Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 178 Don’t worry, I’ll have a soft meal first

Chapter 178 Don’t worry, I’ll have a soft meal first
"Okay, sister Xue'er, Xun'er is waiting for you in the ancient world."

Xiao Xue didn't know what Xun'er had just imagined.

However, since Xun'er agreed to return to the ancient clan, it was naturally a good thing.

After solving Xun'er's problem, Xiao Xue continued to protect the little medical fairy.

Xun'er quietly left the medical center, probably to see Gu Yuan.

Less than half an hour later, the little medical fairy refined the power of the soul-clearing poison-killing pill and slowly opened his eyes.

Her fighting spirit cultivation and soul power have not been significantly improved.

However, her control over the poisonous body of Ernan has improved a lot.

The benefits this brings to the Little Medical Fairy are not immediate, but a long-lasting and hidden influence.

"Teacher." The little medical fairy exhaled a breath and saluted Xiao Xue.

"How do you feel?" Xiao Xue asked.

"Very good, I feel that the poisonous body of Ernan is much more stable." The little medical fairy replied.

"The Nemesis poison body is not as active as before, but the speed of improvement has not slowed down at all, and has even accelerated."

Xiao Xue nodded. It seemed that this soul-clearing poison-stifling pill did have some effects, but it did not fall under the title of seventh-grade pill.

"Adjust for a few days first, and then refine the Netherworld Poison Fire."

After refining the Nether Poison Fire, the Little Medical Immortal should be able to be directly promoted to the Dou Huang level.

Her combat effectiveness and alchemy skills will be greatly improved.

Moreover, after taking the Qinghun Dudu Pill, the Enan Poison Body is in front of Dou Zun. As long as there is no severe external force, such as being severely injured, there will be no possibility of an outbreak.

Therefore, the little medical fairy can be promoted to the Douzong level in a short period of time.

By then, there will be another Douzong fighting force on their side.

Even, it is an invincible combat power at Douzong level.

After all, Yaolao had encountered a calamity poisonous body before.

That is a five-star Dou Huang, who can compete with Dou Zong.

...seems not as good as your Dong brother.

And the little medical fairy who has refined the Nether Poison Fire will definitely be more powerful than the poisonous body that Yao Lao encountered many years ago.

After the Little Medical Immortal refined the Netherworld Poison Fire, she first entered the Dou Zong. It was no exaggeration to say that she was invincible under the Dou Zong.

After settling the matter with the little medical fairy, Xiao Xue returned to her and Xun'er's dormitory.

After another two hours, Xun'er came back and handed a Nai ring to Xiao Xue.

"Sister Xue'er, take this."

Xiao Xue took the ring with some curiosity, and the soul power penetrated into it.

In the Najie, there are many jade boxes, jade bottles, etc. At a glance, they are all seventh-grade medicinal materials.

And judging from their appearance, they are quite good and well-preserved.

Xiao Xue: "..."

Are you going to use this to test your sister?

You know, although to Xiao Xue, fifth-grade and sixth-grade elixirs are nothing.

But Doupo's elixirs are actually very expensive.

The pills that are one level lower than myself are already worth less than half of my worth.

It took a lot of effort for the five-star Dou Zun of Fenyan Valley to hire a seventh-grade senior alchemist to take action.

The value of a medicinal plant used to refine a seventh-grade elixir is comparable to that of a sixth-grade elixir.

If it is a rare medicinal material, its value will be even higher.

And what Xun'er gave her was a whole Najie.

In terms of total value, I'm afraid this is no less than the entire worth of a Dou Zun.

Moreover, he is still the richer among the Dou Zun.

Xiao Xue conservatively estimated that these medicinal materials were at least enough for her to improve and stabilize her alchemy skills to the seventh level.

With her current control over the soul power, if she uses it sparingly, she can even use it to the peak of seventh grade.

There must be a reason why rich women are popular.

——This body is moist, this soft rice is fragrant.

As for why Xun'er didn't give her the "Emperor's Seal Jue" in the original work,

I think it was because Gu Yuan had already given her "Ancient Blood" and "Story of Strange Beasts" before.

After all, she, Xiao Xue, is not a member of the ancient clan, and things like the "Emperor Seal Jue" are fighting skills that are not passed down by the ancient clan.

Even members of the ancient tribe are not necessarily qualified to study.

Now that Gu Yuan is nearby, Xun'er can help her get some share of the medicinal materials, which is the limit.

Don't even think about giving her another copy of the advanced fighting skills of the ancient tribe.

However, although the entire worth of a Dou Zun is actually not much to the ancient clan, it is not a heartache.

Giving these things is much easier than giving the inherited "Emperor Seal Jue".

And for Xiao Xue now, this is already a huge sum of money.

What's more, compared to the "Emperor's Seal Jue" which can barely reach the heaven level after cultivation;
It is obviously a medicinal material with higher practical value to Xiao Xue.

As long as both parties are satisfied with the transaction, it is a good transaction.

"...Thanks, Xun'er."

Come to think of it, Xun'er spent a lot of effort getting these medicinal materials from Gu Yuan for her.

If she doesn't want it, it would be inappropriate.

"Sister Xue'er, do we still need to say thank you?"

Xun'er smiled slightly, stepped forward, hugged Xiao Xue, and whispered in her ear: "Sister Xue'er, Xun'er is waiting for the day when you come to the ancient world."

"Xun'er believes that one day in the future, sister Xue'er will definitely stand at the top of the Dou Qi Continent."

After a moment, Xun'er let go of her hand with some reluctance, then turned and left.

Xun'er knew that now was not the time.

Her father was waiting outside. It would be bad if someone realized something was wrong.

Moreover, if she didn't leave, she might not want to go back.

After all, from the deputy commander Ling Quan, we can see what the ancient clan is like.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

Xun'er speculated that her life after returning to her clan might be bleak.

But even for sister Xue'er, she has to return to the ancient tribe and work hard to practice.

Otherwise, a few years later, Sister Xue'er would come to the ancient tribe to look for her regardless of the world's view, but she was not good at cultivation and had no status.

That's absolutely not possible.

"Sister Xue'er, wait for me..."


On the other side, Xun'er had already said goodbye to the others before coming to Xiao Xue.

For example, the little medical fairy gave Xun'er guidance in refining medicine. Although Xun'er didn't become a disciple, he was still half of her master.

There is also Qing Lin, who has a pretty good relationship with Xun'er.

It would be a bad idea to leave without saying goodbye.

Xun'er even asked Gu Yuan to take her to the Xiao family in the Jia Ma Empire to say goodbye to Uncle Xiao and the others.

Naturally, Gu Yuan did not refuse these small requests from his daughter.

And when he saw that Xiao Zhan, the current patriarch of the Xiao family, had reached the high level of fighting spirit, he was slightly relieved.

Gu Yuan remembered that when he first came to the Xiao family, Xiao Zhan was a great fighting master.

For Xiao Zhan, whose cultivation level is not high, he is already quite old.

Xiao Zhan is now 50 or [-] years old, but he looks older than Gu Yuan, who is thousands of years old.

At that age, he had only reached the level of a great fighter, which meant that his talent or potential was basically the same.

In addition, he has to manage the family and is busy with affairs, so he doesn't have much time to practice, so it will be even more difficult to improve his cultivation.

But now, Xiao Zhan has actually been promoted from Great Dou Master to Dou Ling, a major level up.

My wife died young and gave birth to three sons and a daughter, but she is not around...

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue were at Canaan College. Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were also busy managing the Northwest Alliance.

Now, although the two of them are only great masters in cultivation, they can still be regarded as junior high-level officials in the alliance.

Some powerful fighting spirits and even fighting kings were respectful when they saw the two of them.

The four children were busy, so there was no one around Xiao Zhan to accompany him.

However, it is a good thing that the children have something to do.

Therefore, it didn't matter if there was no one to accompany him. Xiao Zhan was happy to have some free time and spent his free time on cultivation.

Moreover, combat effectiveness is not important, since he does not need to go to the battlefield to fight anyway.

As long as your cultivation level goes up and your life span becomes longer, that's all.

In the original book, at the end, even Yafei, who has no talent for cultivation, is used to pile up resources to become the Douhuang.

However, this method of improvement is more "expensive" compared to those with talent.

With the resources of the alliance, Xiao Zhan can use countless methods to advance to Douhuang or even higher levels without any side effects.

Thanks to the alliance's resources, Xiao Zhan is now a high-level fighting spirit, much stronger than the original.

Xiao Zhan was naturally very happy to see Xun'er returning to the Xiao family, and asked her many questions about Canaan College.

During this process, Gu Yuan did not show up, which was Xun'er's request.

Because of Gu Yuan's appearance, "Uncle Xiao may feel uncomfortable."

Gu Yuan had no choice but to compromise on his little cotton-padded jacket's behavior of turning its elbows outward.

After chatting with Xiao Zhan about Canaan College and Xiao Yan and Xiao Xue, Xun'er said goodbye to Xiao Zhan and expressed his intention to leave.

Naturally, Xiao Zhan could not influence Xun'er's decision. He could only tell her to be careful on the road. If she wanted to go back to Xiao's house, she could come and play at any time.

Then, Xiao Zhan personally sent Xun'er out the door.

In fact, Xiao Zhan still wants Xun'er to be his daughter-in-law just like in the original work.

However, the engagement between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran has not been terminated yet.

Although Dou Qi Continent does not necessarily have to be monogamous;

But with Nalan Yanran's character, it might not be easy for Xiao Yan to take a concubine.

Moreover, even if Nalan Yanran can agree, this matter will not be easy to handle.

Xun'er's background is much stronger than Nalan Yanran's.

Xiao Zhan met Xun'er's father more than ten years ago when Xun'er first came to the Xiao family.

Xun'er's father is definitely a super strong man, much stronger than the elders of the Gama royal family.

A proud girl like Xun'er would probably not be willing to share a partner with others, or even be a concubine.

It's not appropriate to let Nalan Yanran be a concubine. After all, the two families have been friends for many years, and that's not how things work.

Moreover, although Xiao Yanzi has some talent, he may not be worthy of Xun'er, and others may not think highly of him.

Therefore, after discovering that Xun'er and Xiao Yan didn't call each other, Xiao Zhan didn't force it.

As for Xun'er and Xue'er being close...what's the point? It's too normal for two young girls.

(End of this chapter)

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