Chapter 183
Canaan College, inner courtyard, back mountain.

Medusa was in front of a cave, protecting the little medical fairy who had broken through Dou Huang.

On this day, she was practicing as usual, and the peach blossom mark in the palm of her left hand suddenly lit up.

Medusa was stunned for a moment, and the peach blossom mark lit up, indicating that Xiao Xue had something to find her again.

As for Xiao Xue, it's fine if she doesn't look for her. If she does, she'll probably be in trouble again.

"Xiao Xue, what's wrong?"

——There is no reason not to answer the boss’s call.

After coming back to her senses, Medusa responded subconsciously.

"How is the little medical fairy's breakthrough?" Xiao Xue's message came from it.

"It's coming soon, I guess it will only be in the next few days." Medusa replied.

"After she breaks through, take her back immediately, and then follow me back to the Snake Tribe."


What does "follow you back to the Snake Tribe" mean?Shouldn't you be the one to follow me back?

Moreover, why did Xiao Xue suddenly want to go back now?

As a result, Xiao Xue directly cut off the communication without waiting for her to ask anything.


Medusa ended the communication with a confused look. For some reason, she had an unknown premonition in her heart.

However, she could only suppress the uneasiness in her heart and continue to protect the little medical fairy.


In the back mountain, time passed quietly.

Two days later, something different from the past finally appeared in the back mountain.

All I could see was that the huge slowly rotating energy vortex in the sky suddenly and gradually stopped moving.

Immediately, the majestic energy poured down like a torrential rain, and finally turned into a huge energy stream like a mountain torrent, rushing straight into the cave.

The energy vortex in mid-air has completely dissipated.

The violently fluctuating energy of heaven and earth in the back mountain also gradually returned to normal.

Looking at this situation, it seems that the energy absorbed by the little medical fairy has reached the point of saturation.

In the cave, a pair of eyes that had been closed for nearly two months finally opened slowly with a little trembling.

A majestic aura that had been dormant for two months finally woke up like a mighty army.

This momentum was only released for a moment, and then was quickly withdrawn.

"Is this... the Fighting Emperor?" the little medical fairy whispered to herself.

The aura and coercion she had just unleashed was no weaker than some of the veteran Dou Huang warriors, and even exceeded it.

The little medical fairy's purple eyes have also turned green, like two beautiful emeralds.

After refining the Nether Poison Fire, the original purple flame naturally turned green.

Even her long white hair had dots of green light.

Of course, this green light spot is very faint, and you can't see it at all if you don't look carefully.

Beside the little medical fairy, the fire spirit of Netherworld Poison Fire also ran out directly.

In the past two months, I have been helping the little medical fairy to temper her energy. I can't go out to play, so I can't hold it in.

Of course, in the process, it also devoured a lot of energy and ate happily from the buffet.

After the little medical fairy broke through, the restless Fire Spirit jumped out, shook the "hair" on his body, and then faced the sky and let out a roar that shook the world:


As the fire spirit "roared", a breath of green flames spurted out from its mouth.

The temperature in the cave rose rapidly, and even a slight crackling sound came from the air.

Then, the little medical fairy grabbed the back of Destiny's neck with one hand.

"Meow, be good."

Hearing this, Huo Ling could only withdraw the poisonous fire, and then rubbed the little medical fairy's hand quite affectionately.

After refining the Nether Poison Fire, the Little Medical Fairy named the fire spirit "Meow" because it likes to meow, meow, meow.

Just like Xiao Yan named the "Eaaaaaaaa" Pure Lotus Demon Fire Fire Spirit "Xiao Yi".

Although he was refined by the Little Medical Immortal and entered the spirit realm.

However, the Little Medical Fairy did not impose too many restrictions on the Fire Spirit, and the Fire Spirit also had a good impression of the Little Medical Fairy as a human being.

Therefore, its relationship with the little medical fairy is quite good, and it is not likely to do anything like killing the master.I believe that in the future, as the bond deepens, Meow Ao will become the little medical fairy's right-hand assistant.

The little medical fairy picked up Miaowu and walked out of the cave.

Meow Ao was in the arms of the little medical fairy, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Let's go."

When Medusa saw the little medical fairy coming out, she directly lifted the space blockade without saying anything.

The little medical fairy nodded, summoned the fighting spirit wings, and followed Medusa.

Dou Huang's speed was already quite fast, and the two quickly returned to the inner courtyard.

Then, the two met Xiao Xue in the medical center.

"Teacher." The little medical fairy saluted Xiao Xue.

"Well, that's right," Xiao Xue nodded, "Now you can directly activate the Ernan Poison Body and cultivate to the peak of Dou Huang as soon as possible."

"Of course, don't forget about refining medicine - although the strange fire can increase the effect of refining medicine, it is also more difficult to control."

"Yes, I understand, teacher." The little medical fairy nodded in response.

Although Nether Poison Fire is poisonous, logically speaking, it cannot be used to refine medicine.

But in the hands of Ernan Poison Body, it can be used to refine medicine.

It's easy to say, just let the poisonous body of Enan absorb the toxins in it.

Although the poisonous fire of the underworld is used to make elixirs, the toxins will be integrated into the elixirs.

However, due to the special characteristics of Enan's poisonous body, it can be completely sucked out.

Compared with other alchemists who use other kinds of fire to refine medicine, it is just one more process.

As soon as the elixir is obtained, the poisonous body of Enan is opened, which is equivalent to opening the "purification".

The toxins in the elixir can be sucked out in minutes without affecting the ability to take it.

Even if you don't like someone, you can use the Nether Poison Fire to make a pill for him, and the effect will be excellent.

After passing the running-in period, the little medical fairy's medicine refining skills are estimated to be able to touch the threshold of the fifth level.

After settling the affairs of the little medical fairy, Xiao Xue glanced at Medusa and said, "Let's go back to the snake people."

In the past two days, Xiao Xue also greeted Xiao Yan, Yao Lao, Qing Lin and others.

So now, you can go directly.

"Xiao Xue, what happened? Why do you want to go back suddenly..."

After walking out of the hospital, Medusa couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Xiao Xue sneered and turned to look at Medusa, "You don't know?"


A little panicked and unsure, let’s take another look.

Xiao Xue directly grabbed Medusa's wrist and pressed her hand on her forehead.

Then, Xiao Xue's soul power was fully activated, sharing the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness with Medusa.

Medusa "saw" the soul of a small sky-swallowing python in Xiao Xue's sea of ​​consciousness.

The little swallowing sky python seemed to be aware of Medusa's gaze and looked towards her.

Then, with some hesitation, it sent a message to Medusa: "...Sister?"


Xiao Xue: "..."

This generation seems a bit chaotic?
"Your Majesty Queen, don't you have anything you want to say to me?"


"You can think about it later." Xiao Xue interrupted Medusa directly.

As soon as Medusa raised her head, she met Xiao Xue's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling, and the faintly beating bone spirit cold fire in her eyes.

Medusa shuddered subconsciously. She was an eight-star fighting sect, but she was walking on thin ice in front of Xiao Xue, a fighting king.

"Don't tell me you don't know anything."

"Three months ago, you should have discovered the problem in the Snake Tribe, right?"

"So, why did you hide it from me then, huh?"

[I uploaded a recommendation on the afternoon of the [-]th, but it seems to be of no use, but I still want to ask for votes. Recommended tickets and monthly passes are acceptable, thank you all]

[On weekends, I’ll leave an extra episode in the nest, and those who need it can pick it up themselves]

(End of this chapter)

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