Chapter 186 A little personal grudge (3k)

She ran away from her pursuit, she couldn't fly without wings.

Even without the help of Ah Li's strength, Xiao Xue is now a fighting king.

However, coupled with the increase in the cold fire of the bone spirit at full state, she could fight the Dou Huang effortlessly.

Even a low-level Douzong would never feel comfortable if he was hit by Xiao Xue's bone spirit cold fire.

Integrating a complete bone spirit cold fire into the heart brought Xiao Xue a transformation like a rebirth.

Her fighting spirit, attack power, and alchemy skills have all been greatly improved.

It can be said that after being "processed" and tempered by the strange fire in the heart.

Her water attribute fighting spirit is the liquid bone spirit cold fire!

Although now, Xiao Xue cannot exert the full power of Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

But her current attack power has definitely reached the Douzong level.

However, if you want to break through the Eight-Star Douzong right now, you still have to fight against the defense of Medusa, who is already extremely physically strong in Warcraft.

If you don't use Buddha's Wrathful Lotus or soul attack, I'm afraid it's still a little short of the mark.

Now, Xiao Xue didn't want to kill Medusa directly, but just wanted to give her a good beating to vent her anger.

Therefore, the moment Xiao Xue came out of seclusion and sensed the breath of life, Medusa understood what was going on.

When she saw Xiao Xue drawing her sword and slashing at her, Medusa did not fight back or run away.

Instead, she defended herself with fighting spirit and let Xiao Xue chop her.

It's still not possible to be completely unprepared. Even if she is a monster, she can't withstand being created like this with strange fire.

Thanks to her Medusa's cleverness, she blocked the surrounding space in advance and blocked the elders and others.

Otherwise, if the wave of Xiao Xue's violent beating on her spreads and is seen by the elders of the snake people and other snake people, she will be able to shed her skin in embarrassment.

When Xiao Xue was tired from fighting and casually scattered the ice sword in her hand, she stretched out her hand towards Medusa: "Bring it here."

Medusa asked cautiously: "What?"

"Leave the Snake Tribe's storage, medicinal materials, etc. to me for safekeeping. Do you have any objections?"

Medusa shook her head hurriedly, and then handed her the ring and a token in her hand.

Just kidding, how dare she have any opinions now.

If you make Xiao Xue unhappy again, the entire snake clan will give you a thumbs up.

Not to mention the true and false "background", if Xiao Xue is fully fired now, she may not be able to stop him.

Therefore, Medusa decisively followed her heart.

"I didn't bring some of the Snake Clan's inventory with me. They are in the temple. Can I take you to get them now?"

After handing the thing to Xiao Xue, Medusa looked at her face and spoke carefully.

Xiao Xue nodded impatiently, obviously unwilling to say anything more.

Medusa also wisely said no more and led the way.

Asking for the inventory of the snake people is naturally not a random move by Xiao Xue, but has his own plan.

Now it seems that it is almost impossible to peel off the little sky-swallowing python before it matures.

Then, you can only wait until it is almost mature before making any plans.

And the sky-swallowing python reshapes its body, and even directly completes its transformation, which requires huge amounts of energy.

Although Xiao Xue can directly use experience points to upgrade, it does not mean that energy is useless to her.

It was impossible for her to provide energy for the growth and transformation of the little sky-swallowing python and raise it in vain.

The Snake Tribe must have stored a lot of medicinal materials and some energy-rich things over the years.

So, it makes sense for her to want these things, right? !
The extra money is treated as interest.

Xiao Xue picked some useful ones from the Snake Clan's inventory and prepared to send them back to the Xiao family in a few days.

She kept some things that were only useful to snake people and not used by the Xiao family.

As for medicinal materials, Xiao Xue only picked some of fourth grade or above.

No matter how low-level the medicinal materials were, she didn't take them.

Actually speaking, the snake people don't have many good things.

Even the current Snake Tribe has a high status in the alliance and has been allocated a lot of medicinal materials, but in fact it is just like that.

The northwest continent, a corner of the country, really has no shortage of resources.

But those resources, or "opportunities", are not available to ordinary people.

Even Medusa is not qualified to encounter those "opportunities".

Especially, after meeting Gu Yuan and getting a Yinajie high-grade medicinal material from Xun'er.

Xiao Xue looked down upon the three melons and two dates among the snake people.

Of course, part of the reason is that Xiao Xue's vision is too high.

After the Gama Empire and the Snake Tribe formed an alliance and destroyed the Izumo Empire.

The Yanluo Empire and the Mulan Empire had already surrendered to the Alliance in order not to follow in the footsteps of the Izumo Empire.

The current alliance has united several surrounding empires.

Moreover, let’s not mention the alliance leader Xiao Xue and her “background”.

Furukawa in the alliance is a sixth-grade peak alchemist.

This level of alchemist is enough for the powerful Douzong to take seriously.

Therefore, the current power of the alliance is not small.

And with the strongest combat power of Douzong Medusa, the resources of the snake people are actually enough to make most of the forces in the northwest continent jealous.

The old forces, such as the Tian She Mansion, have actually noticed this new alliance force for a long time.

The reason why they did not take action against the Alliance was because, for the time being, the Alliance did not threaten their interests.Secondly, if the leader of the alliance really has a strong background, then they would be seeking their own death by taking action rashly.

Therefore, these forces are still in a wait-and-see period.

Otherwise, even with Medusa as a fighting sect, the current alliance is still not enough in front of those established forces.

After all, in the original work, those who invaded the Yan League were strong men with the level of Dou Zun.

Those Dou Zun are not from the Soul Palace, but are "natives" from certain forces in the northwest.

Even if Medusa reaches a high-level Douzong, if those veteran forces really want to take action against the Alliance, the Alliance may not be able to stop them.

Therefore, this new force in the alliance and the established forces in the northwest continent are maintaining a delicate balance.

Of course, Xiao Xue doesn't care about these things.

After all, in a few days, she would be able to get on the line with the people from Danta.

When the time comes, the Xiao family will move directly to the Danta's sphere of influence, no matter what happens to the northwest continent.

With Gu Yuan on the line, many things will be much simpler.

Xiao Xue originally planned to enter Zhongzhou, first using the northwest continent as the foundation and Canaan College as the springboard.

Now it seems that many things can be omitted.

However, some things can be skipped, but that doesn’t mean you have to.

After all, if she leaves silently while waiting for the people from Danta to arrive, then there will only be a "legend" left behind.

Data like [Reputation Points] will definitely be greatly reduced.

Although she will make up for all these things after she becomes emperor.

But the value of 1000 million at that time and 1000 million now are definitely completely different.

With a personality like Xiao Xue's, how could she not leave with as much wool as she could get?

Therefore, Xiao Xue plans to play a big game in the past few days and make a fortune.

By the way, some potential hidden dangers are solved.

Thinking about it, if someone from the Dan Pagoda contacted her, those guys from the Soul Palace wouldn't be able to help but jump out, right?
After taking away all the valuable things from the snake people, Xiao Xue did not continue to stay in the snake people and returned directly to the Xiao family.

As for Medusa, she naturally followed her all the way without mentioning it.

In the Xiao residence.

Medusa still didn't show up, and after meeting Xiao Zhan and others, Xiao Xue directly thanked the guests and started "retreat".

She refined a vat of medicinal liquid, took a bath in it, and absorbed energy to feed the little sky-swallowing python.

Then, she used the communication jade token to send a message to the Alchemist Guild.

——The championship prize of the Alchemist Conference was changed to a seventh-grade elixir, which she would publicly refine after the Alchemist Conference.

With this move, she would probably squeeze every drop of the [reputation value] of the Northwest Continent from the seventh-grade alchemist who is less than twenty.

The Alchemist Conference is about to begin, which means that the three-year appointment between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran is coming soon.

Xiao Yan should now be at the peak of the Great Dou Master, even Dou Ling, and possesses two kinds of strange fire and earth level skills.

Therefore, if Nalan Yanran is the same as the original work, then there is no need to fight at all.

However, since Xiao Yan and Xun'er broke up, the engagement with Nalan Yanran has not been terminated.

Therefore, Xiao Xue is somewhat curious about whether Nalan Yanran will become her sister-in-law.

As for her... she can only take one step at a time.

Although a little life suddenly appeared, the cohesion of the body has just begun.

Therefore, the little sky-swallowing python has not had any obvious impact on Xiao Xue.

Except that she eats a little bigger and prefers spicy food, there are no other changes so far.

Therefore, Xiao Xue had nothing to do, so he took Medusa to the desert to practice refining seventh-grade elixirs.

Due to the power of the soul, it has reached the peak of the seventh level.

Moreover, the amount of medicinal materials Xun'er gave her was quite large.

Therefore, Xiao Xue's alchemy skills have improved rapidly and she will soon be able to attract Dan Lei.

However, due to the desert, it is at the center of the alliance's forces.

Therefore, under the intentional control of the Alliance, the desert is temporarily off-limits.

Of course, no one knows what Xiao Xue and Medusa, the leaders of the alliance and the strongest people in the alliance, are doing in the desert.

However, there are various speculations about this among the outside world.


The seventh-grade low-level elixir can only attract the lowest level of elixir, and its power is probably only the first to enter the Douzong.

The pill thunder caused by the seventh-grade high-grade elixir is comparable to that of the Five-Star Douzong.

Therefore, Danlei cannot threaten Medusa.

However, after being struck by lightning for several days, Medusa was also burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

——It’s hard to say that there are no personal grudges.

But she was also a "blessing in disguise". With the help of Dan Lei's power of heaven and earth, she broke through from the peak of the Seven Star Douzong to the Eight Star.

Xiao Xue also harvested several seventh-grade elixirs of quite high quality, and gained some experience in refining seventh-grade elixirs.

A few days later, Xiao Yan, Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin and others returned from Canaan College with Zi Yan.

The Alchemist Conference is about to begin.

[Three thousand today, let me imagine the Shura field after the incident and the next plot arrangement]

[Of course, it may be Shura Field tomorrow, or it may be a little later. This depends on the overall direction of the plot. Pigeons dare not guarantee it now, but there will definitely be no less plot.】

[Oh, by the way, I’ll take it for you in the extra chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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