Chapter 177 Self-Strategy, the Most Deadly (3k)

Not only Xiao Xue was confused, but Gu Yuan, who was using his soul power in the air to "watch" this scene, was also confused.

In order to prevent the little medical fairy from being affected, Xiao Xue naturally used her soul power to block the sound of the two of them communicating with the outside world.

However, for Gu Yuan, who has an imperial soul, this shielding is naturally useless.

Therefore, he can naturally know what Xun'er and Xiao Xue said.

"This girl, really..."

Gu Yuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled a little.

He just thought that Xun'er was a child and wanted to go back with his friends.

Xun'er naturally knew that he and Xiao Xue would meet and would tell Xiao Xue something.

Therefore, Xun'er stopped pretending now and directly showed her cards and invited Xiao Xue to enter the ancient world to practice.

However, entering the ancient world is not something you can just enter if you want.

The ancient world is not in Dou Qi Continent, but a space opened up by the ancient emperor.

The powerful family warriors of the past generations have constantly maintained and improved their spatial barriers, and finally formed a small world with extremely rich energy from heaven and earth.

The people among them are all members of the ancient tribe.

In other words, they all have the Dou Emperor bloodline of the ancient clan.

Even ethnic groups whose blood quality is lower than the fourth grade are not qualified to live in the ancient world.

In the original work, most people with Dou Di's bloodline are very proud and look down on other "subordinates".

In the original work, even a security chief in Lingquan whose surname was not Gu looked down on Xiao Yan, who did not have the blood of Dou Emperor.

Even though Xiao Xue was recognized by Gu Yuan, she did not have the Dou Emperor bloodline of the ancient clan and was considered an outsider.

Especially, she is a descendant of the Xiao clan.

Then this identity is even more complicated.

If you want to let her enter the ancient world, you can, but it will definitely be very troublesome and cause a lot of people and dogs to bark.

Using the resources of the ancient tribe to cultivate a foreigner, or a member of the Xiao tribe, it would be weird if those old guys could easily agree.

After all, if the Xiao Clan does not rise, they will be able to occupy one more of the Xiao Clan's quotas in the Heavenly Tomb.

The Heavenly Tomb is of great benefit to Dou Zun.

The elders fought hard to get one of the places for their juniors.

Originally, there were not many places for four, but if the Xiao clan returned, there would only be two left.

Moreover, when the Xiao clan returns, many things have to be reshuffled.

After all, there is still the inheritance of the Xiao clan in the sky tomb.

That was the inheritance left by Xiao Xuan. Which ancient race wouldn’t want it?

Even the ancient tribe is greedy for the things left by Xiao Xuan.

Now, no one can get that inheritance, and the ancient clan doesn’t think it’s a big deal.

But it would be different if someone could get it.

The Xiao clan, which has been inherited by Xiao Xuan, will inevitably rise again and even develop to a level that surpasses the ancient clan.

As for the Xiao clan becoming the Xiao family, to put it bluntly, the ancient clan played a big role in it.

Some old guys from the ancient clan naturally don't want to see the Xiao clan rise again.

Among the ancient clan, Gu Yuan and Xun'er may be the only ones who think better of the Xiao family.

I am afraid that even the return of the quota to the Sky Tomb will have to be negotiated in the future.

Not to mention taking Xiao Xue back to the ancient tribe for training.

If Xiao Xue went to the ancient clan, with him there, there would be no overt suppression, but there would definitely be no less secret targeting.

In Gu Yuan's opinion, with Xiao Xue's talent and means, life might be better in Danta than in the Ancient Clan.

Therefore, he did not extend the invitation.

However, he did not expect that his daughter would bring up this matter to Xiao Xue.

Gu Yuan was also a little curious about what Xiao Xue would choose.

After all, if Xun'er wants to take him, it will be a bit troublesome.

But letting Xiao Xue enter the ancient world is actually completely possible.

If Xiao Xue also wants to go to the ancient world, it doesn't matter if she opens a back door, as long as Xun'er is happy.

Gu Yuan and Xun'er were both waiting for Xiao Xue's reply.

In the medical center, Xiao Xue was stunned for a moment, and then said:
"Xun'er, I know your intention is good, but can you not start yet?"

Xun'er: "......"

Gu Yuan: “…………”

You can talk.

"Sister Xue'er, don't you want to be with Xun'er?"

Xun'er lowered her head, raised her eyes, picked her hands, and pouted, all in one go.

Xiao Xue felt that there seemed to be a faint fragrance of tea coming to her face.

Gu Yuan: “…………”

Not seeing, not seeing at all.

Gu Yuan never knew that Xun'er could act like a spoiled child like this.

When his little cotton-padded jacket met him, he was afraid that he was not warm enough, so he activated the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan.

After all, Xun'er had not seen Gu Yuan for so many years, so Xun'er was a little resentful towards him, which was actually normal.

"Xun'er," Xiao Xue was unmoved by Xun'er's performance and held her hand.

Who is Xiao Xue? She has long been immune to this low-end tea art.

In fact, if it were someone else, the ancient world might not be a bad place.

With Xun'er as her backstage, no matter what, no one in the ancient world dared to openly embarrass her.She could safely cultivate to Dou Zun in the ancient world, then go to the Heavenly Tomb, inherit Xiao Xuan's "legacy", and reach the sky in one step.

But for Xiao Xue, the ancient world is not the best choice.

If she went to the ancient world, she would not be able to meet many opportunities outside.

By then, she will have lost more and more.

Moreover, Xun'er is still a playful child now.

There is still a long way to go before she grows up to be the leader of the ancient clan, so Xiao Xue will naturally not interfere.

In fact, Xiao Xue was also very curious.

In the original work, at this time, there is no scene where Xun'er invites Xiao Yan to go to the ancient tribe.

Could it be that Xiao Yan did not get Gu Yuan's approval at that time.

And now Gu Yuan has recognized her potential, so Xun'er would extend the invitation?
However, she may not be able to go to this ancient world for the time being.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but have you ever thought about what will happen to the Xiao family if I go to the ancient world?"

Xiao Xue did not refuse directly. After all, it was difficult to tell the real reason.

She couldn't say, "I can predict the future. It would be a loss if I went to the ancient world," right?

Therefore, she had to find another reason to politely reject Xun'er.

Hearing Xiao Xue's words, Xun'er was also silent for a while.

After a long time, Xun'er said, "That's right, sister Xue'er, it was Xun'er who didn't consider it."

"Furthermore, Sister Xueer may not be able to access the core heritage of the clan, such as the Ancient Emperor Pool."

"Sister Xue'er can only get a training place that can increase the speed of training in the ancient world, as well as unlimited pills and medicinal materials."

"Only", "Unlimited".

Hearing Xun'er's mundane words, Xiao Xue couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

She had reason to suspect that Xun'er made such a statement deliberately to inspire her to go to the ancient world.

I am afraid that no alchemist can refuse the condition of "unlimited medicinal materials".

For the ancient tribe, the medicinal materials for refining seventh-grade elixirs were considered rare.

But if it’s just unlimited and supplies one or two people, there’s no problem at all.

Without certain practice, your alchemy skills will not improve and may even regress over time.

Xiao Xue now wants to improve her alchemy skills to the peak of the seventh level, or even go further, but she doesn't know how much practice is needed.

Not to mention anything else, she just couldn't get together the medicinal materials for practicing.

She currently has enough medicinal materials to refine seventh-grade elixirs, which is barely enough for two pairs.

You only refine seven-grade elixirs two or three times, and you want to reach the level of a master of alchemy. Why don't you wake up?
And with the "unlimited medicinal materials" provided by the ancient tribe, her alchemy skills will definitely improve quickly.

Damn, she actually felt a little shameful.

Rich woman, hungry, eat rice.

[I think we can create a side story, where the protagonist is tricked by Xun'er into "X cultivating" in the ancient world, and Medusa chases his wife for thousands of miles. What do you think (whispers)]

However, compared with the many opportunities you will encounter if you follow the main line all the time.

The "unlimited supply of medicinal materials" provided by the ancient world is not so attractive.

Therefore, Xun'er's provocation method did not succeed, and Xiao Xue did not give the response she expected.

"Xun'er, practice hard after returning to the ancient clan. I'll wait for the day when you can break through to the Dou Sheng."

"Perhaps in a few years, I will go to the ancient world to find you."

Xiao Xue simply said "Practice hard", which is similar to the so-called "Study hard, I will wait for you to pass the Qingbei examination".

If you go to the ancient world in a few years, you will also go to the Heavenly Tomb to inherit your inheritance.

But when Xun'er heard this sentence, it changed its taste.

After all, after breaking through to the Fighting Saint, the impact on the bloodline can be ignored!

Moreover, those who want to marry into the Xiao family can queue up from Jia Ma Imperial Capital to Wutan City.

But Xiao Xue has never had this idea in all these years.

First of all, these people's talents are really not good enough, so Sister Xue'er naturally looks down upon them.

Secondly, I think Sister Xueer may not be that straight...

After all, how many people want to join the ancient world, but there is no way.

For Xiao Xue, the current ancient world is definitely a good place, much better than Canaan College or something like that.

But now, she is indeed a little anxious.

Now she has a voice among the ancient clan, but not much.

Those old guys give themselves face because they are the daughter of the clan leader.

If she takes Xiao Xue back to the ancient world now, if the relationship between the two develops in the future, some people will inevitably gossip about it.

Everyone said, "For his own hobby, the young patriarch of the ancient tribe forced his resources to help her improve, and even brought people into the ancient world..."

If something like this were to spread, it would definitely be detrimental to her future management of the ancient clan.

Although Sister Xue'er's strength came from her own cultivation.

But once he brings her into the ancient world, the 17-year-old Dou Wang who does not have the blood of Dou Emperor says that he has not provided resources to support him. Who will believe it?
This would not be conducive to her control of the ancient clan, and would also have a bad impact on Sister Xue'er.

And when she takes control of the ancient clan and has a higher say, and sister Xueer has enough strength, everything will fall into place.

Xun'er felt that Xiao Xue now knew her feelings and even made a promise:
——"Practice well and I will marry you when you reach Dou Sheng."

Xun'er was instantly resurrected with full blood and full of energy.

"Okay, sister Xue'er, Xun'er is waiting for you in the ancient world."

[There are really a lot of things to do at the beginning of the school year. It is estimated that the amount of updates will be appropriately smaller in the future, but they will definitely be updated continuously.You can raise it, but don’t raise it to death. 】

(End of this chapter)

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