Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 170 Giving away heads in the Dharma Protector

Chapter 170: Protecting Dharma from Thousand Miles and Killing Someone

"Xiaosha, you have to get used to being struck by lightning."


I thank you.

However, Medusa did not refute.

Because she also knew that Xiao Xue could now perfectly refine the sixth-grade peak elixir.

It's estimated that it won't be long before she can refine the seventh grade and be able to attract Dan Lei.

Therefore, in the future, fighting against lightning will be something that she, a laborer, will often need to do.

It doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the business in advance.

Moreover, for their Snake Tribe, the Prenatal Pills and Heavenly Soul Blood and Bone Pills required for nourishment by advanced secret techniques are also at the seventh level...

On the other side, Xiao Xue also felt that doing so was a bit unkind.

Therefore, she planned to start collecting materials for refining the puppet now.

At that time, once you have the refining method of the Sky Demon Puppet, you can directly refine it.

As a result, one of the puppet materials, a Douzong-level body, came to the door——

"Jie Jie Jie."

In the midst of a cloud of black mist, an unknown protector from the Black Horn Territory Soul Palace branch appeared in front of Medusa and Xiao Xue with his laughter that was characteristic of corporate culture.

"Jiejiejie, Yaochen, you can make it easy for me to find the Soul Palace."

Protector Liu glanced at Yao Lao with his eyes shining with scarlet light.

In the Black Corner Domain, the most powerful one is actually the Soul Palace.

The protectors here are the highest-level heaven-level protectors, possessing high-level Douzong strength.

Just like the one in front of Xiao Xue and Medusa, Protector Liu, the Eight-Star Douzong.

This Guardian Liu is the Guardian known in the original work and has the shortest appearance time.

When Xiao Yan went to rescue Yao Lao, he was right next to him, but Xiao Yan didn't even look at him and just slapped him to death.

At that time, Xiao Yan had just subdued the Three Thousand Flames, and already had the strength of Dou Zun's peak, and everyone below Dou Zun was slapped in the face.

However, the eight-star Douzong who appeared on the stage now feels quite oppressive.

Seeing Protector Liu appear in a cloud of black mist, Yao Lao's expression changed drastically before he could get into the ring.

Medusa was also aware of the other party's hostility, and took a step forward to block Xiao Xue.

While helping Xiao Xue block Protector Liu's pressure, she stabbed directly at Protector Liu without hesitation.

Medusa has this kind of personality, she can do anything but beep too much.

Guardian Liu didn't react either. Medusa actually didn't play according to the routine and was caught off guard.

He quickly urged the black iron rope in his hand to block, "A person who has just entered the Seven Stars and has just consumed a lot of fighting energy..."

Before Liu Hufa could finish his inner lines, the unrivaled spear force directly knocked the iron chain in his hand into the air, and even slashed across his arm.

"Transformed monster?!"

Protector Liu was shocked and quickly distanced himself.

At the seventh level, monsters who have taken Transformation Pills can explode in combat power far exceeding that of humans in the same realm in close combat.

Because of the physique of Warcraft, it is several times stronger than human beings.

Within the same realm, it is not difficult at all to fight in close combat or to fight between one and two stars.

Medusa once took the Transformation Pill, and her breath was naturally the same as that of an ordinary human being.

That's why Liu Hufa regarded her as an ordinary fighting sect from the beginning.

In fact, Protector Liu had already arrived when the pill thunder first started to fall.

He didn't make a move at the time, just to wipe out the three of them afterwards.

Needless to say, Yao Lao's soul body, Xiao Xue's soul power has also reached the seventh level, and he is still a fighting king.

A person in the early stage of Dou Zong and a person in the late stage of Dou Wang still have the soul strength of Dzogchen in the mortal realm.

With such a high-quality and easy-to-handle soul, Protector Liu had no reason not to want it.

Medusa's soul was at the Douzong level anyway, so he accepted it incidentally.

Anyway, in Liu Hufa's view, suppressing Yao Lao's soul and Xiao Xue was not difficult at all.

After Medusa resists the thunder, her strength will probably drop a bit, and she will probably only have six-star peak combat power.

He is an eight-star peak player, and I have the advantage.

What's more, Dan Lei doesn't recognize people, and it will hack anyone who enters.When Liu Hufa came, Dan Lei had already started to fall.

Therefore, he waited until Dan Lei was over before showing up.

As a result, just after a face-to-face meeting, he was broken by Dou Zong, who he had despised before.

Moreover, even if he is one star stronger than the opponent, once he is brought into close combat, he may not be able to gain favor.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Medusa held the spear in front of her body, made a defensive movement, and stared at Guardian Liu vigilantly.

The opponent's strength was obviously stronger than hers, and he also had obvious malice, so she couldn't help but be cautious.

While Medusa was looking at Guardian Liu, Guardian Liu was also looking at Medusa and the three of them.

Compared to the soul, Medusa, whose strength is only slightly higher than normal, is naturally Yao Lao's soul and has a higher priority.

It would be even better if we could also get the soul of the little girl whose soul power reaches the seventh level, King Cai Dou.

That Dou Wang's soul is not less valuable than Dou Zong.

However, since this Dou Zong was so protective of her, it would probably take a fierce battle to conquer the Dou King's soul.

The Protector doesn't really want to fight Medusa right now.

After all, the other party is not as easy to handle as he thinks.

The transformed seventh-level monster has reached the level of the Seven-Star Douzong.

Even Protector Liu didn't dare to say that he could defeat Medusa easily.

After all, the Soul Palace is full of ways to deal with soul bodies.

However, the soul fighting skills that directly attack the soul are also high-end in the soul palace, and he is not qualified to touch them.

Unable to attack from the soul level, he may not be able to take advantage of Medusa's fighting skills alone.

If Yao Lao's soul body escapes, or if he is injured in the battle, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Guardian Liu looked at Medusa and softened his tone slightly, obviously not wanting to antagonize her:

"Your Excellency has misunderstood. This time, I am here for that soul body."

"As long as your Excellency is willing to hand him over to me, I will leave immediately without disturbing you two."

Medusa thought for a moment and knew who Guardian Liu was talking about.

At this time, Yao Lao had already retracted into the ring.

He has just returned to Douzong, so fighting will not help at all, and may even hinder him.

Xiao Xue was a little surprised. She had only known Jie Jie Jie as the protector of the Soul Palace all day, but it was actually possible to discuss it?

When did the people in the Soul Palace become so easy to talk to?
However, since her cheap dad Xiao Zhan didn't need to go to the Soul Clan to escort the Dou Huang, there was no need to let Yao Lao go to the Soul Palace to study.

Medusa and Xiao Xue looked at each other and understood what she meant.

The spear in her hand turned in the air and was no longer horizontal in front of her. Instead, the tip of the spear was pointed at Protector Liu, indicating her attitude.

This posture obviously means to take action if there is any disagreement.

Seeing this, Protector Liu snorted and said coldly, "Do you want to go against my Soul Palace?"

"I don't care about the soul hall or the soul hall, I only listen to... the leader's order."

Medusa hesitated for a moment, her brain working rapidly, and she finally thought of a suitable "alliance leader" without saying the word "master".

Work for the boss and don't be embarrassed.

Protector Liu choked. Based on his knowledge, he couldn't think of any alliance that could compare to the Soul Palace.

Could it be that the other party didn't know how powerful the Soul Palace was and that it had a certain backing, so he was confident?

After all, Yao Chen was also a peak alchemist of the eighth rank before his fall.

Using such a background to suppress a strange Eight-Star Douzong with an unknown background does have a certain effect.

It seems that if we don't take action today, Yao Chen's remnant soul will not be recovered.

Liu Hufa let out a low sigh, and flung his hand violently, the black chain pierced straight out.

The target of his sudden attack was Xiao Xue who was behind Medusa.

Although Medusa protected Xiao Xue behind her, the chain could be turned.

The enemy must be rescued, and Protector Liu's move forced Medusa to turn around and help Xiao Xue resist.

Then, in this gap, he can seize Medusa's flaw and damage her in one fell swoop.

However, what he didn't know was that the strongest among these people was not Medusa, but... Ahri brought by Xiao Xue!
[Two chapters, a total of six thousand]

(End of this chapter)

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