Chapter 163

The next day, Xiao Xue slept until three o'clock in the morning before waking up from the big bed and stretching.

Xun'er was not in the room. She might have gone to practice or something, so Xiao Xue didn't pay too much attention.

At Canaan Academy, there is no need to worry about Xun'er's safety.

"Tsk, Xun'er's bed is really good, I feel that the quality of sleep has improved here."

After getting up and washing up briefly, Xiao Xue put on a white robe and walked outside.

She planned to call Zi Yan and Xiao Yixian to the back mountain of Canaan College to find some medicinal materials.

With Zi Yan's medicinal material radar, it will be much easier to find medicinal materials.

The most important thing for her now is to improve and stabilize her alchemy at the seventh-rank level.

Although Xiao Xue's soul power is already sufficient, it has reached the peak of the seventh rank.

But let her refine seventh-rank pills now, even if the seventh-rank is low-level, it is estimated that there will be a high failure rate.

And the most direct way to improve alchemy is to practice a lot.

However, the medicinal materials used to refine seventh-grade elixirs can be regarded as high-end products in the Black Horn Region.

Even if she was in the underground world, she picked up some poisonous medicinal materials for experimentation.

Moreover, most of these experimental products are sixth-grade medicinal materials, which are only enough to be used up to the peak of sixth-grade.

Then one and a half plants of seventh-grade medicinal materials are definitely not enough for her to practice refining seventh-grade medicinal herbs.

And she needs a lot of practice if she wants to reach the peak of the seventh rank.

——Poverty limited my alchemy skills.

Therefore, Xiao Xue thought of taking Zi Yan with her to see if she could find some seventh-grade medicinal plants in the back mountain.

Secondly, she wanted to use this to establish a good relationship with Zi Yan and pave the way for her future apprenticeship.

Now Zi Yan is still a relatively innocent child, it is easier to coax her into being an apprentice.

After all, Zi Yan can't become a pharmacist, and she can't teach Zi Yan anything in terms of cultivation.

When Zi Yan grows up, if she runs over in a hurry, if she comes to be my disciple, then there is a high probability that she will not succeed.

At that time, wanting to accept apprentices was far less simple than it is now.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to accept Zi Yan as a disciple now while Zi Yan is still young and her mind is still pure.

Of course, if she wants to accept Zi Yan as her disciple, she must first reach the Dou Huang level before Zi Yan breaks through to the sixth level.

Otherwise, once Zi Yan breaks through the sixth level, it will be very difficult to get a higher level than Zi Yan in a short period of time.

Moreover, she will also lose a large amount of experience points.

You know, because there is no clear classification of World of Warcraft.

The strength is a one-star Douhuang, which is the sixth rank, and the strength is the peak of the Douhuang, which is also the sixth rank.

Therefore, if you accept monsters as apprentices, the mentoring and apprentice reward mechanism will be different from that of humans.

If she accepts Zi Yan as her disciple, the moment Zi Yan breaks through to level 61, she will be rewarded with 70% of the total experience points at level 50-[-].

This data is extremely exaggerated, nearly tens of millions high.

The same is true for Dou Zong and Dou Zun levels.

Once Zi Yan reaches the seventh and eighth ranks, from 71-80 and 81-90, 50% of the total experience points needed to be spent will be directly credited.

At the fighting saint level, the bloodline has already begun to change.

At this time, in the system, Warcraft has a clear classification.

Starting from Dou Sheng, Zi Yan's level is improved one star at a time, and experience points are also given in batches one star at a time.

Therefore, if Zi Yan fails to accept apprentices before she breaks through to the sixth level, the loss will undoubtedly be huge.

However, Zi Yan needs a lot of energy accumulation if she wants to break through the Douhuang.

Therefore, Xiao Xue is still very confident in breaking through to the Dou Huang before Zi Yan.

After Xiao Xue left the dormitory, she went to the medical hall to find Little Doctor Fairy and Zi Yan, and then invited them to go to the back mountain to collect herbs.

Qing Lin went to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower early in the morning to practice, hoping to break through the Dou Wang as soon as possible.

When the little medical fairy heard that Xiao Xue was going to collect medicine, she didn't have any violent reaction and nodded in agreement.

She is also a pharmacist, and after refining the strange fire, the control of the flame will definitely be different from now.

It is also very good to go to the back mountain by the way and find a few medicinal materials for refining the fourth-grade elixir, and prepare to practice in the future.

But after Zi Yan heard the word "gathering herbs", her two purple ponytails were about to curl up.

Although Zi Yan wanted to go wherever she wanted in the inner courtyard, she still couldn't go to the back mountain at will.

It is said to be the back mountain, but in fact the entire inner courtyard is in the mountain, and the range of the back mountain is not much smaller than the Warcraft mountain range.

Among them, there are many medicinal materials that can be used to refine fifth-grade and sixth-grade elixirs, and naturally, warcraft guards are indispensable.

Although Zi Yan's strength is not weak, and she is not afraid of ordinary monsters, but if she is besieged by monsters, she will always have some troubles.

In the original book, Zi Yan and Medusa were together, and they were driven around by the beast tide in the Warcraft Mountains.A group of furious fifth- and sixth-order monsters rushed out, and Dou Zong had to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

And Zi Yan has a restless character, if she is allowed to go to the back mountain, something might happen.

Therefore, many years ago, after Zi Yan robbed too many medicinal materials guarded by monsters and triggered a small beast tide,
The Great Elder of the Inner Court and others forbade Zi Yan from entering the back mountain to cause trouble.

And Zi Yan is still young, it's the time when she loves to make trouble.

Although there were so many people in the inner courtyard, most of them avoided her.

If things go on like this, Zi Yan is almost moldy from being bored, and now that Xiao Xue is going to take her to the back mountain, she is naturally overjoyed.

Now, not only can she go out with friends, but she can also have something to eat. How could Zi Yan not look forward to it?
"Let's go."

Xiao Xue used the soul communication jade tablet to inform Su Qian, the great elder of the inner courtyard, about her taking Zi Yan to the back mountain.

After getting an affirmative answer, she took Xiao Yixian and Zi Yan and went directly to the back mountain.

As early as when she entered the inner courtyard, Xiao Xue had left a communication jade token for Great Elder Su Qian for contact.

A young sixth-grade pharmacist, even if Su Qian is a fighting sect, he would pay attention to it.

Therefore, Su Qian also agreed to the matter of her taking Zi Yan to the back mountain, as long as it doesn't cause any trouble.

The speed of the three fighting kings was so fast that those who came to the little doctor to get rid of the poison, as well as the students who came to squat around the medical center and squatted around the little doctor's teacher, were all in vain.

They just saw a few shadows passing by, and then the people disappeared, leaving only the [Closed Business] on the door of the medical hall.

Xiao Xue naturally knew that there were people in the inner courtyard who wanted to see her, and some of them were young masters and ladies from some powerful forces in Zhongzhou.

However, the more these people wanted to see her, the less she would let them do so easily.

After all, mystery is important.

Based on her understanding of these forces, the more indifferent you are, the more they love to lick you.

Actually, it's not that these people are born cheap.

It's because real bosses don't meet people casually.

Moreover, I don't have any skills, so I really don't dare to neglect others at will.

— Fear of being beaten.

Therefore, those who can lick comfortably casually must be ordinary people.

Only those who can't be licked no matter how much they can't be licked can be real bulls!
What Xiao Xue wants to take advantage of is their mentality.

A country bumpkin genius who came from a remote area of ​​the Northwest Continent, and a disciple with a powerful backing.

Comparing the two, the latter is definitely better.

Most of the geniuses from small places are recruited.

If the recruitment fails, it is suppression, which cannot be used by me or by the enemy.

But if it is a genius with a background, it is completely different.

Now in the inner courtyard, not many people know her "background", so Xiao Xue is trying to create momentum for herself.

Don't forget, Xiao Xue was also a rich lady in her previous life.

Therefore, she knows how to handle people's hearts better than her cheap elder brother Xiao Yan, or even her cheap father Xiao Zhan.

A genius of a great power is naturally proud, and not everyone can see it if he wants to.

Let her own legend spread first, and after reaching a certain level, she reappears in a show of operations to show her strength.

At that time, they don't need to prove it themselves, and they will be convinced of their "background".

So, I'm so talented, so strong, and my background is so tough, why don't you hang out with me?
In this way, it will be much easier for her to enter Zhongzhou.

In the inner courtyard, when a lot of people were distressed because they couldn't see Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue had already found medicinal materials in the back mountain.

To her disappointment, even with the humanoid radar of Zi Yan, they still haven't found the medicinal materials that can refine the seventh-grade elixir.

In the end, Xiao Xue picked a few plants of sixth-grade herbs, casually refined two plants into pills, and threw them to Zi Yan.

Then, she found a relatively safe place, asked Zi Yan and Xiao Yixian to protect her, and planned to refine two sixth-grade pills to practice her hands.

At this time, on a cliff hundreds of miles away from the three of Xiao Xue.

Xun'er was standing there, playing with her fingers.

She left the dormitory very early today, not to practice, but here, it seems that she is waiting for someone.

In the distance, more than a dozen four-winged unicorns with silver unicorns flew into the inner courtyard together and flew towards the back mountain.

And on the back of each unicorn stands a fighting king.

"Hehe, Miss Xun'er, I finally found you."

Leading a four-winged unicorn and slowly lowering its altitude, a man smiled at Xun'er.

"I am the new deputy commander of the Heiyi Army, Lingquan, and I am ordered by the Clan Master to bring Miss back!"

The man who called himself Lingquan stood on top of the four-winged unicorn, cupped his fists at Xun'er respectfully, and said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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