Chapter 176 Sister, come back to the ancient tribe with me

Xun'er should be Gu Yuan's biological child, but Xun'er is Gu Yuan's biological child, which is somewhat unlikely.

Gu Yuan coughed slightly in embarrassment and said slowly:
"There is a lot of pressure within the ancient clan. I sent Xun'er to the Xiao family just because I wanted her to have a relatively good childhood."

"As for that mission, it's just to fool the elders of the clan and give each other a step down."

Xiao Xue only half believed Gu Yuan's rhetoric.

Gu Yuan did this not only for Xun'er, but also for the Xiao family's Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

But at first, the young Xun'er simply thought that she was coming to Xiao's house to play.

Later, when she thought about the mission, she was already a little happy and nostalgic.

Otherwise, before Yao Lao wakes up, the strongest Xiao family will only have one fighting master.

Before "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi", Xun'er thought that she didn't come here just for fun, but had a family mission;
Then, she could easily let Ling Ying, the peak fighting emperor, turn the Xiao family upside down and take away the ancient jade.

And if Xun'er wants to play, Gu Yuan, who loves his daughter, will naturally not be busy urging her to come back. Instead, he will wait for Xun'er to reach Douwang before calling her back.

After all, judging from the original work, the younger generation among the ancient tribe only knew that they were jealous and fighting because of Xun'er.

That kind of environment is really not good for Xun'er.

Growing up in that kind of environment, it would be better to stay in the Xiao family. The Xiao family would never treat her badly.

The result is that Xun'er is having fun outside and doesn't want to go home.

After all, to put it bluntly, Xun'er has not even seen Gu Yuan in person for so many years since she came to the Xiao family.

She may not be close to Gu Yuan, but to the Xiao family.

Therefore, when this father who was in charge of children came to the door and offered to take her back, Xun'er would naturally refuse.

However, as Xun'er is Gu Yuan's only descendant, she will definitely become the next leader of the ancient clan.

The heirs of a large family like the Ancient Clan have power and wealth that ordinary people cannot dream of in their lifetime, but they also have to bear corresponding responsibilities.

The Dou Qi Continent was much darker than her previous life, and the competition among the ancient races was even more intense.

If you don't work hard to climb up, you will be trampled to death by others.

Even if Xun'er is Gu Yuan's daughter, she still needs to use her strength to convince the public.

Although Xun'er's cultivation speed is not slow, there is still a certain gap between him and those direct descendants who enjoy resources among the ancient tribes.

With the Ancient Clan's countless resources to accumulate, it is not uncommon for the Ancient Clan to reach the level of Dou Huang at Xun'er's age.

Moreover, if she wants to grow into the leader of a clan, Xun'er actually needs to learn quite a lot.

Not to mention the ancient races, which have several Dou Saints and Dou Zuns, and Dou Zong are countless ancient races.

If you leave the current Xiao family to Xun'er, she may not be able to manage it well.

Therefore, Xun'er has almost finished playing and it's time to go home.

She must now return to the ancient tribe and achieve "overtaking in corners".

But now, Xun'er is having fun and doesn't want to go back, and Gu Yuan finally sees his daughter once, so it's not easy to intimidate her.

So out of desperation, he actually found himself here.

Xiao Xue thought for a moment and understood the twists and turns.

"...Okay senior, then I will go and persuade Xun'er." Xiao Xue said after considering it.

"But I can't guarantee the outcome."

To be honest, she was not sure about "persuading Xun'er to go home".

After all, in the original work, Xun'er and Xiao Yan go in both directions.

Xiao Yan practiced desperately in order to gain recognition from the forces behind Xun'er;

Xun'er practiced hard in order to reach Dou Sheng as soon as possible and be able to do things more conveniently.

But now, due to her influence, Xun'er no longer has the bond with Xiao Yan.

Therefore, if Xun'er didn't want to return to the ancient clan, he could only let Gu Yuan find a way to coax her back.

I am an outsider, and all I can do is persuade, and it is not appropriate to say too much.

After agreeing to this matter, what Gu Yuan and Xiao Xue wanted to say was basically finished.

"Okay, the space wormhole will open to the Jiama Empire in about a year," Gu Yuan took out a jade token and handed it to Xiao Xue.

"If anything happens during this period, you can use this to contact me." "Of course, if you are in danger, you can also crush it. In times of crisis, it should be able to save your life."

Of course, it's just "should".

If Xiao Xue's soul was destroyed before crushing the jade token, then Gu Yuan would not be able to save him.

However, this value is already quite high.

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Xue naturally accepted this kind of thing with a smile.

Life-saving trump cards that can be directly linked to the Nine-Star Fighting Saint are absolutely rare in the entire continent, with a price but no market.

That is her, Xiao Xue, otherwise most people would really not be qualified to get it.

With a father who is at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint, Xun'er should feel safe, right?
However, Gu Yuan is so strong, Xun'er actually still has a rebellious phase.

It seems that Gu Yuan really dotes on his daughter.

"Since it's okay, let's see you next time."

Gu Yuan waved his hand as he spoke. Xiao Xue's eyes only felt blurry, and then she returned to the inner courtyard.

"Tsk, this hand is so handsome. When I become stronger in the future, I will take care of my children like this." Xiao Xue murmured in a low voice.

Gu Yuan: “…………”

Naturally, Gu Yuan did not leave immediately. He was still waiting for a while to take Xun'er back to the ancient tribe.

After all, it is not the right thing for people to go back alone and let their daughter sit on the unicorn for a month or two.

If he really left, then Xun'er probably wouldn't come home.

Xiao Xue didn't know that Gu Yuan was watching her from the sky.

She skillfully activated the peach blossom mark in her palm and called Medusa.

Then, after taking over her own ring from Medusa, Xiao Xue ignored Medusa's curious gaze and sent her away directly.

Explain, what is there to explain?

She might not even tell Xiao Yan about this meeting with Gu Yuan, let alone the tool man Medusa.

After all, Xiao Yan has not yet signed the three-year contract.

Knowing about the ancient race prematurely would not be of any benefit to Xiao Yan.

"My family used to be awesome," so what?Then what?

I'm so big as the Xiao family, snap, disappear?

A certain amount of pressure is motivation, but if the pressure is too great and makes people despair, then it is not motivation.

Even in the original work, Xiao Yan only knew about one soul palace at the beginning, and only knew about Xun'er's background.

But he didn't know exactly how powerful the Soul Palace was and how big Xun'er's background was at the beginning.

It was only after Xiao Yan gradually became stronger that he gradually came into contact with some things about the Xiao family.

Knowing some things too early is not necessarily good, it just adds to the trouble.

It is not too late to tell Xiao Yan these things when the Xiao family has taken root next to the Dan Pagoda and there is no need to worry about safety issues.

She didn't even need to say it herself, Yao Lao would "popularize" some things to Xiao Yan.

After Xiao Xue got back the ring, she went directly to the medical clinic to find Xun'er and the little medical fairy.

Xun'er has been practicing refining medicine in the medical center recently, so it would be right to go there to find someone.

In the medical hall.

The little medical fairy took the Qinghun Dudu Pill, crossed her legs and began to refine the medicinal power.

Xiao Xue was at the side, protecting the little medical fairy while thinking about how to persuade Xun'er to return to the ancient clan.

As a result, before she could say anything, Xun'er spoke first:

"Sister Xue'er, come back to the ancient tribe with me!"

Xiao Xue: "???"

Gu Yuan: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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