Chapter 157 Xiao Xiao’s Origin

"The prince is happy."

As soon as these words fell, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, exploding in Medusa's ears, making her completely stunned.

No matter how calm she was, when she heard what the Great Elder said, she was shocked for a moment and her mind went blank.

Medusa's usual killing and decisiveness had all disappeared, her mouth opened slightly, but because of the upheaval in her heart, she couldn't utter a word.

For a woman like her, she could take someone's life on the battlefield without blinking an eye.

However, in this kind of matter, she is like a panicked little girl, not knowing any countermeasures.

The Great Elder stood quietly aside, waiting for Medusa to recover.

In the opinion of the great elder, Medusa was just in a daze because she was too excited.

After Medusa returned to the snake-human race, in order to prevent the elders from worrying about her, she concealed some things.

Anyway, no matter what, Medusa will work for Xiao Xue from now on.

It is better for the elders to treat Xiao Xue as a somewhat special boss than to worry about her safety all day after knowing the truth.

Medusa was brought up by the elders, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that these elders are her natal family.

Medusa naturally didn't want to make the elders worry about herself.

Therefore, in the version where Medusa told the four elders, she did win the leader of the alliance.

But Xiao Xue's teacher has not been informed about the two of them.

Therefore, the relationship between the two of them cannot be made public yet.

It needs to be approved by that Dou Zun in the future.

Anyway, with the identity imagined by the elders, they will treat Xiao Xue respectfully and will not get into trouble with her.

And when they "can't make it public", the elders would not talk nonsense, and Xiao Xue listened to them.

In the future, she will definitely follow Xiao Xue to Zhongzhou.

These Douhuang elders will not follow, and there will be no risk of exposure.

When the time comes, she will just have to act well at both ends.

So - plan to pass.

But obviously, telling a lie requires countless lies to make up for it.

The Great Elder obviously thinks that the relationship between Medusa and Xiao Xue is quite good.

If they knew that Xiao Xue did not "approve" Medusa as they thought, but held Medusa's deadly handle, the Great Elder would definitely not be as calm as he is now.

She didn't scare off a layer of skin, she faded it clean.

"That... Great Elder, did you... feel wrong?"

After a long while, Medusa finally recovered from the sluggish state at this moment, and said anxiously.

After all, she doesn't have that ability.

What's more, if there is really a newborn individual, with Xiao Xue's strength of soul power, how could it not be detected?

In terms of soul power alone, Xiao Xue is several times stronger than her Dou Zong.

If there was suddenly a breath of life in the body, how could Xiao Xue not notice it?

"The breath of life is very weak, and it would be difficult to sense it if we hadn't used secret methods to detect it."

"It's normal for the prince not to notice it." The great elder said.


What Medusa wanted to say was blocked in her throat for a while.

"The snake-human race is different from human beings, and your evolutionary body, Your Majesty, is even an ancient alien beast swallowing the sky python. Naturally, it is somewhat different from ordinary people."

"It's not surprising that anything happened during this process."

"So, it's not impossible to be able to do this."

After a pause, the Great Elder looked at Medusa and asked:

"Have you ever sensed the soul of the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python after your Majesty's evolution?"

Medusa shook her head subconsciously, "No."

Then, as if she thought of something, Medusa's expression changed greatly.

"That's right." The Great Elder didn't notice Medusa's face change, and nodded, showing a clear expression.

Then, she continued to "popularize" Medusa intimately:
"According to the records in the ancient books, after Medusa's lineage evolves, the soul will evolve into an ancient alien beast swallowing the sky, and it will naturally reach the seventh level."

"At the same time, a new soul of the Sky Swallowing Python will be bred in the new body."

"It needs to be self-fused before it can perfectly control the body of the swallowing python."

The soul of Medusa's lineage is actually very strange.

When they evolved, while their old bodies were reduced to ashes, their souls did not directly fit perfectly with their new bodies.

On the contrary, in the newborn body, a new soul will be born directly.

Although the strength of the newly born soul is probably only at the Douwang level, it is completely incomparable with the soul at the Douzong level after the body evolves.

But if the two souls cannot be fused, having two souls in one body will naturally affect the strength of the body.

Therefore, the "evolution" of Medusa's lineage is more like a "nirvana" and "seizure".

They need to "seize" a new body after the old body turns to ashes.

Moreover, obliteration is impossible, only soul fusion.

Because, the two souls are of the same origin and can influence each other.

From the original work, the Douzong-level Medusa can be affected by the Douwang-level Sky-Swallowing Python's soul, which shows how deep the connection between the two souls is.

And if the two souls are independent and do not affect each other, if the new soul is killed, it will have a great impact on the body.

Therefore, for many years, after the evolution of the Medusa lineage, they have always followed the path of integration.

And this process usually lasts for a long time.

It is also because of Warcraft that they are not proficient in souls.

That's why in the original book, Medusa asked Xiao Yan to get her a melting potion to speed up the process.

And now Medusa is busy running away after evolving.

Therefore, she subconsciously ignored some things.

Now being reminded by the Great Elder, Medusa immediately remembered.

It seems that after the evolution, she has never been affected by the soul of the swallowing python.

Coupled with the past, the vague soul resonance...

"...The old man speculates that it should be the soul of the Sky Swallowing Python, which will..."

The Great Elder was just right, making up for what Medusa had left unsaid in his heart.

"Great Elder, you haven't told her this yet, have you?!"

Medusa suddenly thought of something and anxiously interrupted the great elder's words.

Hearing this, the Great Elder shook his head, "Not yet."

"After all, it's too early for the prince to know about her now."

The Great Elder was a little embarrassed, and looked at Medusa, "This matter is of great importance, we old fellows dare not speak nonsense."

"Your Majesty, it would be more appropriate for you to find an opportunity to tell the prince personally in the future."

Hearing this, Medusa breathed a sigh of relief.

It was right to think about it, if Xiao Xue knew about it now, he wouldn't just roast her into a dried snake.

Medusa thought of the bone spirit cold fire in Xiao Xue's hand and couldn't help but feel a chill in her back.

"Great Elder, now that this situation has arisen, you... what should I do?"

Medusa forced herself to calm down and asked the great elder for advice a little eagerly.

In order to maintain her personality, she turned a little bit abruptly.

"Whether this subtle breath of life is a sign of Huaiyun's luck remains to be discovered..." the great elder said after thinking for a while.

"However, if this matter is true, then our snake clan will have another successor. This is a very important event for the clan!"

At the end of the words, a flush appeared on the face of the Great Elder, and a little excitement appeared in his eyes.

Several elders thought that Medusa's bloodline would be cut off.

But there is no end to the snake's road, and the bloodline has the possibility of continuing.

In this situation, how can we not let the Great Elder and the others get excited.

Even if they only have the hope of continuation, they are extremely happy.

"Regardless of whether this is true or not, you must remember that you must be more careful with the prince in the future."

"Perhaps after waiting for a while, the elderly and a few people will be able to completely determine the reason for the abnormality in the prince's body."

Then, the Great Elder nagged at Medusa again, asking her to coax Xiao Xue a little bit and keep the last Medusa's bloodline.

It would be best if the Medusa bloodline can be continued; if Xiao Xue doesn't want to keep seems they can't do anything.

However, judging from Medusa's previous performance, the elders are quite optimistic about the outcome of this matter.

Seeing the great elder with an excited face, the corners of Medusa's mouth twitched, and she really couldn't say anything to hurt her.

After Xiao Xue found out the truth, not only her Medusa, but also the entire snake-human race would suffer, right?

This was interpreted as a surprise to the elders and a fright to Medusa, which gave her an extremely headache.

(End of this chapter)

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