Chapter 159: Beat your child as early as possible
Medusa paced back and forth in the bedroom, anxious to shed her skin.

In the end, she soaked in the ice spirit cold spring to think about life, trying to calm herself down.

Isn't it painless to be a mother? Small things, small things... what a ghost!

Her family knew about her family affairs, and her relationship with Xiao Xue was far from being as peaceful as she and the elders said.

Originally, the current situation was pretty good, and the relationship between the two had eased a lot.

As long as she practices honestly, then works for Xiao Xue, and becomes a qualified thug, nothing will happen to her.

As a result, now, as soon as this happened, all my previous efforts seemed to be in vain.

From an emotional point of view, Medusa wanted this little life with her blood to come to the world.

But rationality told her that once the breath of life developed to a certain level, it would definitely be discovered by Xiao Xue.

Then, what Xiao Xue will do is unpredictable.

If she is willing to give birth, then the big deal is that the snake people will raise her in the future;

But... there is a high probability that he is unwilling, because he does not have the emotional basis.

And if Xiao Xue is unwilling to disturb her relatives, friends and elders, then the matter will be serious.

At that time, not only would she have to finish playing, but the entire snake-human race would probably be angered.

Therefore, this breath of life is actually an invisible time bomb.

In Medusa's heart, the idea of ​​"knocking out" the soul of the little swallowing python even occurred without anyone noticing it.

However, she can be said to know nothing about the soul.

To put it bluntly, she wanted to quietly abort the fetus without Xiao Xue realizing it, so as to save the snake people, but she couldn't do it.

After Medusa hesitated for a moment, she planned to ask the alliance's alchemist first.

Human beings' research on the soul is definitely ahead of their snake-human race.

She was going to ask if there was any way to treat the problem of one body and two souls, or to separate the souls.

There is still a certain amount of time and there is still a chance to save it.

Regardless of the outcome, she had to give it a try.

(Some book friends said that there are few emotional scenes. That is because when I wrote the emotional line earlier, there were too many chapters locked, so I was forced to change the outline.)
(Of course Xiao Xiao won't be beaten, and the emotional line is also put behind. In the future, Medusa will suffer when she chases his wife, everyone.)

Of course, she is also the empress of the Snakeman Empire after all.

It would be too conspicuous if you went there in person.

It would be difficult if Xiao Xue realized something was wrong.

So, Medusa thought for a while, and summoned Yue Mei, one of the eight chiefs.

The emotional intelligence of snake people is generally not high, and even if the snake people empire and the Jia Ma Empire are united, the bad blood between the two tribes cannot be eliminated.

Compared to those snake-men leaders who have a bad temper and are prone to being cold-blooded, Yue Mei is obviously more suitable for "diplomacy".

Yue Mei has now advanced to the rank of Dou Huang, and she can fully afford this position.

Medusa asked Yue Mei to go to the alliance's pharmacist and ask if there was a solution to the soul problem.

Yue Mei was shocked, thinking that Medusa had a problem with her soul, so she answered it in a hurry.

As for why, Her Majesty the Queen didn't ask the Prince, who is also a pharmacist, and she, Yue Mei, didn't dare to ask.

Again, don’t eat the Queen’s melons.

Otherwise, if you eat a melon today, you will eat a piece of melon, and tomorrow you will eat a piece of melon with a chopstick.

Seeing Yue Mei's expression, Medusa knew that she had misunderstood, but she didn't open her mouth to explain and let her go.

Because the current problem is far more serious than her soul malfunctioning...

After leaving the snake-human race, Yue Mei first visited Gu He, who was the strongest alchemist in the alliance besides Xiao Xue.

Furukawa obtained an Earth Fire Lotus Seed from the Snake Human Clan before, and then refined it to obtain the transformation fire of the Earth Fire Lotus Seed.

Although this kind of flame is incomparable with real strange fire, it is also much stronger than ordinary beast fire.

With the buff brought by the transformed fire, he was able to break through from the sixth-rank advanced to the sixth-rank peak in just one year.

Therefore, although Gu He is now the honorary elder of the Yunlan Sect, his relationship with the Snake Clan is not so good.

Furukawa even provided a certain amount of low-level pills to the Snake People for free.

And he also promised that if the Snake Tribe proves useful to him, he can take one shot for free without any reward.

The favor of a sixth-rank peak pharmacist is also worth this price.

After learning that Medusa gave Furukawa an earth fire lotus seed, Xiao Xue didn't say anything.

Because apart from trying to help Xun'er add a little wood attribute to the flames, the ground fire lotus seeds didn't have much effect on her.

Now that she has reached the seventh rank, she can definitely have a better choice for refining the auxiliary medicine of different fires.

Moreover, a pharmacist at the peak of the sixth rank is also considered a big boss in the early stage, and has a great effect on the development of the alliance.

Therefore, it is not a loss to use something of little value to oneself to win over a sixth-rank peak pharmacist from Guhe.

After Yue Mei approached Gu He and expressed her intention of coming, Gu He also had some troubles.

Since all the snake people found him here, it meant that even Xiao Xue couldn't solve it.

In other words, Xiao Xue, or the elder teacher Danta behind her, can definitely solve this problem, but the snake people can't open the mouth.

That's right, Medusa is only a fighting sect now, and she is considered a top powerhouse in the Northwest Continent.

But how could a fighting sect hire an eighth-rank pharmacist?

That's why the snake people sent people to look for him.

Furukawa brainstormed the truth and felt that he understood everything.

And the elixir or method to solve the soul problem is so hard to find.

In a small place in Guhe, there are grassroots sixth-grade pharmacists who come out. This kind of problem is really difficult for him.

During the conversation, Furukawa suddenly thought of something, clenched his fist with his right hand, and smashed it on the palm of his left hand.

He told Yue Mei that at the pharmacist meeting half a year later, there would be a volume of sixth-grade elixir as a prize for the champion.

And that kind of sixth-grade elixir, the spirit-melting pill, should have a certain effect on solving the problem of the soul.

Since the next Alchemists Conference will be hosted by the Jia Ma Empire, this prize will naturally be kept by the Alchemists Guild of the Jia Ma Empire.

Naturally, the Jia Ma royal family would not be so generous as to reward them with the sixth-grade elixir.

I'm afraid that the alchemist guild in the entire Jia Ma Empire doesn't have a few sixth-grade elixir recipes.

This thing was released by Danta as a reward in order to encourage mainland pharmacists, and it can be regarded as a means of motivation.

The pharmacist meeting is held every eight years, and for Danta, only a seventh-rank pharmacist is eligible to enter it.

Therefore, the sixth-grade elixir formula is nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the giant Danta.

And Furukawa is also a pharmacist, so he naturally has some news that other people don't know yet.

For example, the championship prize after half a year, the elixir of fusion.

And this volume of pill recipe will definitely fall into the hands of the Alliance in half a year.

The Izumo Empire has been destroyed, and only the alchemists of the Izumo Empire still have a few brushes.

The level of pharmacists in the Mulan Empire and the Yanluo Empire was far inferior to that of the Jia Ma Empire and the destroyed Izumo Empire.

Therefore, it is impossible for the young alchemist who came to compete this year to win over his disciples, Gu He or Xiao Xue.

Gu He told Yue Mei the "advanced" news, and then said that after the alchemist meeting, if necessary, he could help the snake people refine a fusion spirit pill.

Of course, the premise is that his disciple wins the championship, and the pill is in his hands.

And if Xiao Xue's disciple wins, Furukawa remembers that Xiao Xue should also be at the sixth rank now.

After all, when the alliance was formed, Medusa said this to the outside world, Xiao Xue, the prince of the snake people and a sixth-grade alchemist.

Although it's only been a year, Xiao Xue should not be stronger than herself at the peak of the sixth rank now;

But with her heaven-defying talent, she would be able to refine the Spiritual Fusion Pill in two years.

After getting the information she needed, Yue Mei left and went to the Alchemist Guild for a while, and got a similar answer.

Yue Mei reported the collected information to Medusa.

After half a year, things might happen, but Medusa can only wait.

She can only hope that that little guy is strong enough to hang out for a few more days.

And Xiao Xue, who stayed in the snake-human race for a few days and couldn't find anything wrong, just forgot about it.

Because at present, this matter has no impact on her.

And if there is really any danger in her body, the system will conduct a [physical examination] self-check and provide feedback in a timely manner.

Therefore, after the problem could not be found out, Xiao Xue put it in the back of her mind, and planned to look at it when she "rechecked" in a few months.

Then, Xiao Xue went back to the Xiao Mansion in Jiama Emperor Capital to meet her cheap father Xiao Zhan.

After finally going back, I naturally want to go home and have a look.

After finishing the affairs of the Jia Ma Empire, she will go to Canaan College and join Xun'er, the Little Medical Fairy, her cheap brother and others.

(End of this chapter)

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