Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 174 The Xiao Clan can make a profit, but the Ancient Clan will never lose.

Chapter 174 The Xiao Clan can make a profit, but the Ancient Clan will never lose.
"Tell me, little girl, what do you need?"

Gu Yuan had a smile on his face, as if he were an approachable elder.

Hearing this question, Xiao Xue couldn't help but twitch her lips.

What do I need? Hey, will you give me whatever I want?
Then if I want Xun'er and Fen Tianyan, the Golden Emperor of the Ancient Clan, I wonder how you will respond?

But in front of the peak Nine-Star Fighting Saint, Xiao Xue would naturally not be so rude.

Since Gu Yuan is willing to invest in her, then she can indeed get some benefits from Gu Yuan.

However, it would definitely be inappropriate if she opened her mouth to the lion now.

She is now the only Dou Wang, so even if she has some talent, it is only worth the investment.

In the eyes of these ancient races, in fact, under the Douzong, they are all in the "growth period".

If she hadn't shown her extraordinary talent, she would not be qualified to meet an old guy like Gu Yuan.

Only by reaching the level of Dou Zun or even Dou Sheng can one have a certain say in it.

Xiao Xue thought about it for a while, and Gu Yuan should be able to satisfy it as long as it was not an excessive request.

In this case, she naturally wants to maximize her interests.

"...I hope senior can help me open a space wormhole from the Dan Pagoda's sphere of influence to the Xiao family."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Xue said.

"Oh? Is it for your teacher?" Gu Yuan said, "If it is for him, you might as well open a wormhole from Xingyun Pavilion."

"Xingyun Pavilion is a force founded by your teacher back then. The Pavilion Master Feng Zun has never stopped looking for your teacher in these years."

Hearing this, Xiao Xue couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

It seems that Gu Yuan was preconceived and regarded Yao Lao as her teacher.

And it seems that the Ancient Clan actually knew many things, but just ignored them.

After all, if you have no relatives or friends, why would anyone help you?

However, the reason why she wanted to come through a wormhole from Dantara was not for Yao Lao, or...not exactly.

What Xiao Xue did was to move the Xiao family into the Dan Pagoda's sphere of influence.

In this case, the Xiao family is right under Danta's nose.

Then, she sent the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade out again and tried to find a way to spread the news.

In this way, as long as the Soul Palace is not crazy, it will not take action against the Xiao family prematurely.

And when they finally broke up with each other in the later stage, she and her brother had already reached the fighting saint level and could completely protect the Xiao family from worries.

After all, the Ancient Clan doesn't care what the Xiao family does.

In the original work, the Xiao family was almost wiped out by the Soul Palace, and the patriarch Xiao Zhan was arrested, but the ancient clan didn't even let go.

Gu Yuan's purpose in sending Xun'er to Xiao's family was simply to share the ancient emperor jade - otherwise, could it be to send his daughter as a gift?

Back then, Gu Yuan promised to help stop the Soul Clan and break through the Dou Emperor Dharma Protector for Xiao Xuan. The reward Xiao Xuan paid was the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

But later, Gu Yuan of the Soul Clan did not block it, and the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade did not fall into Gu Yuan's hands in the end.

However, now, Xiao Xue, a fighting king, can become the next patriarch of the Xiao family.

If Gu Yuan sends any Dou Zun at will, he can definitely obtain the Xiao family's Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade easily.

Gu Yuan's erratic behavior seemed to be because he didn't stop the Soul Clan and was too embarrassed to get the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

He was embarrassed to get it, but he wanted it, so he was extremely entangled and confused, so he gave birth to a daughter and gave it away.

Therefore, it is unreliable to rely on the ancient clan to protect the Xiao family.

What the Ancient Clan needs is a strong ally who can jointly resist the Soul Clan, not a family so weak that they can be pinned to death with one hand.

If the Xiao family is gone, Gu Yuan can at most sigh and take Xun'er back, doing whatever he has to do without causing even a single wave.

If she wants to protect the Xiao family, she still has to find a way on her own.

If she relied entirely on the ancient clan or outsiders, it is estimated that in a few years, her cheap father Xiao Zhan would have to go to the Soul Palace for further training.

And relying on Danta is obviously the simplest solution now.

Her current soul power has already reached the peak of the seventh level, and it probably won't take long to reach the eighth level.

Coupled with the relationship between Yao Lao and Danta, it is not difficult to settle in Danta.

I originally planned to find a way to contact Danta when I went to Zhongzhou in the future.

Now that there is a tool man of Gu Yuan's level, if he doesn't take advantage of it, he will be sorry for himself.

"Well...Senior, I still prefer Danta." Xiao Xue said after hesitating for a moment.

"Oh? Why?" Gu Yuan asked.

Xiao Xue: "..."

Xiao Xue was a little curious, whether Gu Yuan really didn't know, or was pretending to be stupid, trying to get her to let go.

He might just be innocent and not want to have contact with Danta.

After all, Danta can be considered a first-rate force.

If you want to pull a wormhole over within its sphere of influence, the ancient tribe has to negotiate with Danta and get their consent.

Although it can be done with the power of the ancient tribe, it is still troublesome.

In comparison, it is much simpler to pull a wormhole directly from Xingyun Pavilion, it is almost a matter of one sentence.

There were so many twists and turns that Xiao Xue didn't believe Gu Yuan couldn't figure it out.

However, she couldn't say, "Lao Deng, because I'm worried about the safety of the Xiao family and still can't trust your ancient clan, so I plan to take the Xiao family to hide under the Dan Pagoda"?
It was related to the safety of the Xiao family, so she would naturally not let up on such a matter.

"Senior, the resources and influence of the eighth-grade alchemist in Danta far exceed that of ordinary Dou Zun." Xiao Xue paused and did not refute Gu Yuan's view that "Yao Lao is her teacher".

After all, she had received guidance from Yao Lao and was regarded as half of Yao Lao's registered disciple.

Therefore, Yao Lao is worthy of her title of "teacher".

"Xingyun Pavilion couldn't protect the teacher back then, and I'm afraid it will be even harder now; but in Dan Pagoda, it will be much easier."

"Besides, I also want to join Danta."

After Xiao Xue explained the reason, she also took a step back:
"Of course, if there is trouble opening the wormhole from the Dan Pagoda, seniors can also inform the three elders of the Dan Pagoda that the teacher is here."

"At that time, I will leave other matters to the juniors and talk to them."

If Master Feng knew that Yao Lao was in the northwest continent, he would probably open the wormhole directly from Xingyun Pavilion;

Similarly, Xuan Yi, one of the three giants of Dan Pagoda, knew that Yao Lao was here, and he would probably come all the way.

Therefore, as long as Gu Yuan passes the news, she can solve other matters by herself.

To put it bluntly, this is not about worldliness and interests.

"Okay," Gu Yuan nodded, "I can use the power of the ancient tribe to help you and your teacher contact the Danta."

If they just spread the word, the ancient clan not only does not need to owe Danta any favors, but can even earn favors from both sides. This is a completely profitable transaction.

Moreover, Gu Yuan was also a little curious about how Xiao Xue planned to make the Danta open its door to the Xiao family.

Even if Xiao Xue can't do it, he can still help him as appropriate, and he won't lose anything.

"Do you need anything else?" Gu Yuan continued to ask.

Xiao Xue took out a broken piece of jade, looked at Gu Yuan, and smiled:
"Senior, this junior wants to use this to exchange for two places to enter the Sky Tomb."

Hearing this, Gu Yuan was silent for a while.

After a long time, he spoke, "It seems that you know more than I expected."

Regarding Gu Yuan's words, Xiao Xue smiled and said nothing.

She knew that Gu Yuan could not refuse this offer.

Although thousands of years ago, ancient jade was divided into eight parts, and each of the eight ancient races held one.

As long as eight pieces of ancient jade cannot be gathered together, it can be said to be useless.

But in order to get this ancient jade, Gu Yuan sent all his daughters.

Now, this piece of jade is right in front of him. Even if it is useless to hold it, it does not affect him from holding it in his hand first.

——I can do without it, but I can’t live without it.

Moreover, once Xiao Xue and Xiao Yan emerged in the eyes of the ancient race.

No matter what, he would return the two places in the celestial tomb to the Xiao clan.

After all, each ancient race has two celestial tomb quotas.

If any ancient race gives up, as the guardians of the Sky Tomb, the ancient race can use their quota.

This is a rule passed down from ancient times.

A long time ago, there were more than eight ancient races.

But later, due to the changes in the Spirit-Devouring Clan, the number of the ancient races dropped sharply.

Similarly, every time the Heavenly Tomb is opened, the total number of quotas also decreases.

If the Xiao Clan's two quotas are not returned, it means that the Xiao Clan is classified as "not among the ancient races."

So in the past years, every time the Ancient Clan used the Xiao Clan's quota, it was a violation of the rules, which was equivalent to the Ancient Clan occupying double the quota.

Even his ancient clan cannot bear this reputation.

Therefore, by the way, I would return the place in the Sky Tomb to the Xiao Clan, as a favor, and I could also harvest the Xiao Clan's ancient jade.

... Gu Yuan thought about it and found that he seemed to be making money.

Anyway, the quota for the Heavenly Tomb will be given sooner or later, so Gu Yuan cannot refuse Xiao Xue's use of ancient jade in exchange for the quota for the Heavenly Tomb.

"...When you reach the level of Dou Zun, I can make the decision and transfer the Xiao clan's two places in the Tian Tomb to you." Gu Yuan said.

"Then thank you, senior." Xiao Xue smiled and handed the Xiao Clan's Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade to Gu Yuan.

In fact, Xiao Xue couldn't figure out the matter of quota.

However, it was impossible for her to go to all the trouble to gather eight pieces of ancient jade to open the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave.

If Gu Yu stays in the Xiao family, or if she takes it with her, it will cause some unnecessary trouble.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

Therefore, when the Xiao clan lost their jade, how could they know that it was not a blessing?
Anyway, with her system and plot foresight, she can definitely let herself and her cheap brother reach the level of fighting saint earlier.

The Ancient Emperor's Cave is open, go and grab it and that's it.

Your ancient clan may gain blood, but my Xiao clan will definitely not lose.

After accepting the ancient jade, Gu Yuan looked at Xiao Xue and warned: "Be careful, don't let others discover your bloodline."

"That kind of bloodline may not be a big deal in the eyes of ancient races, but it will definitely drive Dou Zun who doesn't have Dou Emperor's bloodline crazy."

"Half Saints or even Dou Saints who don't have Dou Emperor's bloodline may be jealous."

Xiao Xue was slightly startled, then realized that what Gu Yuan was talking about should be the Sky Fox bloodline in her body.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Xue asked, "Senior, how much do you know about Tianhu?"

(End of this chapter)

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