Chapter 182 I am not the Mother Goddess

Xiao Xue noticed that there seemed to be a soul hidden deep in his sea of ​​consciousness.

If she had not practiced the secret method of "Ancient Blood", even with her current soul strength, she would not be able to sense the existence of that soul.

Sure enough, there are some things that you have to look for.

It's like writing a novel on a whim.

The writing is awkward, the characters are over-the-top, and the plot is cliche.

But if you fill in the four words "close and entangled" in the author's column, the effect will be extraordinary.

And "Ancient Blood" is exactly that.

This thing came from Gu Yuan's hand.

A secret technique that Gu Yuan casually gave her had such an effect.

I really don’t know how strong the real core heritage of those ancient races will be.

However, she would not be able to access the core heritage of the ancient tribe or other ancient races in a short period of time.

The legacy left by the Xiao clan can only be planned after entering the Sky Tomb.

The most important thing now is to solve our own problems.

After discovering the new soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Xue quickly figured out the "cause and effect".

According to the introduction of "Ancient Blood", this should be the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Python, which unexpectedly revived during the process of spontaneous fusion with the bloodline of the Sky Fox. was quite sudden.

In this way, there is an explanation for the deepening of her relationship with Medusa in the system.

After all, judging from the shape of the soul, it is the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Python that is revived.

In other words, she now has a new soul of the sky-swallowing python in her body.

Therefore, it can be understood as...

What the hell is this? !

"Lying... trough!"

Xiao Xue couldn't help but want to jump.

According to the records in "Ancient Blood", the resuscitation of blood and the birth of a soul can be said to be a rare event.

After all, if one party's bloodline is too strong, it can completely suppress the other party without being able to walk.

This situation will only occur when the fused bloodline is about the same strength as your own bloodline.

Can something like this happen to her? !
Moreover, how could she not know where the bloodline of the sky-swallowing python came from.

Nothing more than that one accident.

Medusa, you really have a way to kill yourself...

How did Xiao Xue know that the soul of this sky-swallowing python was not created by the fusion of blood lines.

But this little guy did incorporate part of the bloodline power of Sky Fox.

Xiao Xue took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down her mood.

It's useless to say anything now.

Solving the problem is the right thing to do.

Otherwise, if she lays a snake egg in two years, it will be really fun.

Xiao Xue gathered her soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness and pulled the soul of the little sky-swallowing python.

— did not pull.

The little sky-swallowing python even swung its tail, changed into a comfortable position, and continued to sleep soundly.

Xiao Xue: "..."

After having a general understanding of the current situation, Xiao Xue stopped directly.

It may not be a good thing for you to wake it up now.

Now, there are two roads placed in front of Xiao Xue.

One, melt the soul of the sky-swallowing python.

In this way, she may be able to obtain more bloodline power from the Sky-Swallowing Python, and her bloodline strength will be further enhanced.

However, it would probably be extremely difficult to fuse it with your own soul.

Even Medusa in the original work was able to fuse with the soul of the Sky-Swallowing Python after being tempered for a long time by the Fallen Heart Flame, a strange fire that specializes in the soul.

Moreover, his evolved body is the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python, and his body's compatibility with it is already quite good.

As for the Sky Fox bloodline, there is still a certain rejection of the Sky-Swallowing Python bloodline.

Therefore, if she was asked to fuse with the soul of the Sky-Swallowing Python, she would not even think about it in less than ten or twenty years.

Even if she gets the Fallen Heart Flame from Canaan College and uses the Fallen Heart Flame every day to speed up the process, it will probably take several years.

After all, it was not easy for her to refine the Fallen Heart Flame.

However, the effect of falling heart inflammation outside the body will naturally be greatly reduced.

It will take a few years at the fastest. After a few years, the soul of the little sky-swallowing python may have already developed.

So...bloodline fusion, pass.
Of course, directly erasing it will not work, as it will definitely backfire on the main body.

Then, you can only choose the second way.

——Cut off the connection between the newborn soul and the original soul, and peel the soul of the little sky-swallowing python out of the body.

In this case, the blood concentration of the sky-swallowing python in her body will definitely drop significantly.

But doing this is better than letting the soul of a sky-swallowing python stay in the body in the future and compete with him for control of his body.

Moreover, there is already the Sky Fox bloodline, and in the future, the Xiao Clan's Dou Emperor bloodline will inevitably be awakened.To Xiao Xue, it didn't matter whether she had the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Python or not.

Just do it, Xiao Xue immediately began to study the method of peeling off the new soul in "Ancient Blood".

However, after three days of sleepless research, Xiao Xue made a somewhat desperate discovery.

She might not even be able to peel off the soul of the Sky-Swallowing Python.

Logically speaking, after getting started with "Ancient Blood", you can peel off the new soul.

The strength of newly born souls is generally not high.

As long as the soul has enough power, it can be easily separated by using secret techniques to cut off the connection between it and the original soul.

Xiao Xue's soul power has reached the peak of seventh level.

Logically speaking, this intensity is definitely enough.

However, the soul of the little sky-swallowing python is much stronger than the cases recorded in "Ancient Blood".

The strength of this sky-swallowing python's soul doesn't look like a new one at all.

After such a long period of lurking, the soul strength of the little sky-swallowing python is naturally not comparable to that of a "reborn soul".

I'm afraid it won't be easy to get rid of it.

You know, although the little sky-swallowing python only had the strength of Dou Wang when it was born.

But its soul strength is definitely at the seventh level.

Just give it enough energy and a certain amount of time.

If its soul is strong enough, it will break through to the seventh level without any bottlenecks.

Otherwise, Xiao Xiao in the original work would not have been born into a Dou Zong because he inherited the power of the Sky-Swallowing Python.

Moreover, when it was dormant, Xiao Xue was unable to detect it with the soul strength of Dzogchen in the mortal realm.

Now Xiao Xue was able to find its "hiding" place with the help of secret methods.

Therefore, although the combat power of the little sky-swallowing python may not be level seven.

But its soul defense has definitely reached the seventh level.

Although to be honest, it is not as good as Xiao Xue now.

But in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Xue could only use seven or eight points of her strength.

After all, it was "operating" on the soul, so Xiao Xue did not dare to use too much force.

It doesn't matter if it hurts the little sky-swallowing python's soul, but it would be embarrassing if it hurts my own soul.

Xiao Xue just tried to cut off the connection between the two souls.

But she found that no matter what she did, she could not separate the soul of the sky-swallowing python.

The little sky-swallowing python even woke up because of Xiao Xue's operation, and sent an unusually kind signal to her.

Although the little sky-swallowing python can't speak human language yet, the two have a language barrier.

But what the soul message means can be understood directly.

Translating the little sky-swallowing python's message into human language, it was just that it shouted "Mom" to Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue: "..."

His intelligence is quite high.

That's a good call. Don't call me again next time.

Xiao Xue, who didn't know the specific reason, could only be selective and ignore it.

If she knew that the little sky-swallowing python had been lurking in her sea of ​​consciousness more than a year ago, it had developed a strong bond with her body and soul, which could not be separated.

Then, Xiao Xue will probably go directly to Medusa to fight for her life.

However, she didn't expect that far.

After all, compared to the bizarre development of sucking the soul of the sky-swallowing python back then;
It is undoubtedly recorded in the secret law that the birth of a new soul is more credible.

After watching "Ancient Blood", Xiao Xue subconsciously regarded the birth of the soul as the latter.

As for why it couldn't be peeled off, she just thought it was the special nature of the sky-swallowing python's soul.

Maybe one day in the future, Xiao Xue will realize the truth, but not now.

Xiao Xuecheng lay paralyzed on the bed, thinking about ways to solve the problem.

If it cannot be peeled off, is it possible that it must be forcibly annihilated?
Or will she be like this in the future?
That won't work. If two souls compete for control of the body, their strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

Moreover, she didn't want to know that there was always a snake in the sea.

After the little sky-swallowing python's soul was awakened by Xiao Xue, it became quite active, "playing" in Xiao Xue's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, it has been trying to communicate with Xiao Xue.

The soul of the little sky-swallowing python has a natural affinity for Xiao Xue.

This level is no worse than Xiao Cai's confrontation with Xiao Yan in the original work.

After all, in the original work, Xiao Yan only used the accompanying amethyst source to gain the approval of this little guy.

And Xiao Xue has raised it for more than a year.

Coupled with the "relationship" between the two, its affection for Xiao Xue can be said to be overwhelming.

The message from the little sky-swallowing python's soul annoyed Xiao Xue so much that he unilaterally blocked it.

The souls of the two are still connected, so Xiao Xue is not worried as it is messing around in his sea of ​​consciousness.

After thinking to no avail, Xiao Xue planned to ask Medusa.

She raised her left hand and lit up the peach blossoms in her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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