Chapter 161: Living a Tolerable Life (6K)

"Teacher, are you here?!"

The next moment, Little Doctor Immortal and Qing Lin came out of the back room of the medical hall in a hurry.

"Sorry everyone, I have something to do today, and the clinic is closed."

The little fairy doctor smiled politely to the outside, then closed the door, and ignored the people outside the medical hall who had come to their senses to fry the pot.

I believe that within one day, the news that Xiao Xue entered the inner courtyard will spread throughout the inner courtyard.

After all, in recent years, as long as the Xiao family can enter the inner court, almost all of them are legends.

Not to mention Xiao Yixian and Xun'er, the two of them won the second and third places in the strong list in the first year of entering the inner courtyard;

Qing Lin, the younger sister of the Little Medical Fairy, is now also a high-level Dou Ling, and there will be no problem in reaching the top ten next time.

Therefore, the students in the inner courtyard naturally believe that:
Xun'er's sweetheart and Little Doctor's teacher are not ordinary people.

And half a year ago, Xiao Yan, who entered the inner courtyard, also confirmed this point once again.

Although when Xiao Yan was about to enter the inner courtyard, some people sneered at Xiao Yan's cultivation.

After all, Xiao Yan at that time was only at the peak of the Eight-Star Fighting Master.

But Xun'er easily won the third place in the strong list, and he didn't even use his full strength. At least he was a high-level fighting spirit.

Comparing the two, the gap immediately came out.

Therefore, Xun'er likes Xiao Yan, no matter how you look at it, it's flowers stuck in cow dung.

Different from the original book, Xun'er in the original book didn't make much moves, so the comparison is not as intuitive and obvious as it is now.

Therefore, many students of Dou Ling, and even Da Dou Shi, wanted to "communicate" with Xiao Yan, so that he could retreat in spite of difficulties.

——Xiao Xun'er has naturally heard that other inner courtyard students regard Xiao Yan as her sweetheart.

And since the "Anti-Inflammation Gang" has always been an underground organization, Xun'er didn't take it too seriously.

It wasn't until Xiao Yan entered the inner courtyard and a large number of students went to "educate" Xiao Yan and were counter-educated that Xiao Xun'er realized the seriousness of the matter.

Xun'er forgot that she is actually a beautiful woman who is also a heartthrob.

She immediately clarified the matter to the public, indicating that Xiao Yan had already entered into a marriage contract with someone else, and the two of them had no relationship between men and women.

Xiao Yan already had a marriage contract, if she didn't clarify it, it would be bad for both of them, and it would also not be good for her future actions.

But Xun'er didn't say who she liked.

Although she is the rich daughter of the Ancient Clan and her father is the leader of the Ancient Clan, the Ancient Clan is not her father's family after all.

She now has a high status among the ancient clan, but in fact she doesn't have much real right to speak.

If the old stubborn who lived for thousands of years in those clans knew about it, they would definitely not support her.

Even, her father is not good on her side.

If she came out now, it would naturally cause a series of problems.

Moreover, Xun'er didn't know whether Xiao Xue could accept it, so naturally she wouldn't rush to blow herself up.

These matters require her to control the ancient clan. At least, she must speak with a certain weight in the clan before making long-term decisions.

In the fire energy hunting competition, Xiao Yan played tricks on several old students while applauding, which also made them realize that they shouldn't judge people by their appearance.

Grades are not everything.

Although Xiao Yan was only an eight-star fighting master at that time, he had nothing to fear against a great fighting master.

From the original book, it can be seen from the shocking reaction of everyone when Xiao Yan used the earth-level flame points to devour the wave ruler in the strong list competition;

For the young masters and ladies of these small Zhongzhou families, earth-level martial arts and fighting skills are still extremely rare.

The kung fu and fighting skills they cultivated are no more than the highest level of Xuan level.

Under the guidance of Yao Lao, Xiao Yan's fighting skills started at the Xuan level, and his skills were comparable to the intermediate fire attribute skills of the Earth level.

And the gap between the Mysterious Rank and the Earth Rank is not insignificant.

Therefore, at this stage, even if he encounters an opponent who is a level higher than himself, Xiao Yan can still fight.

Not to mention anything else, Xiao Yan has already cultivated the double dark energy for the high-ranking Bajibeng of the Xuan rank.

If you use the dark energy to play Qinglian's Heart Fire and Wind Fury Dragon Flame;
Dou Ling suffered this blow, and the strange fire entered his body, and he would be severely injured in an instant.

And even if he couldn't beat him, Xiao Yan could still use his flying fighting skills to escape.

Now Xiao Yan is already a Great Fighter, but it is completely possible to wrestle with the students on the top list.

With Xiao Yan's character of not holding grudges and emphasizing righteousness, after losing the filter of "rival in love", he managed to do well in Jia Nan Academy.

After seeing Xiao Yan as a pervert, everyone became more curious about his sister, the teacher of Little Doctor Immortal.

After all, there are some well-informed people in the inner courtyard, who can get the desired information——

Xiao Yan's sister, the teacher of the Little Medical Fairy, is the leader of the Northwest Continent Alliance. It is said that she is also a sixth-grade alchemist.

He is younger than Xiao Yan and is less than 20 years old at the sixth level, which can be said to be very unbelievable.

But looking at the other Xiao family members who are also against the sky——Xiao Yan, who is fighting at a higher rank, Xun'er who may already be the Dou Wang, the Dou Wang and the fourth-rank pharmacist, Xiao Yixian, and the fifteen or sixteen-year-old high-level Dou Ling Green scales...

So the credibility of this information seems to be quite high.

Now that they have met real people, students like them will naturally take action, especially some young masters and ladies from the Zhongzhou family.

After all, pharmacists are very popular wherever they go.

Canaan College is not just a college, there are people from various forces in it.

Even if Xiao Xue didn't reach the sixth rank, to be respected so much by Xiao Yixian, a young fighting king and fourth rank pharmacist, his strength must not be easy.

Such people, even some family forces in Zhongzhou, would want to win over them.

In fact, a long time ago, some influential people sent juniors to offer an olive branch to the little fairy doctor who had already reached the fourth rank in alchemy.

It's just that he was politely rejected by the little doctor.

Now, Xiao Xue himself entering the inner courtyard will inevitably cause a series of chain reactions.

Of course, the undercurrents in the outside world have nothing to do with the current Xiao Xue.

Inside the hospital, it was still peaceful.

Xiao Xue found a place to sit down in the medical hall, and Qing Lin brought the tea of ​​just the right temperature and put it by her hand.

Xiao Xue took a sip from the teacup and rubbed Qinglin's head, "We haven't seen each other for almost two years, and Qinglin has grown into a big girl."

Then, Xiao Xue turned her head to look at the little fairy doctor: "It seems that you are living well here."

"Well, teacher, I'm already a three-star fighting king, and Qinglin is also a seven-star fighting spirit." Xiaoyixian replied.

"The fire of falling into the heart should have no effect on you." Xiao Xue nodded, took out a receiving ring and handed it to the little doctor.

"This thing should be more suitable for you."

The little fairy doctor took the ring, and the soul power penetrated into it to see that there was a sleeping cat inside.

Wait, it's not a cat, it's a fire.

A... fire cat?
The little fairy doctor was slightly taken aback, and quickly realized.

She is also an alchemist, so she naturally understands what this is.

"No, teacher, I can't take it, it's too expensive..."

Just as the little medical fairy was about to say something, she was interrupted by Xiao Xue waving her hand.

"This Nether Poison Fire is useless to me, even if you give it to me, I can't refine it, but it is definitely the most suitable strange fire for you."

"After taming this cat, your strength and alchemy skills will make great progress."

Having a wise fire spirit to assist in refining medicine can definitely greatly improve the alchemist's ability to control the strange fire.

The little fairy doctor knew that it was useless to refuse, and what the teacher said was the truth, so he accepted the ring in the end.

At the same time, she also made up her mind to repay her teacher well in the future.

Xiao Xue gave Qing Lin another ring, among which were some methods of controlling poison and expelling snakes that she had obtained from Medusa.

In terms of driving snakes, the snake people are professional.

With these things, Qinglin can also control snake-like monsters more easily, and in the future can also control poisonous snakes in group battles.

When the time comes, Qing Lin alone will be an army.

After receiving the ring, Qing Lin was naturally grateful and put it on her hand carefully.

Then, Xiao Xue turned her head, with a half-smile, and looked at Zi Yan at the side.

She had already discovered that the little guy Zi Yan seemed to want to say something, but she never spoke.

Zi Yan was indeed shocked by Xiao Xue's generosity.

What did she just hear?
The teacher of the little fairy doctor gave her a strange fire? !

Although she has been staying in the inner courtyard, it does not mean that she knows little.

The strange fire is so precious, some people have traveled all over the continent just to get a strange fire.

Whose teacher sent the strange fire directly to the disciples? !

This is not a teacher, this is obviously my mother! !

Just when she hadn't slowed down, Xiao Xue took out a refined sixth-order fire attribute magic core from the ring, and handed it to Zi Yan:

"Hey, little guy, there's nothing good, let's take this as a gift."

Xiao Xue knew that the current Zi Yan was just a greedy little lolita.

Moreover, in the future Zi Yan who awakens the blood of the dragon and phoenix will be able to guarantee the end of the fight.

Even Medusa, if she had no chance to evolve to Nine Colors, wouldn't dare to say she could become a Fighting Saint.

After swallowing several other Dragon Kings, Zi Yan directly reached the level of Five-Star Fighting Saint. Don't be too exaggerated.

Xiao Xue had originally planned to win over Zi Yan. Now that the little medical fairy had already been in contact with her, it saved herself a lot of effort.

In fact, Xiao Xue has plans to take Zi Yan as a disciple.

After all, her first three [disciples] can give her 50% of their experience points every time they level up.

In other words, if she has two disciples who have been leveling up faster than herself, then the experience points she uses to level up will be enough at any time.

Of course, this requirement is a bit too strict.

Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin, two bug physiques, are now inferior to her in terms of upgrades.

However, the experience points that Xiaoyixian and Qinglin have given her back so far are already quite a lot of money.

And the later you get to the later stage, the more experience points you need to upgrade.

Therefore, a good disciple can make her a lot easier in the later stage.

But there are really too few who can meet the conditions for accepting disciples and reach the eighth or even ninth level later.

In the original work, there were not many people she could come into contact with who could break through the Dou Sheng.

Moreover, the protagonist cannot be chosen, nor can anyone whose level is less than ten levels lower than oneself.

After such a screening, there are not many people left.

Therefore, Xiao Xue set her sights on Zi Yan.

Although Zi Yan is now a fighting king, she does not meet the condition of "a big difference".

But now, she is already the Seven-Star Dou Wang, and it won’t take long to become Dou Huang.

Although the strength of Warcraft is high or low, there is no accurate star rating.

In other words, as soon as she breaks through the Douhuang, the conditions for accepting apprentices will be met, even if Zi Yan is now at the peak of the Douwang.

Zi Yan hesitated for a moment, but still took the magic core refined by Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue used the beast spirit fire to refine the sixth-level fire attribute magic core, which is a good snack for Ahri.

Zi Yan, who is still a child now, naturally cannot resist this temptation.

In the inner courtyard, she was able to steal a few plants of the fifth rank, and occasionally, one or two plants of the sixth rank medicinal herbs to eat, and she had never even eaten the fifth rank medicinal herbs.

The sixth-order magic core, only the sixth-order monster comparable to Dou Huang, can be produced with a certain probability, and it is definitely a rare thing.

Its rarity is even higher than some medicinal materials for refining sixth-grade elixir.

For Zi Yan now, the sixth-level magic core is more attractive than the kind of pill that has soft medicinal power after refining.

"Thank you... thank you. I won't eat your food for free. From now on..."

After receiving the magic core, Zi Yan pretended to be old-fashioned and wanted to say something, but found that she seemed to have nothing to say.

She originally wanted to say, "In the future, if someone bullies you, come to me and I will help you out. There is no one in this inner courtyard that I dare not offend."

This trick has been tried and tested, but against the guy in front of him, her bargaining chip seems to be of no value.

The little fairy doctor is already the King of Dou, and now almost everyone asks for her, no one in the inner courtyard dares to come here to seek trouble.

The teacher of the Little Medical Immortal, who even gives out strange fire to his disciples, will he still be afraid of a group of guys who are the strongest in fighting spirits?
However, looking at the magic core in her hand, Zi Yan swallowed in disappointment.

In the original book, Xiao Yan, who processed medicinal materials for Zi Yan, was labeled as a "good guy" by Zi Yan.

And meeting is the sixth-order magic core, in the eyes of Zi Yan now, Xiao Xue's whole body is almost shining.

——I kind of want to have a good relationship with this generous sister.

Although Jia Nan Academy did not treat Zi Yan badly, but——

No way, she gave too much.

Zi Yan rolled her eyes, smiled sweetly, and looked at Xiao Xue: "Sister, if you need to find medicinal materials, or some natural treasures, you can take me with you."

"I'm telling you, I'm pretty good at finding these things. As long as there are some, there's nothing I can't find!"

Xiao Xue smiled and immediately nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will definitely find you."

Although there was some exaggeration in Zi Yan's words, Xiao Xue fully recognized her treasure hunting ability.

This can also be regarded as one of the talents of the Taixu Ancient Dragon lineage.

"Then I will help you find medicinal materials in the future. Can you help me refine a few of them as a reward for my help?"

Hearing this, Zi Yan was overjoyed immediately, her big black eyes were filled with anticipation.

"As long as you can find it, of course it's fine." Xiao Xue nodded readily.

"Little sister!"

While the two were talking, Xiao Yan's voice came from outside.

Obviously, he also heard the news and rushed over.

The little medical fairy opened the door of the medical center and took Xiao Yan in.

After a few greetings, Xiao Xue took out the spiritual fruit given by the ancient tree from the ring, and handed it to Xiao Yan.

"This spiritual fruit can nourish the soul and restore battle energy. Of course, it needs a certain amount of time to retreat and refine."

Xiao Xue clicked so far, she knew that Xiao Yan was a smart person and could understand her hints.

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the fruit was aged by medicine.

Moreover, after taking this fruit, Yao Lao will be offline for a few days.

Therefore, this process needs to be carried out in a relatively safe environment.

After Xiao Yan put the spirit fruit into Yao Lao's ring, he heard Xiao Xue ask, "By the way, brother, do you have a spirit in your hand?"

"Na Ling? What do you want that thing for?" Xiao Yan was slightly taken aback and asked.

"I made a Nether Poison Fire for Xian'er, so she may need a Na Ling." Xiao Xue said lightly.

Xiao Yan: "..."

Yao Lao: "..."

In Yao Lao's hands, there is really a surplus of Na Ling.

Xiao Yan had already refined the Heavenly Flame, and there was Na Ling in his body, so the excess was useless, so he gave it to Xiao Xue, and Xiao Xue passed it on to the Little Doctor Immortal.

Xiao Yan and Yao Lao didn't say anything about Xiao Xue giving the Nether Poison Fire directly to the little doctor.

Xiao Yan now has a fusion of different fire and earth-level skills comparable to No. 12 in power, which is enough for now.

With the Falling Heart Flame from Canaan Academy, Fenjue is estimated to be able to reach the upper level of the earth.

The power of fusion of different fires can at least rank in the top ten.

Therefore, he would not snatch the opportunity Xiao Xue gave the little medical fairy.

Moreover, with Xiao Yan's current cultivation level, although the No. 20 Nether Poison Fire may not burn him to death, it can definitely poison him to death.

Refining Nether Poison Fire is equivalent to placing a fire seed that releases highly poisonous poison in the body all the time.

The poison of Nether Poison Fire can even paralyze the soul, and even Dou Zun will be affected.

After all, when refining the strange fire, it needs to be stimulated with fighting energy, so that it can move along the route of the exercise in the veins.

Dou Zun couldn't bear to let such a poison flow along his veins and infect his whole body.

Therefore, although its ranking is not high, except for the highly cultivated poison masters, or the Enan poison body,
Even Dou Zun may not be able to refine it.

But in the body of Ernan Poison Body, the effect of this thing is better than the "cultivation cheating device" Falling Heart Flame.

It is equivalent to providing toxins for you to upgrade every moment.

In other words, after the little fairy doctor solves the threat of the Enan poison body, even if she does nothing, the Nether poison fire will help her slowly improve.

After transferring Na Ling to Little Doctor Immortal, Xiao Xue turned to Xiao Yan.

"By the way, brother, in a few days, I plan to refine a soul-purifying and poison-killing pill, and I will ask you to help me when the time comes."

The sooner the little doctor is given the Qinghun Duan Pill, the less likely the Enandu body will erupt, so naturally the sooner it is taken, the better.

After all, there is only one Qinghun Youlan, and if it is gone, it will be gone.

She doesn't have any experience in refining seventh-grade elixir, even if she refines it for a few months, she is definitely not as good as Yao Lao, the master of refining medicine.

Rather than doing it herself, it would be safer to let Yao Lao, who had refined the spirit fruit and restored the soul power to Douzong, take action.

By the way, she can also be next to Yao Lao to see how he controls Bone Spirit Lenghuo, maybe it can give her some reference for her water method refining medicine.

Xiao Yan had never heard of the Soul Purifying Pill, but Yao Lao naturally understood what Xiao Xue meant, so Xiao Yan agreed.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling Xiao Xue's chance again.

This girl was very lucky. Within one year, she found Netherworld Poison Fire and Qinghun Orchid.

Of course, what surprised Yao Lao the most was Xiao Xue's cultivation, Seven Star Fighting King.

He knew that Xiao Xue didn't have a special physique like the Evil and Poisonous Body.

Then, this speed of progress is too exaggerated.

Xiao Yan also jumped up to two major levels in a year, but the difficulty of upgrading Dou Ling and Dou King is much higher than that of Dou Master and Great Dou Master.

Then, Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan, who had obtained two different fires in a row within a year, and gradually understood everything.

——These two brothers and sisters are both people with great opportunities.

However, Yaolao is more concerned about another issue now:
If he can recover to the level of Dou Zong, he can naturally refine the seventh-rank pill, and it doesn't matter if he takes a shot.

But... then who will resist Dan Lei? !
The Dan Lei attracted by the seventh-grade elixir is comparable to Dou Zong's full strength.

The elixir of soul-clearing and poison-killing elixir attracted the elixir, which was comparable to a blow from a five-star Douzong, and he couldn't stop it at all.

It's not a big deal for Dan to ruin it. If someone is struck by lightning in the process, it will be troublesome.

Yao Lao borrowed Xiao Yan's mouth to ask this question.

The little fairy doctor at the side was shocked when he heard this.

The elixir that can attract pills and thunder is at the seventh rank. Could it be that the teacher is already at the seventh rank? !

The little fairy doctor didn't know that although she guessed the protagonist wrongly, her teacher was indeed not far from the seventh-rank pharmacist.

"You don't have to worry about Dan Lei, I can... Well, I have helpers."

Xiao Xue thought for a while and decided not to expose Ah Li's existence for the time being.

So, she raised her left hand, showed the imprint of peach blossoms, and summoned Medusa.

The next moment, Medusa appeared directly in the medical hall.

Xiao Xue pointed at Medusa, "Leave the Dan Lei to her, no problem."

Medusa is now a Seven-Star Dou Sect, and the Grand Elder of the Inner Court of Canaan College is also a One-Star Dou Sect.

As for the guardians of Zangshu Pavilion, Qian Bai Er Lao and the two peak Dou Zong, they basically don't care about things all day long. If the Canaan Academy is not destroyed, they will not make a move.

If she wanted to bring a Seven Star Douzong into the inner courtyard, it would definitely be more troublesome.

Therefore, in order to save trouble, Xiao Xue didn't ask Medusa to follow her directly, but asked her to keep in touch with her whenever she was called.

It's not a big deal for the current Medusa to block an ordinary Dan Lei.

Medusa was somewhat speechless, cooperating with Xiao Xue to call her out, just telling her that she would be struck by lightning in a few days.

However, she didn't say anything.

Seeing that Medusa possessed such strength, Yao Lao felt relieved and let Xiao Yan agree to Xiao Xue's invitation.

"Sister Xue'er!"

At this time, Xun'er suddenly opened the door of the medical clinic.

Xun'er looked at Xiao Xue, and the first thing she saw was the imprint of peach blossoms on Xiao Xue's left hand, exuding a faint pink light.

"Ah! What a beautiful peach blossom!" Xun'er couldn't help thinking.

But when her gaze continued to move forward, what caught her eyes was the exact same peach blossom imprint on Medusa's palm next to Xiao Xue!

At this moment, the two peach blossoms were emitting a faint light.

For a split second, Xun'er felt that her heart was blocked with mixed feelings.

She felt a little uncomfortable and a little wronged.

She stared blankly at the two peach blossoms, and said in a low voice, "It's not pretty..."

(End of this chapter)

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