Chapter 158 Depression and Fertility

Xiao Xue has long been taken down by several other elders for cultivation.

They all tacitly concealed the fact that Xiao Xue might be lucky for the time being.

As for the strangeness of her body, the elders said that they can't see it clearly yet.

It takes a few months to "recheck" to know the specific reason.

Xiao Xue also had some doubts about this set of rhetoric, but she couldn't say anything.

After all, the final interpretation of the secret law of the snake people belongs to the other party.

On the other side, the snake-human temple.

"It will take some time before we can confirm... How long will it be?" Medusa couldn't help asking.

"Given the special nature of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python's bloodline, it is normal for three to five years." The great elder said calmly.

"The prince's situation is special. The time may vary, but it should not be less than one year, or at most two years."

After all, this kind of spiritual matter is probably the first of its kind in history, and it is not even recorded in ancient books.

The Great Elder and the others can only guess based on the strength of the breath of life and past experience.

——One to two years later, a new life with the blood of Medusa will be born.

Hearing this, Medusa breathed a sigh of relief again.

Fortunately, if the time is fixed in a month or two, then she is really going to the ice field and jumping off the edge of Bingling Lake.

Now she doesn't have the slightest awareness of being a mother.

She can put Medusa on the battlefield to kill enemies, and she has no problem letting her manage an empire.

But if you ask Medusa to take care of the children now, it's like asking a female CEO to be a housewife, and the profession is wrong.

The current Medusa is still far from the all-round strong woman who can go up to the court and go down to the baby's room.

——I need Xiao Xiao to exercise.

"This matter is related to the inheritance of our snake-human race, so even if there are only some possibilities, then we must use the secret method to nourish from now on."

After a pause, the great elder looked at Medusa and continued, "After all, more than a year has passed since then."

"If it is delayed for too long and the best opportunity is lost, it will be an irreparable loss for our snake people."

Although it is not completely certain yet, something is almost certain.

Medusa was not affected by the spirit of the Sky-Eating Serpent;
Now the elders used the secret method of the snake people to detect the breath of life that even Xiao Xue could not detect.

You know, Xiao Xue's soul power exceeds that of most Douzong.

She couldn't even find the abnormality, but the Douhuang of the snake-human race sensed it with a secret method.

——Symptoms are very similar to Medusa in the past dynasties; they all need to be baptized by secret methods to discover; the soul of the swallowing python that disappeared inexplicably...

A coincidence is a coincidence, and there are too many coincidences, but not necessarily.

All indications show that the possibility of Medusa's bloodline is already greater than [-]%.

For Brother Changshou, there is a ninety-eight percent chance—near death.

For the elders of the snake people clan, there is a ninety-eight percent probability—you can be sure.

Well done Yiyu!

Therefore, the elders can't wait to start the next arrangement:

The "nourishing" mentioned by the elder is a special secret method of the snake-human race, or the Medusa lineage.

Medusa's bloodline is extremely strong, so when the baby is still in the mother's body, it needs to be nourished by countless panacea.

In this way, the baby's strength after birth will become stronger and stronger, and its potential will be extremely terrifying.

The Great Elder and the others naturally wanted to use advanced secret techniques to nourish the blood of this generation of Medusa.

After all, this generation of Medusa is an evolved Sky Swallowing Python, whose upper limit far exceeds that of the Purple Serpent Rock Snake.

And Xiao Xue's condition is also very good.

Not to mention her soul power, her physical strength is comparable to that of a sixth-level monster, and is not weaker than Medusa at the Dou Huang level.

Therefore, the secret method of nourishment can be used completely.

If it can be nourished by high-level secret methods, the new Medusa bloodline will probably have extremely strong talents.

As long as you get good training, it will not be difficult to break through the Dou Sheng in the future.

But that high-level secret method requires a seventh-grade pill, and the Heavenly Soul Blood Bone Pill is used as the main medicine.

...The current snake-human race can't get seventh-grade pills at all.

The medicinal materials for refining the seventh-grade elixir are all priceless.

Within a year, the Snake People couldn't get together at all, even if they used the power of the alliance.

Moreover, even if you collect enough medicinal materials, you can't find an alchemist who can refine seventh-grade elixirs in this northwest continent.

Although Xiao Xue was already at the seventh rank, the elders would not think about her at all.

For one thing, Xiao Xue just reached the sixth rank more than a year ago.

Although the talent of a sixth-rank pharmacist in his teens can be said to be against the sky, but now he has broken through to the seventh rank, and he is also a beaver.

Secondly, even if Xiao Xue reached the seventh rank, the elders would not let her take risks.

After all, seventh-grade pills are accompanied by pill robberies, and it is common for pills to be destroyed and people killed if one is not careful.

Therefore, the elders naturally wouldn't let Xiao Xue take the risk of refining a seventh-grade elixir.

——It’s just a layman’s stereotype.

Although Dan Lei was terrifying, there were not as many alchemists killed by Dan Lei as there were rumors.

There are many people who want to make friends with an alchemist of this level who can refine elixirs that can attract elixirs.

Even if your own strength is not enough, it is not too easy to find a few strong men to help block Dan Lei.

Only those pharmacists who refine the elixir alone may die accidentally under the elixir, but they are a minority after all.

Moreover, the Dan Lei of the seventh-grade elixir is estimated to be as powerful as a strike from Dou Zong in the mid-term, and Medusa can take it.

The identity of a pharmacist represents endless contacts.

But Xiao Yan in the original book only knows how to fight all day long.

When you are an alchemist, you basically produce and sell your own products, and you do not take advantage of this status at all.

For example, Xiao Xue has never hidden her identity as a pharmacist from the beginning to the end.

When she was a Dou Shi, she gained the support of the Jia Ma Royal Family and the Alchemist Guild in a short period of time.

Now, he has become the leader of the alliance.

Under Xiao Xue's influence, the Xiao family developed much faster than Xiao Yan's status as a pharmacist aside.

How to maximize and give play to one's own advantages is also a science.

Since he couldn't get the Heavenly Soul Blood Bone Pill, the Great Elder could only settle for the next best thing.

She asked Medusa to use the power of the alliance to start collecting medicinal materials for the Snake Marrow Bone Pill.

Snake Marrow Tuigu Dan, a sixth-grade elixir, is the main ingredient of the intermediate nourishing secret method.

And Xiao Xue was already a sixth-grade alchemist when she was in the Snake Tribe a year ago, so refining the Snake Marrow Bone-Removing Pill shouldn't be a problem.

Even if Xiao Xue couldn't do it, the Jia Ma Empire still had a sixth-rank senior pharmacist, Alchemy King Gu He.

Furukawa's current alchemy technique has also improved a little, reaching the peak of the sixth rank.

I believe that with the current friendship between the Snake Tribe and Furukawa, it is not difficult to ask him to make a medicine.

In the end, the exchange between Medusa and the Great Elder ended with Medusa agreeing to take good care of Xiao Xue and began to collect medicinal materials.

Due to the particularity of Xiao Xue's situation, it is estimated that it has only been two years since the birth of the Medusa bloodline.

Therefore, the elixir used for nourishment must be obtained after a year at the latest.

After bidding farewell to the Great Elder, Medusa returned to the bedroom with a heavy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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