Chapter 160 Entering Canaan Academy
When Xiao Xue came home, Medusa naturally followed her all the way worried.

Regarding this, Xiao Xue didn't say anything, and acquiesced in her behavior.

As a tool person, Medusa is still very useful, on all levels.

When Xiao Xue brought Medusa back to Xiao's house, she didn't let her enter the house, but asked Medusa to find a place to wait outside.

Without him, Medusa's fierce reputation is too strong, even overshadowing her [Charm 9]'s glamorous reputation.

In the Northwest Continent, the word Medusa can stop children from crying at night.

Although the Xiao family has faintly become the largest family in the Jia Ma Empire now.

But apart from Xiao Xue, the strongest among them is just a Dou Ling.

If Medusa appears, the Xiao family will feel somewhat uncomfortable even if they are not afraid.

This time she was going home to visit her family, so there was no need to let Medusa come out and get involved.

Hearing Xiao Xue asked her to wait outside, Medusa breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and then disappeared from Xiao Xue's sight.

If Xiao Xue really let her follow in, she might feel uncomfortable instead.

— A little inexplicable sense of guilt.

Xiao Xue then returned to Xiao's residence and lived in Xiao's house for a few days.

In the past few days, she also stopped by Mittel's family, found Hai Bodong once, and refined a purple pill for him.

More than a year has passed, and with the destruction of the Izumo Empire, the alliance has naturally received a lot of medicinal materials.

When Xiao Xue saw Hai Bodong, she had gathered together the ingredients for the Soul-Reviving Purple Pill and made it for him.

Refining a fifth-grade elixir is completely out of the question for Xiao Xue now, and there is no possibility of failure at all.

The Rejuvenating Purple Pill can indeed restore the strength that has fallen due to the seal, but to what extent it can be restored depends entirely on its quality.

This time, Xiao Xue refined the pill pattern, moreover, it was still refined with bone spirit cold fire.

This Purple Pill of Rejuvenation restored Hai Bodong to a five-star Douhuang without any problem at all.

Then, Xiao Xue gave him an Ice Spirit Cold Essence.

If the ice spirit and cold marrow erupted in an all-round way, it would be enough to freeze Dou Zong to death.

Even if it is splashed on the body, part of the body and even the soul may be frozen.

If he could slowly refine even a part of the energy of the Ice Spirit and Cold Essence, Hai Bodong could reach the high-level Dou Huang with ease.

If the Mittel family can get the medicinal materials of Po Zong Dan;
At that time, it is not impossible to refine two more Pills of Breaking Zong for Hai Bodong to help him break through Dou Zong.

Hai Bodong was already very happy when he obtained the Rejuvenation Purple Pill to restore his strength.

Xiao Xuebai gave him an Ice Spirit Essence, which made Hai Bodong ecstatic, and almost made him change his surname by touching Mittel Tengshan's head.

Xiao Xue asked Hai Bodong to refine the Fuling Zidan and Bingling Hansui, and told him that in a few years, he might be needed to go to the Black Horn Region together.

Hai Bodong has certainly heard of where the Black Horn Domain is.

The degree of chaos there was even worse than that of the Izumo Empire.

However, Hai Bodong still agreed without hesitation.

After refining the Rejuvenation Purple Pill and the Ice Spirit Cold Essence, he can at least reach the high-level Douhuang.

Given him a few more years, it is not impossible for Dou Huang to reach his peak.

And although there is Dou Zong in the Black Horn Domain, Dou Huang is still considered a high-end combat power.

When Hai Bodong was a five-star Dou Huang, he dared to grab things from Medusa who was at the peak of Dou Huang.

Now following Xiao Xue, the lord with a backing, going to the Black Horn Territory, it will be a few years later, he naturally has nothing to be afraid of.

Professional players who only play in the peak game are different from ordinary players.

On the other side, the Jia Ma royal family also found Xiao Xue, hoping that she could refine a sixth-grade healing elixir for Youhai Flood Dragon Beast.

Xiao Xue naturally did not refuse. She spent a day refining the elixir and handed it over to the Jia Ma royal family.

Since Haibodong and the Jiama royal family had prepared three portions of medicinal materials, Xiao Xue kept the extra ones for herself.

Then, after socializing as the leader of the alliance for a few days and meeting representatives of some forces, Xiao Xue left the Gama Empire again and went to Canaan College.

Medusa appeared next to her at the right time, followed Xiao Xue on a flying monster, and left the Jia Ma Empire.


half a month later.

Canaan College, inner courtyard.

Although the selection competition in the inner court has already ended, it is still too early for the selection competition in the second year.

But Xiao Xue is now a Seven Star Fighting King and a sixth rank pharmacist.

——Although her soul power has reached the Great Perfection of the Mortal Realm, the peak of the seventh rank, she has never successfully refined a seventh rank elixir.

Therefore, strictly speaking, Xiao Xue can only be regarded as a "pseudo-seventh grade" now and needs a certain amount of time to practice.

But with these two items alone, it was more than enough to join the inner courtyard.

Even, after she enters, she can directly become a mentor and an elder.

After all, the old man Huo of the Alchemy Department of Canaan Academy is only a fifth rank.

Therefore, after Xiao Xue met the dean of the outer courtyard in the outer courtyard, she was arranged to enter the inner courtyard without much effort.

In the inner courtyard, in the clinic of the Little Doctor Immortal.

The medical center is not big, but once the door opens, the front door will inevitably be crowded with people queuing up.

Here, there is an iron rule.

No matter how noble your status is, or how powerful your influence in the inner court is, here, you can only queue up with a number.

However, no one has ever dared to violate such an arrogant rule because of the loli with a purple hair and twin ponytails.

What's more, the owner of this clinic is also a fighting king.

Moreover, once you make the master unhappy, you can only find a way to get rid of the fire poison at a high cost.

Therefore, among the students in the inner courtyard, no one dared to find fault here.

Today, however, a young girl named Shi Shiran walked through the long queue.

When the last student left after treatment, she actually ignored the rules of the clinic and walked in directly.

In the medical clinic, Zi Yan threw a special "biscuit" into her mouth and chewed it loudly, which made people worry about whether her teeth would break.

Seeing Xiao Xue coming in, Zi Yan immediately shouted carelessly, "Who is that? The one in white clothes? Go in line!"

Xiao Xue is now wearing a robe and a veil, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by her appearance.

With so many students in the inner courtyard, it is naturally impossible for everyone to know each other.

There are only a few "celebrities" whose names may be remembered by all.

For example, a certain drug came in half a year ago, along with Xun'er, Little Medical Fairy, Zi Yan, and others, as well as some guys on the list.

Especially, many students will avoid Zi Yan.

So she knew even fewer people.

Xiao Xue didn't seem very old, so Zi Yan subconsciously regarded Xiao Xue as a student she had never met before.

It had been a long time since no one dared to jump in line, seeing Xiao Xue, Zi Yan also became interested.

Is this a newcomer who has just entered the inner courtyard at this time?Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

The other students who lined up outside were whispering, and at the same time, waiting to see a good show.

They all know that the loli senior inside is not easy to talk to.

Although, after being injured by her, the little medical fairy will help treat it.

However, most people would not take their lives as a joke.

Brute Force King's fist, if you don't lie down for two months, it will be your fate.

"It must be a newcomer, right? Why are there still newcomers entering the inner courtyard?"

"I don't know, maybe I asked for leave before?"

"There's a good show to watch, I don't know how... senior sister will deal with her this time."


In the medical hall, Xiao Xue looked at Zi Yan who waved her small fist at herself, a little surprised.

She didn't expect that the little fairy doctor would actually abduct this girl.

"Are you new here? I advise you to queue up, otherwise..."

Before Zi Yan finished speaking, she saw Xiao Xue shouting to the back room, "Xian'er, the relationship is so good, so there is no need to line up?"

Hearing this sentence, not only the students waiting outside, but even Zi Yan was stunned for a moment.

Then the next moment, there was a voice of surprise in the medical hall, which directly made the people in line stay where they were——


(End of this chapter)

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