Chapter 162 The bed in my bedroom is quite big (3k7)
The imprint of peach blossoms is shining brightly. In the medical hall, everyone has different expressions and their own thoughts.

Zi Yan at the side looked at the imprints of peach blossoms in the palms of Medusa and Xiao Xue, and sighed innocently:

"What a beautiful little flower! It still shines!"

At this moment, everyone was sitting, only Xun'er who had just arrived stood at the door in a daze, looking at the two imprints of peach blossoms.

Her lips moved slightly, but no words came out.

The moment Xiao Xue saw Xun'er, she subconsciously closed her palms and forcibly suppressed the active imprint of peach blossoms.

Medusa followed suit and also suppressed the glowing imprint in her palm.

Xiao Xue felt a little embarrassed, she didn't want Xun'er to see this scene.

In other words, she didn't want Xun'er to see that she had the same mark as Medusa.

If it's just for Xun'er to find out that she has the peach blossom mark, it's actually nothing.

But if Medusa also has it, it will be different.

Just like in some TV dramas, girls like to put the photos of their best girlfriends in the mezzanine of their wallets or handbags, or use them as screen savers.

In fact, most people don't do that.

After all, wouldn't it be embarrassing if other friends saw that the person in the photo wasn't you, or posted the photo yourself, and the person you thought was your best friend posted someone else's photo instead?
Xiao Xue felt that the relationship between her and Xun'er was stronger than gold, and she didn't need to do some face-saving projects.

But now it's like, she said clearly, Xun'er, you are my best friend, and turned around and used the picture of Medusa as a screensaver.

Even if it was a screensaver, and Xun'er saw it, it was really hard to tell with three mouths.

——It will greatly affect the relationship between girlfriends.

Xiao Xue wanted to hide it a bit, put her hands behind her back, looked at Xun'er at the door, "Xun'er, long time no see..."

Xun'er gritted her teeth, clenched her fist behind her back, exerted a little force, and then slowly released it.

Then, her usual smile appeared on her face, and she said kindly, "Sister Xue'er!"

Then, she walked into the medical hall, closed the door, and looked at Medusa, "This sister must be Queen Medusa, right?"

Although she hid it well, Xiao Xue, who was familiar with her, still felt something was wrong with Xun'er.

Moreover, Xun'er is young after all, how can she compare to Medusa who is hundreds of years old.

As the king of a country, Medusa is also a good player at observing words and deeds.

At a glance, she could tell that the new girl was somewhat hostile to her, and she was not low.

Moreover, this girl is actually a fighting king, and her talent and background are probably not weaker than Xiao Xue's.

That's right, how can it be ordinary people who can be by the side of a genius of Xiao Xue's level.

Being hated by this kind of person from the very beginning, although I don't know the reason, but for Medusa, this is by no means a good thing.

Medusa/Xiao Xue: I have a headache.

On the other side, Xiao Yan and others were watching silently.

Xiao Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, everyone in this room now knew that Xiao Xue was the prince of the snake-human clan.

The prince's status in the snake-human race is second only to Queen Medusa.

Coupled with Xiao Xue's background and alchemy skills, she can be on an equal footing with Medusa, or even be on top of Medusa.

Therefore, it is not difficult to explain Medusa's appearance here.

Moreover, with her sister's luck, when she and Medusa went to practice together, in a certain secret realm, it was very normal to get two peach blossom imprints with some effect.

Therefore, Xiao Yan didn't think much about it.

On the other side, the little fairy doctor looked at Medusa, but it was a little different, with a little suspicion and scrutiny.

Qinglin looked down at her own toes, and didn't feel too much comparison.

She was originally a humble person, and it was the teacher who pulled herself out of the mud.

How can I compare myself with the majestic snake-human empress, the powerful Medusa of the Douzong, and Miss Xun'er?
Therefore, her mentality is actually not bad.

She didn't have much desire to possess Xiao Xue.

Being able to stay with the teacher made her feel satisfied.

As for Zi Yan, she happily gnawed on the magic core, and gnawed the magic core in her hand as a melon.


Medusa quickly came back to her senses and returned to her natural state, as if nothing had happened just now.

After all, she had lived for hundreds of years, so she couldn't lose her composure because of the eyes of a little girl.

...Except for the one next to it with peach blossoms.

However, at a glance, the current situation is not suitable for her to stay any longer.

If she continued to stay here, it would only add to her troubles.

"I'm going first, call me when you need me..."

Medusa hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say "I need to resist thunder".

After she finished speaking, she dodged and disappeared directly from the medical hall, hiding somewhere.

Of course, Medusa still has nothing to say——

In the future, if it is not necessary, please do not contact me, I am afraid that the people around you will misunderstand... I know.

Medusa patted her ass and left, leaving Xiao Xue alone to deal with Xun Er who was smiling but not smiling.

"Sister Xue'er, what's the matter with that peach blossom?" Xun'er said, and came to hold Xiao Xue's arm.

"It's nothing, it's just a decoration with no effect," Xiao Xue immediately denied it.

The relationship between her and Xun'er is absolutely nothing to talk about, it cannot be shaken by a peach blossom.

In order to prevent Xun'er from continuing to entangle on this topic, Xiao Xue directly pulled Xun'er out the door, leaving a group of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

After walking outside the medical hall, Xiao Xue took out a jade bottle from Najie and stuffed it into Xun'er's hand: "Here, here it is for you."

Inside the jade bottle is the metamorphic fire catalyzed by Xiao Xue using the ground fire lotus seeds.

Of course, this thing cannot be given in front of Xiao Yan and Yao Lao, otherwise, there will be many troubles.

"This is the earth fire lotus seed of the green lotus earth core fire, which catalyzes the transformation into fire," Xiao Xue explained.

"Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire is a wood-generated fire, which has certain wood attributes."

"If you find a chance to refine it, maybe you can get a little wood power and become a pharmacist."

For a young lady like Xun'er, it doesn't matter if she becomes a pharmacist or not.

After all, no matter what, it is impossible for the Gu Clan to lack her resources.

However, the profession of pharmacist can be said to be the most honorable on the road of fighting qi, not one of them.

Anyone will yearn for it.Since Xun'er wants to become a pharmacist, and she also has this condition, it's okay to help Xun'er.

Xun'er looked at the green flame that was sealed in the jade bottle with a special technique.

After the transformation fire is catalyzed by Xiao Xue, it is directly sealed in the jade bottle, which can be devoured and refined directly.

In Xun'er's body, the fourth-ranked Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan was sealed, and if it fully erupted, its power would definitely be at the level of a fighting saint.

Swallowing a living fire, don't be too easy.

Xun'er was very happy that Xiao Xue could consider the shortcomings of becoming a pharmacist for her, and find a way to help her make up for it.

It's just that this color... made her feel like she wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

"...Thank you sister Xue'er." Xun'er still put away the Huashenghuo.

She didn't continue to ask about Medusa. Sister Xue'er obviously didn't want to say more just now, and continuing to ask would only increase her troubles.

"What happened this year, do you want to send someone to investigate?"

In Xun'er's heart, heaven and man are at war, but it doesn't show on the face, "Sister Xue'er, Xun'er will take you to the inner courtyard?"


Seeing that Xun'er finally skipped the peach blossom matter, Xiao Xue subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

... Strangely, there is a sense of guilt for betraying the friendship between the two for many years.

However, since Xun'er didn't continue to ask, then Xiao Xue wouldn't take the initiative to mention it, which would hurt her peace.

As for Xun'er's request to "take her to visit the inner courtyard", Xiao Xue naturally would not refuse.

Whether it's Xun'er, whether he can try to get a little bit of wood power from the fire from transformation, or the Enandu body of the little doctor, it's not a day or two away.

She just came to the inner courtyard, so it would be great for Xun'er to take her to get acquainted with her.

Then, as expected, the plan died halfway.

Without him, there are too many students who want to meet Xiao Xue, and Xun'er has always been the heartthrob of the inner courtyard.

The two of them are together, and there are people wherever they go, and it would be a ghost to be able to visit the inner courtyard quietly.

In the end, Xun'er directly turned her fighting spirit into wings, took Xiao Xue in the air, briefly introduced the inner courtyard, and then flew back to the dormitory.

"Sister Xue'er, why don't you live with me? The bed in my bedroom is quite big."

On the way back to the dormitory, Xun'er said to Xiao Xue very naturally.

Of course, if she didn't subconsciously bite her lip.

Xiao Xue didn't notice Xun'er's small movements, she thought for a while, and agreed directly.

Canaan College provides a variety of accommodation environments.

For example, Xiao Yan lived in a single room, while Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin lived in a double room.

And Xun'er's dormitory is a double dormitory, or the only double room in the inner courtyard.

As long as you are rich enough, you can have the Canaan Academy customize special services for you.

Arranging accommodation is naturally one of them.

Xiao Xue didn't mind the fact that she shared a dormitory with Xun'er, anyway, it didn't matter who she lived with.

Moreover, as early as a few years ago, when she was in Xiao's house, she often slept in the same room as Xun'er, and she was used to it.

Therefore, she did not refuse Xun'er's invitation, she just carried her bag... and checked in empty-handed.

After all, people with a little money these days will use Najie, who still uses Bao.

On the first day Xiao Xue entered the inner courtyard, Xun'er packed her up and brought her into her dormitory.

Xun'er "recovered a city" and won staged victories in the invisible "confrontation" with Medusa.

After all, Medusa doesn't know where to stay yet.

Xiao Xue returned to the dormitory, and after a brief wash, she greeted Xun'er and went to sleep.

Although Dou Qi cultivators, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, will use meditation instead of sleep, but Xiao Xue is different.

With the existence of the system, she doesn't need to spend too much time accumulating energy.

And some of the previous habits were also retained by her.

For example, daily diet, sleep, etc., things that can be replaced by cultivation for others, Xiao Xue has always kept.

As a modern person, and a modern person who came from Han Xia.

For Xiao Xue, only good food and sleep can live up to her.

If she does bigu because of cultivation, she will lose a lot of happiness in her life.

Not to mention sleeping, in the last life, she was in the original world, and she didn't sleep much in her life.

Now it’s hard to live a new life, fight when it’s time to fight, but when it’s time to enjoy and lie down, no one will make me roll.

The reason why I am a seven-star fighting king at a young age, and soon a seventh-rank pharmacist, is because I used the time you spend on cultivation to sleep (乐)

In the middle of the night, Xiao Xue was already fast asleep.

But Xun'er didn't fall asleep, nor did she practice cross-legged.

At this moment, she is sitting on a chair, drawing something on her hands.

In Xun'er's eyes, there was a faint golden flame dancing, allowing her to see things in the dark.

After a long time, Xun'er put down her pen and looked at her palm.

Her hands are also very beautiful, with slender fingers, but no obvious joints, which makes the whole little hand look softer, worthy of the word weak and boneless.

And in the center of the palm, there is a pink peach blossom painted by herself.

She just looked at it for a long time, and then she fell down on the table in despair, with her head resting on her arm.

The three thousand blue silks like a waterfall hang down naturally, covering the peach blossoms in the palm.

In the double dormitory, her low murmur echoed: "It doesn't look like that at all."

After an unknown amount of time, Xun'er got up from the table, lay on the bed, and put her arms around someone's waist.

It's been a long time since she had a deep sleep.

Xun'er, who was already the King of Fighters, felt a little sleepy after a long absence.

Xun'er withdrew her fighting spirit, and the only faint golden light that could illuminate her went out.

She said softly, "Sister Xue'er, good night."

[Three thousand and seven, the condition is not good, that's all for today, it's okay, yesterday it was six thousand chapters haha]

(End of this chapter)

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