Chapter 175 It Should Be Biological
Hearing this, Gu Yuan smiled slightly, "I thought there was nothing you didn't know."

Xiao Xue naturally responded to this joke with a smile.

In fact, there were a lot of things she didn't know.

For example, who is Xun'er's mother? Who is Zi Yan's mother? For example, Gu Yuan and Zhu Kun, the two peak nine-star fighting saints, are stuck in giving birth to a daughter. Is it intentional or accidental...

Of course, these questions are destined to remain unanswered.

Gu Yuan stretched out his finger and moved it slightly toward Xiao Xue's forehead.

Xiao Xue suddenly felt that a large flow of information rushed into his mind.

In fact, with Gu Yuan's soul power at the Emperor's level, this action of raising his hand was completely redundant.

However, the process still needs to be in place.

""Stories of Strange Beasts"......"

Two and a half minutes later, Xiao Xue looked at the information sent to her by Gu Yuan, feeling a little confused.

That is, her soul power has reached the great perfection of the mortal realm.

Otherwise, it may take several times longer to receive complete information.

Among the messages Gu Yuan sent to her, there were many secrets related to Tianhu that were not mentioned in the original work.

In other words, it’s not just Tianhu.

Some common, uncommon, extinct, and suspected extinct ancient beasts on the continent are all introduced to a certain extent.

Xiao Xue feels that the value of this information may not be low.

Moreover, in the message from Gu Yuan, there is also a secret method of "Ancient Blood", which is actually a secret method of blood fusion.

Come to think of it, ancient races like the Ancient Clan have done a lot of research on bloodline fusion.

However, for people with Dou Emperor's bloodline, this secret method should not be taken seriously among the ancient tribes.

If it is not taken seriously, naturally no one will study and improve it.

So its actual effect may not be so exaggerated.

The value shouldn't be that high.

Therefore, Gu Yuan passed it on to himself so casually.

However, something is better than nothing.

Even if there is only one idea, it is much better than trying to figure it out based on your own feelings.

And now, she already has the bloodline of Tianhu.

In the future, she will inevitably awaken the power of the Xiao clan's bloodline in the Sky Tomb.

Therefore, this "Ancient Blood" is of great use in her hands.

It is better to learn some secrets of blood fusion in advance than to think of temporary solutions like Xiao Yan did.

"Junior thanks senior." Xiao Xue saluted Gu Yuan with cupped fists.

"It's okay, just think of it as buying you how to refine the strange fire and integrate the power of blood." Gu Yuan showed a smile.

"I heard Xun'er say a few days ago how you made her become an alchemist. I have to say, you have a lot of ideas."

"But I'm also curious as to how you can refine the strange fire without using any spirit."

"And it only relies on Dou Wang's strength, fused with the blood of the Sky Fox and the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python."

"You know, even for Dou Zun, it is not easy to fuse two high-level bloodlines."

Gu Yuan looked at Xiao Xue with interest, while Xiao Xue was completely confused.

Colorful sky-swallowing python bloodline?I?Fusion?

"Although there seems to be some problems with bloodline fusion, it is not serious yet."

Gu Yuan didn't realize Xiao Xue's abnormality and continued, "You should be able to solve it by following the method in "Ancient Blood"."

In fact, Xiao Xue seriously underestimated the value of "Ancient Blood".

Gu Yuan also got the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. He was in a good mood today. Xiao Xue, the little girl, liked him again, so he gave him something more.

If "Stories of Strange Beasts" is just some rare information, then the value of "Ancient Blood" is no less than the complete "Emperor's Seal Jue".

Among the secret techniques, it can definitely be regarded as a high-end product.

After all, how could something produced by Gu Yuan, a peak nine-star fighting saint, be simple?

If the world's richest man invites you to dinner, will he take you to the breakfast shop downstairs of your home and shout, "Two fried dough sticks and a bowl of tofu nao"?

You can't just think it's cheap just because someone invites you to eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant and you think the meal is only a little too much, right?
Although Gu Yuan didn't give much to Xiao Xue, if the elders of the ancient clan knew about it, it would definitely make them bark.

You know, Dou Qi Continent has been developing for tens of thousands of years.

When two or more bloodlines merge, it is not uncommon for a certain bloodline to revive in the body and give birth to a new soul.

However, since there are not many cases of bloodline fusion, this special case is even rarer.

Therefore, it is not known to everyone.

However, among the ancient tribes, there are records of these situations.

Of course, it is absolutely inappropriate to directly obliterate the resurrected soul.

Erasing the new soul at this time is equivalent to erasing that bloodline, which will cause greater harm to the body.

And if left alone, the two souls in one body will have a considerable impact on the strength of the main body.

Therefore, "Ancient Blood" also provides certain solutions.

Either fuse the two souls, or eliminate the connection between the two souls and strip them of their bodies.

The second method may cause the corresponding blood concentration to decrease, but it can be compensated over time, so it is harmless.

Although a new soul was not born in Xiao Xue's body, but the soul of the little sky-swallowing python was directly sucked over from Medusa.

...Maybe it was sent in by Medusa.

Therefore, Xiao Xue's current situation is somewhat similar to the awakened new soul recorded in "Ancient Blood".

However, she did fuse part of the bloodline power of the colorful sky-swallowing python by chance due to Xiao Xiao's subtle influence.

...Can it be considered...a blessing in disguise?
Xiao Xiao also has a part of Xiao Xue's Tianhu bloodline.

If we look at potential alone, the current Xiao Xiao is far higher than the original.

In terms of blood, the Sky Fox is comparable to the ordinary Sky Demon Phoenix.

The Sky Fox whose bloodline has reached the peak level, that is, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, can even compete with the ancient Sky Phoenix.

But now, Xiao Xiao, who has merged the power of two bloodlines, has already infinitely approached the Nine-tailed Sky Fox with the strength of his bloodline.In other words, when she was born, judging from the strength of Tianhu's bloodline, she was at least the eight-tails level.

With the bloodline strength of the Sky-Swallowing Python, the Eight-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is stronger than her mother, Medusa.

But it is obvious that Xiao Xue, as her mother, does not know her existence yet.

(Not swearing, just a normal statement, one mother and one mother, used to distinguish, after all, there is milk... although Xiao Xiao may not need to eat it)

(Of course, in terms of hardware conditions, it is estimated that Medusa is less likely to starve her children, but there is nothing that can be done about it, spread your hands.jpg)

"What's wrong?" Gu Yuan asked curiously, looking at Xiao Xue who was in a daze.

"Ah! No... nothing." Xiao Xue came back to her senses, "My method of refining the strange fire is not a secret."

Xiao Xue calmed down and told Gu Yuan the process of using the cold marrow of the ice spirit to contain the cold fire of the bone spirit and then refining it.

"As for the fusion of bloodline...I'm sorry, senior, I'm not very clear about this either."

This Xiao Xue is not being careless. She really doesn't know about the bloodline issue.

She also planned to study "Ancient Blood" after Gu Yuan left, and then take a closer look at the situation in her body.

However, since Gu Yuan said that it can be solved through the method in "Ancient Blood", it is not very serious after thinking about it.

Therefore, Xiao Xue is not too anxious.

Of course, if she knew what was going on inside her body, she would never be as calm as she is now.

Hearing this, Gu Yuan nodded.

The ice spirit cold marrow can directly freeze Douzong to death, and the bone spirit cold fire can even threaten the peak of Douzong.

In particular, Xiao Xue at that time might have been a fighting king or even a fighting spirit.

Swallowing these two things into the body at the same time and letting them check and balance each other is a complete gamble.

However, Gu Yuan felt that what Xiao Xue said was quite credible.

After all, Xiao Xue has done more than just one or two extraordinary things.

Her performance was even worse than Xun'er's.

Gu Yuan looked Xiao Xue up and down, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

If he hadn't had a son for thousands of years, Gu Yuan would have wanted Xiao Xue to be his daughter-in-law.

But first of all, he doesn't have a son, and even if he does, the generational hierarchy is in chaos.

The Xiao clan has been passed down for many generations. If Xiao Xue becomes his daughter-in-law, then he and Xiao Xuan will have separate opinions?
Secondly, with Gu Yuan's eyesight, he could naturally see that Xiao Xue was no longer a virgin.

Fortunately, her Xiao clan bloodline has not yet awakened.

The power of other bloodlines will not be affected.

Moreover, after taking action, she would not have to worry about losing her Xiao clan bloodline when she awakens in the future.

——It saves trouble.

In fact, Gu Yuan didn't mind that Xiao Xue had done this now, and thought the child was okay.

After all, according to the rules of Dou Qi Continent, Xiao Xue has already passed the adult ceremony.

In Dou Qi Continent, there are many people at Xiao Xue's age who have children.

But Gu Yuan, who was still strong and had just given birth to Xun'er more than ten years ago, was relatively open-minded.

Therefore, he just sighed, which kid was so lucky to be able to catch Xiao Xue's eyes.

In Gu Yuan's view, in this northwest continent, naturally only Xiao Xue was chosen to "bring into the family" the Xiao family.

In this regard, Gu Yuan has always been more open-minded.

He even thought about whether he should help Xiao Xuan check it.

If that guy doesn't work, then at the worst possible outcome, just replace him.

Just like Gu Yuan, he only has one daughter, Xun'er.

Then there is a high probability that he will choose to find an "ancient clan son-in-law" for Xun'er.

And if Xun'er feels dissatisfied, just kick him and change him.

No matter what, you cannot wrong your daughter.

It would be foolish to deny someone because of an inappropriate relationship.

Thinking about it, if Xiao Xuan saw Xiao Xue now, he should have the same attitude.

If you don’t like it or it’s not suitable, just kick it out and change it to another one. There’s no need to feel any psychological burden.

And with Xiao Xue's talent, she will definitely be able to reach Dou Sheng in the future, or even reach the level that Xiao Xuan was during his lifetime.

By then, the entire continent will not be chosen by her.

If you are strong enough, you can be "informal" to a certain extent.

For another example, Gu Yuan actually discovered a long time ago that his little Baicai Xun'er seemed to have suddenly fallen in love with a certain brat.

Moreover, even with the intelligence system of the ancient tribe, they could not find out who the other party was.

However, even if he couldn't find it, he wouldn't beat them up immediately.

Gu Yuan's idea was actually quite simple, just make Xun'er happy.

As long as someone is sent to keep an eye on Xun'er, don't let Xun'er do anything that will cause blood loss, and don't be taken advantage of, the rest is nothing.

If the opponent can break through the Dou Sheng, the ancient clan will pick up a genius for free;

If not, a long gap would be enough for Xun'er to recognize the reality and choose to give up.

If Xun'er has been thinking about that person... then it won't be a big deal if her Dou Emperor bloodline is affected when she reaches the peak of Dou Sheng.

In fact, in order to be with the person she chose as soon as possible, Xun'er is likely to work harder to practice.

So... it's a good thing that Xun'er has someone she likes!

Speaking of Xun'er, Gu Yuan finally remembered one of the reasons why he came to Xiao Xue:

"By the way, Xun'er doesn't want to go home. If you are free, you can go and persuade her..."

Xiao Xue: "..."

It was confirmed that Xun'er should be Gu Yuan's biological child, but it was somewhat unlikely that Xun'er was Gu Yuan's biological child.

[Two chapters of six thousand and five, please vote]

(End of this chapter)

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