Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 185 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

Chapter 185 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

After all, Fusion Spirit Pill is a sixth-grade elixir. Even with the power of the alliance, it is impossible to gather all the medicinal materials in a short time.

However, Xiao Xue didn't have much time to wait.

So, after the Snake Tribe's secret method became useless, she directly used her experience points to purchase the missing few medicinal plants in the system.

After all, the Melting Spirit Pill is only a sixth-grade product. As long as Xiao Xue is careful now, she can refine a high-quality finished product in one go.

Xiao Xue refined the spirit-melting elixir with elixir patterns at one time, then took the elixir and began to retreat.

Naturally, she didn't even bother to look at the elders of the snake people and other snake people.

Medusa explained the "causes and consequences" to the elders——

The child is indeed born, but... the leader doesn't want it.

As for the truth, she still didn't dare to tell it.

In this regard, the elders had no choice but to ask Medusa to persuade him.

It would be best if the alliance leader could change his mind.

If you can't... that's all. Compared with blood inheritance, the current snake people will naturally take priority.

Moreover, the Medusa bloodline can actually be passed on in other ways.

For example, directly exchanging blood to "create" a descendant with Medusa's bloodline.

However, the potential of the Medusa bloodline inherited in this way is undoubtedly much weaker than that of naturally inherited bloodline.

After seeing off the elders, Medusa guarded Xiao Xue's retreat 24 hours a day.

Half a month later, Xiao Xue refined the power of the Melting Spirit Pill and came out of seclusion.

However, the efficacy of the Melting Spirit Pill directly stunned her.

The Spirit Fusion Pill indeed fused the souls of the little Sky-Swallowing Python.

However, it is not the fusion of soul and soul, but the fusion of soul and body.

Of course, she only had one body before and could not perfectly integrate two souls.

Therefore, after refining the Spirit Fusion Pill, what Xiao Xue sensed in her body was not a soul, but a breath of life.

——She is lucky.

Although this process is inevitable——

If the little sky-swallowing python wants to leave the body in the future, it must have a new body to carry its soul.

And its soul is so closely connected with Xiao Xue's soul that it is unrealistic to separate it.

Therefore, when the strength reaches the seventh level, the little sky-swallowing python will go where it should go by itself.

Then, it will absorb energy at that place, use the absorbed energy to condense the body, and complete the "transformation".

Then, when the new individual matures, it will be separated from the original body of Xiao Xue.

But this process will have to wait at least several months.

After the little sky-swallowing python reaches the seventh level and its soul comes out of the sea of ​​consciousness, it will start slowly.

As a result, by chance, the Fusion Pill greatly accelerated the process, allowing her to find a place to settle down directly.

Moreover, although it is earlier in time.

But with the effect of the Fusion Spirit Pill, the little sky-swallowing python is in even better condition than before.

Xiao Xue: "..."

Looking at the sleeping little sky-swallowing python that was still absorbing energy spontaneously, and the inextricable connection between the two.

Xiao Xue knew that although the soul of the little sky-swallowing python had now left her sea of ​​consciousness.

But if you want to peel it off, the difficulty may be higher than lower.

Judging from its current situation, if it were to be erased, it would definitely cause irreversible damage to the main body.

In other words - no fighting, no bleeding.

We can only wait until it has had enough months to come out on its own.

Good news – soul problem solved.

Just wait until the little sky-swallowing python matures and it will come out on its own.

Bad news - the energy for the little sky-swallowing python's future growth will all come from her.

Moreover, when it matures, how can it come out? !
After confirming the condition of her body, Xiao Xue's eyes darkened.

Her experience is unique among the army of time travellers.

"Xiao Xue, how are you..." At this time, Medusa, who noticed that Xiao Xue's retreat was over, rushed in anxiously.

What greeted her was an ice sword condensed with cold fire from the bone spirit.


Xiao Xue was just upset, and Medusa happened to bump into her bad luck.

So this time, Xiao Xue had nothing to hold back.

Medusa hurriedly used colorful energy to resist.

You know, the bone spirit cold fire broke out in full force, but it was comparable to the peak of Douzong.

Thanks to Xiao Xue's casual attack, Medusa was able to receive it without any injuries.

After discovering that Xiao Xue was not in a good mood, Medusa immediately became obedient and closed the door.

After Medusa left, Xiao Xue called Ah Li out, then held Ah Li and masturbated for a while.

Mainly because now, Xiao Xue has not yet recovered from the incident with the Sky-Swallowing Python.

Xiao Xue now needs someone to talk to, but no one she knows is suitable.

Therefore, Xiao Xue called Ah Li out, hugged the soft Ah Li and complained:

"Ali, what do you think all this is about..."

"Oh, it would be great if I could be as carefree as you."

Although Ahri didn't know what happened, her soul power was also very strong, so she could naturally detect the new breath of life.

After all, the little sky-swallowing python has part of the Sky Fox bloodline. If he insists on having a relationship, he can be regarded as Ahri's junior.

As a soul body and a pure-blood Sky Fox, Ah Li is even more sensitive to some bloodlines than Xiao Xue.

Therefore, when Xiao Xue held her in his arms and poured out his sorrow, she stretched out her finger curiously and poked Xiao Xue's belly.

Then, she raised her head and looked at Xiao Xue, "Are you going to have a baby?"

Xiao Xue: "..."

Tired, destroy it.

Xiao Xue casually refined a magic core for Ah Li as a snack, and then asked her to return it to the ring.

The sixth-grade spirit-melting pill is useful for Ahri now, but the effect is not very obvious, which is better than nothing.

If you want to significantly restore Ah Li's condition, you may need seventh-grade or even higher-level elixirs.

Secondly, she has no ingredients for the Spirit Fusion Pill now, so naturally she cannot refine it for Ahri.

After Ah Li got the snack, he didn't say anything more and turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the Najie.

Then, Xiao Xue stayed in seclusion for another three days.

In the past three days, she had done nothing but toss and turn to study the little sky-swallowing python that had "settled down".

Xiao Xue also tried not to supply energy to it, and wanted to see if it could "starve" it to death.

As a result, this trick was useless.

During these three days of trying, once she didn't provide energy, the little sky-swallowing python would spontaneously suck in energy from the surroundings.

After such a tug of war and completely cutting off the energy supply, she was probably the first to fail compared to the little sky-swallowing python.

After all, if nothing else, her organs must need nutrients, right?

If a certain organ is not supplied with energy for a few months and is bitten by a little sky-swallowing python, she may suffer from organ failure.

The long lifespan of the strong men in Dou Qi Continent is largely due to Dou Qi and the energy of heaven and earth.

If they don't absorb energy, or don't have fighting spirit to support them, they are just ordinary people with stronger physical fitness.

Injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging oneself... I don't know how many such behaviors Xiao Xue can't do.

In the end, Xiao Xue had no choice but to stop and let it go.

Gan, the silent pill is spicy!

Xiao Xue was a little irritable and walked out of the retreat.

When she saw Medusa waiting outside, she suddenly became furious.

I'm in this situation now, and you're squatting outside without even taking a look?

I gave you a face, right? !
Seeing Xiao Xue coming out, Medusa subconsciously used her soul power to sweep away, and also discovered the new breath of life.

Then, before she could react, she saw Xiao Xue draw out the Bone Spirit Ice Sword and slash it at her.

(End of this chapter)

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