Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 169 You have to get used to being struck by lightning

Chapter 169 You have to get used to being struck by lightning (3k6)

After being roasted for a long time by the cold fire of Bone Spirit, the essence droplets of dozens of medicinal materials finally gradually weakened their repellency and began the final fusion.

Condensing the elixir is the most important step in alchemy.

As long as there is even a slight mistake during this step, the medicinal materials that were finally extracted will be burned in an instant.

Therefore, at this step, even with Yao Lao's strength, he did not dare to be distracted at all.

Yao Lao's mind was once again concentrated in the medicine cauldron, and all his soul power poured in. He took into his mind the heat of the flames and the various reactions caused by the fusion of various medicinal liquids.

The soul power felt the calmness in the liquid, and Xiao Xue also felt relaxed.

Looking at this, as long as all the medicinal power in it is completely integrated, it can gradually condense into the prototype of the elixir.

Of course, this is a rather slow process.

According to Xiao Xue's speculation, the fusion time would probably take at least five days.

Yao Lao also slowly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. For him who only has the strength of Douzong now, refining seventh-grade elixir is not an easy task.

Fortunately, judging from now, the most difficult part has been passed safely.

Yao Lao's eyes slowly closed, his soul power still hovering in the medicine cauldron, controlling the heat and the fusion of various medicinal powers.

Now, all they need to do is to wait quietly.

And this wait is a full six days.

During this period, Xiao Xue naturally did not disturb Yao Lao, but quietly practiced cross-legged on the side.

Xiao Xue didn't know how long it would take to refine a seventh-grade elixir.

But after seeing Yao Lao's alchemy with her own eyes, even she was a little speechless.

No wonder the seventh-grade elixir is so precious. I didn't expect that refining it would be so troublesome and cumbersome.

Compared with the sixth-grade elixir, the refining difficulty is almost doubled, and it is accompanied by elixirs.

No wonder, countless alchemists have made it their lifelong pursuit to be able to refine elixirs that can attract elixirs.

Don't look at Xiao Xue's soul power now, which has reached the seventh level.

In fact, her talent is only equal to that of her cheap brother Xiao Yan.

And her opportunities are naturally far inferior to Xiao Yan's.

If there was no system to open the way, her current soul power would probably only be around the third level.

Even whether he can become an alchemist is a matter of two opinions.

Even if she has an understanding of the plot, she will definitely not have the achievements she has now.

Therefore, although Xiao Xue is self-confident, she has never been conceited, and she has no intention of being slack just because she has a system.

She knows that in Dou Qi Continent, only strength is the foundation.

Therefore, after observing Yaolao refining the medicine, Xiao Xue immediately meditated in "retreat" and began to absorb the knowledge that he could use from the observation.

In the past few days, Yaolao's aura has gradually become vague, like an old monk who is about to pass away.

But inside the medicine cauldron in front of him, there was a rumbling sound like thunder stirring up earthly fire.

An extremely terrifying soul power whizzed and circled within it.

Under this soul power, even Bone Spirit Lenghuo can only obey its instructions.

Six days later, Yao Lao suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes slowly turned to the medicine cauldron.

Looking at the prototype of the green elixir, a smile appeared on his old face.

The prototype of the elixir is about the size of a longan and is blue in color. Its surface is not very smooth, but gradually becomes rounder.

In the end, the rudimentary form of the pitted pill turned into a thumb-sized, blue and white pill.

At the moment when the elixir was just formed, the sky in the Black Horn Region suddenly became dark rapidly.

Heavy dark clouds quickly condensed in the sky, and in the dark clouds, some silver lightning could be seen running around like silver snakes.

At the same moment, Xiao Xue on the side also opened her eyes and looked straight into the medicine cauldron.

Medusa glanced at the medicine cauldron, then raised her head and looked at the thunderclouds in the sky with a solemn expression.

"Dan Lei..."

Even she, under the majesty of the world, could faintly feel a palpitation.

Medusa had never seen the birth of a seventh-grade elixir, and the biggest vision of heaven and earth she had ever seen was caused by Xiao Xue's refining of a sixth-grade elixir.

And those visions are undoubtedly nothing compared to the Dan Lei in front of them.

"Little doll, it's your turn to take action."

Yaolao glanced at the thunderclouds in the sky, then at Medusa beside him, and said lightly.


After all, she has lived for hundreds of years. In terms of age, she may be much older than the old man with a broken soul.

Medusa felt somewhat uncomfortable when Yao Lao called her this.

However, she didn't say anything to refute. She just nodded and disappeared in place.

The next moment, Medusa appeared in the air, and Yaoyao confronted Leiyun.

Xiao Xue was very relaxed, watching the show with Yao Lao down below.

From the perspective of below, Medusa is almost surrounded by thunderclouds at this moment.

Within the thundercloud, silver lightning was swimming around, occasionally colliding with each other, and a huge thundering sound would erupt. The power of the sky made people feel quite frightened.

However, Xiao Xue was not worried about Medusa at all.

She knew that for Medusa of the Seven Star Douzong, this Dan Lei, which was only about five stars in power, could not threaten her at all.

When Medusa went up to resist the thunder, she also released her fighting spirit.

The pressure of the Seven Star Douzong was released without reservation.

This place of alchemy is sparsely populated, but it doesn't mean it's no man's land.

But at this time, naturally cannot be disturbed.

Therefore, Medusa directly released her coercion.

The Black Corner Territory is not as good as Zhongzhou, and Douzong is already considered a powerful person in the Black Corner Territory.

Dou Huang is an existence that can establish a sect in the Heijiao domain, and Dou Zong can even walk sideways.

Han Feng, a peak Dou Huang, relied on the alchemist's connections to win over several Dou Emperors and half of the Dou Sects. Almost no one in the Black Corner Territory dared to offend him.Therefore, when Medusa's Seven Star Douzong's pressure came out, it directly intimidated some nearby strong men from coming forward.

In fact, the moment the thundercloud formed, it attracted the attention of some powerful people nearby.

However, before they even flew nearby, they felt a terrifying coercion.

"Strong master of Dou Zong!" The busybodies who came were shocked.

"More than that, from my perspective, I'm afraid it's still a high-ranking Douzong!"

"It's gone, it's gone. It seems that a certain high-level alchemist is refining elixirs here. We can only envy him, so don't hang around here, so as not to displease this expert."

All the practitioners left the scene regretfully, and no one dared to check nearby.

These casual cultivators, who were no more powerful than Dou Huang, didn't have the guts to take a closer look.

After all, even if they were affected by Dan Lei, they would lose half their lives.

Moreover, they cannot afford to offend an alchemist who can refine seventh-grade elixirs.

They just wanted to join in the fun from a distance, and watch the scene where the seventh-grade pill was born.

Because, for people like them, the seventh-grade elixir is a grade that only exists in legends.

However, since the other party has given a warning, they will not continue to seek trouble.

On the other side, Medusa has already faced Dan Lei falling from the sky.

The silver lightning merged more and more fiercely in the thunderclouds, and a low roar continued to sound in the thunderclouds.

Afterwards, the atmosphere in the entire sky became extremely depressing.

About ten seconds later, a gap suddenly opened in the thundercloud.

Immediately, a silver thunder about ten feet long and wide, with a loud noise that resounded throughout the world, shot out from the thunder cloud like a huge silver python.

Seeing the silver thunder falling suddenly, Medusa's eyes also flashed with solemnity.

She clenched her palm, and when the seven-colored energy gathered, a seven-colored spear appeared in her hand, and struck out at Dan Lei.


The silver thunder came crashing down, and the two completely different forces collided, even cracks appeared in the surrounding void.

Although the power of the initial pill thunder barely reached the Douzong level, it did not pose the slightest threat to Medusa.

But Dan Lei's speed is so fast, if he wants it not to affect Xiao Xue below, he needs to be vigilant all the time.

That remnant soul?Who, I'm not familiar with.

The previous few Dan Lei attacks were easily blocked by Medusa.

As time goes by, the power of Dan Lei becomes stronger and stronger, and Medusa also needs to deal with it carefully.

Several silver thunders were shattered by Medusa one after another, and the thunder cloud seemed to become even more angry.

At that moment, countless silver lights flashed, and lightning bolts broke through the thunderclouds like silver pythons, and then one after another, they hit Medusa in the air.

Looking at the dense silver thunder falling from the sky, the solemn look in Medusa's eyes became even more intense.

After a while, the chirping sound resounded again, and the silver thunder, which was more than twice as strong as the previous one, shot out from the black cloud again.

Colorful flames rose up all over Medusa, and her jade hands began to flap fiercely.

Streams of colorful energy burst out from his body, and immediately faced the silver thunder in the sky without fear.

Huge thunder exploded, one after another erupting in the sky.

Every eruption will cause a little tremor in the space of this world.

A collision at the Douzong level can already tear apart space.

The sky was covered with silver thunder, and this scene, like the end of the world, made people feel a sense of fear from the depths of their souls.

High in the sky, after dozens of head-on confrontations with Silver Thunder, Medusa was also a little tired.

Although the power of this pill thunder is not the strongest of the Five Star Douzong.

But it is not so easy for Medusa to maintain her mental tension all the time.

As the last Dan Lei fell, the silver thunder collided with the colorful energy.

Terrifying space ripples spread out like water waves.

The huge silver thunder slowly collapsed, the crack in the space lingered for a long time, and Medusa was also rushed back by the impact of energy.

After taking a few buffering steps in the void, she finally stabilized her figure, feeling an indescribable numbness all over her body.

As the last thunderbolt was shattered, within the thundercloud in the sky, the power of the thunderbolt finally dropped a lot.

Immediately, the thunderclouds gradually stopped rolling.

And looking at its color, it slowly became lighter.

Obviously, Dan Lei this time is over.

Medusa also breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, Dan Lei's troubles were far beyond her expectations.

Naturally, a pill thunder was nothing, but one after another, if she hadn't been stronger than the pill thunder, she probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Xiao Xue casually threw a pill to Medusa as a "reward" (compensation/salary), and she also saw this problem.

After all, Dan Lei is the power of heaven and earth. If you use human power to resist it, you will be somewhat useless.

Even those at the same level may not be able to withstand it, let alone the eighth- and ninth-grade Dan Lei in the future.

In the original novel, Xiao Yan used puppets to resist Dan Lei, so naturally there would be no such troubles.

She is about to reach the seventh level, and it will be a common thing in the future to attract elixirs when refining elixirs.

...How about giving yourself the whole puppet too?Xiao Xue thought.

However, for one thing, she doesn't have the body of a Dou Zong level strongman, and other materials.

Secondly, even if she has the materials to refine puppets, she has no way to refine puppets.

Yao Lao probably doesn't have the method to refine a puppet.

The refining method of the Sky Demon Puppet was obtained by Xiao Yan himself by luck.

Otherwise, Xiao Yan, who received Yao Lao's inheritance, would not need to start refining the puppet after "luckily" obtaining the method of making the Sky Demon Puppet.

and so……

Xiao Xue walked over and patted Medusa on the shoulder, "Xiaosha, you have to get used to being struck by lightning."

(End of this chapter)

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