted Nalan Yanran to create momentum for a small family under him, which was naturally simple.

Therefore, Xiao Yan's question to Nalan Yanran is probably useless, why not ask Ge Ye directly.

At the same time, through Ge Ye's answer, Xiao Yan secretly learned about Yunlanzong.

It seems that the power of Yunlanzong is not as peaceful as he thought before.

"Master Xiao Yan, in the name of the deacon of the Misty Cloud Sect, I will definitely investigate this matter. Give us some time."

Facing Xiao Yan's eyes that looked like a smile but not a smile, Ge Ye said bravely.

"Mr. Ge Ye, there are so many powerful families and merchants in Yancheng here."

Xiao Yan paused, then continued: "You might as well ask them how Mo Cheng has used the name of the Misty Cloud Sect to bully them all these years."

"You Yunlan sect is the biggest bully, how can people believe such words?"

As soon as Xiao Yan said this, Ge Ye's expression immediately became unnatural.

Compared to Nalan Yanran, who is dedicated to cultivating and studying, old things like him and Mo Cheng, the purpose of taking refuge in the Yunlan Sect is to benefit from it.

Many things, in fact, both sides are well aware.

But if you pierce the window paper in person, it will be very embarrassing.

"Xiao Yan, the Misty Cloud School is not what you think!" Nalan Yanran defended the Misty Cloud School anxiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan chuckled lightly, looked at Nalan Yanran, and said in a low voice:
"Nalan Yanran, as the young lord of the Misty Cloud Sect, you can't focus on cultivation, but also understand the ways of the world."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand these things now, you will gradually understand in the future."

"You two, don't send it away!" Xiao Yan said, and summoned Ziyun Wing to fly into the sky.

Compared to himself in two lifetimes, Xiao Yan felt that Nalan Yanran was a little too simple.

She still has a long way to go if she wants to grow into a sect master.

Seeing Xiao Yan's back going away, Nalan Yanran fell silent for a while.

For a teenage girl like her, it was still a bit of a struggle to figure something out.

However, there is one thing that Nalan Yanran is certain of.

That is, Xiao Yan's strength is much stronger than his own.

When Xiao Yan was using the flying fighting skill just now, the vigorous fighting energy fluctuated, which could not be faked.

Seeing Xiao Yan's strength, the proud Nalan Yanran felt a sense of urgency again.

She had just been "taught" by Xiao Yan, but even if she was as proud as Nalan Yanran, she had to admit that what Xiao Yan said made sense.

In terms of managing the sect's affairs and dealing with the world, she really didn't do very well.

Because her master Yun Yun doesn't know much about these things, and basically let the elders take care of them.

She followed Yun Yun, so naturally she couldn't learn much experience in managing the sect.

But she didn't want it, she was overwhelmed by Xiao Yan in every aspect!
—Where you fall, get up in another place.

Nalan Yanran turned her head to look at Ge Ye, "Old Ge, I want to enter the Gate of Life and Death."

On the other side, Yao Lao suddenly asked Xiao Yan in the air, "Little Yanzi, are you planning to fly to Jia Nan Academy?"

Xiao Yan was slightly taken aback, "No, this place is so far away from Jia Nan Academy, how could I fly there?"

Yao Lao: "Then why don't you go back to Yancheng and take the flying monster!"

Xiao Yan: "..."


In the past few days, I have started with [-] words, so I don’t want to say much, please ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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