Chapter 168
Black Corner Domain, somewhere in an unnamed mountain range.

On the lush mountain peak, the white flame looms in the green shade, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Yao Lao's face was solemn as he looked at the rapidly rising white flames in the medicine cauldron.

Since the quality of the "Black Devil" cauldron is extremely extraordinary, the initial step of warming the cauldron takes a little longer than an ordinary medicine cauldron.

But with Yao Lao's alchemy technique and the degree of control over Bone Spirit's Cold Fire, it is natural that these times can be saved to the greatest extent.

Therefore, after the flames rose for nearly a minute, Yao Lao waved his palm towards several medicinal plants on the ground in front of him.

Immediately, four different medicinal plants slowly floated up from the ground, and finally fell directly into the medicine cauldron.

The Qinghun Dudu Pill is ranked seventh grade, and there are naturally dozens of medicinal materials needed to refine it.

It would not be surprising if hundreds of medicinal materials are needed to refine an eighth-grade elixir.

When refining the ninth-grade treasure elixir and the ninth-grade mysterious elixir, thousands of medicinal materials are required.

At this time, a pharmacist is needed who has the ability to refine several medicinal materials at the same time.

Otherwise, if it is refined one by one, when all the medicinal materials are refined,
Those medicinal materials that were refined earlier have already lost all their medicinal properties.

However, now we are only refining the seventh-grade elixir, so there is no need to refine too many at the same time.

Moreover, if there are only a few dozen medicinal herbs, it will not matter as long as "sealing" measures are taken and they are refined one after another.

As long as the refining speed is fast enough, it will not have much impact on the medicinal properties.

But no matter how it is protected, the medicinal properties will be lost.

Therefore, Yaolao chose the most time-saving refining method in comparison, refining several medicinal materials with similar required temperatures at the same time.

As for the use of dozens of distractions... He has just returned to the realm of Douzong, and it is easy to overturn if he is too promiscuous.

Yao Lao divided the Bone Spirit Lenghuo into four, and wrapped the four medicinal plants at the same time.

Under the burning of the bone spirit's cold fire, the medicinal materials quickly withered.

Drops of fine water droplets seeped out from its surface, and finally slid down the surface, suspended above the flames.

As the droplets continued to drip and roll, the originally emerald green medicinal materials had completely turned into withered gray.

The pure medicinal power contained in it has been forced out by Bone Spirit Cold Fire, but its outer shell has not been burned to ashes.

With the gentle wave of Yao Lao's palm, the withered residue flew out of the medicine cauldron, and finally fell to the grass beside it, scattering in the wind.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Xiao Xue couldn't help but admire it.

If ordinary alchemists are allowed to refine it, the residue that has lost its medicinal properties will inevitably be burned into ashes and then deposited at the bottom of the medicine cauldron.

As for whether those residues will be mixed into the elixir, no one knows.

Even if she uses the water method to refine medicine, she must go through "filtration" to remove the residue, and she will never be able to refine it as perfectly as Yao Lao.

Only like Yao Lao, when the medicinal power of the medicinal materials is completely exhausted, he controls the temperature and throws it out of the medicine cauldron.

In this way, it can be said that it is truly perfect control of the flame.

It seems that, at least in the process of refining, she is still far from being a true master of refining medicine.

Xiao Xue did not disturb Yao Lao out loud, but silently remembered what he saw.

Yao Lao's manipulation of Bone Spirit's Cold Fire is also something she can learn.

Yao Lao waved his hand, sucked four balls of liquid into his palm, wrapped them in Bone Spirit Cold Fire, and then suddenly increased the firepower.

As the forest white flames rose, the surface of the liquid mass suddenly began to boil, and tiny bubbles were constantly stirring.

With the agitation of the bubbles, traces of extremely thin gray mist rose out of it.

These mist are all impurities contained in it.

If you want to refine elixirs of good quality, these impurities must be completely eliminated.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to form a pill due to impurities.

After removing the impurities, Yao Lao put four pills of medicinal liquid into a jade bottle for later use.

They were wrapped by Yao Lao with a cluster of white flames, and then poured into a jade bottle along with the flames.

There is actually a thin film of flame at the mouth of the jade bottle, which isolates it from the air.

This preservation method can keep the liquid medicine at the same temperature and purity as it was when it came out of the oven, but it also has a high degree of control over the flame.

The jade bottle is brittle. If the temperature is slightly higher, the jade bottle will be burned and burst.

If you are caught off guard, the refined medicinal liquid will be completely scrapped.

Therefore, if you don't have enough control over the flame, you will definitely not be able to do this.

Xiao Xue looked at it and felt that it was not difficult to do this by condensing [Sword Heart] into herself.After Yao Lao refined several more medicinal materials, he finally threw the last and most precious medicinal material, Qinghun Youlan, into the medicine cauldron.

At this time, the refining of medicinal materials has undoubtedly reached the most important step, and even Yao Lao dare not be careless in the slightest.

On the other side, Medusa looked at this and that, and felt that she had already guessed the truth——

Xiao Xue's so-called "eighth-level alchemist teacher" should be the soul body in front of him.

Being able to lead the Snake Empire and survive surrounded by four empires, Medusa is not some brainless idiot.

In a short period of time, she inferred something based on what she knew and what she had subconsciously ignored before.

First of all, strange fire is a rare thing in the world. Some people can't find one even though they travel all over the continent.

Two bone spirit cold fires appeared at the same time, but they were subdued by the two people in front of her... one soul and one soul. It was too unreasonable.

Moreover, even if there really is a big force behind Xiao Xue, there is no reason for it to give the remnant soul a bone spirit cold fire.

Something like a strange fire must be in the hands of a living person and driven by fighting spirit, so it can exert greater power.

In particular, the remnant soul's alchemy skills are obviously not low, and it seems that it is at least the seventh level, or even higher.

It is not difficult for an alchemist of this level to resurrect a body.

Who wants to be a lonely ghost all day long if he can have a body? !
Therefore, there are many doubts about that remnant soul.

However, if he is Xiao Xue's "teacher", then many things will be explained.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Xiao Xue and this soul body use the same bone spirit cold fire.

Moreover, that "eighth grade alchemist" should be - eighth grade when he was alive.

The old man in front of me can refine seventh-grade elixirs in his current soul body, and he can refine eighth-grade elixirs in his body, which is very reasonable.

This is why, after that incident, no Dou Zun came and captured her to stew snake soup——

Xiao Xue did not lie, she did have an eighth-grade alchemist teacher.

However, the current Dou Zun cannot even defeat her.

When she was thinking about something, Medusa suddenly shuddered and subconsciously raised her head to look at Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue smiled at Medusa, showing her brilliant teeth.

Medusa felt cold all over - physically.

"What are you thinking about?"

"No... nothing."

Meeting Xiao Xue's teasing eyes, Medusa suddenly lost her intention to cause trouble.

Because, she suddenly remembered something again——

Although that soul body is at the Douzong level, it is just a Douzong, and it is impossible to beat myself in the three-star period.

But on the outskirts of Izumo Imperial Capital, she, who was a member of the Three-Star Dou Sect at the time, was beaten to death by Xiao Xue.

Therefore, Xiao Xue should have other trump cards.

Coupled with some other reasons, although Medusa felt that she had discovered the truth, she still did not dare to act rashly.

Although the soul body cannot defeat her now, Xiao Xue still has the means to kill her!
Didn't you see that just now, Xiao Xue had activated the bone spirit cold fire crystals in her body to threaten her?
In fact, Yao Lao just refined the most difficult and important Qinghun Orchid.

Next, is the pill condensation.

After condensing the pill, Medusa needs to go up to resist the thunder.

Before condensing the elixir, Yao Lao also took a short rest to recharge his batteries.

Xiao Xue, on the other hand, looked away from the medicine cauldron, saw Medusa in a daze beside her, and asked casually.

Unfortunately, Xiao Xue was really just curious about what Medusa was thinking when she was in a daze.

As for the so-called "threat", it was entirely an illusion caused to Medusa because Yao Lao also used Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

However, Medusa knew nothing about it.

In her heart now, she is full of panic that "it's over, she must have guessed what I guessed, so I won't be silenced".

Xiao Xue looked at the extremely nervous Medusa and was a little confused, but she didn't care much and continued to look back at Yao Lao refining the medicine.

On the other side, after Yao Lao rested for a while, dozens of drops of different medicinal liquids finally began to slowly fuse.

[Something happened today. This chapter is only about [-]. If there is any less, I will make up for it tomorrow.]

(End of this chapter)

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