Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 153 Nalan Yanran enters the gate of life and death

Chapter 153 Nalan Yanran enters the gate of life and death
Xiao Yan made a circle, returned to Yancheng, and got on the flying monster headed to Jia'an Academy.

When Xiao Yan spared a detour and returned to Yancheng, Ge Ye was already startled by what Nalan Yanran said just now.

"You want to enter the Gate of Life and Death?!"

When Ge Ye heard Nalan Yanran's words, his face turned pale.

The Gate of Life and Death is a special secret realm in the Misty Cloud Sect.

The reason why it is named the gate of life and death is because that place is very dangerous, once entering, there may be a life and death crisis.

Many talented disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect have tried to enter the Gate of Life and Death, hoping to gain benefits from it.

But the vast majority of people are in and out.

"The Gate of Life and must at least be at the Spirit Fighting level to enter..."

"Although you are the one who can resonate with the gate of life and death this time, it is too dangerous to go in at this time." Kuzu Ye persuaded.

Compared to the great Dou Shi in the original book, the current Nalan Yanran is just a Dou Shi.

It is bound to be extremely dangerous to enter the gate of life and death with the cultivation base of Dou Shi.

"I need to improve my strength, otherwise with my current strength, I can't beat him at all."

"Furthermore, the Gate of Life and Death is the resting place of the past suzerains of the Misty Cloud Sect. I am also a member of the Misty Yun Sect, so I must be protected by them."

Nalan Yanran shook her head, looked in the sky in the direction where Xiao Yan disappeared, and said slowly.

There is still one year left before the three-year agreement.

Nalan Yanran still has the secret seal of the Misty Cloud Sect, which conceals her true strength.

Even Nalan Yanran herself doesn't know what cultivation level she has now.

However, she can also make a guess.

According to the development of the original book, one year later, at the time of the three-year appointment, Nalan Yanran should be a two-star fighter.

At this time, she should be at the level of a Dou Shi six or seven star.

But because Xiao Xue affected the world line, Nalan Yanran obtained the Purple Spirit ahead of schedule.

Therefore, Nalan Yanran's cultivation level is higher than that of the original work, probably around the Eight Star Fighting Master.

But now, after swallowing two strange fires in a row, Xiao Yan is already an eight-star fighter.

In just a few months, his Fenjue skill has soared from the middle level of the yellow rank to the ground rank.

Due to its particularity, the current Fenjue is comparable to the general earth-level middle-level fire attribute exercises.

As for Nalan Yanran, even though she is the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect, the skills she cultivated are only at the advanced Xuan level.

—— Yunlanzong, a sect with Dou Zun as the founder, and whose inheritance has not been broken, can't even make up a few local-level exercises.

Although the Yunlan Sect has quite a few fighting skills at the Xuan level, there is only one move for the Earth level [Extreme Wind - Death Kill].

It can be seen that the map limiter was forgot to turn off.

So when the two of them stood together, Nalan Yanran could feel Xiao Yan's strength even if she didn't release her dou qi coercion.

If they were one-on-one now and didn't use the black-level fighting skills at the bottom of the box, she would probably be rubbed against the ground by Xiao Yan.

Nalan Yanran remembered that the last time she saw Xiao Yan, he was still a one-star fighter, and she was a one-star fighter.

But now, she might have been caught up by Xiao Yan.

There is a big difference, and being caught up within a year, how does the proud Nalan Yanran accept it.

Another thing to say is that she is the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect. If she loses, where will the Misty Yun Sect lose face?

Yes, that must be the case, the proud girl is cheering herself up.

"Bearing the honor of the sect, I cannot lose!"

Of course, it may also be for future family status.

Who can say these things clearly?
Therefore, Nalan Yanran made a decision that violated her ancestors——

She wants to enter the gate of life and death at the level of a fighter.

Because at first glance, if she practiced step by step, it would be impossible for her to defeat Xiao Yan in the three-year contract.

In the past two years, Nalan Yanran has practiced fighting skills with Yun Yun, entered the secret realm to practice and practice alone, and even followed her grandfather Nalan Jie to the border to conquer the Izumo Empire in order to become stronger.

Moreover, she has a very stubborn personality, and she will not easily change what she decides.

Once she made a decision, not even Nalan Jie and Yun Yun could stop her.

Ge Ye finally sighed, and shook his head, "The Gate of Life and Death is originally the successor of the Yunlan Sect's suzerain, and it is the last test before becoming the suzerain."

"Yan Ran, if you insist on entering the Gate of Life and Death now, I'm afraid the Great Elder will have a hard time passing it."

Nalan Yanran turned around and walked towards the place where the flying monsters were stationed, leaving only a faint sentence:

"I will personally discuss with the master about the matter of the Gate of Life and Death, and the matter of the Mo family."

Hearing this, Ge Ye also wisely chose to remain silent, silently following behind Nalan Yanran.

The matter of the Mo family was brought to Yun Yun by Nalan Yanran, even if Yun Ling stepped forward to help the Mo family, it would be impossible to lightly expose it.

Even if it is to convince the public and block the mouth of Youyou, the Mo family must be punished.

And the severity of the punishment will not be light.

After all, what the big sect forces care most about is reputation.

It takes years to build a good reputation, but it usually only takes a moment to destroy it.

Therefore, Ge Ye could already guess that the Mohist family would inevitably be abandoned as abandoned sons.

It is also unknown what kind of revenge the Mo family will suffer from the major forces in Yancheng without the support of the Yunlanzong.

But what is foreseeable is that the Mo family is finished.

As for entering the gate of life and death, as a deacon, all he can do is persuade.

He is completely unqualified to influence the decision of the young suzerain Nalan Yanran.

It's okay to dissuade him a little bit, but if he talks too much, in his capacity, it's a bit inappropriate.

Neither Ge Ye nor Nalan Yanran could fly, so they naturally left by flying monsters.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan's movements were faster than theirs, and the embarrassing scene of "it's okay not to send it off, what the hell are we meeting at the airport" didn't happen.

Half a month later, the Mo family was found out by the "inspection team" of the Yunlan Sect, and they were conducting some insane live experiments.

Then, the Mo family was cleared by the Misty Cloud Sect, and the matter was announced to the entire Jia Ma Empire with the help of the Misty Yun Sect.

The Yunlanzong also publicly stated that once the Yunlanzong finds out that some forces are carrying out this kind of "evil cultivation" that hurts the heaven and harmony, they will deal a thunderous blow to them. All families and forces are asked to take warning.

This approach has gained a lot of praise from the people for Yunlanzong.

For most of the ordinary people in the Jia Ma Empire, they do not have access to the power of the Misty Cloud Sect.

In their hearts, the Misty Cloud Sect is the holy land of cultivation for the entire Jia Ma Empire.

Therefore, they have given wide acclaim to this approach of the Misty Cloud Sect.

Those who really knew the truth, such as the Jia Ma royal family, and some other forces sneered at the [Announcement] of the Misty Cloud Sect.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of Liao Zhai are they playing?

But it has to be said that this step of Yunlanzong's abandoning the car to protect the handsome is indeed a wonderful move, which has greatly improved its prestige among the common people.

Although in the Douqi Continent, a world where the strong are respected, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it" is not completely applicable.

But in these empires in the Northwest Continent, people's hearts still play a big role.

After all, these empires in the Northwest Continent sound awesome and are at the "empire" level, but they are actually not as good as a sect in Zhongzhou.

It is only in the frontier of the Northwest Continent that they dare to call themselves "Empire".

Because the strong don't care about the resources here at all.

Look at the piles of bigwigs in Zhongzhou, basically they all belong to the public area.

Who dares to build their own country there?

It is not bad to demarcate a place and it is the territory of a certain force.

Although these forces, if they really compare their strength, are many times stronger than these empires in the Northwest Continent.

Moreover, the development of the empire, in addition to advanced combat power, depends entirely on population.

But the degree of freedom of the empire is much higher than that of the sect.

If you don't want to stay any longer, you can leave directly, and the royal family has nothing to do with you.

Unlike those sect forces, they have a certain degree of binding force on those who join them.

If the hearts of the people are scattered and the residents go to other empires, it will inevitably have a greater impact on the development of the empire.

Therefore, winning the hearts of the people is equally important to the Jia Ma royal family.

As a result, Jia Ma's royal family also took action very quickly, also made a statement, and even set up a special "relevant department".

The Jiama imperial family covers a larger area, including the former territory of the Izumo Empire.

After all, almost everyone has heard about how chaotic the Izumo Empire was when poison masters were rampant.

The Jia Ma Empire made great efforts to rectify that area, so that the citizens can live in peace of mind, and they also received rave reviews.

Of course, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran knew nothing about these things.

At this time, Xiao Yan had arrived at Jia Nan Academy, thousands of miles away.

And Nalan Yanran has already entered the gate of life and death to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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